afr0xxx · 4 years
one day I’ll
        sit with the
   crown on my 
               head like a 
                                  G O D
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afr0xxx · 4 years
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stopppppp im going to pass away just thinking abt this
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afr0xxx · 4 years
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千户苗寨 thousand miao villages , xijiang, guizhou province.
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afr0xxx · 4 years
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Giant Forest in the Mist 
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afr0xxx · 4 years
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The broken shore interrupted photographed by Freddie Ardley
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afr0xxx · 4 years
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afr0xxx · 4 years
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afr0xxx · 4 years
I woke up this morning and catradora was still canon. At least there's still one good thing in this world.
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afr0xxx · 4 years
Interviewer: Okay, what has been the worst nightmare you ever had?
Adora: I left the stove on in my apartment ten years ago, and now I have to travel through every apartment I’ve had since to get back to that one and turn the stove off.
Glimmer: Careening downhill on Heelys.
Bow: My dad dies after a small static shock from a doorknob.
Mermista: Santa Claus just keeps bopping me with a huge exercise ball.
Sea Hawk: Trying to find a bathroom on the Dragon’s Daughter VI while it’s sinking.
Perfuma: I accidentally break a flute that represents my imagination.
Frosta: I’m stuck in a fridge that’s been turned to face a wall.
Spinerella: I find a room in my house that I never knew about, and all my old pets in there are just starving to death.
Netossa: Meat ghost.
Angella: An unscrupulous realtor sells my house while I’m in the bathroom.
Micah: I’m buried alive wearing the Big Bird costume.
Huntara: Stuck on the real Gilligan’s Island, I find everybody’s skeletons.
Entrapta: My computer has a virus, and it’s killing my online friends.
Double Trouble: I’m pregnant with Invader Zim.
Shadow Weaver: Multiplying crying babies.
Scorpia: Grammy warned me not to talk to the wind, but I went ahead and talked to the wind, didn’t I? Grammy warned me!
Catra: Somehow, I just know that my soul is gone.
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afr0xxx · 4 years
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To all my black followers and friends, stay safe.
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afr0xxx · 4 years
Hey She-ra crowd, its been two weeks since the finale. We still crying right? When is the appropriate time to not cry anymore
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afr0xxx · 4 years
catra things idk
glimmer: “so i looked it up, and having an animal companion technically qualifies you as a princess.” catra: “i will literally eat your entire face.” 
the princesses have to start the whole “teach the horde kid how to be a person” process all over again 
catra: “wtf is a brunch?” 
adora: “it’s a part of a tree, catra.” 
scorpia: “wait, i thought it’s something you eat.”
adora: “you can eat tree branches!?!”
bow has an entire album filled with photos of catra doing cute cat things and has a will prepared in case she ever finds out he has it. adora contributes most of the content. 
perfuma goes around etheria saying how great a meditation buddy catra is but catra doesn’t have the heart to tell her that she’s just napping the whole time 
adora spread a accurate rumor that catra was the little spoon and everyone gave her so much shit for it she went off the grid with melog for two whole days. 
catra brainstorms with adora on how to get mermista to warm up to her after the whole salineas thing, and what eventually does it is helping mermista take down the hit man who’s been stalking sea hawk for like three weeks.
mermista: “she’s like…really good at setting things on fire.” 
adora: “so i’m chaperoning all of your friend dates ok?” 
catra has a whole wall in her closet devoted to finding out netossa’s weakness because she won’t let the spray bottle incident go 
an entire princess alliance meeting was devoted to deciding whether catra should grow her hair out again and it got so ugly they had to throw the minutes out. 
afterwards, catra asks melog how hard it would be to create an illusion that would make her look bald for the next meeting
the only princess that catra is scared of is frosta and she will take that shit to her grave 
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afr0xxx · 4 years
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I was a crying mess for all the thirteen episodes, this last season of She-Ra gave me a lot of emotions! It was an amazing journey 💙
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afr0xxx · 4 years
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theyre disgustingly in love
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afr0xxx · 4 years
you matter to me💕
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Cute Catradora moments (8/?)
In this moment, Catra is accepting that people do care about her, that she doesn’t have to survive on her own by choosing the evil side anymore. And I think that’s beautiful
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afr0xxx · 4 years
catra (brilliant military strategist, skilled fighter, genius tactician, efficient and effective leader): “so here are the main trade routes that need fixing. we could have everything up in 5 months”
adora (pure of heart, dumb of ass): “do you think that dogs are magical now that magic has been restored”
catra, tearing up: “god i love you”
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afr0xxx · 4 years
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thats my take
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