agryffindorstudent · 8 years
(adjective) Considered one of the most beautiful words in the English language, ephemeral is defined as being transitory; short-lived or lasting a very brief time, sometimes a day. Equally as beautiful as its antonym, sempiternal, defined as everlasting; ephemeral’s beauty lies in its temporariness. Its romantic nature is generally used to describe an exciting or extraordinarily fleeting moment, such as the seasons, a love affair, or childhood. (via floranymph)
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agryffindorstudent · 8 years
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favorite stationery [pt 2] 🖋 most of the stuff in the pic are from muji 😍
stuygram @europhias
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agryffindorstudent · 8 years
concept: every single little studyblr gets their dream grades. everyone gets the jobs they’ve always been hoping for. the world is ruled not by aging baby boomers but instead by young women, focused and determined everyone who has studied day and night with the dream of making a small difference finally achieves their goals. everyone is happier and knowledge and hard work combats poverty and war
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agryffindorstudent · 8 years
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23/100 days of productivity   +  TUE 6.22.16 // 2:35 pm
theme of the day: DOODLES!! Organic Chemistry Alkene and alkyne notes + doodling flowers on my PAT scoresheet (may have gone a bit overboard with the cacti ngl  ಥヮಥ)
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agryffindorstudent · 8 years
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agryffindorstudent · 8 years
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The first photos I’ve uploaded that are not on a white table, haha! :)
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agryffindorstudent · 8 years
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“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart.” - Helen Keller
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agryffindorstudent · 8 years
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extremely extremely stressed about prelims 😔😞☹️
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agryffindorstudent · 8 years
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Rainy saturday mornings with commercial law! 
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agryffindorstudent · 8 years
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acc pre-calc notes from this week! we started learning about the unit circle and radians and degrees and stuff like that, and tbh it’s kinda sorta making sense??? i mean, i’m still rlly bad at estimating, but you gotta do what you gotta do to improve :’)
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agryffindorstudent · 8 years
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I needed to show you guys these socks I got from my Secret Santa this week because they’re FREAKING ADORABLE AND MATCH MY SPREAD. // It’s been super gloomy in cali the past few days but the sun finally came out today. This week had it’s ups and downs; I can gladly say that I survived my last week of school and I’m so excited to enjoy my very well deserved holiday break! 
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agryffindorstudent · 8 years
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August 28, 2016 || Notes on EM waves 📝
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agryffindorstudent · 8 years
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Some of my study guide for my cognitive psychology final tomorrow
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agryffindorstudent · 8 years
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December 15th, 2016
T-minus 24 hours until I’m done first semester of second year uni :D Woke up early to finish lab work (buffers are seriously tough love) and to replace my gel electrophoresis needle (I think I accidentally tossed mine out). Some global health review today and trying not to freeze because the heat in our building keeps shutting off. A few years ago when the ice storm hit Toronto I was sitting at home in Calgary and thinking to myself “Ha! I’ll never live in Toronto” and look at me now.
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agryffindorstudent · 8 years
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8.25.16+12:14pm // simple weekly spread since i did not have enough time this week! also sitting and going through asks. good luck to everyone starting a new/first semester of school!
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agryffindorstudent · 8 years
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9.28.16+12:21pm // spread 2: arizona // mixed feelings about this spread, but i like the colors. had fun making it, at least! credits to @dovebread/post and @nihophoenix/post. :D
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agryffindorstudent · 8 years
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“What art offers is space - a certain breathing room for the spirit.”
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