aestrixia · 3 years
Uniquely Created
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Nobody is perfect sabi nga nila. We all have flaws. But why do we compare ourselves to other people when we know that they are imperfect too?
Yesterday, I had a conversation with someone. She is much older than me and she compares a lot. And as much as I wanted to talk to her more, I just cut our conversation and excused myself. Sino bang gustong marinig kung paano ka ikumpara sa iba? diba wala? Comparison is a toxic way of elders to 'encourage' us to strive more. But what actually happens is that we develop a lot of INSECURITIES. Kaya imbes na gawin natin yung mga bagay kung saan talaga tayo masaya at nag eexcel, we tend to try pleasing our parents by doing what THEY want.
Honestly, affected pa rin ako. Even if everyday, hindi nawawala sa isang araw na maikumpara ka kahit kanino. But what God reminded me is that we do not please any man. And those weaknesses we have that they always points out does not lessen out value. It says in:
Galatians 1:10 ' For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ. '
Minsan nagpapadala tayo sa pagkukumpara nila and we tend to do the things na hindi naman talaga nakakapagpasaya sa atin. We lessen our value para pumatok tayo sa karamihan. The next day, ganun uli. Be reminded that the world is never contented. It demands us to do more everyday. Kaya maraming nappressure to do something na out of their will just to please everyone, even their parents. The enemy is using these insecurities that we have to weaken our faith. One day, susuko ka nalang kasi pagod ka na.
But remember God. He sees each of us as a perfect creation. Kaninong opinyon ba ang mas mahalaga? sa tao o sa Diyos? Sa paningin Niya, maganda ka, matalino ka, may magandang kinabukasan para sa iyo. Do not let the enemy take God's promises away from you. Totoong mahirap mabuhay sa mundong puno ng mapanghusgang mata. So be strengthened by God and remain faithful to Him. If it is your parents na dahilan kung bakit ka pinanghihinaan ng loob, pray for them. God hears you and He will grant your heart's desire as long as you remain in Him.
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aestrixia · 3 years
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Do you ever felt alone in the middle of the crowd? Or have you felt that you do not belong anywhere? Sometimes we think that maybe, we lack at something that's why no one seems to understand us. No one seems to see the world the way we view it. So where do we truly belong?
I, myself experienced this kind of feeling. Na kahit kasama ka naman sa group, feeling mo outcast ka pa rin. Isolated. Hindi belong. That's why sometimes, mas pinipili ko nalang mag isa. Para hindi ko kailangan mag 'fit in'. Para hindi ko kailangan mag adjust for me to belong. I asked God, why do I feel like this? bakit kung kailan ako expose sa mga tao for being a Christian, tiyaka ko naman nararamdaman yung ganito. And then He gave me this verse:
John 15:18-19 '18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. 19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.'
After reading this, napasabi ako ng 'kaya pala'. Kaya ganito ang nararamdaman ko ay dahil hindi talaga ako taga rito sa mundo. But because God had chosen me, I now belong to Him. Sometimes, hindi natin maintindihan kung bakit nangyayari ito sa atin. Kung bakit kahit ilang beses natin itry makisabay sa uso, hindi pa rin tayo 'in'. That no matter how hard we try, hindi pa rin tayo makabilang sa kanila. Do you know why? Dahil galit ang mundo sa mahal ng Panginoon.
The world hates us, but God loves us. And I thank God, for always being with me. That even if I don't have anyone beside me, I know that I am not alone, because God never leaves me. Iiwan ka ng lahat, pero si Lord hindi. Lilipas lahat ng feelings, but God's love endures forever. Hindi natin kailangan ipilit ang sarili natin sa mundo just to feel accepted. Remember, God accepted you first. Hindi Niya tinignan kung gaano ka makasalanan because God sees you as His child. Bibilangin ng mundo kung ilang beses ka nagkamali. The world will call you by your sins but God will always call you by your name. Hindi mo kailangan maging 'in' sa mundo dahil hindi tayo taga rito. Piliin mong maging 'in' sa Panginoon, and surely, you will never feel.
