aeternumesta · 50 minutes
hld reposts
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aeternumesta · 52 minutes
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AU Wukong and Macaque have never known each other in the past and have never run into each other anywhere before. The moment from this comic takes place within the first season
AU Wukong and Macaque have never known each other in the past and have never run into each other anywhere before. The moment from this comic takes place within the first season
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By the way, then Macaque sold this autograph for a lot of money....
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aeternumesta · 56 minutes
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the gang leader's bias (based off the "the yakuza's bias" manga)
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aeternumesta · 1 day
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Dire Wolf: Man, what the fuck?
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aeternumesta · 1 day
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aeternumesta · 1 day
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They De-Tumblrized Ms. Frizzle
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aeternumesta · 1 day
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aeternumesta · 1 day
nothing has been more important to my being queer than when i went to my first pride parade, got seperated from my group, had a panic attack about it and was sitting on the side of the road holding a tiny genderfluid flag and freaking out. then this six foot five drag queen in four inch heels appeared from literally nowhere and sat down next to me. i, this scared-shitless trans bi kid at pride for the first time, very nervously told her she looked pretty and i told her my name and that i got lost and didn't feel like i should be at pride and she held my hand and said "oh, honey, everybody deserves to be here, especially you. pride is for everybody who's ever gotten lost, who's been scared of who they are or where they are. you think we never been scared before? pride's for you, honey, because you're scared. you don't have to be proud right now, but you're gonna be one day, honey, i'm sure of it."
i found my group soon after that and i never saw that queen again but to this day i am convinced i met an angel.
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aeternumesta · 1 day
Why do witches like always wanna fatten kids up before they eat them?? fat is like the grossest part of meat
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aeternumesta · 1 day
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aeternumesta · 1 day
I'm hyperventilating! I'm crying actual tears! I THINK I'M ABOUT TO PASS OUT!! *DEEP INHALE* *SCREAMING*
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aeternumesta · 1 day
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Skelly's prizes in HADES and HADES II "Are the other Gifts just as, erm… detailed? I'm not so certain I can handle twice let alone three times the glory…"
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aeternumesta · 1 day
Could you imagine the vibes on that boat after Odysseus’ crew go against his word and open the bag sending them all the way back to where they started near enough…
I like to think there was a moment somewhat like this
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aeternumesta · 1 day
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ok ok I’ll STOP now (me when I lie)
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aeternumesta · 1 day
In the 1950’s drug stores not only filled your prescription, but there was usually a food counter, ice cream and coffee. My Great Uncle Angelo worked as a soda clerk in the New York suburbs where a man named Bill would come in and flirt with him.
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At a time when being gay could cause you to be arrested, Bill and Angelo, fell in love and began their lives together by renting a home in Fire Island where they could escape on weekends.
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They soon built a home and life together as part of a migration of gay men from NYC that was beginning to happen. It was a quieter time, decades before Stonewall or the heyday of the "gay 70's".
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As time passed, they helped to build a growing gay community there, where men were free to be, share, and discuss life. They would reminisce about the days when sharply dressed gay men went to the Bon Soir to hear a 20-something Barbra Streisand.
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My great Uncles Angelo and Bill were never legally married. Bill died of cancer before he could see gay marriage legalized. But they lived together their whole lives, spending winters in Manhattan, and summers in Fire Island.
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aeternumesta · 1 day
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Maybe in another life
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aeternumesta · 2 days
I’m tired of people acting like Zhongli is a serious and chill guy who would never cause problems on purpose as if he isn’t one of the biggest menaces out of the Seven. He used to throw mountains at Venti for annoying him. He, the god of history, starts fights among historians for shits and giggles. He tried to gaslight the Traveler into thinking he was totally not at the Chasm guys really Aether/Lumine you must be seeing things maybe you should go see Baizhu. When Qiqi wanted “Cocogoat” milk he was like “Oh yeah sure totally let’s go look for it” knowing damn well it was a wild goose chase. He made the Traveler sing to a flower and then was like “Oh would you look at that” when a Whooperflower jumped out to maul them. I love him. He’s like a cat pushing things off the counter to see how people react. I would pay to see him interact directly with Neuvillette because I know for a fact he’d get on that man’s nerves and argue about water tasting just to feel something. Furina used freedom from godhood to take a nap and Zhongli used it to give psychic damage to anyone who talks to him longer than 5 minutes. Iconic.
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