(( So I haven’t set up my OCs yet but, I’d say my multimuse is at a decently presentable state now! Check out my muse page and let’s get some threads going! ))
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Since you're taking requests, I was wondering if you would do a Star Wars piece set in an AU where Rae Sloane is an admiral in the Rebel Alliance instead of the Galactic Empire.
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This is probably before she was an admiral, but she’s workin her way up :-)
(If you want me to draw you something for free check out this post!)
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(( More potential tags! ))
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Rae Sloane - Ready to Fight
Identifying herself to the stormtroopers standing guard, she entered a long hallway. The double doors at the end opened as she reached them. The room beyond lay in darkness.
Sloane rolled her eyes. More weirdness. Taking a deep breath, she took a step inside. “Count Vidian?”
Another step - and the doors behind her clanged loudly shut. Sloane heard movement in the dark.  She reached for her sidearm -
~ Star Wars: A New Dawn, John Jackson Miller, page 293
*** I know Rae doesn’t prepare to punch anyone in the book, but she is described as muscled in ‘A New Dawn’ - so I kinda imagined her as always ready for a fist fight if she feels really threatened (or if Kanan gets too cheeky).
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“My Empire.”
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Little Armie brought me back
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Rae Sloane and Gallius Rax
I really enjoy it when we get insights into the childhoods of villains! Aftermath: Life Debt did this really well for both of the main antagonists.
It’s interesting to me how they have an underlying similarity in their origins: two bright and hopeful little kids who wished to escape the struggle of abject poverty, but their escape plans turned into nightmares. They also both had their selfhood threatened to be demolished.
One got away with psychological scars, the other… didn’t exactly get away. In the end, each in their own way, they found their purpose by being shaped within the iron hold of the Empire. Oh, children.
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(( *kicking down the door* GUESS WHO READ EMPIRE’S END. ))
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(from exclusive poster available only in B&N edition of Empire’s End)
art credit: Steve Thomas
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“Quit your groveling,” she snapped. “I’m not here for a social visit. I’m here because things have gone wrong.” And oh, indeed how they had gone wrong. “Someone has been leaking secrets to the Rebellion, and I am here to remind that traitor what the price is for betraying the Empire.” She would enforce the law on this base, and get this problem back under control. Show her superiors her true value to the Empire by quashing this issue. “Take me to command.”
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Meet the Pilot
Bodhi kept his head lowered, too scared to look the individual he was facing in the eye. “Your grace,” he whispered.
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Her mouth was on his neck, his collar, his shoulders, his chest. Had they been proper lovers, these might have been kisses; but instead, each of these gestures had teeth to them, quite literally. A metallic taste in her mouth told her at least one of her bites had drawn blood. Good, all the more to remind him.
She had him pinned underneath her, rolling her hips hard against his. It was as much a show of dominance as it was for pleasure. If he wasn’t hers already, he would be by the end of the night. She would claim him.
SIN TIME (selectively accepting)
68. Our muses leave marks on each other during sex.
Keep reading
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(( Small update to my rules, please read when you get the chance (especially some new blogs that just followed me)! ))
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Kanan was honestly surprised at how long it took for her to push him away. And then at that, her words caught him. He grinned a bit, “oh, is that so? Well then Admiral, please do show me how it’s done.” He told her. 
Oh he was infuriating. Well, she’d shut him up. Grabbing him and dipping him a little (if only because he was so frustratingly tall), she pressed her lips to him; a fiery kiss, one to take his breath away.
Kanan glanced up at the mistletoe then down at her and gave a grin. “Well, I hear its bad luck if you don’t.” He said, leaning down a bit.
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Kanan lifted his eyebrows, well that could go either way. And Kanan Jarrus never backed down from a challenge. He sealed the deal and leaned in to press a kiss to her lips.
Her hands immediately went to grab at his collar, but for once in her life, she hesitated. She didn’t know whether to shove him away or pull him in closer. Her mind said he was scum, not worth her time... but her body wanted him, wanted more of him.
After a moment of simply allowing the kiss, she compromised, shoving him back. “What was that? If you’re going to kiss me, do it like you mean it.”
Kanan glanced up at the mistletoe then down at her and gave a grin. “Well, I hear its bad luck if you don’t.” He said, leaning down a bit.
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“Try it and see where it gets you.”
Kanan glanced up at the mistletoe then down at her and gave a grin. “Well, I hear its bad luck if you don’t.” He said, leaning down a bit.
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