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At the stroke of midnight, as the party was about to reach its peak and Herodia’s patience was about to run out, the Master of Ceremonies finally announced the arrival of Delilah Solomon. All the mixing and mingling came to a screeching halt as everyone turned around to face them in surprise and satisfaction. At this point, Herodia couldn’t hide how happy she was to see her target that she was grinning from ear to ear, this time with her teeth showing. After a hard beat of silence that seemed like an eternity. Herodia finally broke the silence as she said while she stretched out her arm and pointed at Delilah. “Alright everyone. Our target has finally arrived! Men, GET HER!!!” At that command, half of the party guests transformed into their SWAT Team uniforms by swiping off the party clothes they were wearing on top. As they charged after her, Delilah and Jesse each swang opened a balcony door and dashed out onto the balcony. The couple then both defended themselves as they did karate on the SWAT Team when they tried to arrest Delilah. As the tag team battle continued, a helicopter flew right above the scene with a rope ladder hanging from it. Delilah was the first one to catch it and she climbed up to make room for Jesse to climb on. When he did, the pilot started pulling up the rope ladder to get the couple safely into the helicopter as the SWAT Team pulled out their guns to shoot the helicopter down. Unfortunately for them, though, they were unsuccessful. The helicopter flew into the midnight sky above the sleepless Empire City streets that was still congested with nighttime traffic, Nobody knew where Delilah and Jesse were going and if or when they would ever return.
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At the party, Herodia was growing more impatient and angrier by the minute. It was ten thirty and her target still hadn’t shown up yet. She plastered a false grin on her face as she pretended to playfully pull James away from the mixing and mingling until she pushed him into a dark, private place within coat closet. “It’s damn near midnight! Where the hell is Delilah?! Did you even send her an invitation like I specifically asked you to?” James had both hands up in an attempt to calm Herodia down. “Baby, now you know I sent an invitation to Delilah. Who knows what is taking them so long.” Just then, the Master of Ceremonies began announcing the arrival of the new guests. Herodia quickly plastered on another one of her fake grins on her face while James put on a fake smirk as they rushed out of the coat closet because that Delilah had finally arrived.
Rather than their desired target, however, it was Tyrel Samson and Wendell Gomorrah. Struggling to maintain her faux grin, Herodia leaned towards James as she said through a clenched teeth grin. “What the fuck are these fake as Kenan and Kel idiots doing here at the party for our infant son?” James kept up his on smirk as he replied, “Uh, baby, I thought you were the one who wanted these guys here. After all, you sent me to the Empire State Prison in that ridiculous getup to give Delilah’s ex-boyfriend and for some reason that you will explain to me later, YOUR ex-boyfriend to our party for OUR newborn son. Oh gee. when will the Feds swarm in and arrest these Shawkshank Redemption wannabes?”
Right behind Tyrel and Wendell, the Master of Ceremonies announced the arrival of Mayor Jenny Solomon, while turning around to bask in her presence Tyrel and Wendell temporarily shifted apart to make way for Mayor Jenny as she approached the new parents to schmooze with them. “Herodia! James! Congratulations on the baby!” The three of them came together to hug and kiss each other on the cheek. “Thank you, so much for coming to celebrate with us!” Mayor Jenny happily replied, “You guys are very most welcome!”
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Still holding the baby, Jezebel could only narrow her eyes and purse her mouth as she looked up and down. “Bitch, what do you want? What can I do your for?” Sheba sarcastically smiled back at her. “And hello to you as well, sistah girl.” she said, thanking God internally that Jezebel was still holding the baby or else there was going to be a full on brawl right then and there. Jezebel had no choice but to grin back at her, even though it was completely fake. Delilah watched the silent cat fight in utter annoyance before she started. “Look! If you guys are going to live together and take of Jesse and MY baby, you will have to along with each other and grow the fuck up!” Jezebel couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “What do you mean, ‘live together’?” She then looks past Sheba and noticed that she was holding on to a black, real leather roll around suitcase along with a hot fuchsia carry on bag, both of which were enough to carry a month’s worth of clothes, accessories and other amenities. Sheba took off her luxury sunglasses before she explained, “My daughter, Mayor Jenny Solomon, put me out because she caught me in the closet calling Delilah to warn her that Herodia was trying to trap and arrest her by luring her to come to their Christening Naming Ceremony for their infant son. So, Mayor Jenny told me that, since I was protecting Delilah by alerting her about the plan to trap her and turn her in to the Feds.
