afoollookingforlove · 5 years
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Bird Cop!
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afoollookingforlove · 5 years
Hi! Can I ask you to write prompt number 88 with Gavin of Mr. Love Queen's Choice?
Hello! Thank you for sending a request. I hope you like this. 🙈
Title: Sealed with a Kiss
Pairing: Gavin x MC
Word count: 1,000
Prompt: 88 - Don’t panic, but I think we might have accidentally gotten married.
The rays of the sun poured in from the cracks of the curtains that were still drawn and you slowly opened your eyes. Your vision still hazy, you reached for your watch, mobile, the alarm clock - anything that can tell you what time it is, but you somehow found your movement constricted. Sighing, you tried to scoot closer to the side table, but there was something weighing you down. 
You stiffened as someone groaned from behind and pulled you flush against his bare chest. Your eyes shot wide open at the sudden contact of his skin against yours, and you force your brain to recall everything that took place yesterday. 
‘What did I do, ’ you wondered as flashbacks of the past twenty-four hours flashed through your mind - from the time you walked in on Lucien and his lady companion’s morning romp over breakfast, to going through your workday like a zombie, to Minor’s persistent prodding that you go out for drinks with him, Willow and Gavin after work. 
Your heart pounded loudly. This could only mean one of two things - the person you went home with could either be Minor or Gavin. 
'Please don’t let it be Minor, ’ you silently prayed, as you felt him shift under the covers and drop a kiss on your exposed shoulder. 
“Good morning, beautiful, ” you heard him say, and you knew right away that the muscular chest, clean scent, and smokey voice belonged to none other than…
“What are you doing in my bed, ” you asked, gasping as you felt him drop a trail of kisses from your shoulder up to the side of your neck. 
He snickered when he heard you gasp, and wrapped his arms around you tighter. “Don’t you remember anything?”
“No, ” you replied, sighing as he nibbled on your earlobe. 
“About last night…”
“What about last night, ” you asked again. “We didn’t do anything stupid, did we?”
Your response seemed to have caught him off-guard and it was his turn to stiffen up. “You honestly can’t recall what happened last night?”
The slight change in his tone of voice made you slightly more curious. As you turned to face the police officer, you noticed that his face had turned several shades redder. “Do I look like I’m kidding?”
He swallowed hard. “You don’t remember even a teeny bit of what happened?”
You frowned. “Well, judging by the state we’re in, we must’ve gotten intimate." 
"Yeah, ” he said uneasily. “That wasn’t all we’ve gotten…”
“What do you mean?”
He took a deep breath, searched the covers for your hand, and held it in his. As the cool metal on his finger brushed against yours, he sighed. “Don’t panic, but I think we might have accidentally gotten married.”
Your eyes widened like saucers at what he had just said, and you caught sight of the silver bands on his ring finger that looks exactly like the one on yours. You then began to remember everything - from the drinks you ordered, your seating arrangement, and even the way the waitresses and several customers kept hitting on Gavin, much to your chagrin. 
As the memories of last night flashed before your eyes, you recalled that at one point in the evening, Gavin, who was seated across you, found his way beside you. He listened quietly and looked at you intently as if taking in every word you uttered. As he gazed at you with his amber-colored eyes, you realized why all these women kept throwing themselves at your ex-schoolmate. 
'Gavin, why are you still single?’ You remember asking him. He chuckled, saying he wasn’t interested in being in a relationship with just anyone and you tease him about what a waste it would be if he stayed single. 
'You’re handsome and kind. You can cook and take care of me even when I’m being stubborn… and you smell good, too, ’ you may have said after your third bottle of beer, and he may have laughed a little. 'I’d marry you in a heartbeat, Gavin. What about you, will you marry me?’
You cringed at the thought of your pathetic display of emotions last night. During your mental playback of the events leading up to this time, an uncomfortable silence stretched between you and Gavin. Too uncomfortable, in fact, that he started to fidget. 
As your scowl deepened, so did his guilt at having agreed to your proposal at your drunken state. He sighed in resignation, knowing that this just wasn’t meant to be.
