agent-imyoona · 10 years
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Dear John, I see it all now that you’re gone. Don’t you think I was too young To be messed with? The girl in the dress Cried the whole way home, I should’ve known
- Taylor Swift, Dear John
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agent-imyoona · 10 years
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The term's about to end (THANK GOD) at university. I've already answered my finals for the term, and my students have answered their orals exams. I just have to submit their grades to the department chair, and I'm yours for the summer, Seoul Inc. 
While I can speak fluent (even business-level) Korean, English, French, and Japanese, and conversational Mandarin and Spanish, I think I want to take on another language this summer.  Which one do you think? 
On the tech side, of course, new innovations will always be a must. Hmm, so they've come up with a flashlight that relies solely on body heat? Impressive... I'm thinking of something to do with fiber optics... I don't know yet, but I might be heading somewhere with this.
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agent-imyoona · 10 years
She shook her head as she saw him attempt to do puppy eyes. She knew her brats would resort to aegyo as long as they could get away with it, but she had developed some sort of immunity to it—much to their dismay. "Anything you choose will be subject to my approval," she said in what most of them called her "teacher voice." "I can't have my proteges looking like trash!" she said as she spotted a good place to park. 
She entered one of the shops she knew her male students frequented, knowing that there had to be something Joonmyun would wear among the clothes she'd choose. "Put this on," she said, forcing a combination of clothes into his hands before pushing him toward the dressing rooms. 
Joonmyun & Yoona || Cup of Joe?
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agent-imyoona · 10 years
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Part of the mission entails baby-sitting... and having to pretend I didn't finish university. Oh higher-ups, couldn't you have THOUGHT of making me the governess instead of a housemaid? I'd have played that role more convincingly. T_____T
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agent-imyoona · 10 years
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With Joonmyunie before I kill him we resume shopping. For some reason, we stopped over a church first...
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agent-imyoona · 10 years
Yes, I am. Missing out on the weed brownies is like not eating pizza in Italy. ;) Don't tell anyone I told you that, though.
My oh my! Is an agent of the law trying to get me high? But it’s winter here, maybe I can score you some weed? Would you like to put that in your kimchii?
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agent-imyoona · 10 years
?/∞ B&W Edits of 김준면
What happened to Joonmyun after a day of shopping with me... What do you think? 
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agent-imyoona · 10 years
Yoona raised an eyebrow at him. "As long as I'm choosing." She knew of his odd attraction toward clothes that made him look older than his age. "Don't worry, I trust the brands we're buying, Joonmyunnie... so I assure you they're comfy and warm." 
Joonmyun & Yoona || Cup of Joe?
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agent-imyoona · 10 years
I'd have told you to buy me tulips if it was spring... and you might want to try some of their weed brownies while you're there. :))
Noona, use google. It’s a magical place and besides I doubt the maids will laugh straight out at your face, behind yes but not in front. But I’m currently in Amsterdam freezing my butt off untill I get the a-Okay to return to Seoul.
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agent-imyoona · 10 years
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The maids at home have probably been waiting for this day all their lives. The day I would be forced to learn household chores... and making kimchi. Suzy, you are joining me in this!
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agent-imyoona · 10 years
How to make kimchi or what goes on in the minds of the bosses? I'll tell you once I figure it out. How are you holding up?
Noona, you tell me please? Here I am scared for my life as i’m infiltrating the seekers by being a spy. and i’m not even a field agent, i’m a tech agent. I think it has something with our ability to be ingenous and out-of-the-box, i think? And we also seem the lease bit intimidating.
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agent-imyoona · 10 years
secretivesuho answered your question:I still don’t get why a tech agent is doing...
nope. not peasant enough
//sigh// This mission starts soon, and I still have to figure out HOW to make kimchi without asking for my maids' help. This mission is putting me out of my comfort zone. I don't get why the higher ups thought to send a tech agent to a field job... as a maid.
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agent-imyoona · 10 years
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I still don't get why a tech agent is doing undercover missions. =.= 
And I'm under disguise as a maid too. HOW THE DEVIL DOES ONE DO HOUSE CHORES?! Do I look like a decent peasant at least?