Everybody in the room turned to Delilah so that she could confirm this information. She nodded reluctantly. Jezebel couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Baby girl, is what this heifer saying true?” she asked Delilah. Delilah looked down on the floor and nodded her head ‘Yes’. Jezebel was trying not to get too mad because she was still holding the baby. She looked at both Delilah and Jesse’s and then at Sheba, respectively. “You two knew about this? And nobody told me?” Delilah was speaking for everyone when she said, “Sorry, Ma.” Jezebel hugged the baby closer as she said, “Oh well. It is what it is.” Delilah and Jesse hugged and kissed their baby and Jezebel goodbye before finally leaving for the party while they also bid Sheba adieu and good luck with living together and raising the baby as her guardians.
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“Hello? Can I help you?” Delilah pressed the outside intercom button. “It’s me, Delilah, with Jesse and the baby.” Jezebel then buzzed the door open for them to enter. The young couple was walking up the stairwell that is right outside of the Chocolate Lace Lounge on the first floor. Jezebel already had the door open as they were walking in. Aw, babies! Welcome to Mamma’s house! Well, hello suga baby honey child!” said Jezebel as she reached for her infant granddaughter from Delilah’s arms after she and Jesse hug her. “Well, Momma. Jesse and I best get going to Herodia and Jame’s soiree. Oh and uh, here it the name that Jesse and I have decided to name the baby.” She gave her a large index card with the baby’s full name on it. Jezebel took a beat to read and register it and she loved the name. “I like this,” She said. “It’s a wonderful name.” Just as the couple was on their way out, there was another buzz at the door. “Now I wonder who that could be?” She pressed the intercom button. “Jinx residence. How can I help you?” “It is I, Sheba Solomon!” There was a sudden silence in the room that if a pin had dropped in another room, the three of them would be able to hear it. Delilah was now the one the buzz Sheba in. After a couple of minutes of her footsteps sounding in the stairwell, Sheba finally opened the door and moseyed on in like a Hollywood movie star at the premier of a blockbuster movie. Sheba was dressed in a silk kaftan underneath her fur coat. On hear head, she wore a silk, black scarf that was wrapped around her head and on her face, large, black perfect circle sunglasses.
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A couple of hours later, inside the black Rolls Royce stretch limo with tainted windows, the Sampsons looked like they were on thier way to a funeral although thank God that wasn’t the case. Delilah was adorned in an Oscar night style Yves Saint Laurent gown while Jesse was dress in a Hugo Boss for the black and white event. The baby was dressed in a light pink, pouffy chiffon baby dress. Within thirty minutes, thanks to the Empire City nighttime traffic, even though they lived in the same borough of the city, the Sampsons finally arrived at the chocolate lace lounge. Jezebel, sitting in the front of the TV watching Tyler Perry’s Sistahs while eating her lasagna dinner, lifted her head up when she heard the heard the buzzer go off. She placed the food on the foldable table in front of her before gingerly lifitng it up out of her way so she could get up from the sofa and answer the door. She stood by the door and pressed the intercom.
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The big night of the Christening Naming Ceremony finally arrived. It was one of the biggest nights of the year in all of Empire City. An exquisite and elegant cross between the celebration of Prince Harry and Princess Megan’s son Prince Archie birth, the MET Gala and the Oscars. Every media outlet not only from Empire City was in attendance but every news outlet from all over the country and even some of the most prominent media outlets from all over the world for the Who’s Who event of the century. Every celebrity from movies, television, music, social media, sports, publishing, politics radio, etc. was present for the main event that was to be the talk of the city, state, America and the world for years to come. The only person who was yet to make an appearance was Delilah. 
She was still at home in the penthouse that she shares with her boyfriend Jesse and now their brand new baby daughter. A brand new infant daughter whose name nobody knew yet, except for a few select people like close family members and close friends. Delilah had already made the tough decision to leave her daughter with her mother while she and Jesse went into exile for only God knew how long. She took out her smartphone and dialed her mother Jezebel’s number. She held her baby daughter in one arm and held the phone up to her ear with her other hand. Jezebel picked up on the second ring. “Jinx residence.” While watching her infant daughter fast asleep after a big lunch fit for a baby. Delilah continued. “Hey, Mamma, it’s Delilah. I have a favor to ask you, please.”
