aethelstanz · 2 years
Hi! Could we have “we’re not just friends and you know it” with Finan!! Thank you 😍😍😍
I’m sorry for being late, but I’ve been really busy lately and I finally had the time to write something. You can read your request here 😊
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aethelstanz · 2 years
Just friends? I don’t think so | Finan
Request: Hi! Could we have "we’re not just friends and you know it" with Finan!! Thank you 😍😍😍
Pairing: Finan x Fem! Reader (if you have a problem with the character being a female, please let me know andI'll change it right away!)
Warnings: None
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Your relationship with Finan was complicated, too much for your liking.
You were part of Uhtred’s gang, which meant you were always together; you travelled together, ate together, drank together, fought together, and even slept together. That last bit wasn’t something to be proud at all, but it just happened, many times.
The others knew about yours and Finan’s affairs. The constant sneaking away from the group and soft touches gave it away, but they never spoke a word about it because they knew it would turn into a war zone. Not because it was bad, but because none of you knew were you stood.
You weren’t together, but you argued as if you were. You weren’t his woman and he wasn’t your man, but neither of you slept with other people. This whole situation was confusing and even exhausting, but none of you spoke about it in fear of it ending worse.
You snapped out of your thoughts when you saw a hand being waved in front of your face.
“Are you alright? You seem a little distracted,” Finan said sitting down next to you. “Yes, I’m fine. Just thinking,” you looked at him.
“What are you thinking about that has you all distracted? Osferth has been calling you for a while now and you never answered,” he chuckled. “Nothing out of the ordinary, just what’s coming for us. You know, the battles and all that,” you tried to sound convincing but of course he noticed. He always notices.
“You’re lying.”
“I’m not.”
“Yes, you are.”
“It’s nothing, okay? You don’t need to worry about it,” you huffed in annoyance. “It’s not nothing if it’s bothering you, and it clearly is, so spill” he raised an eyebrow.
“Fine,” you rolled your eyes. “I’m tired of this. I’m tired of not knowing what this is and what we are. I know we’re just friends but we also…”
“We’re not just friends and you know it” he interrupted. “Then what are we, Finan? I’m not forcing you into anything, but I want to know what this is,” you sighed.
“I want you to marry me, ” he looked at you, “I want you to be my woman. I want to build a family and spend the rest of my days with you” he said sincerely.
His confession caught you by surprise, but that didn’t stop you from throwing yourself into his arms. He hugged you tightly to his chest and planted a kiss on your lips.
“I’ll have Beocca arrange everything for us to get married,” he grabbed you face in his hands and gave you a peck on the nose.
“Getting married as in now?”
“Right now.”
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aethelstanz · 2 years
Found Poetry | Finan
Blessed Jesus
Bastard anything
Take a little time to find it
Ale for breakfast, the only cure
Shiver through your spine
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aethelstanz · 2 years
Thank god I’m not the only one 💀
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I have become suddenly hot for King Edward
I have no idea how this happened
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aethelstanz · 2 years
Thank you so much for writing my Sigtryggr request!!💛💛 I enjoyed it very much even if it was sad, but what can i say im just a sucker for some good angst so you did an amazing job😅
I’m just as guilty as you are. Some good angst is always 😮‍💨 I’m glad you enjoyed it! 🤍
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aethelstanz · 2 years
Hiii!! I saw that you’re taking requests so can i have “We’re from different worlds” “I know, but that was never a problem for me” prompt for Sigtryggr pleasee🥺💛
Thank you for sending in your request! You can read Different Worlds here. I hope you like it! ☺️
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aethelstanz · 2 years
Different Worlds | Sigtryggr
Request: Hiii!! I saw that you’re taking requests so can i have “We’re from different worlds” “I know, but that was never a problem for me” prompt for Sigtryggr pleasee🥺💛
Pairing: Sigtryggr x Fem! Reader (if you have a problem with the character being a female, please let me know and I’ll change it right away!)
Warnings: Angst, kind of a sad one.
A/N: This is my first work so please be gentle 💀 English is not my first language so I apologize in advance for any mistakes. Feedback is more than appreciated :)
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Danes were known for being ruthless and violent assassins. Your people, christians, despised them, many even feared them; this is why you will never understand how you managed to fall for one.
When Sigtryggr and his army came into Wessex, you found yourself unprotected and scared. You feared for your life, you thought you were going to die until something unexpected happened. He happened.
