agothgirlsdog · 3 years
How would these characters react to you hugging them: ☆ARCANE EDITION☆
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Okay so there would be many ways of how she can react to this, first she would be every much happy and would squeeze you until you can't breath and would be jumping up and down. She could be confused and be kinda awkward about it but then she would melt into your arms. She could just start to sniffle a tiny bit with tears in her eyes cause she really needed it. Or she could just be very surprised but a after a while she hugs back.
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Vi would hug you first actually and it ends up just being cuddles and small kisses here and there and some "I love you".
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She would be confused and flustered. Then when shes all calmed down she gets serious and says "I love you too but I have to go to work now sweetie".
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Anyways he would also be confused but since he is very weak he would give a small hug back.
Thats all because I hate Jayce with passion🤌🏼
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