Jezebel, who was cooking lasagna for dinner, took a seat at the kitchen table, getting ready for what her daughter was about to say. “Go on, baby. Tell Mamma all about it.” “James and I may have to go into exile for I don’t know how long and I need you to help us take care of the baby temporarily until we return.” Jezebel didn’t understand what Delilah was asking of her, so she took a beat to process the information. “Okay baby. Bring baby girl over here and Ima take good care of her while you and Jesse are away.” Delilah was starting to get emotional at the thought of putting her baby in her mother’s care as she said, “Okay, Mamma. I’ll bring her over.”
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At Mayor Jenny’s house, while Sheba was still hiding in the linen closet and talking to Delilah in secret, Mayor Jenny got off the phone when the conference call was over. Still trying to figure out who was hiding in the linen closet, she quietly hung up the phone on the receiver and gingerly rose up from her chair. Then she quietly and slowly tiptoed towards the closet. The closer she got to it, the more and louder she heard the phone conversation between her mother and her half sister. In the closet, she clicked her smart phone off and had a satisfied look on her face as she took a swig of rose from her rose bottle and then belched. Sheba opened the closet door and much to her surprise, Mayor Jenny was standing on the other side of the door with a very angry look on her face. Sheba’s own face went from satisfied to scared as she started talking. “Uh, hello baby. How are you? Ho-how was th-the conference call? Uh, fun I hope?” Jenny wasn’t tolerating it. “Mother, how much of the conference call did you hear and more importantly, who the fuck were you just now talking to on the phone?” Jenny didn’t scream, but her tone was bone chilling enough to raise the hairs on her own mother’s neck stand up, Uh-uh. It was a robocall.” stammered Sheba. Jenny squinted and frowned. “No it wasn’t. You were eavesdropping on the conference call and then went and warned Delilah about Herodia’s plan to lure her to her Christening Naming Ceremony so she could finally be arrested and thrown behind bars where she belongs so that Herodia can take her rightful place and finally be the queen of the Empire City Underworld! So, if you’re going to run and warn Delilah, you might as well move in with the Goddamn mother fucking Jinx family! You know mothe, you could get arrested for harboring a fugitive, let alone helping one to escape!
Suddenly, Mayor Jenny realized what she was saying and swallowed hard. She inhaled and exhaled before continuing. She knew that her mother could have a bounty on her own head for helping a wanted criminal escape. She looked down at the groud while she said, “Yeah, uh, you’re gonna have to hide out yourself for a while or else wind up being the bitch of some jail bird named “Big Mamma”. Sheba was wide eyed as she listened to what her daughter was saying. As she rose up from the floor with the rose bottle and smartphone in hand, she said, “I guess I’d better get going then.” Jenny nodded as her mother walked passed her and go to her room and start packing her belongings.
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While hiding in a nearby linen closet, Sheba had her smartphone out and called Delilah, her husband’s lovechild. “Hello? Solomon residence.” Delilah was the one who answered the phone. “Hello? Delilah? Ooh child! Glad it was you who picked up the phone! Listen, you in danger, girl! Herodia and James are inviting you to their Christening Naming Ceremony for their baby because they are trying to trap you and hand you over to the feds at the party. They even got your half sister involved.” Delilah was silent for a beat. When Sheba wasn’t getting a response, she began, “Hello? Hello? Delilah? Are you still there, child?” Delilah snapped out of her daze. “Oh...uh, I’m still here. Thank you for telling me, Ms. Sheba.” Sheba was flattered as she, make a hand gesture like she was throwing something while shaking her head. “Aw, ain’t you sweet? No problem, sugar baby honey child. Anywho, have as much a great time at your homegirl’s soiree and uh... don’t let the fire get on you, ya hear?” Delilah began with, “Okay, tha-,” until Sheba hang up abruptly on the other end.
Delilah was bewildered. Emotionally, what she had just heard. especially about her half sister and best friend’s plans for her capture hit her hard like an eighteen wheeler made of titanium metal. She didn’t know what to do next: go to the party and risk arrest or skip the party and become a wanted fugitive with a large bounty on her head. And what would become of her newborn baby daughter, who didn’t even have a name yet? Since her mother, Jezebel, was the only person she could trust to be the guardian of her baby while she and Jesse went into exile, like her father Martin Solomon whom she never met, only heard about.
