afladland-blog1 · 5 years
Project 3 Reflection EC
When it came to the process I had for project 3, I didn’t really have one at the start. I had a general idea if the theme I wanted to do, relaxation. I used this as a push to film while on spring break in cocoa beach. Coming up with an idea on what to do with the footage after that was the difficult part.
To decide this, I used the idea that I do constantly think about that trip since going. This lead to the idea of showing that in the video. My original idea was to film myself doing everyday things such as brushing my teeth and editing in the footage of the beach to show that it is contantly in my mind. I scrapped this idea and went with showing that it was constantly on my mind while I tried to complete schoolwork. This is the idea I worked with when I did my rough draft.
From the idea of trying to finish schoolwork, I added the extra bit of trying to book rooms for a beach vacation while working on schoolwork. This is what I used for my final product after shooting more clips of myself. Overall, I am very satisfied with the finished product from this project and enjoyed the journey I had getting to it. This project helped me learn a lot about adobe premiere and about my own creativity along the way.
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afladland-blog1 · 5 years
Artist Statement Final
Everyone loves to take a break and relax, otherwise why would a vacation be so sought after and anticipated. Vacations can be the most relaxing time of your semester or year. The process that leads up to it can be the opposite. Figuring out where to go, phone calls, finding a room, figuring out travel, and fincancing it all can all lead to a lot of stress and consume much of your time. This is what I wanted to show in my video. While we can’t wait to get to the beach, we don’t think about the process it takes to get there.
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afladland-blog1 · 5 years
Project 3 Final Video
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afladland-blog1 · 5 years
Response to Critiques
After listening to the comments about the poster I made, I think I have learned more things I need to be careful about and observant for. I should do test prints before the final print to make sure the colors pop the way they do on the screen and improve the color contrast if needed. I also think the idea proposed of putting a prisoners feet to show the money weighing them to the floor. It would implement part of what I had started with by only showing part of the prisoner.
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afladland-blog1 · 6 years
Private Prison Poster
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One goal of prisons should be to help prisoners prepare to be productive members of society when they are released. When prisons are privatized, prisoners become a source of profit for corporations and an indent I’ve arises to keep the prisoners incarcerated and coming back. To show the money motive for these prisons, I used a pile of money behind bars to show the money made from the prisoner, with money overflowing from the rest of the prison on either side of the cell door. I kept the color simple and dark to portray the bleakness of the cycle these prisoners are put in by being sent to a private prison.
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afladland-blog1 · 6 years
Using color
For my propaganda piece it is difficult to decide on what colors I want to use. I am leaning towards a monochromatic or complementary color scheme depending on which fits my message more. I do not want to overdo it with color but rather use one or two so it is easier to draw attention to one or two things and truly make them stand out, while keeping the image visually appealing.
Based on what I researched, red would be a good color to draw attention, though I personally feel like red is too in your face and has a certain tone especially when relating it to propaganda with the red scare and soviet union.
I think the video is problematic because while yes the color schemes discussed are common, I feel like it limits the way someone would use color and put them in a box instead of trying to see if other colors work together. I also think some of the examples were not the best and did not work with the point that was trying to be made. The problem on the summary screen is that complementary was spelled with an “I” and not an “E” like it is supposed to be spelled with.
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afladland-blog1 · 6 years
Project 2 Brainstorming
I am interested in sports, certain tv shows, and certain political topics such as the issues with the prison system and legalizing marijuana. My core beliefs are that you should help those less fortunate than you and that you should be as understanding and compassionate to others that you can be.
The issues I have stood behind could be a good idea to use for the propaganda poster such as legalizing marijuana or the treatment of prisoners in today's society.
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afladland-blog1 · 6 years
Feedback from critique
With the feedback I received from the critique, there are a few things I would change in the work I did. I would fix the harsh lines on the background pattern and possibly change what I used for the background and table patterns. I would remove the logos from my hat and try to make the allusion to what I was trying to represent through colors and the shape I put those colors in.
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afladland-blog1 · 6 years
Project 1 Final
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Artist Statement: In the chaos that is life, we all need things to help us stay sane. My work demonstrates what those things are for me, while swallowed by surrounding chaos. From things I often do to decompress, to what I keep on my mind, to the place I call home, everything I love and unwind with are included to make me, me. While the basketball head may seem out of place, so is my tendency to make jokes and laugh at the worst times and make a fool of myself. To make it even more personal for me, I added rose tinted sunglasses for the rose tinted glasses I tend to see the world through, and the tulip I think about on a daily basis who is someone I hold near and dear to my heart.
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afladland-blog1 · 6 years
Masked Photo Exercise
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afladland-blog1 · 6 years
Rough Draft Project one
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Artist Statement: In the chaos that is life, we all need things to help us stay sane. My work demonstrates what that is for me. From things I often do to decompress to what I keep on my mind, everything I love and unwind with are included to make, me. To make it even more personal for me, I added rose tinted sunglasses for the rose tinted glasses I tend to see the world through.
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afladland-blog1 · 6 years
Blur Exercise Unaltered and Altered
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afladland-blog1 · 6 years
Pattern Exercise
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afladland-blog1 · 6 years
Painting Exercise
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afladland-blog1 · 6 years
Work In Progress Project 1
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I've been messing with the patterns I have scanned to see what would work best as a background replacement. I plan to scan and add a floral background in replacement of the wall and possibly a different one for the table.
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afladland-blog1 · 6 years
Celebrity Edit
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afladland-blog1 · 6 years
Opacity Exercise
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