aetherial · 10 years
Stressed, depressed and too poor to be well dressed
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aetherial · 10 years
Puppeteering... Autocorrect >_>
But yes, watching all the different styles of puppetry being used together was amaZeballs!!!!!!!
Having puppeteerig orgasms
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aetherial · 10 years
Having puppeteerig orgasms
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aetherial · 10 years
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Here at the Kennedy Center after a long, unnecessary walk and realize I have seats RiGHT in FrONT OF ThE STAGE!!! This is going to be frigging AWESome you guys.
Omg. Happy birthday to me!!
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aetherial · 10 years
Wtf ...
Can't seem to sign in to my specialagentace blog. It's not showing up on a search from this blog and I cannot get logged in. Would someone kindly reassure me that the account is still there?
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aetherial · 10 years
Craic The'day: What are you doing today? What's the gossip or news for the day?
Here is an easy to click LINK to the Blog I've set up for my Summer Exchange in Scotland.  Come watch me explore the cities of Dundee, Glasgow and Edinburgh and see sights like the HolyRood Chapel, Stirling Castle - the seat of Scottish Royalty for Centuries, Glamis Castle - where Shakespeare's MacBeth is set, Aberdeen and St. Mungos..
Feel free to ask questions or just send a hello! Really looking forward to sharing this with friends, family and followers.
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aetherial · 10 years
Scotland Trip: Immenant
Okay guys!    I know nobody really cares, but ll be coming back on the 14th of July.
  Why should you care?  Because I’m documenting my time there through a blog!  I’m putting up as much of the lesson plans, the notes, history, nifty tidbits and all up there, along with videos of myself (If I can figure it out), tons of pictures and anecdotes – stories about what I did, where I went, what I learned and you guys can follow along!
  Drop by my Scotland trip blog at:  craictheday ! 
  I’ve set up an Instagram under the same name and will be setting up a YouTube channel in a day or so. I’ve got to get off my butt and start packing. I’m so far behind! Amusingly enough, it’s just me and a bunch of ‘grandparents’ going. I’ll be the baby of the group – I wonder how much mischief I’ll be able to get away with!  
  Feel free to drop a line in the askbox – ask questions or just leave a comment or a “HEY!”  Looking forward to sharing my Summer School Exchange experiences with you guys.
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aetherial · 10 years
student: hey government can I have some money to go to university
uk government: sure here you go. you'll have to pay it back but only when you're earning £21,000+ a year, and if you don't pay it off after 30 years we'll just write it off, don't worry about it man
scottish government: nah man just go to uni we ain't gonna charge you
us government: no. you gotta pay it yourself. upfront. your parents have to save up from the moment you're born. good luck, fucker. you have six months after graduating to start paying loans so you better pray to fucking god and jesus that you have a well-paying job by then or be prepared to be fucked up the ass without lube.
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aetherial · 10 years
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I know you guys have been hearing me talking off and on about a possible trip to Scotland this summer. I just got the final packet and the news that I had been accepted for a scholarship that will send me there! 
There are a few problems - all of them financial.  I live on a stipend from a limited amount of School Money that comes to me each month I am enrolled in school. It gets me by, but only JUST and it doesn’t leave much extra. That means I can’t really put money aside for this. 
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aetherial · 10 years
I know you guys have been hearing me talking off and on about a possible trip to Scotland this summer. I just got the final packet and the news that I had been accepted for a scholarship that will send me there! 
There are a few problems - all of them financial.  I live on a stipend from a limited amount of School Money that comes to me each month I am enrolled in school. It gets me by, but only JUST and it doesn’t leave much extra. That means I can’t really put money aside for this. 
The scholarship covers the cost of the flight, but it doesn’t cover tuition.  I have a little I managed to scrape together with tax returns from tuition spent on school last year but it only covers one of two payments that need to be made by the end of May. 
SO!  The bedroom project has been put on hold, because this is way more important. I have to have a decision made by next Tuesday, so I’m hardcore begging you to have a look at the stuff I have for sale. 
The Land portion of the Scotland trip costs $1950. The Credits another $920. I’ll be in Scotland 3 weeks and I’ll need food and incidentals money. The flight is covered, so I don’t need to worry about that. 
$300 nonrefundable to hold my place
$825 payment due by May 7th. (covered)
$825 payment due by June 7th 
$920 Credits 
$??? Books and Materials
$??? Food and Incidentals
 I know money is tight for everyone. I’ll be talking to my bank about a small line of credit or a student loan. I am ineligible for FAFSAS because of some stupid mix-up at the school I am still trying to sort out. 
Help Send a Dude to the land of Furry Cows and Haggis.  
We will be traveling all sorts of places while we are there, giving reports on the things we’ve learned in class at the places they actually happened. Super Excited about that. 
I am willing to accept straight up donations, too…. but you should get something for it, so.  To pique your interest… if you make a donation, You can command me to do SOMETHING while I’m in Scotland. The stipulations are: 
It cannot be illegal by american or scottish laws or codes of conduct
It cannot jeopardize the reputation of my community college, My professors, myself or my group. 
I don’t do nudity or indecent exposure. 
But I will wear silly hats. 
Or put on a costume and take a picture at a famous landmark.
Or buy weird foods and try them in the privacy of my own dorm room and video it. 
I have no qualms about making a fool of myself, so long as it’s legal and doesn’t involve exposing myself or harming anyone or anything.  ^__^ 
I will take videos, answer questions, talk about my trip, take pictures of local landmarks if you like. 
PLease take a look at my Sales Blog: acemakespace and drop me an ask if you see something you like.  Liquidating my life and trying to better myself by doing so. 
Other offerings:  
For a few bucks I could do pencil sketches of animals or characters/people. I make no promises on the people, though.. I’m terrible at them.  I don’t color - just pencils, and just sketchy stuff. 
I could be convinced to make more business cards, probably? ID cards are too complicated and cost too much to make. 
I’m going to try to make another Tardis like the one I made for my niece out of a non-stretchy cotton flannel, or quilt fabric. We’ll see how that works, but a successful plush will go for about $45. They’re huge. 
Not that anybody likes my writing, but I will write something for you using prompts or suggestions or requests if you like. 
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aetherial · 11 years
(( Not that Germaine is actually there, but:
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In Character Pumkin Carving
Agents were asked to pick an uncarved pumpkin from around the decorated areas and report to the designated table with the carving supplies to begin their creations.
Here is a pumpkin template if you would like to paste your own design onto it. You can also find a pre-carved pumpkin online and post it. This is not a contest. It’s just fun to find designs or pre-carved pumpkins your agents would likely create.
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aetherial · 11 years
That's right bitches. This is on MY wall.
Go check out 3Fiddy's stuff. She's amazing.
  I'll take pictures once I've got the whole thing set up.  Let's just say, it's looking sexy as hell, you guys. OMG.
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arting on my vacation :) reproduction of the skull painting from the BBC Sherlock series
craft acrylics (black, white and turquoise) on stretch canvas with high gloss glaze
I painted this for http://aetherial.tumblr.com/ for his new Sherlock themed bedroom :)
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aetherial · 11 years
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aetherial · 11 years
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I designed and painted these over the weekend… my brand new TARDIS Chucks! It took me 11 hours, but it was totally worth it. The inside Gallifreyan reads:
 "Nice to meet you Rose Tyler"….."now run for your life”.
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aetherial · 11 years
Spooning is cute and fun until the neck kissing happens… Then… well, shit gets real.
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aetherial · 11 years
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Haven’t you though.
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aetherial · 11 years
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