aetherbending-a · 9 years
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Wow. This. is. just. AMAZING!
To be completely honest, I never would’ve imagined this blog hitting a hundred followers. So first of all, thank you!
It seems like it was just yesterday when I started this blog and I was trying to interact with other rpers and enhance my writing. Now look at where we are. still awkward and trying to interact with other people haha
 I never could’ve done this without you, yes you reading this post. Because of you I’ve become better in not only writing but also in understanding people. 
Thank you for the friendship and all of the awesome threads. May you all continue to be awesome and FABULOUS! 
Now, unto the bias list.
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aetherbending-a · 9 years
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Soooo….As y’all know (or now you do), I’ve reached 100 followers and I couldn’t wait to put up this post…I’ve seen people put it as a “bias list” or a “follow forever” but I realized I should have put “Gratitude List” instead for I am ever so grateful to all of you that follow me, whether we have interacted or not. I want to say thank you to everyone who follow me and continued to do so from day one of this blog and kept up with me, even though I tended to OOC a lot. Thank you to the people that encouraged me to continue Ursa even when I felt all hope was lost…And most of all, thanks to those that welcomed me into the fandom. This list is small as I do not have many but if I did not mention you in my post, it is not because I don’t like you, it’s because I can’t keep track of everyone…(I’m bad at those kinda things…sorry); even if you weren’t on this list, I love y’all unconditionally and always will. I would offer to do some kind of giveaway or something big but as you can see, I suck with graphics and all I can do is iconning…I’m only good for writing and tearing hearts out and I’m quite sure y’all don’t want to see/hear me. I’ll figure something special out for this milestone… Enough rambling and onwards to the list!!
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aetherbending-a · 9 years
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aetherbending-a · 9 years
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“What? Why- why would I need a girlfriend? I definitely do not want or need a girlfriend.”
 [ aetherbending ]
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        ➞ Y’know, Aang you really need to work on your ‘Getting a girlfriend’ skills. And who’s a better teacher than me?
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aetherbending-a · 9 years
"I believe in everything"
Penny Dreadful sentence starters
The Spirit World’s quiet hum hovered in the air around them, painting his soul in long and distant strokes. Though a child in appearance, he carried memories of all his lifetimes.
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“That makes this explanation a lot easier, then. I’m the Avatar, but not as you know her. And I’m family.”
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aetherbending-a · 9 years
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“Fire need Air”
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aetherbending-a · 9 years
[ i apologise for wobbly activity my internet has been really shit the past few days ;;
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aetherbending-a · 9 years
"Do not weep. I’ve learned that skill. It brings no solace. "
Penny Dreadful sentence starters
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He rubs at tears with the back of his hand, nodding slowlyas a smile grows. “I know, but it’s okay! They’re happy tears. It’s great to see you again, Yue. How’s life in the sky?”
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aetherbending-a · 9 years
“Back in my home we had sky bison and lemurs everywhere. They make better companions than rugs.” 
The chance of Sokka taking his hint was slim at best, but he wasn’t sure what else to say. With a sigh, Aang shook his head harshly. 
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“No, Sokka... I would rather pet Appa.”
He lacks awareness of his friend’s feelings, too consumed with the excitement of his new possession.
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           “She probably will! We used to have furs             and skins everywhere back home.
                           Wanna PET it? It’s super-duper soft.”
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aetherbending-a · 9 years
Dead gopherbear.
Dead sugarglider.
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“Yeah, really great quality dead animal skin. Almost as good as fur rugs. I’m sure Katara will love it.”
Blinded by excitement, he sees only the benefits his new garment offers him –– completely unaware of how his enthusiasm affects the moods of others.
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“I can’t wait to show Katara. It’s such good quality! Gopher bear or maybe sugar glider… ”
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aetherbending-a · 9 years
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aetherbending-a · 9 years
Penny Dreadful Starters
I’m your daughter/son
I already have a daughter/son
I would rather be the corpse I was than the man I am.
The monster is not in my face, but in my soul. 
Remember us better than we are.
I left my son to suffer without me. I’ll not do the same to my daughter.
Do you believe in God?
I believe in everything
Morphine. Is it an addiction?
I might have fallen in love with you, if you don’t mind me saying that. 
Are you afraid?
You think you know a greater demon? Tell me of him.
Do not weep. I’ve learned that skill. It brings no solace.  
I have a complicated history with the Almighty. 
She/He will cease to be who she/he is. 
Then I will love who she/he becomes.
Do you hold out hope for her/him?
I hold out for dignity.
She did not succumb to a disease precisely. 
Of what did she succumb?
I drove a stake through her heart and cut off her head. 
Of what I am about to tell you, we cannot enlighten him.
Because the truth is unendurable. 
Your father loves you very much and would do anything to save you. But I love you in a different way. I love you enough to kill you. 
There was a time I would have gladly killed you and there may come a time when I gladly shall.
I tried to pray that night and God didn’t answer me, but another did.
Perhaps it has always been there, this thing, this demon inside me. 
I suppose we all play parts. 
How will we be able to tell?
My bride must be beautiful. 
Is it poisonous?
Touch me with your finger, softly.
You seek to threaten me with death? If you seek to threaten me, threaten me with life.
You don’t miss your home?
I learned to stay in the shadows. To protect such a heart as this you gave me.
Is every newborn creature abandoned the moment they are born?
Death is not serene.
They’re not for the faint hearted. 
My heart has never fainted
And what do you seek to escape?
We all have our curses, don’t we?
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aetherbending-a · 9 years
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aetherbending-a · 9 years
Beautiful, in a word - Aang reaches out, fingers poised to inspect the embroidery around the pockets.
“It’s-” words falter at the touch, upon feeling leather. He bites back disapproval as brows settle to a frown.
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“It’s... nice, Sokka.”
[ aetherbending ]
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                 ‘ okay –– – check this out. it’s got pockets on the inside, too!                           now i can store my meat snacks AND smaller weaponry! ’
          grin wide across his face, sokka lifts the flap           of his new bag and holds it up close to the           avatar’s face.
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aetherbending-a · 9 years
Getting to Know Your Followers
Tagged by: chiefbaefong
Name: Ren  Date and location: Friday 22 May 9.30 am Last thing I Googled: “moral alignments” Gender: [footage not found] Sexual Orientation: it’s kinda grey and it swims One place that makes me happy: my bedroom? Last book I read: The Last Flight - Liane Merciel
tag followers you want to get to know better:  queenmxther  paintedloyalty  sugxrqueen  tribewarrior  sokkarang  thefireandtheice  iyashinomizu  southernwxterbender   (these are just some recent followers, no obligation to do the thing ~)
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aetherbending-a · 9 years
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aetherbending-a · 9 years
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“...No? Not really, not as much as a rhinohorse is a spirit, or a dragon. Trust me, I’ve seen plenty of spirits.”
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Smart kid.
“Are Unicorns not spirits? Do they not shine, walk, prance and talk as a spirit?
“Faery-form and cloven-hoofed, I could recall poetry of such form. You’ve never seen one? Of your soul?”
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