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Jesse started getting nervous. “What is that evil grin all about, bay-be?” Herodia tilted her head so that they were staring each other square in the face. “Looks like we’re gonna have to figure out how we’re going to finally bring down Delilah Jinx and take over not only Samson Industries Incorporated, but Empire City and then...” She paused for a minute to grin some more and said, “The World! And mean while, Miss Thing can rot in prison and burn his hell!” Jesse liked what he was hearing and he was now smiling himself as he asked, “What do you have in mind ?” Herodia continued. “Well, as we know, our soon-to-be federal jailbird is our ‘guest of honor’ will be in attendance at the Christening Naming Ceremony. Tomorrow night, I’ll set up a conference call to explain how I’m going to overthrow Delilah.” That is exactly what she did twenty four hours later the next night. She even called Tyrel and Wendell, who were able to get smart phones through commissary and through other shifty avenues. “Tyrel and Wendell, you guy will stage a black out at the prison in order for Wendell to be able to sneak into Tyrel’s solitary confinement jail cell. After that, you guys will make your jailbreak and there will be a small, black car with a driver waiting there that will take them through the mean streets of Empire City after dark to my and Jame’s house where there will wait for the unsuspecting target.
Mayor Jenny, who was also on the conference call, received her own set of instructions. “Now as for Mayor Jennifer Solomon. You will assemble an Entourage that will escort you from your place to mine and when our target finally rears here ugly, fucked up head at my and Jesse’s little soiree for the rightful heir of Solomon Industries Incorporated, the polices can come out hiding in the trenches and finally capture Delilah Jinx. Then the city will finally be ours and all will finally be right with the world!” Herodia got so excited that she practically started starting dribbling at the side of her mouth. When James saw this, he got a little disgusted and he squinted his eyes and twisted his mouth as he took out a silk handkerchief and wiped the side of her mouth. This caused Herodia to come out of her daze and she continued with her instructions.
At the Mayor’s house, as Mayor Jenny listened carefully to Herodia, she put the phone on speaker. Sheba was her typical self until she snapped out of it when she overheard something scandalous, perhaps something that she was never meant to hear. Holding on tighter to the bottle of rose that she was drinking, she quickly tiptoed to the other side of the door frame where Jenny wouldn’t be able to know that she was there. “So, Mayor Jenny. Do you have any questions, comments and/or concerns about your role in our operation to take down Delilah?” Mayor Jenny replied. “Yes Herodia. I do understand my position.” Jenny rolled her eyes closed and took a deep breath. However, unfortunately for Sheba, Jenny was startled by her mother’s quick tiptoeing that she turned around and stares with a tough and shocked look on her face at the door frame to see who was there. 
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The Sodom and Gomorrah household was abuzz with the preparation of the Christening Naming Ceremony of their baby boy that was just two weeks away. Herodia was burping her baby after nursing him while she was running plans with and giving orders to her personal assistants until Jesse showed up. Herodia was actually happy to see him in the midst of all her stress because she really wanted to talk to him. “Sally, would you be a dear and help me take care of the baby for a little bit while I talk to my boyfriend?” Sally, one of her personal assistants, nodded her head as she gingerly took the baby from his mother and went into the nursery. Herodia inhaled and exhaled as she stepped into their state of the art, stainless steel, futuristic kitchen.
Shortly after, when she turned around and spotted the unsuspecting Jesse she caught off guard by grabbing him by the collar and yanked him into the kitchen quick as a cat can wink its eye. Herodia quickly peeked out of the kitchen door to make sure there were no eavesdroppers present before her discussion with Jesse, who’s head was still spinning. He was shaking his head as he raised both of his arms in the air. “What the hell was that for and... why did you yank me into the fucking kitchen without at least starting to make out with me?” Herodia narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips to the side of her face. “Look, Jesse. Did you send out all of the invitations to everyone?” Jesse’s arms were down and he was making aggravated facial expressions now. “Yes baby. I even sent one to Wendell at the Empire State Prison via the whole abracadabra act.” Herodia nodded her head before she continued. “That was part of the reason why I yanked you into the kitchen. We just got a collect from the prison and you’ll never guess who it was from.” Jesse was looking at her face as if to study it to find the answer. “It was Tyrel Samson!” Jesse had an astonished look on his face.”Tyrel Samson?! Baby, I swear, now you know damn well that I didn’t tell no Goddamn Tyrel Samson about the Christening Naming Ceremony!” Herodia nodded. “I know it wasn’t you, baby. It was Wendell who told him!” Jesse stopped pleading and explaining and had a blank look on his face. Then he pulled himself together and narrowed his eyes. “Oh, I see. Your ex boyfriend told him, huh?” Herodia went on “Yes and he’s planning on making a prison break because he wants to get his revenge on Delilah...” Herodia had an evil grin on her face mid sentence when she realized what she was saying.