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aestrixia · 3 years
Forever Grateful
June (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) 2021
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My life is not perfect. Being a Christian is not a ticket to heaven and abundant life. But accepting Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, living my life to serve Him and leading other people to Him makes me feel blessed more than I could imagine. This week, we are preparing again for another big event for the Youth. I am beyond grateful for this opportunity to use my God-given talents to encourage other young people. This will be tiring but for sure, it will be worth it.
God loved us first even before we knew Him. God took me out of the darkness so I will live my life serving Him. He taught me to be grateful for the beautiful times even for the shortcomings. God is always doing something and I will trust in Him forever.
Psalm 118:1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
Colossians 2:6-7 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
I am changed by God to change other people too. I thank God for using my life to reach His people. He gave me talents so I will use all of them to praise His name and glorify Him. God's love is enough for me to be grateful forever.
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aestrixia · 3 years
Lessons of Life
June (1,2,3,4,5,6) 2021
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Life is designed to give us a lesson everyday. May it be a painful one, a reminder or a wake up call, we should take what we need and leave what we don't. This week, I am pressured with my studies. I got low grades for missing some of our activities. I got so demotivated studying. We had a family problem and I am not able to keep up with my studies because I was so distracted. But then, God helped me to regain back myself again. What I learned from this week is that, I should balance my time and work smart rather than working hard.
I thank God for being with me, guiding me and helping to get through this phase of my life. I felt so tired, mentally, physically, emotionally and almost, spiritually. But because God loves me, He did not let me to stay like that. Instead, like what He always do, He reminded me. That life too will pass and only those who remains in Him will attain the eternal life. So I got up and encouraged myself to take this challenge as a fuel to do more and strive more.
1 Timothy 4:15 "Take pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress will be evident to all."
Romans 8:18 “The pain that you've been feeling, can't compare to the joy that's coming.”
I thank God for constantly reminding me these verse. I know that I can overcome all of the tests in this life because God is with me. I am grateful to be His daughter and servant. Someday, I will see the fruit of my hard works and for sure by that time, I can say that I did the good fight of faith.
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aestrixia · 3 years
Serve Young, Lead Young
May (24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31) 2021
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Serving God at a young age is a privilege. Why? because we are able to experience more of God in our lives because we are still young. Most of the elderlies die without knowing Jesus. They are not able to experience His goodness and the abundant life that He has prepared for us.
This week, we had a big event for Young people. We are able to let them experience our Youth program which we call 'I-connect'. It was a successful although there are minor problems. I thank God for entrusting us these lives and for letting us lead these people to Him. It is such an honor to be a part of God's army and I know, He is training us train other young people too.
It says in 1 Timothy 4:12 "Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity."
Let not your age hinder you in serving the Lord. Nothing is impossible with Him and He will surely guide you once you let Him use your life. I started young and I already experienced the wonders of His love. Now, I expect more of Him because I am sure that God can do more in my life.
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aestrixia · 3 years
The Joy of Serving
May (17,18,19,20,21,22,23) 2021
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This week, my church mates and I went out for a retreat. This is the price for all the successful events that we conducted and of course a treat for continuing to serve the Lord. We had so much fun and I thank God for taking us into a place to reignite our passion again. We did a lot of activities and we enjoyed all of them because it is a once in a lifetime experience. However, I still had to attend classes so half of my day, I spent inside the room to finish my task and just join them afterwards. In this retreat or outing, I realized how beautiful the Earth was formed. The water was clear, rock formations are aesthetically molded and the life forms are rich. God really is the greatest artist.
In Romans 6:23 Serving God comes with an eternal hope of happiness and Joy.
Whatever we lose for Christ, He will give them back. Although sometimes it is really tiring and exhausting, I will always strive to continually serve the Lord. For I know that I will someday reap what I sow. God never breaks His promises. He may not give now but surely He will give them in the right time. I will always choose to serve the Lord.
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aestrixia · 3 years
Die Bolder
May (10,11,12,13,14,15,16) 2021
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We live everyday and we only die once. This week, I spent my days attending at my church elder's funeral. It was so sudden that we did not expected it. However, we believe that she already finished what God had tasked her to do in this world and that she is now at home with God. Her death reminded me that everything in this world is temporary, even our lives. We have to live the best days, live even in dark days, because once our time has ended, we can not do anything about it. Sometimes it is hard and that we wanted to end our lives, but then always keep in mind that there are so much more to discover. So much more that ending your life will only lead your soul to regret. When you let God take over in your life, you will not feel that heavy burden because He will carry it for you, for us. Your life is precious that God sent His Son to pay for our sins so that we do not have to.
