aethealer-blog · 5 years
     She leaned down before the great tree, gingerly picking up a bundle of wilting leaves with the claws she had only just started becoming comfortable with. If Y’shtola had learned anything significant during her time here, it was that their captors preferred to provide puzzles or cryptic signs of what was to come, rather than to communicate their truths effectively. 
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    “I fear this does not bode well for us.” Of all the reasons Y’shtola imagined such a thing would happen, one seemed most likely: they simply were not fulfilling the perplexing guidelines outlined to them at the start of these strange events. “It seems there is more work to be done yet. Mayhap we are farther from our assigned goal than predicted?” 
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aethealer-blog · 5 years
     Estelle eagerly perched over the plants she was aiding in the study of, delicately fingering a leaf with greened hands, wafting the smells, and letting herself relax in this sanctuary of nature. There was much new here, and much she wished to learn. Yes, she was here to procure a sample, but she could likewise take her time and enjoy this research and exploration. She was in tune with the plant life in a new way as well, as an Alarune ought to be. She was studying herself, as much as she was aiding the academy.
    When she finally took her sample, and carefully placed it in a protective container, she was content to remain her a little longer and enjoy herself. It did not hurt that she now had company, as she became aware of by an inquisitive voice gently prodding at her reverent state.
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     “Yes… I am. The quest seemed like the perfect opportunity to study this land, all this new plant life. I couldn’t help myself.” She was sheepish, but not ashamed. “You were interested in this quest too… would you like my help?”
      Hardship had never strained Y’shtola’s inquisitive and scholarly nature; in fact, it simply magnified it tenfold, and the rewards of a quest were far from her primary motivating factor. This forest was lush but unfamiliar, its secrets unknown but each with their own unlocked potential. To discover uses for these herbs and incorporate them more formally into magic practices appealed to Y’shtola no matter the darker reasons for this new world’s sudden existence. 
      With each careful step, she would gather more information, aiding not only her own interests, but fulfilling the requirements of this quest as well. Perhaps most of the others following these footpaths sought simply to gather their rewards and move on, but Y’shtola preferred to learn from every venue possible. The young woman she approached appeared to have a soft fondness for the flora around her; perhaps the intersection of their passions would prove useful in their task?
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       “Well, ‘twould be of no use to refuse the help of a willing ally.” And a competent one at that, she noted as the woman placed her sample neatly into a small case. She offered the woman a smile, reassuring her that she need not be embarrassed of her interest. “If I may, what have you learned of that sample you’ve collected? Anything of note?”
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aethealer-blog · 5 years
QUEST: PLEASE IGNORE THE NAME, DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT | FIRST AID KIT L Scholars at the Enchanted Armory and Transformative Academy of Science and Studies have requested the aid of adventurers to venture into the forest of Airaisal to study the magical properties of the plants residing deep in it. Please procure a sample and return within three days.
       As soon as the Spirale she had come to know transformed into this ‘fantasy’ land, there had been no question as to what this miqo’te would do next: explore, investigate, and learn anything she could about the kingdom she was now meant to call home.
      And yes, it was more similar to her own realm than the city she had been forced to inhabit. Though that didn’t make the circumstances any less concerning, Y’shtola had resolved to explore the ins and outs of Airaisal just as she had with Spirale when she first arrived. Venturing into the forest had been the most paramount of the tasks on her list, and if she was going to do that regardless, she saw no reason not to collect information for this organization as their quest described. Studying the magical properties of the plant life around the kingdom was a task perfect for her, and apparently for a few others she had come across within the same forest.
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     “May I assume you are also here to collect information about the plant life for the Academy? That looks like quite the sample you’ve gathered.”
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aethealer-blog · 5 years
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Name: Y’shtola Rhul Age: Mid-twenties Alliance: Kingdom of Airaisal Race: Beastkin Appearance: Y’shtola would have fit in with these Beastkin whether she changed into one or not. However, the sudden changes in the city have brought on a few changes for her as well! In addition to her natural miqo’te physiology, Y’shtola has gained a few more extreme features. Now, she has even more white fur, sharpened fangs, and strong claws. She’s basically just more beast on the humanoid to beast scale than she was before.
Canon Abilities: The use of Cure up to 5 times daily. Spells: Heal, Barrier, Sleep, Fire, Ice. Equipment: Budding Maple Wand.
Occupation: Scholar — Y’shtola mostly spends her time engaged in research and study, lending a hand to others who also wish to become more acquainted with the magic of Airaisal. Locations: Y’shtola will feel fairly comfortable in Airasal, as its far more similar to her own home than Spirale is by default. She’s already a very skilled mage, so she will mostly be involved in anything and everything scholarly and magic-related. She’ll be doing a lot of exploring in the forests surrounding Diapool. She is more interested in advocating for peace between these kingdoms than in fighting, and will focus on healing the wounded in any potential combat situations.
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aethealer-blog · 5 years
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mister waters and miss rhul
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aethealer-blog · 5 years
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“But that still does beg the question of why, wouldn’t it?” He tapped his finger to his cheek, grinning wryly. “Sometimes there is a power that moves beyond the laws of what we know…and at that point it becomes less science and more psychology.”