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The news was even more shocking to Tyrel than the possibility of a gay corrections officer who, rumor has it, have been sleeping with some of the inmates and even some of the other corrections officer (some who may even be married with children). Delilah and James were in the spotlight once again as the paparazzi flashed them and their newborn baby daughter with their cameras as they were leaving the hospital. When the news anchor mentioned the fact that Delilah Jinx was once romantically involved with the now disgraced fellow drug lord who is now serving a jail sentence of fifty years to life in prison for a slew crimes like embezzlement, drug and, possibly human trafficking, among other major offenses. When Tyrel heard his name and his back story being mentioned, he knew what he wanted to do. He knelt down to the same hole in the prison wall where he hid his secret monetary stash. Except this hole was a much bigger hole than everybody expected. He was on his hands and knees as he studied the pathway of his prison break.
Looks like “I’m gonna have to pay this heifer, her nigga and their ugly little bastard a very, very special visit that will make them shit bricks.” he said out loud, chuckling and smirking while he nodded his head before he put the monetary stash back in its place, closed up the hole in the wall and got back up on his feet. Like a scene out of a psycho horror film, Tyrel had on an even bigger, much creepier and lunatistic grin from ear to ear etched on his face that showed all of his teeth as he looked around his solitary confinement prison cell walls that were covered with pictures, news article clippings and other memorabilia about Delilah that made his cell look like the shrine of a psycho stalker obsessed the object of his hateful affection. Tyrel then sat back down on his prison bench, with the same evil grin on his face as he sat there, plotting his next move, his own twisted revenge, on Delilah Jinx.
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As he folded the note back up, Tyrel said, “A hundred bucks you keep your pie hole shut as I escape this hell hole of a prison.” He slowly glanced at the corrections officer with the same raised eyebrow that was now accompanied by a slick grin. The corrections officer smiled with an open mouth smile while nodding his head and raising one finger in the air before replying, “Five hundred dollars says that I don’t even remember that we had this conversation... and that I’ve read the note before I got here.” Tyrel was taken aback by this for a split second before he continued. “That’s pretty sneaky and nosey of you but we have a deal.” Then, he pointed his index finger downward and twirled it around,indicating that he wanted the corrections officer to turn around as he got the money from his secret stash in its hiding place. Tyrel knelt down by the rusty steel toilet and pulled out a block from the wall space next to it. He then rolled up his prison jumpsuit and put his arm so far inside of the wall until he reached his stash. He pulled out a black box and blew it so much so that two mini gusts of dust appeared on both ends on top of the box. He then opened it and from a stash of what looks like five hundred million dollars that was made by running a drug ring operation from the inside of the prison and took out the five hundred dollars, after counting the money to make sure it was indeed five hundred dollars of course.
The corrections officer took it with grace (and his grin of course) and took out his patent leather wallet and stuffed the money into is before clasping it closed and forcing it back into his back pocket. “Very well, inmate Samson. I shall turn the other cheek and look the other way.” He ended that statement by twirling around on his heel and walking away in the most flamboyant way possible. Tyrel watched in wonder, the corrections officer prancing away before twirling as he turned the hallway corner. Tyrel was still looking at the corner, blinking once and then abruptly closing the rectangular mini door window slammed it shut. He turned around and lifted his head up to the television that was hanging in the corner of his prison cell. The news was on and the breaking news was that Delilah Jinx and James Samson were the proud parents of a healthy, beautiful, bouncing baby girl weighing in at seven pounds, eight ounces.