Psalm 55:22 "Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved."
God always offers help to us. Sometimes we just choose to reject Him because we tend to think that we can do it on our own. But then, do not be ashamed to come back and accept Him because He came for you, for us not to forsake us but give us an abundant life. Spend your life serving Him and you will surely die with no regrets.
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aestrixia · 3 years
Stronger Version
May (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 2021
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When the situation made you weak, always come back stronger. Of course I am still on the process of moving on but I am much stronger now. My church friends and I went out and they comforted me by treating me. How I love these new family that I got. I spend my week doing things that I rarely do because of my hectic schedule. I simply enjoyed every days that passed by. However, my education is in critical level. But I entrusted this already to God because I know He has a good plan for me.
Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
I know that my God is with me that is why I am not afraid to face everything. He equipped me with His words and strengthen me with His love. I may not be perfect but I have a perfect God that holds my future. I am grateful because I am being used by God as his vessel of anointing and lead His people to His glory. Whenever I feel alone, He always reminds me that He has never left my side. My God is the same God that took out Israel from Egypt. And so, I believe that everything great that He did to them, greater is what He will do in my life. I claim victory upon His name and that I will succeed through Him.
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aestrixia · 3 years
Re-aligning Your Life
April (26,27,28,29,30) - May (1,2) 2021
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Not because it's over means it is already the end. It is just the beginning of our new journey. This week, I re-aligned my focus to where God wants me to pay attention to. We started our small business and I always help my mother preparing the food to sell. I also became more active in church activities in order for me to divert my attention. Our Pastor also asked me to sing for the wedding that he will lead. What is lost to us, we must gain in Christ.
God really comforted me that I shed fewer tears each day. He walked with me in my journey and I am thankful that I have Him by my side, always. It is hard for me, but it will be much easier now because God is always with me. It says in Psalms 34:18 "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit"
He loved us so much that even in our darkest days, He watches over us. We do not see Him and sometimes we question His presence, but if only know, He never leaves our side. We just turn our back to Him that's why we can not see Him. I am grateful to Him because changed the way I view things. He taught me to trust the process and trust the one who is in charge, that is Him. Someday, I'll understand why these things happened but for now, I will just put my trust to Him and let Him maneuver my life.
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aestrixia · 3 years
Broken Pieces
April (19,20,21,22,23,24,25) 2021
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We're over. This week, we broke up. I asked God why must I feel like this again. I had dedicated my time for Him in the past weeks but still, I had to undergo this pain again. I was deeply sad about it. Then I remembered my prayer, 'If it is not him, take him out of my life'. One thing that I learned being a Christian is that, God permits all these things to happen to teach us a lesson. Why? Because He so much love us that He gives us what we want. Even though it will only hurt us in the end. He wants us to realize His purpose by breaking us. Like an egg, before it can be eaten, it should get broken first, beaten then cooked. God can never use our lives if we are whole, so He breaks us, not to hurt us but to show us that we are vulnerable without Him.
Revelations 21:4 "Restoration. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death , neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."
In spite this brokenness that I am going. through, I still thank God. Because He is comforting me and assuring me that better days will come someday. I may not know what His real purpose is, but I know, He is doing this for my own good. and that His will and plans are better than mine.
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aestrixia · 3 years
Time for a Change
April (12,13,14,15,16,17,18) 2021
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Sometimes, change is what we need. This week, I decided to cut my hair. Not because I am brokenhearted but because I wanted to change my look. Why? for me to divert my attention. I have been distracted this past few days so I made a change. Cutting my hair is not a big deal for me because every vacation back when I was still in elementary until 2nd year highschool, my mother always cuts my hair short. So this week, I asked my cousin's husband who works at the salon to cut my hair. It felt great honestly.
It was a rollercoaster of emotions this week. But I thank God for not letting me go through this alone. I was so busy in the fast few weeks and I only had little time for my personal life. My relationship with my long distance partner became dull and he was always upset because I give lesser time for us. But then, I know that God has a purpose for everything. As long as I continue to praise Him and serve as much as I can, I know I am in the right path. The right path will never be a milk and honey journey, but a road filled with twists and obstacles.
Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”
I am still blessed because I have a God that loves me more than anyone in this world. Forever grateful to be used in to glorify Him alone and be the salt and light of world.
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aestrixia · 3 years
Mental Health Matters
April (5,6,7,8,9,10,11) 2021
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Dark days come but you should know how to conquer it. Being an active church worker, I am still not exempted to experience dark days. I feel pressured with my studies and just tired of everything. Then I remembered that 'I' am important too. My mind seems to give up, but God reminded me that I have Him by my side. I am thankful that He gave me a new family in church that cares for me.
I went out with my sisters in Christ to ease the worries and anxiety that I have. We had fun and really used our time to the fullest. This week, I prioritized 'me' and do the things that I love. And of course, I attended our church service to spend time with God.
Philippians 4:6-7 "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
God assured me that everything will fall into place in the right time. He is always working in our lives, we just don't realize it because sometimes, we are busy complaining. I am blessed and thankful because God gave me a peace of mind, and that I will soon overcome this phase. He reminded me that the 'test' that I experience today will become my greatest 'testimony' someday.
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aestrixia · 3 years
March (29,30,31) - April (1,2,3,4) 2021
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This week is dedicated to commemorate the greatest sacrifice ever happened for the sake of humankind. Holy week never fails to give me chills. Whenever this time of the year comes, we all get reminded about what Christ has done to save us. By offering His life to pay for our sins and for us to have an eternal life.
We conducted a Seven Last Words service last Friday and a Sonrise service on Sunday. This week was tiring as well but this sacrifices that we make is nothing compared to what God has done for us. I am beyond blessed because I am able to serve the King of all kings and the Lord of lords. What He did was incomparable and what He is still doing is unquestionable.
In John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Before our parents laid eyes on us, He already loved us. And before we even say 'I love you Lord' He was already by our side, loving us unconditionally. He deserves all the praises and glory for He is the God that never changes. Thank you Lord for saving us by Your precious blood.
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aestrixia · 3 years
Find time to Unwind
March (22,23,24,25,26,27,28) 2021
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My whole week was loaded. Of course our big event was successful by the grace of God. The next day, my few church mates and I decided to unwind so we went to the nearest beach to watch the sunrise. We also enjoyed riding a boat and had fun with each others company. I thank God because He is always true to His words. He guided us all throughout the event and helped us to achieve our goal. Sunday, we were invited to a wedding and I was asked to sing for them. It was my first time but I gave my full trust to the Lord. He did not let me to be put into shame because everyone praised my voice after the wedding. I am thankful to God because He is the one who gave me this talent and I will use this to serve Him in any way that I can.
Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Although I was tired the whole week, I still thank God for using my life to give Him glory. And though I sometimes feel anxious because of the hard situations, He keeps on reminding me that He is one prayer away. He gives me peace when my mind is in chaos and He loves me more than I can think of.
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aestrixia · 3 years
On Process
March (15,16,17,18,19,20,21) 2021
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This week was very tiring. We are preparing for our big event in our church next week and we practice almost everyday. Of course, we want this program to be neat and successful. Although it is draining, I am still grateful to God because He gives back the strength I give for His glory.
As I observe during our practices, I thought of something. That there is no success without undergoing a hard process. Ask God to give you cake, He will supply all the things needed to bake a cake. We will not realize this unless we learn to trust Him and the process that He wants us to experience. In Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
We often complain about the things He did not gave us, but we never thank Him for the things He provided us. I am blessed beyond measure for I have a God that has a plan for my life. I will always be thankful for He took me out of the darkness and guided me to follow the path to the abundant life He has prepared for me.
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aestrixia · 3 years
March (8,9,10,11,12,13,14) 2021
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I have always been a church person. This week, I spent my days doing the things I love and get through each challenges with God. He never failed to remind me about thanking even for the little things that He gave me. Of course, there is no easy day for each of us, but because of God, I am able to overcome the problems I have encountered this week.
It says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 " give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."
Therefore, in whatever situations we are in, we should learn how to thank God for everything is planned. Everything happens because He allows these things to shape us inside and project this outside. I am thankful for this week because I am empowered by His words and still blessed because He loves me.
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