“Do not be scared, pretty woman. I won’t hurt you, I promise” he kneeled down next to you when he found you hiding under a table. “I mean it” he extended his hand for you to grab it.
You thought about it twice before nervously grabbing his hand. He helped you out and left his knife and sword on top of the table, signaling that he meant no harm as he promised.
“What is your name, darling?” He sat on the table, looking directly into your eyes. “I- uh… Y/N” you tried to sound more calm, but failed miserably. “My name is Y/N. Can I please go?” You stuttered, making the man raise an eyebrow at you.
“And where are you going, Y/N? There is nobody here, and we’ve taken pretty much everything” he got up and slowly walked towards you, making you take a step back, the wall softly hitting your back. “I don’t know… far away from here…” you tried not to look at him. He noticed this and softly grabbed your face in his hand, making you look at him.
“You won’t last a night out there. You’ve got no food and the nights are really cold,” he softly caressed your face, “I have a proposal” you frowned. “And what exactly could that be?” You asked, confusion in your voice, “a few minutes ago you were killing my people and destroying my home…”
“I will make you my queen. I will give you all you want and all you need. You’ll have my and my men’s protection.” His piercing blue eyes found your y/e/c ones. “Why me? You don’t know me… I don’t even know your name” you tried to move but he hold you still.
“Because I felt a connection with you as soon as I looked at you. The gods told me about this a while ago, that I will find my woman and that I will feel a connection as soon as I looked into her eyes,” his hand once again found your face, “and my name is Sigtryggr, but if you want, you can soon call me husband”
That was months ago.
Sigtryggr was so gentle and sweet that you ended up falling for him and becoming his queen, just like he promised. He treated you just like that, his queen, his everything. He made sure you felt loved, heard, and appreciated. But after a while, your marriage was starting to fall apart.
It all started when his brother, Rognvaldr, came to Eoforwic. He wasn’t too fond of you for being a christian, but you weren’t fond of him either after everything Sigtryggr had told you about him. Rognvaldr made it his duty to always try and make Sigtryggr or his men, doubt you.
Of course he didn’t believe a word his brother said. You had proved your loyalty to him, just as he proved his loyalty to you, but his visit did put a toll in between the two of you. The constant arguments and insults started to become very unpleasant.
Despite Sigtryggr not believing his brother, everything went to hell when he was blamed for slaughtering the queen. It was no secret that King Edward detested his wife and was seeing somebody else behind her back, but a queen’s murder doesn’t go unnoticed.
The long haired Dane was pacing around the room, trying to think on how to approach this nonsense.
“Sig… just send a messenger or go talk to Edward yourself” you sat on the edge of your bed, “you were blamed for something you didn’t do, so I’m sure he’ll listen and act in a just way”
“Do you really think he’ll care about what I have to say? I’m a fucking Dane Y/N! A Dane!” He turned to look at you. “Your people and your King hates us, this is exactly why I’m being blamed for this, nothing else! Even if I’m telling the truth they won’t believe it, you know it” he said through gritted teeth.
“I understand, but trying to fix it is better than going straight into war!” You got up from the bed and walked towards him. “There is no need for more bloodshed, there is no need to risk more men” you sighed, “and there is no need for you to risk your life if conflict can be avoided”
“You don’t seem to get that my life is based on risking it. For the gods, for my people. If my fate is to die, then I’ll do it” he looked at you. “I do get it, but-”
“You don’t get it, Y/N. We’re from different worlds, so I don’t expect for you to understand it. Not anytime soon at least” he mumbled. “Excuse me?” You looked at him with tears in your eyes, hoping you heard the wrong thing.
“We’re from different worlds and-” now it was you who interrupted him. “I know, but that was never a problem for me,” you swore you could hear your heart break into a million pieces.
“Darling, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that” he sighed.
You ignored him and started gathering your belongings along with some food and ale for your trip. Once you were done, you made your way down the stairs and into the hall, ready to leave.
“You’re finally leaving?” Rognvaldr asked with happiness in his voice, trying to annoy you. “Yes, I’m leaving. Thankfully I won’t have to see your pathetic ass ever again” you spat at him, making the drunk Dane become quiet.
“Wait, where are you going?” Sigtryggr went after you. “I’m going back to my world, so don’t come to look for me if you still have that thought” your words cutting his heart like a sharp sword. “Darling, please, I’m sorry, please don’t go” he tried to stop you, but you pulled away.