He cleared his throat, drawing you out of your trace. “I’m sorry, ” he started, and you looked at him, confused. “I knew it was wrong of me to take advantage of your state last night, but I still did." 
You drew a sharp breath, as you felt his calloused hand gently brush against your cheek. "You are the only girl I’ve ever wanted to be with and my feelings for you since high school haven’t changed. When you asked me to marry you, I thought it was a dream come true, ” he continued, and you noticed tears gather in his eyes. “But all dreams must come to an end. I guess this is the part where I wake up and accept the reality that you won’t ever see me the way I see you. If you want a divorce, I’ll sign it. If you want to file charges, I’ll accept…”
“Are you gonna give me anything I want,” you asked, holding his gaze. 
“So if I want to stay married a little bit more, will you let me?”
His jaw dropped when the meaning of your words sank, and he felt his heart race. “Really?”
You nodded shyly at him and felt your face turn as crimson as his at your admission. “So, will you let me?”
He pulled your face against his naked chest and buried his face in your hair. “You can stay married to me as long as you want to, ” he said, his voice cracking. “I’ll treat you so good, you’ll never want to leave.”
“I’m glad to hear that. Now, how about you show me just how happy we could be?”
“Your wish is my command, ” he replied, as he sealed his promise with a kiss. 
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afoollookingforlove · 5 years
MLQC First Thoughts
For reference, I have gone through all of Chapter 14, so there are potential spoilers. I’m writing this because my neighbors are partying and I can’t sleep.
Feel free to message me and all that neat stuffs~
So, fun fact, I started playing the game less than a week after my 22nd birthday. It both a). got me to relate to the MC because I, too, am a dumbass, and I, too, am 22 and b). got me addicted to VIP, because the day after I started playing was the whole birthday surprise thing. OH BOY was I confused. What do you mean, its my special day? I’ve been playing this game for literally less than 24 hours. 
My player name is completely randomly generated. I wasn’t anticipating to stick around for 2 months of playing. I kinda wanna change it, but Torturous Danica just feels...iconic. 
Okay, so first, I thought the game was trying to get my location and failed horribly. I live about 30 minutes away from a city called Loveland, so seeing ‘Preparing to Enter Loveland City’ threw me off. Also, everyone where I’m at pronounces it Lovelund not Loveland, so how they say it in game just feels so unnatural. 
Also, the entire reason why I downloaded the game was because of Victor’s English VA, Ben Diskin. He’s easily one of my favorite voice actors, and I just couldn’t resist. 
So, them bois, yo. One of them has a name very close to a guy I had a kinda fling with, so that’s awk as fuck. Another of the guys has the same name as this delivery driver who introduced himself as my neighbor who I have never spoken to again after I ran out to give him his tip that I left on my coffee table. 
I liked Lucien until the whole orphanage chapter, which is when I was like mmmm maybe not. I do get the appeal with his character, the whole ‘villain-sexual’ thing, but he’s just not my cup of tea. Chapter 13 still hurt, though. 
Kiro is a so pure, and some of the spoilers I have seen of him have me scared. I want my boy to be safe.  
Victor. He pisses me off, but in a whole ‘I really want to fuck you now to prove a point’ kinda deal.
I love Gavin, okay. I don’t know why. Like, its hilarious, every draw for the first few days of playing was ‘I need a Gavin Karma, I have none’. Now I think Gavin’s Karma is the most common. At first, I was kinda meh about him. I think it was like Chapter 6 that I started liking him, because that’s when I started doing some of his dates. Also, I see a lot of motorcycle fetish with him and I’m just like okay????
The joke that I say the most about this game is that I play it so much because it is the only way I will ever feel loved by a man. 
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afoollookingforlove · 5 years
I’ve been playing this dating sim for about 2 months and decided I’m leaping in and making a side blog. 
My name is Torturous Danica, and I will post thoughts and all that fun jazz~ as well as potential fics if I feel like writing.
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