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Empire City Prison is Empire State’s answer to Riker’s Island, Alcatraz, Sing Sing and San Quentin. It sits on 1,500 acres of land ninety minutes away from Empire City in upstate Empire State. The concrete building is divided into two sections, one section for men and the other section for women, containing six floors on both sides, with the first floor containing administrative offices. The end caps of the jail contain the solitary confinement jail cells that resemble office doors and have only on bed (with no pillows) and a stainless steel toilet. Tyrel Samson was a prisoner in one of these solitary confinement jail cells.
After putting away his scandalous discovery, the corrections started making his way to the solitary confinement section and, as he was walking, his footsteps were so loud that the noise of everything else that was going on around him such as the prison fights, muffled voices of the goings on from the fresh air time in the prison yard; lunchtime ruckuses in the prison cafeteria, where the lunch special burgers and fries, something that happens every once in a blue moon whilst the main dish was meatloaf surprise. Other things were going on too, such as T.V. watching in the rec room, telephone calls at the payphones, arm wrestling and so on.  
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Wendell rolled his eyes. “Who else do you think I was talking to, fool? Anyway, I have a favor to ask you.” Then, like a scene out of a Tim Burton movie, Wendell tilted his head back and opened his mouth wide enough to fit his hand into his mouth and pulled out a folded up piece of paper. All the while, the corrections officer had a disgusted and uncomfortable smile on his face. “Ah,” he said. “The many wonders of prison life.” Wendell looked at him for a minute before saying, “Nigga, would you please send this note to another prisoner in solitary confinement!” As he was handing him the note, he suddenly snatched it back for a minute. “And don’t even think about tryna unfold it and read it, neither. You’re a government employee, even you know that reading private letters is illegal.” He cocked his eyebrow as he finally gave the corrections officer back the note. The corrections officer put on a fake smile that showed his teeth and said, “I’ll make sure that this note is delivered in the most top notch condition possible. Oh and to whom am I sending this note?” Wendell took a step back, pressed his lips together hard, rolled his eyes and shook his head because he was reluctant to tell him who the note was for.
“The note is for Tyrel Samson in solitary confinement. Watchu waitin on? Get your bourgie ass over there right the fuck now, ya fake ass Geoffry Butler from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air fool!” The corrections officer just stood there with another big smile on his face as he thought, ‘You fucking son of a bitch. I’ll make sure that it’s kingdom come first before the likes of you ever leaves this prison.’ When he was ready to speak to Wendell again, he said, “As I’ve said earlier, ‘It’ll be delivered in top notch condition.’“ He turned around, and walked away. When he was around the corner, the corrections officer looked left and right to make sure that noone was around to catch him in what he was about to do. Then, seeing that the coast was clear, he gingerly unfolded the note. Then, he read it word for word and committed the contents of the note to memory. “Oh my. What a scandalously fascinating turn of events.” He muttered to himself. The corrections officer folded the note to the way it was and made his way to the solitary confinement section of the prison.
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“Man, what the fuck business do you have in this prison gym?! Sell me what the fuck it is you tryna sell to me and get the fuck out! A nigga ‘s gotta work...” Before Wendell had the chance to finish his sentence, the stranger silenced him by lifting a hand up and then an envelope magically appeared out of nowhere with the flickering of his/her fingers. Wendell sat there watching with his mouth open and his eyebrow cocked as he retrieved the envelope from him/her.
Still astonished by his visitor, Wendell turned his head back and forth between the mysterious stranger and the envelope he was opening. He finally took out the contents within in which turned out to be an invitation to a Christening Naming Ceremony for Herodia and Jame’s newborn baby, just like the one that Mayor Jenny had received not too long before. After letting this revelation about his ex girlfriend sink in, Wendell nodded his head while making a disgusted smirk. “Oh, okay. It’s like that huh? This bitch know a nigga locked up and she still be tyrna invite me to her little bastard’s birthday party?!” He shook his head as he stuffed the invitation back into the envelope that it came in and he flung it like a frisbee back to a corner of his jail cell. He then walked to his cell. He then walked to his cell block and called to the British-esue corrections officer that escorted the mysterious the mysterious guest to his jail cell earlier. “Hey. Yo Geoffry Butler!” The prison gaurd, who just so happened to still be lingering around outside of his jail cell, turned his head around to face Wendell. “You summoned me, inmate?”