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agent-imyoona · 11 years
It was another security mission for Yoona; however, this one was different as this was her first solo mission without any senior agents. There were lots of expectations (and critics) for SM Agency's all-female spy team—especially for SM's so-called "beautiful mind" Im Yoona—so it was crucial for her not to screw up. She wasn't even given any backup for goodness' sake! She stretched her fingers as she started familiarizing herself with the house's security system and all codes involved. There were hundreds of ways to enter it; however there were only four ways one could exit practically undetected. After installing the necessary security measures on all entrances, Yoona directed her attention toward the exits. There had to be at least one agent covering the exits, lest security gets compromised. Unfortunately, this was a solo mission, so she was going to have to rely on the powers of the building's security system. She didn't want to have to fight any people. She may have been a strong fighter, but she got tired too easily. Sighing, she watched for any unusual signs of life. 
Yoona suddenly found herself ejected from the main security system. "Say what?!" She cursed as she attempted to regain access to it. Then it hit her—security has been compromised way before she even accepted this mission. The enemy may have been steps ahead, but Yoona knew how to catch up. There was red movement in the east area, where the kitchen was located. She couldn't activate warning bells too early, as the intruder would simply escape and try another time. No, she decided to let the intruder pass through. Whoever this intruder was working with was good. She sighed as she watched the proceedings and began discreetly locking the exits but left the entrances open. She allowed the system to go crazy once the intruder got in. 
When one of Yoona's dummy cameras focused on the intruder, she gasped when she saw how young the girl was. She merely chuckled as the girl childishly made a cut-throat gesture before literally shooting the camera. Foolish girl... by shooting the camera, she had just ensured a tracking device put on her, as the real camera was hidden where she stepped. Yoona designed the floor cameras in a way that will stick to an intruder's foot when they decide to meddle with the dummy camera set up. The girl was good, so none of the already-built in traps will do. Yoona felt like she needed to unleash the traps she had specially designed for this mission. "Let the games begin, little girl," she muttered as she starting typing.
What Makes Us Girls [Circa 2009]
The floor plan was perfection, it was the reason why she had accepted these kinds of missions. At least the department did one thing right for a change. There were a hundred ways to get in, but only four exits. The place was heavily monitored by eyes in the sky, pressure wired floors and electric cells protecting the prisoners from outside attacks, all under the control of a highly skilled computer engineers and programmers team. Against her will, she had to work with a person who is as talented as any of those people. That’s where code name ‘Blue Bird’ comes in. Marco deemed him one of the best hackers in circulation, one willing to work for the right prize. It didn’t take much convincing as soon as Suzy laid out the floor plan before the young man, his eyes sparkled like a kid brought into a candy store. In a matter of minutes, Blue Bird guaranteed an entrance and exit route, and all that she needed to carry out her mission.
The east wing entrance, the kitchen, was her way in. At exactly, 2300 hours, her feet met the floor. ”That microwave in there, it goes kaboom without a password. Save me and you, Blue Bird. " She whispered to her receiver. "Twenty seconds ‘til I reach the second floor. Take out the eyes." She started running, close to the walls as possible, pushing the door open and climbing up the stairs as quickly as she could. "Done.” A raspy voice said over the earpiece just as she reached the next floor’s door. “Work your way into those stones, birdie. Unlike you I can’t fly. Forty seconds, I’ll hit the maze.” She entered a storage room and stands on a shelf, undoes the screws of the vent in the ceiling and climbs in. Inside the grate, she pops a small flash light in between her teeth and crawls her way forward, pulling herself along by her elbows and knees. She peers through the grates she passes along to see nothing but glass floors, faint blinking red lights underneath. “Ten seconds, birdie.” She comes to a vent at the end, leaning her back as she gazed at her watch before working her way with the screws. 
