Our house, in the middle of our street
He figured it was probably some kind of a punishment for getting married to someone that wasn’t deemed “acceptable” or “worthy.” Michael didn’t really care about that, he loved Selina and nothing was going to change that, but as he was working with the League, he had to listen to whatever they told him and go wherever they told him to go, which is why a 2 month deployment to the middle east for “training” felt like a punishment when it all came down to it. 
Every time he had to leave, Michael made a point of coming back with something to surprise Selina with, hoping that it would make up for his increasing absences, but two months…that was a long time and a lot to make up for, and Michael knew what he had to do.  With the help of his foster family and his new League of Shadows salary, Michael had purchased a small house on the outskirts of Gotham, and it was ready for them to move in, but first, Michael had to go back to Selina’s apartment and actually surprise her.
He let himself in and kicked of his shoes, “Selina? Your ever-faithful and loving husband is back.  Did you miss me?” 
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It's been ages, Gotham, who missed me?
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Michael shrugged and held up the puppy, "That's just his name. He looks like a Sprinkles, doesn't he? Can we keep him?"
Can we keep him?
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Michael was only 5, but he had convinced Bane and Talia that it was okay for him to walk home by himself from the bus stop every day, and this time he was even more excited and he couldn’t wait to show his father.   
“Papi! Michael shouted, hoping to get Bane’s attention as soon as possible, as the puppy that had followed him home wasn’t big, but Michael was so small he was having a hard time carrying it.
“Papi! Look what followed me home? His name is Sprinkles, can we keep him? “
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He smiled and kept his arms around her for a bit after he kissed her back.  "Here, let me put it on you." He took her hand and slid the ring onto her hand, "I'm sorry I didn't have during the actual wedding, but I couldn't quite afford it then."   
He kissed her again and then pulled back, letting her get back to what she was doing and throwing himself into a chair in the kitchen, "What did you do today? I want to hear all about your day, I'm so sick to death of getting curses screamed at me all day long, I want to hear something fun for a change." 
Better Late Than Never
“Damnit!” Selina picked up the pot of boiling noodles and poured it into the strainer in the sink. She had overcooked the noodles, again. She didn’t know why Michael let her cook. She was terrible at it. She made sure all the water was out of the pan and shook the strainer to get the excess water out of there before pouring them back into the pan.
She had been watching the Food Network trying to learn how to cook for her husband for a while now. She wanted to be the best wife she could be since Michael was so wonderful to her. He deserved a wife who had food on the table when he got home.
She set the table and made the plates, watching the time carefully. She knew it wouldn’t last but they were in that newlywed stage and she wanted it to be perfect. When she heard Michael outside, she hopped up and smoothed her dress down. She met him at the door and hugged him tight. When he pulled the ring box out and gave it to her, Selina hugged him tighter than before and kissed him. "Michael, it's beautiful! I love it so much."
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Reblog if you're a DC RP blog
I need more blogs to follow
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Better Late Than Never
Michael and Selina had been married for a couple of weeks and his relationship with his parents had been fairly nonexistent since it happened, but he didn’t really  mind that too much right now, he figured he’d be able to win them over again soon enough. 
He had gotten another job at Blackgate, this time actually getting paid rather than just being an intern and he was enjoying it, despite the fact that he spent most of his time getting physically and verbally assaulted by the inmates. 
After a long day of work, Michael went back to their apartment and wrapped his arms around her waist, and laid his head on her shoulder. “Hey,” he said, pulling a ring box out of his pocket and holding it in front of her, “I know it’s a little late after the wedding, but I wanted to give it to you right  away.” 
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The person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy.
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so i’ve got one of these
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if we’re mutually following each other, you can ask for it.
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Can we keep him?
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Michael was only 5, but he had convinced Bane and Talia that it was okay for him to walk home by himself from the bus stop every day, and this time he was even more excited and he couldn’t wait to show his father.   
“Papi! Michael shouted, hoping to get Bane’s attention as soon as possible, as the puppy that had followed him home wasn’t big, but Michael was so small he was having a hard time carrying it.
“Papi! Look what followed me home? His name is Sprinkles, can we keep him? “
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//The thing that makes me saddest about the fact that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth broke up is the fact that instead of pictures of him on his tag there will be more crap about them an their break up
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They didn’t have much, but they had each other and when it all came down to it, that was enough.  They started out in foster homes together, but when they got older, she was sent to a girl’s home and him to a boy’s.  It was a hard adjustment at first, but eventually it didn’t matter, no matter where they ended up, they would always find their way back to each other.  To them, that’s what being a twin was, having someone on your side no matter was, an inborn support system, and they weren’t going to lose each other.
//AU in which Michael and Belle are twins
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I was half convinced I'd waken, satisfied enough to dream you, happily I was mistaken.
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This means you are legal in the US and won’t have anyone else arrested for smutting with you if that is so.
So, just please reblog if you are.
RPers: Reblog if you are 18 or older
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Reblog if your mun is a girl.
She’s a girl?!
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“My name is Michael Dorrance.  Today is March 1, 2013.  This message is for my parents.  Don’t worry about me, the cause is too important and I’m not worth the trouble coming after me would cause. I love you both and I’m sorry about this.”
//AU in which Michael was raised by Bane and Talia and later is kidnapped and refuses to read the kidnapper's message to his parents, instead saying one of his own before he is killed. 
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