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“As for the why, I don’t think I’ve gotten close enough to these stars to really know! Have you?”
       “I do intend to pursue the knowledge whether or not it bears fruit to observe these recurring events.” She did not understand these patterns any more than she understood what had happened to her just before departing from her own star and awakening here. She held an enclosed hand to her chin, deep in thought. In all likelihood, talking with other residents would prove more successful than searching for answers on her own, however accustomed to that she was.
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     “Nay, I have not... I hear speculation throughout the city, but it seems there is no verified answer. It’s as if they are gods, or would like us to believe such.”
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aethealer-blog · 5 years
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       “It seems there is little cause to believe that an eclipse in this sky is caused by anything other than the will of our captors.” No, not the alignment of the stars or their position in the sky. With the eclipse came the depature of old and arrival of new faces, and little to nothing more, though Y’shtola would always remain inquisitive about why things happened as they did in Spirale.
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aethealer-blog · 5 years
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     Olivia was taken aback, but not by the intrusion for once. Instead, there was this glimmering light of curiosity and respect radiating off this woman, as if every word she spoke was the truth- and yet it still left Olivia wanting, curious.
     “I do not mind. Your interest is palpable, especially for one who does not dance herself. Though I must admit I find myself curious as to your meaning. How you perceive dancing… how does that differ?” It was easy to speak, to air her own curiosity. Something about her was so inviting, and so did Olivia let her own curiosity be written plain as day across her features.
       The woman’s movements were not wholly unfamiliar; in fact, they were quite similar to those of Lyse, a woman who had not arrived in this city to her knowledge. However, this woman was more graceful, aether following her every movement and flowing in a way that was more enchanting, beautiful. These were the movements of dance, not those of fighting, though Y’shtola had no doubt they were beneficial in many respects. Explaining her perception of dance was another matter entirely, though. 
      Whether due to her own stubbornness or her desire to maintain independence, Y’shtola was not ever quite honest about her sight. If ever described, it was as an enhancement rather than a deficiency; as long as she remained fully capable, she would feign normal sight. 
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        “I am able to perceive the flow of aether in the environment. The energy around us is more palpable; every action or movement has its own aetherial flow in addition to any visual perception.” To one whose world did not acknowledge or manipulate aether, perhaps it would make little sense, but this woman had shown genuine interest and Y’shtola intended to lead her to understanding. “Mayhap it is more felt than seen, but it is my perception nonetheless.”
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aethealer-blog · 5 years
fibonacci may not be the safest ward to gallivant around in when it comes to the lower levels, but the tech available in the upper reaches can’t exactly be found anywhere else in town. the people up top must be some kind of rich, judging by the state of things the further down you go; there’s no way they’ll miss parts from parking meters or ATMs or anything. they’re easily replaced, and a girl has to operate on a budget.
there are plenty of different people in the city ― people the likes of which she wouldn’t see at home. when marie glances up from the side panel of a fancy touch-screen vending machine and sees a young woman with exceptionally real-looking cat ears and a tail, her mouth drops open. after pulling her haul of wires out and screwing the panel shut again, the engineer rushes over to her with an earnest burst of energy.
❝ hey! ❞
she practically skids to a halt next to the woman.
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❝ um, hi  ― if this is a rude thing to ask, please forgive me, but are your, uh, ears… real? if they are, that’s really cool! oh, ❞ marie stops abruptly before she gets to rambling, aware that she’s probably making a fool of herself. 
❝ sorry! my name’s marie. ❞
        With an amused smile, Y’shtola’s eyes looked upwards, as if directing the stranger’s attention back to what had inspired her question. The tiny twitch of her ears that she offered would surely be enough to answer the inquiry. Having heard many variations of the question, Y’shtola had become creative with her responses, especially to those who were not as polite. Luckily, she had encountered very few of those people; nonetheless, she was determined to remain well-equipped with responses to keep things interesting. In all likelihood, the questions would continue as long as she found herself held captive here.
      “I should certainly hope so. ‘Twould be quite the surprise to suddenly find that they were false. But what of your ears? Are they real as well?”
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     “Ah, ‘tis but a jest. There is nothing to forgive. You are far from the first to ask about my ears.” And she would not be the last. As far as Y’shtola knew, she was the only miqo’te inhabiting Spirale for now, though she had seen a few others with features similar to her own. There had even those whose appearances Y’shtola herself had been in awe of. She could hardly pass judgment considering the vast differences between her world and others’ homes. “ ‘Tis a pleasure to meet you, Marie. I am Y’shtola. What brings you to this part of the ward?”
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aethealer-blog · 5 years
      Although learning of this world’s customs fascinated her to no end, there were... a few things that Y’shtola could not quite fully invest herself in, and the opponent she currently faced in this small boutique on Pearl Street was fashion. It wasn’t that she didn’t care for it; she was simply used to clothing that was tailored to her form and tastes. If only Tataru were here now to offer her sound advice. “This is not an obstacle I predicted I’d encounter. Would that I were a bit more familiar with the trends of this world...”
