agentwrongcat · 4 minutes
being neurodivergent is all fun and games until someone is slightly critical of you and you suddenly feel physically ill
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agentwrongcat · 4 minutes
my new favourite way to fuck with my coworkers is by responding to any minor injuries they get by asking them if the offending object bit them. burned by a hot drink? aw, did it bite you? cut your hand on a sharp edge? oh no, did it bite you? bumped into a table and bruised their shins? guess you got bitten. they know to expect it now but it still gets them every time.
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agentwrongcat · 7 minutes
People on this website will have hard-line opinions on Punk and then say like "What does Jamaica have to do with punk music?"
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agentwrongcat · 7 minutes
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they're gonna violate food safety standards we've never even heard of
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agentwrongcat · 8 minutes
After years of living in the adulting world, I think I’ve come to a realization: Manners exist to guide you to good conduct even when you’re in a bad mood.
When you’re happy, when you’re feeling generous, when you’re pleased with your gift or your service or your outcome, it’s easy to be nice. It’s easy to tip the waiter well when you’ve had a good day. It’s easy to thank the teller or the clerk when you got what you wanted out of the transaction. It’s easy to smile and chit-chat with strangers on the road when you’re in a good mood.
It’s hard to tip the waiter when you didn’t enjoy your food. It’s hard to thank the clerk for their time when you’ve just been told there’s a problem with their account and they weren’t able to fix it for you. It’s hard to think of something nice to say when your aunt gave you a crappy sweater you neither need nor want. It’s hard to be nice to people when you’ve had a shitty day. It’s HARD.
That’s what manners are for. Scripts and phrases that you learn by rote to say when you can’t think of a single nice or good thing to say from your own volition. Yes, they’re scripted. Yes, the sentiment is empty. But the scripts work in every situation, and the emptiness provides a buffer between your own unhappiness and the rest of society.
Because most of the time, it’s not the waiter’s fault that the food you ordered wasn’t what you expected. It’s not the clerk’s fault that your account is overdrawn. It’s not the fault of the barista or the stranger on the subway that you got fired today or your favorite aunt died. But even when you can’t summon a smile or a cheery word, you can still have manners, because they will serve you the same in sunshine or rain.
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agentwrongcat · 9 minutes
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Star Trek Beyond (2016) // Dir. Justin Lin
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agentwrongcat · 10 minutes
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For those who needed to hear it today
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agentwrongcat · 11 minutes
Hey I’d really appreciate it if goyim and even ashkenazi Jews would read and rb this
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agentwrongcat · 12 minutes
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agentwrongcat · 12 minutes
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agentwrongcat · 12 minutes
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agentwrongcat · 12 minutes
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agentwrongcat · 13 minutes
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drew another indian miku‼️
i’ve always wanted to draw the sitar
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agentwrongcat · 13 minutes
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agentwrongcat · 13 minutes
Doctors get all "Oh, where'd you hear about that? Dr. Google?" then you ask them about something you read in a peer reviewed journal they turn their monitor away from you to use Doctor Google.
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agentwrongcat · 14 minutes
i hate the "meta glasses" with their invisible cameras i hate when people record strangers just-living-their-lives i hate the culture of "it's not illegal so it's fine". people deserve to walk around the city without some nameless freak recording their faces and putting them up on the internet. like dude you don't show your own face how's that for irony huh.
i hate those "testing strangers to see if they're friendly and kind! kindness wins! kindness pays!" clickbait recordings where overwhelmingly it is young, attractive people (largely women) who are being scouted for views and free advertising . they're making you model for them and they reap the benefits. they profit now off of testing you while you fucking exist. i do not want to be fucking tested. i hate the commodification of "kindness" like dude just give random people the money, not because they fucking smiled for it. none of the people recording has any idea about the origin of the term "emotional labor" and none of us could get them to even think about it. i did not apply for this job! and you know what! i actually super am a nice person! i still don't want to be fucking recorded!
& it's so normalized that the comments are always so fucking ignorant like wow the brunette is so evil so mean so twisted just because she didn't smile at a random guy in an intersection. god forbid any person is in hiding due to an abusive situation. no, we need to see if they'll say good morning to a stranger approaching them. i am trying to walk towards my job i am not "unkind" just because i didn't notice your fucked up "social experiment". you fucking weirdo. stop doing this.
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agentwrongcat · 16 minutes
So sick of dog motif what about cat motif.
I love you but we don't love the same. I can't be near you when you want me to be. Your love is smothering and your need to keep me safe is trapping me. I'm my own person but I don't know how to show you that. I lash out and hurt you even though I don't mean to. I need you to move slowly around me or I'll bolt. I love you, even though I don't say it. If you stay still I'll sit next to you, and even though we don't understand each other we can be together like that.
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