afholst · 11 years
this would be ao nice..no more dead batteries or losing your garage door opener #afholst
When you are coming home your garage door senses if you have a chip In your vehicle and then opens the door for you and as you leave it closes for you
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afholst · 11 years
they have devices lile this that pick up on all the electonics in the cop car and rapar guns that make that devove beep and stuff. My friemds dad had one when i was younger. It only worked in certain conditions tho. #afholst
Cop alert
For those who love to speed on the road especially when they’re late to work, school, or interview. This radar will alert you within 20 miles peripheral if their a cop. This radar will be installed in your car just like a gps. No need for unwanted speeding tickets.
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afholst · 11 years
maybe some high frequency devide that sends out a pitch yu cqn hear but it pushes bak other sound waves and eliminates other noises #afholst
Selective Soundproofing
I know I’m not the only one who sometimes wants to hear the sounds around him while he works, and sometimes needs silence. There should be some kind of technology that can automatically soundproof or de-soundproof a room at the touch of a button.
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afholst · 11 years
yeah id call them slippers buy sign me up because id love a pair of these.massaging and heatdd #afholst
Socks of greatness
A pair of socks with massaging beads in the cloth to Rub your feet when a significant other refuses to. They are bigger than normal Socks and so can’t be worn with shoes
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afholst · 11 years
this would be helpful and useful. Maybe have a button to increase and decrease the tire pressure also.that will help. #afholst
Heated tires
If you developed a tire that would heat up after pressing a button (kind of like heated seats), it could maybe melt through light to moderate amounts of snow/ice to increase traction.
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afholst · 11 years
Idea logs
1. Ballistics on all guns sold so any bullet that is found can be linked bak to a certain firearm and hopefully owner 2. Battery powered heat gloves that stay dry and warm in the snow or rain 3. Carpets welcome mats that soak up and blow dry shoes so no more tracking snow and crap through the house 4. machine that can turn thoughts to text when wanted..too help write papers and musical things 5. Memory projector to see past events in your life with lost loves ones 6. rubber bumpers on cars that prevent damage in fender benders 7. rfd chips in golf balls 8. Transmitter that has a deeper working depth..so the homing beacon doesn't go out so easily and we can track shipwrecks 9. Commercial space flights and travels just because I wana go to space 10. Vitamin shots or implant type things that slowly disperse daily doses of vitamins so yu can't forget
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afholst · 11 years
Idea log
1. Trash chute trashcans in your house 2. Cordless electronic blanet that can be cold or hot 3. bullet proof clothing 4. Install video scrambler chip into hat so when yu wear the hat the video can't record your face 5. Sonar that is strong enough to find hidden treasure thousands of feet deep 6. Remote control vacuum and window washer 7. Clear table cloth/ saran wrap that yu can put on for kids and jus peel off layer by layer when thay get dirty 8. Boats that use water power to move rather than gas..some gas may be needed but far less 9. Automatic clothing freshener/ cleaner that folds it for yu or washes it then folds it. Like a smart laundry basket sorter 10. Haircut machine that leaves human screwups out of the equation
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afholst · 11 years
This would be crazy..a lot of pros and cons. I like all the different circumstances you used to show how different this tech could be used. It would be interesting to be able to live the life yu never thought possible.
In the future, everyone has a mind scanner implanted in their brains at birth. The instant someone dies, their brain is scanned and their mind is uploaded to the Virtual World. If you want to visit a dead relative, all you have to do is go online. After death, humans have their minds scanned and...
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afholst · 11 years
Not the most practical thing out there and it would prolly be the cause of the next world war but every rich person would want one. Only pronlem is that the people who complain about gas prices are the people who can't afford a hundred thousand dollar car.
This world is filled with people working around everywhere to feed their families and support them. Some people work at restaurants, some people work at schools, and some people work at hospitals. They are all trying their best and doing what they can to make a future for themselves and their...
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afholst · 11 years
I like the idea and I could have really used it to help me get to school on time bak in the day but like whoever already said its not that original. And eventually the sky would become as cluttered as the streets bc not everyone is from from the same place so there will always be roads or pathways for cars or planes to follow and traffic will be inevitable
John is 20 years old, he is a college student, he like to play video games, basketball, and many others. Especially, he likes to stay up late at night. John’s IQ is 150 which means he is really smart, but he does not have any good grades in his transcript. The biggest obstacle in front of him is...
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afholst · 11 years
1. Heated or colled matress 2. Motivating gym..helps yu workout 3. Automatic tattoo machine..remove human error. 4. Umberlla cane with a hidden sword for protection 5. Office word program like spell check but if yu highlight a wprd it gives yu synonyms and antonyms for that word
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afholst · 11 years
1. Self walking shoes for all the obese people and handicapped people 2. scented filter for central air and heat..keep fresh smell throughout your house 3. Cigarette box combined with lighter .no more losing the light 4. Convienent store mobile truck. Like an ice cream truck but with cigs and swishers and candy and pop. All the goodies 5. Virtual safari or jungle hike..see different animals and nature 6. Laundry sorter and washer/dryer and folder 7. wireless tv so yu can watch the game anywhere at bbq or tailgate..no more extension cords 8. shoes with replaceable soles..different colors and new ones if your scuff up the old sole 9. Self cleaning carpet 10. mind reader to see what food ypur really in the mood for
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afholst · 11 years
1. Self shoveling sidewalks..melt the snow right off. 2. Self raking rake 3. smart house 4. Sea doo but like roller blades on water. 5. house shoes with removable and washable inside sole 6. say the right thing machine to your wife or girl. Help keep yu out of trouble and give the girls the right response to all the questions. 7. dog walking machine..set your route and walks your dogs for yu 8. Physical energy storage device..stores all the energy yu use and can be used towards electrial device charging 9. Printer that captures your picture of a memory and prints out that picture. 10. Bath tub that keeps water heated to specific temperature
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afholst · 11 years
1. Automatic hair cut machine-erase human error from hair cutting 2. automatic window cleaners. 3. Self making bed 4. Automatic paint despensing rollers and brushes 5. robot maid 6. Robotic pooper scooper that senses animal poop in your yard and piks it up 7. Tinted house windows that get darker or lighter depending on the suns brightness 8. Ice cudes that don't water down your beverage. 9. Smart car that is forreal like some inspector gadget stuff. 10. Designated driver hologram
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