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    “ ‘Tis an overwhelming selection, to be certain.” A stranger browsing the racks beside her caught her attention now; judging by both her attire and the attention she gave to each item, she was doubtless more experienced in these matters. “If I may, what are the parameters you consider most when selecting attire in a place like this?” / @lipstickandsabotage
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aethealer-blog · 5 years
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places this here... a tiny starter call for minis, capping at 3 likes! but i might raise it later who knows we’ll have to find out
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aethealer-blog · 5 years
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http://twitter.com/koyoriin http://patreon.com/koyorin http://instagram.com/koyori_n http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=12576068
Finished up another fanart of Y’shtola!
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aethealer-blog · 5 years
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     “Do you dance yourself? You seem curious about it, more so than the other people who sometimes stop to watch.” She would normally be off put by the attention when she was practicing prior to a performance, but something about this other woman’s presence kept her calm. Her intrigue seemed so genuinely about the movement of her dance, and it sparked up Olivia’s passion.
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        “Ah, pray forgive my intrusion. I’m afraid I am not exactly skilled in the art of dance.” Only small steps had she ever taken, in the context of a few moments of celebration with treasured comrades. She had certainly not spent time practicing or attempting to refine what little experience she had with dance; she’d simply never truly had the time. But that did not mean she could not appreciate it. And as it looked now, the flow of a dancer’s aether tracing their steps with a beauty she could not have appreciated in the past, she was simply transfixed. “I will admit that I do find it beautiful, of course, particularly in the way that I perceive it.”
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aethealer-blog · 5 years
     Laid before her was quite the gauntlet: a selection of cute, fluffy creatures, and she could only choose a few. Finance was not the issue in question here, though frugality was yet embedded in her bones. The question was simple: how much room did she have for these plushies? How many could she afford without inconveniencing her new housemates? She did not truly have great use for these lifeless recreations either, but they were so soft… her heart panged at the thought of leaving them behind.
      The intrusion was noted, as she had built a life around noticing, but she knew she was safe. That vocal cadence, the twitch of cat-like ears Ysayle noted from the corner of her eyes, her aether signature, she was native to her home land. And if she perhaps recognized Ysayle… mayhaps she was a scion, or otherwise affiliated with them and their cause.
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     “I cannot seem to make my mind up, no. Any time I believe I have decided on two or three to take home with me, my heart yearns for another. To leave one behind seems almost cruel, despite their lifeless nature.” Gaze askance, Ysayle allowed the miqo’te a rare sliver of a smile. “Do such things interest you, truly, or is it more so myself?” Perhaps the candor of such a question was unwarranted, but Ysayle was not unkind, merely curious.
     While Y’shtola found the plush toys endearing herself, it was clear that she was not quite as enamored with them as Ysayle. Perhaps in the future, she would seek to purchase one of her own - her own hand reached out to grab the paw of one of the plushes that had caught her interest, and she momentarily pondered its price before letting go of it and replying to the woman before her.
      “With their shape and softness, ‘tis surely by design that you yearn for them so. I do not consider myself a collector of such things, but I cannot deny their charm.” 
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     “Pray forgive me, but I do not wish to be deceptive. I admit that I approached not because of my own interest in these toys, but because I recognize you.” Yes, as Lady Iceheart for certain, but foremost as the woman whose presence Y’shtola had only ever felt in her sacrifice. She could not know whether this Ysayle had yet experienced what she had witnessed in Azys Lla, and though it was doubtless a difficult subject, she could not bring herself to feign ignorance to it here.
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aethealer-blog · 5 years
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Y'shtola from FF14 <3 
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aethealer-blog · 5 years
    The apparent theme of Golden Ward’s current events was intriguing to the miqo’te, and yet utterly discomfiting as well. As intuitive as it should have been that she herself was unaffiliated with these ‘calloons,’  Y’shtola had still heard a few hushed, questioning whispers about her ears and tail among other participants. Perhaps amidst this chaos she would find time to purchase some effective headgear from one of Golden’s many merchants...
     Despite the absurdity of it all, she looked upon the Catculator around her wrist, which displayed numbers she was absolutely certain would not secure her safety.
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    “I suppose I was not given a choice in the matter. Very well, then. I shall try my hand at this little game.”
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aethealer-blog · 5 years
hi there! long time xiv player here and I thought I'd let you know looking at your rules, in game it's fairly obvious from looking at y'shtola's eyes that they are blind, so generally muses would likely know on sight she is blind if they know what that looks like!
hi anon! thank you for reaching out about this!
yes, absolutely i agree that someone would think she’s blind because of the appearance of her eyes! and she is blind when you’re comparing her sight to average human sight, but the way she “sees” with aether is effective enough that it counts as seeing to me, even if it’s different. i imagine that once someone observes her interacting with the world around her as if her sight is intact, they would likely dismiss the thought that she’s fully blind, and therefore most people wouldn’t mention it. of course some muses are just the type of people to ask anyway, which is okay; really i have this in my rules so i can avoid it coming up in threads too often! 
i know that you’re aware of the way her sight works btw, i just thought i’d explain it so that this answer is a complete thought for anyone else reading. and the way it’s phrased in my rules does sound very definitively “nobody would ever know” which isn’t what i wanted to express, so i’ll amend that!
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