Suzy drops down into an empty hallway, the faint red lights on the floor start to blink uncontrollably before coming to a stop. “I have sight and control, S." The words brought a smirk to her lips just as she started running through the halls. "SECURITY BREACH ON LEVEL 5.” A voice spoke repeatedly, echoing down the halls, trailing after Suzy. “They know we’re here, double time." She walks from around the corner to find the glass barricade coming down from the ceiling. The young girl sprints her way closer before sliding over to the other side, back flat on the floor  before she sprung back to her feet. "Maintain for five minutes, birdie." She chimed before running again, the door at the end of the hall granting her access to employee locker rooms. "Care for a weapon, S?" She slows down and smiles, passing by lockers, "Don’t tease." She looks up at the surveillance camera at the upper right and does a cut throat gesture before rigging one of the cabinets and shooting the eye.
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agent-imyoona · 11 years
In a matter of hours on Friday, Typhoon Haiyan completely devastated parts of the central Philippines. It was one of the strongest storms ever recorded. The death toll is estimated up to 10,000 with hundreds of thousands more displaced. The country has declared a “state of calamity.”
To all our...
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agent-imyoona · 11 years
"So you've met Siwonnie Horsie," Yoona muttered as she accepted Tao's notes. "I hope he hasn't been mean to you. If he has, just tell me and I will be more than happy to shred him to pieces." Lee Donghae... where did she hear the name before? Oh right! Siwon's partner.
"It's funny you mentioned Lee Donghae," she said as she started reading those notes. "Did you know he almost destroyed that cryptex I asked you to solve just now?" She chuckled at her own revelation and went back to reading his notes. 
"Your Korean is a lot more fluent than I expected, Taozi," she said. "But I get what you mean. Some things are just too difficult to be verbally expressed that even people with superior IQs find themselves at a loss for words." 
"Since you're tasks are pretty minor and can be put off, how about helping me with programming the new security code I devised. Maybe you'd have some ideas what we can change or improve on? You can even tell me if you have any suggestions." Yoona enjoyed challenging her students' capacities, and Zitao was no exception. This was also her way of getting to know him better. 
Yoona & Tao; Work task
"Well this", Tao said, nodding his head towards the computer, "this isn’t anything super important. Just some kind of simply task they gave me, to get to known these programs and such", he said. "I can do it later."
"Don’t you think I am pretty fluent in Korean?" Tao asked half-jokingly and shortly glanced at Yoona. "But what I mean, I just can’t express myself that good through words. I am not stupid or anything tho", he added in the end. 
"Not many, just… Lee Donghae and.. Choi Siwon? I guess?" Tao shrugged a little while writing some notes to the paper. "But friends? I don’t think… Not yet", he mumbled. ‘Friend’ was not something he made easily, but he didn’t mind that too much.  He would have them as the time went on, either inside or outside of Seoul spies.
Finally, Tao put the puzzle to the table and translated his notes from Chinese to Korean, then handing the paper to the older lady. “Here… I think this is all I can get out from this. I hope it helps.”
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agent-imyoona · 11 years
Yoona leaned back against the chair as the Im family's tailor took Joonmyun's measurements. "You act exactly like my dad does every time Jinsu ajusshi comes over." She laughed as she looked through Jinsu's ready-made pieces. "Jinsu ajusshi," Yoona said, addressing the old man, "would it be possible to make something special for my dongsaeng?" She knew that if she told the old man that this new client was someone close to her, he'd be more than happy to make something customized. The suits that were available all weren't age-appropriate and she didn't want the old man to have to alter them just to fit. 
When he was done taking Joonmyun's measurements, he told them to come back in a few days. Yoona shook her head. By a few days, she knew the old man meant a few weeks at least. He was going to design a couple of suits and have them made. He'd also make a list of shoe recommendations and probably design neckties for each of those suits. "You may charge the bill to Seoul Inc.," she said, grinning from ear to ear at Joonmyun's facial expression. "My boss won't mind. After all, it is his proteges we are dressing up."
She and the old man exchanged a few embraces and promises to come back again before she ended the first part of Joonmyun's torture. "What do you want to look for first," she asked once they were back in her car. "Casual wear or jackets?"
Joonmyun & Yoona || Cup of Joe?
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