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Sheeba was rummaging through the selection. Before realizing it, she blurted out, “It’s too bad that your own half sister and best friend are plotting against you. They might even trap you and have you arrested at the Christening Naming Ceremony and throw you underneath the jail and throw away the key.” She shrugged. She then turned around to fully face Delilah, put her hand over her mouth in shock at what she had just revealed to her and said, “Did I just say that out loud?” Delilah, who was now just as in shock as Sheba was, also felt betrayed by her own sister and right had woman. When Sheba saw that reaction, she threw one of the dresses she was looking at back at one of her assistants, shrugged again and said, “Oh well. Those are just rumors from the old grapevine anyway. Whelp, toodles.” Then, Sheba and all of her assistants ran off with the dresses to another section of the women’s department. While this happened, Delilah took in and absorbed what was going on around her before she returned back to looking for more gowns for herself.
At the Empire State Prison, Wendell Sodom was in the weight room lifting fifty pounds of weights with twenty five pounds on both ends. The corrections officer walks in and walks over to where Wendell is. When he reaches him, the corrections officer hovers over him in such a way that they looked upside down to each other. When Wendell saw the corrections officer hovering over him, he rolled his eyes and frowned as he continued to lift weights. “Watchu want, Washington?” Officer Washington smirked and scoffed at the prisoner’s attitude. “And salutations to you, too, inmate. It seems like you have a visitor. A rather mysterious person in an even more mysteriously bizarre getup.” The corrections officer said this with the same British accent and demeanor as Geoffrey Butler that Wendell responded, “Calm down, Geoffrey Butler. Send the nigga in here.” The corrections officer said, “Very well then.” He opened the door and in came the mysteriously bizarre guest, dressed from head to toe in the blackest shade of black there ever was. The stranger moseyed on in as Wendell sat straight up on the bench and gave the stranger a curious scowl. 
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Tracy’s, known as the quality department store, for it’s luxurious and pricey products, an annual holiday parade and luxury products that is not as expensive as Gucci or Luis Vuitton and with the same decent prices as target. Come and believe in the magic of Tracy’s. That was the store in which Sheba ran into Delilah. How this all started was that, as Sheba was in the women’s department, she was picking out all the designer brand name clothing while giving them to, not one, but two of her assistants to hold on to for her before she was ready to make her purchases. Sheba had her head down as she was looking as a pair of designer pants before she looked up and spotted her main target. Quickly, she gave one of her assistants a list of what she wanted them to help her buy.
As they set off to find her desired merchandise, Sheba made her way to Delilah. Delilah, who was looking at cocktail dresses, looked up for a moment before she looked back down again to go over the cocktail dresses. When she finally picked the dress that she liked, she was startled at the sudden presence of Sheba Solomon, her mother, Jezebel’s married lover’s a.k.a. her father’s real wife and Mayor Jenny and Kendal’s mother, standing there looking at a dress as well, as if trying to start a conversation. “Oh, why hello Delilah. How are you? Tell me, what do you think of this dress?” The said dress was a deep burgundy made of velvet material and, if when she wears it, the dress would stop at the woman’s thighs. At a loss for words at Sheba’s friendliness, Delilah answered, “The dress is wonderful, I guess, Mrs. Solomon.” Sheba waved her hand and shook her head as she said, “Oh please, dear child, call me ‘Sheba’” ‘Cause you know damn well your slutty mother stole man and made your raggedy ass wit him, you bastard and that’s why you have our family name!’ Sheba thought in her mind, with a plastered grin on her face. “And by the way, that’s a marvelous dress you���ve got there, I must say.”
Delilah looked down at the dress that she was holding, which was made of silk, flared out by the waste, royal blue in color and made for a pregnant woman. “Thank you, Sheba. It’s for Herodia and Jesse’s Christening Naming Ceremony foe their son.” To be dramatic, Sheba turned around and acted like she was thinking about her own choices of dressed that she made her assistants go out throughout all of Tracy’s to go and get. “Really?! So you have heard about the up and coming soiree?!” Delilah was a little taken aback, but she let it slide. Attempting to break more ice, Delilah asked Sheba questions. “So, Miss Sheba? How are things with you?” Sheba nodded her head as her assistants came back to her with left, right and center with dozens of gowns for her to choose from.
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