aetsivaytoffpage · 1 year
Nose shapes and features are different for people of different ethnicities. Africans. Oriental and Middle Easterns have different kinds of noses that prominently vary. 
 Ethnic rhinoplasty is a type of facial plastic surgery carried out by a plastic surgeon with the goal of improving the appearance and/or function of the nose while still preserving distinct features of their heritage.
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aetsivaytoffpage · 2 years
Women sometimes acquire a lot of weight after giving birth, and it can be challenging to reduce stubborn fat with diet and exercise. In that scenario, choosing surgical procedures to remove the extra skin tissues and undesired fat deposits is an option. So to treat all concerns,
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aetsivaytoffpage · 2 years
Rhinoplasty surgery is commonly known as a nose job. It is an invasive procedure that requires creating incisions in such a way that it helps to access the bones and cartilage of the nose to alter it. Common reasons to undergo rhinoplasty surgery are: 
➡To straighten and reshape the nasal tip 
➡To narrow the nostrils 
➡To change the shape and size of the nose 
➡To correct a nasal hump 
➡To fix broken nose due to accident or any injury 
➡To correct the breathing defects
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aetsivaytoffpage · 2 years
After pregnancy women face a lot of weight gain and losing stubborn fat with diet and exercise is quite difficult. In that case, one can opt for surgical treatments to get rid of the unwanted fat depositions as well as remove the excess skin tissues.
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aetsivaytoffpage · 2 years
Watch this video to get the answers to all questions related to Gynecomastia surgery. Gynecomastia surgery is a treatment that can help to reduce the size of the swollen chest. It is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of excess fat and tissues along with liposuction of the glandular tissue to reduce the size and give a firmer and flatter chest. There's no other treatment that can give a permanent solution for gynecomastia.
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aetsivaytoffpage · 2 years
Excessive fat not only invites various diseases but also takes away the aesthetic charm. Nowadays body sculpting surgeries are getting popular due to their lasting and effective results. Depending upon the areas to be treated, there are various body sculpting treatments available in Delhi NCR, India.
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aetsivaytoffpage · 2 years
Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, an expert plastic and cosmetic surgeon in this video, will guide scar management steps and treatment that help reduce scar appearance. Any injury, trauma, or burn can cause a scar on the skin. Just a small scar can make a big difference in one's appearance. Scars cannot be completely removed, but some advanced surgical and non-surgical methods can reduce its size and change its appearance. Scarring is a natural part of the natural process after any type of injury.
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aetsivaytoffpage · 2 years
The lips are the most attractive and important part of the facial area. Everyone desires fuller and plump lips. Also, some may want to correct their lip shape or reduce them. So to treat all these lip concerns, watch this video where Dr. Mrinalini Sharma, a renowned plastic surgeon talks about different lip treatments to achieve the desired lips.
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aetsivaytoffpage · 2 years
Rhinoplasty or nose job is the most popular surgical procedure that can be performed on any part of the nose. Rhinoplasty surgery can be performed for both reconstructive and cosmetic
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