“Leave me, Sigtryggr”
And with nothing else, you made your way to your horse and out of Eoforwic. Not looking back for your own good, and for the good of the child that was growing inside of you.
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aethelstanz · 2 years
Just started writing my first request and I’m already heartbroken 😭
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aethelstanz · 2 years
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Will I ever get over these pictures? No, I won’t
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aethelstanz · 2 years
Aethelstanz’s prompt list
Hi everyone! Here is the prompt list as promised. As you can see, I divided them in sections -I think it’s easier that way for everyone- so when sending a request just send in the number and section of the prompt you want. Many of these aren’t mine, so credits to their respective owners. More prompts will be added depending on my level of creativity/research :)
I will be writing for both the characters and cast of the series, so feel free to make your requests. Hope you enjoy!
f l u f f
1. “I love you”
2. “Can I kiss you?”
3. “You’re staring, again”
4. “You’re staring, again”
5. “I’m going to marry you”
6. “I never believed in love until I met you”
7. “If I asked you to stay, would you?”
8. “Are you flirting with me?”
9. “I will always be by your side”
10. “I will always protect you. I promise”
11. “You got flowers for me?”
12. “Stop moving. I’m trying to braid your hair”
13. “You are very endearing when you’re half asleep”
14. “You look beautiful when you sleep”
15. “You’re hurt, let me help you take care of those wounds”
16. “I don’t care about what they say, I love you”
17. “I’m with child”
18. “I think I might be in love with you”
19. “Hold me, please”
20. “You make me feel brave”
r a n d o m
1. “That’s mine” “no, it’s not”
2. “Stop being so dramatic!”
3. “What are you- are you really praying right now?!” “Yes.”
4. “Did you just slapped my ass?” “Maybe”
5. “Fight me” “I’m not fighting you”
6. “Come over here and make me”
7. “I suppose you could sit in my lap until I'm done”
8. “My head hurts” “Of course it does. What were you expecting? For it to be just fine after you hit it?”
9. “Define normal”
10. “Remind me to kill you”
11. “Are you listening to me?” “Listening? Yes, but paying attention? Not at all”
12. “My middle finger salutes you”
13. “I never asked to be a part of this” “you literally did”
14. “All due respect, but that’s a bunch of crap”
15. “What did I tell you about calling him/her the devil?” “That it’s offensive to the devil?”
16. “You seem somewhat familiar. Have I threatened you before?”
17. “She’s hot, but she’s evil”
18. “Go on, knock his teeth down his throat”
19. “You’re so tiny”
20. “He’s such an idiot, but he’s my idiot”
a n g s t
1. “I told you not to fall in love with me”
2. “I’m tired of being your secret”
3. “Are you even listening to me?”
4. “Get out. I don’t want to see you”
5. “I wish I never met you”
6. “What’s this between us?”
7. "I don't want to lose you” “I think you already did."
8. "Don't you fucking walk away from me when I'm talking to you!”
9. “You did this to me. You made me love you and then when you couldn't handle commitment, you left me standing on the corner crying my heart out.”
10. “We’re from different worlds” “I know, but that was never a problem for me”
11. "What the hell did I ever do to you to make you hate me so much?!"
12. “Stop it. You’re scaring me.”
13. “Do you even love me anymore?”
14. "It will never be okay. Nothing I ever did was good enough for you. Did I even matter to you?! No, I didn't think so."
15. “I deserve better than this”
16. “Why did you leave?”
17. “Leave. Before we wake up regretting what we’ve done”
18. “I never loved you”
19. “You’re a monster”
20. “Why did you spare me?”
s m u t
1. “Tell me what you want”
2. “Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?”
3. “Need some help?”
4. “Like what you see?”
5. “You’re mine”
6. “I told you to stay still”
7. “Be a good girl and spread those legs for me”
8. “It’s not my fault you keep turning me on”
9. “I want to see you come undone”
10. “We’re not sleeping tonight”
11. “We’re not just friends and you know it”
12. “Come back to bed”
13. “You look good with my hands around your throat”
14. “Take off your clothes”
15. “I won’t bite. Unless you’re into that sort of thing”
16. “You look so good like this”
17. “Good girl”
18. “Use your words”
19. “Be quiet”
20. "We really shouldn't be doing this right now." "Well, do you want to stop?" "No."
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aethelstanz · 2 years
Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog <3
I’ll be writing The Last Kingdom imagines so feel free to send in your requests. I’m also currently working on a prompt list so you’ll be having it soon.
Hope you enjoy this as much as I will!
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