agatesilverandtopaz · 3 months
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agatesilverandtopaz · 3 years
I’m still try to figuring out why the Dakota love him. But good on you
Just face it. You and Crow (or whatever his name is) are meant to be so please let a Vlad be with someone he likes and has a bond with and just move to Arizona and leave Europe alone.
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"I am not in love with Crow and will never be. I don't understand why you are always wanting me to be with him. I will rather be single than be his wife but I am in love with someone else."
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agatesilverandtopaz · 3 years
Jay: she’s the gasoline and Crow the fire, even if they were in love gray face they’d burn everything up around them and it would be everyone else’s problem
Just face it. You and Crow (or whatever his name is) are meant to be so please let a Vlad be with someone he likes and has a bond with and just move to Arizona and leave Europe alone.
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"I am not in love with Crow and will never be. I don't understand why you are always wanting me to be with him. I will rather be single than be his wife but I am in love with someone else."
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agatesilverandtopaz · 3 years
“Scary” he said sarcastically “you’ve shit at playing pretend.”
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"If I lose him then I will be all alone. I have no friends, family or anyone who gives a shit about me. At least Vlad will have his friends but for me there is no one."
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agatesilverandtopaz · 3 years
“You can still kill a Cockroach with a gun” he pointed out before asking “have you ever pretended to like me?”
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"If I lose him then I will be all alone. I have no friends, family or anyone who gives a shit about me. At least Vlad will have his friends but for me there is no one."
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agatesilverandtopaz · 3 years
“Get a gun and I might be scared” Crow said not loving any closer “and I don’t give a damn what you are I need you to call that idiot of yours Henry”
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"If I lose him then I will be all alone. I have no friends, family or anyone who gives a shit about me. At least Vlad will have his friends but for me there is no one."
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agatesilverandtopaz · 3 years
i… made a quiz about which archetype in wild west movies you’d be. link in reblogs
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agatesilverandtopaz · 3 years
“Smack him on his head and tell him he’s being an idiot” Crow said walking up behind her
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"If I lose him then I will be all alone. I have no friends, family or anyone who gives a shit about me. At least Vlad will have his friends but for me there is no one."
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agatesilverandtopaz · 3 years
“If that didn’t have sex it’s not worth anyone being up in arms about” crow said sipping his beer “it’s not even worth blackmailing someone over”
"Hey, Crow. What to see something amazing." He grins. "It's Resi getting her comeuppance for being such a lying stank."
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agatesilverandtopaz · 3 years
“Whoa wait it was just a kiss? That’s not cheating even I know that”
"Hey, Crow. What to see something amazing." He grins. "It's Resi getting her comeuppance for being such a lying stank."
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agatesilverandtopaz · 3 years
“Alfred kinda done better that’s for sure”
"Hey, Crow. What to see something amazing." He grins. "It's Resi getting her comeuppance for being such a lying stank."
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agatesilverandtopaz · 3 years
“What are you going on about?” Crow asked “of all the things I don’t like about that woman her being stank is not one of them.”
"Hey, Crow. What to see something amazing." He grins. "It's Resi getting her comeuppance for being such a lying stank."
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agatesilverandtopaz · 3 years
Which of your muses is not allowed to make the mac and cheese?
Out of the five main all can make Mac and cheese
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agatesilverandtopaz · 3 years
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agatesilverandtopaz · 3 years
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COUPLE TV TROPES: PART 3: NÈNÉ & JAMES (@cherished-hearts & @agatesilverandtopaz )
Happily married: Nèné and James has been married for 4 years now and couldn't be happier.
Brooding boy, gentle girl: Well, being brooding must run in James' family as Tanner is also a brooding guy in his relationship with Anneliese. The brothers had a very traumatic upbringing which resulted in their outlook of the world while Nèné, also had a life full with trauma has a different outlook on life.
Troubled, but cute: This is a trope for James. He is really cute but troubled due to his up bringing.
Devoted to you: Self-explanatory. They are devoted to one another.
Endearingly dorky: This is a trope for Nèné. A dorky and quirky girl which is rather loveable.
Snow means love: This goes back to their engagement when James proposed on their sleigh ride in the snow and their winter wedding day. Snow plays a big part in their romance.
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agatesilverandtopaz · 3 years
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COUPLE TV TROPES: PART TWO: SALZTANA (@cherished-hearts & @agatesilverandtopaz )
Lookalike lovers: They are both blondes with light coloured eyes and caucasian skin so they look a lot alike. The only difference is that they are not related and of different nationalities.
Odd couple: He's down-to-earth, she's glamorous. He loves wearing jeans and t-shirts, she loves her high heels and short skirts. Everything about them just screams odd couple but it sure works.
Happily married: despite their troubles, they are still happily married. Deep down they still love one another despite their differences and can't see themselves being away from the other.
Brooding boy, gentle girl: Tanner's brooding and has the stoic, bad-boy image about him and Ana's gentle and ladylike but they are attracted to one another. They bring out the things which they are lacking. Ana brings out Tanner's caring and compassionate side and Tanner brings out Ana's down-to-earth personality and helping her to be more of a country girl than a socialite.
Babies ever after: This is self-explanatory. They had children whereas having children as personifications were impossible. They defined the odds and after 4 years of marriage was blessed with two beautiful children.
Everyone loves blondes: Again they are both blonde and it is known that blondes are popular in culture and that there are a popular ship as a result.
Sounds good. Send me a ship and I will create a few tropes I base on that particular ship.
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agatesilverandtopaz · 3 years
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Foto: Alexandra Evang Photographie
Kira Hübel
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