agt-dnvrs · 3 days
Musician Age Gap AU Pt 7
When Kara receives a text from Lena that her ride to the restaurant has arrived, she half expects to see Lena waiting for her inside. She's only a little disappointed when to find the seat empty. What's more strange is that the driver doesn't take her to a restaurant, but rather a hotel.
Before she can wonder if maybe the restaurant is inside the hotel, a young woman emerges from the lobby and approaches the vehicle.
"Kara?" she asks a little breathlessly. Kara nods. "Hi, I'm Jess, Lena's assistant."
"Oh," Kara says, her stomach dropping. "Did she need to reschedule, or...?"
"Oh! No! Nothing like that, she's upstairs waiting for you." Jess hands her a keycard, offering a congenial smile. "Penthouse."
Blinking in surprise, Kara accepts the card with numb fingers. "And I just..."
"Yup! Staff and security are expecting you, so just go on in."
Jess holds the lobby door open, but doesn't follow her inside. When Kara pauses to look back, the woman is slipping into the same car Kara had just exited. As the car pulls away from the car, Kara takes a moment to collect herself.
This is fine. This is happening. And she's fine. She can do this.
Drawing her shoulders back, Kara presses further into the lobby, navigating herself to the bank of elevators with minimal fuss. When she presses the button for the penthouse suite, the car doesn't begin to move until she swipes her keycard against the sensor.
Catching sight of herself in the reflection of the doors, Kara feels flushed but exhilirated. For the first time in a long time, she feels... desirable.
When the elevator doors open, it spits her out directly into the middle of an expansive living space. Though a savory aroma fills the air, there's absolutely no one in sight.
"In here!" Lena's disembodied voice calls from Kara's left. Kara drifts towards that direction, eventually turning a corner into a kitchen area bearing evidence of intensive cooking. Lena looks up from a saucepan she's stirring to grace Kara with a warm smile. "Hey."
"Hey," Kara echoes. Lena wears a stained white apron over what looks to be a black jumpsuit, pants long and elegant against her fair skin.
"I figure this is probably not what you expected for tonight, and I should have warned you, but I promise the food'll be as good as any restaurant's."
Only then does Lena seem to actually absorb what Kara is wearing. Green eyes widen minutely, then track up and down Kara's figure.
"Wow," she breathes.
A rush of pleasure floods Kara. She'd been mindful of her look even beyond the dress. She'd left her hair in a chignon, exposing the understated dangling earrings that brushed her bare neck. A gold cuff encircles her right wrist, catching the light as she leans against the island between them.
"Wow yourself," Kara returns in a low voice. She gives a teasing smirk. "I admit, when you said 'something fancy' I didn't think you meant chef boyardee."
Lena blinks, then throws her head back in a peal of delighted laughter. By the time she turns back to the pan, she has to scramble to save whatever is cooking.
"Oh shit!" she curses, still giggling as she  fumbles to turn off the heat. "That was close--- you're a menace!"
Kara lets her grin linger, watching Lena slide the pan onto a trivet. Then it's her turn to stare when Lena removes her apron, revealing a neckline that swoops lower than her sternum, accented by several strands of long, delicate chains looped around her neck. When Lena removes her hair tie, long hair spills around her shoulders.
With the intense styling from the show, her hair is soft and silky, as dark as ink in the overhead lights-- which Lena soon dims as she nods towards a small table set up with a pair of place settings.
"The wine cabinet is on that side. Care to pick something while I serve up?"
Kara readily obeys, if only to have a moment to calm her racing heart. She settles on a white she thinks will pair with the chicken she'd seen in the pan. She pretends not to see the label, one she does not recognize that she's sure is worth her half her yearly salary.
"Oooh, good choice," Lena observes when they converge at the table. As Kara sits, and Lena leans a little to deposit a plate in front of her, the inner curve of one breast becomes visible for the briefest moment.
Kara clears her throat, waiting for Lena to take her seat across the table. "You're full of surprises today," she tells her host.
"Let's just say I like to keep a girl on her toes." A mischievous glint sparks in Lena's eye as she lifts her wine glass. "To you," she toasts. "For making a certain niece slash goddaughter very happy."
"To both of us, then," Kara counters. Their glasses clink, and she's suddenly struck by how intimate her circumstances currently are. It's quiet in the penthouse, the only noise the sounds of their forks and knives clicking.
"Thank you," Lena says quietly. "For coming. I should have told you I didn't intend to bring you to resturant."
"I understand," Kara reassures her. "I can't imagine what the press would say if we were seen together--"
"What? NO. That is NOT what I meant." Lena leans forward, placing her hand on Kara's. "Are kidding? I would have absolutely zero shame being seen with you."
Kara flushes. "Oh."
"I wanted to spend time with you," Lena continues. "But being out there... it would mean sharing myself with the entire city. And the only person I want to share myself with tonight is you."
Her words descend to a low rumble, a tone that sends heat straight to her groin. She shifts in her seat, subtly adjusting in an effort to ease sudden arousal. It doesn't work.
"I hope you know how highly I think of you."
Kara's brow furrows. "That's part of what I don't understand. You don't... you don't know me."
She expects a denial, a claim of some profound connection that somehow explains everything. But Lena doesn't do that.
"You're right. We don't know each other very well. But do you know what I see when I look at you?"
"Honestly... no," Kara confesses. "I really don't."
"I see a busy woman who took time out of her evening to take her niece to a concert. Someone ran into a celebrity and didn't ask for a single thing except directions. And I see someone who saw a phone number on the back of a ticket, and had the courage to call it."
Lena gazes at her with even focus. Kara does her best to hold eye contact, until a flush creeps up her neck.
"I want to know more," she continues. She shrugs, lifting her wine glass to her lips. "Does it have to be any more profound than that?"
Kara considers her words, and to her surprise her anxiety about the whole thing begins to ease. Maybe Lena is right. Maybe Kelly is right too.
Maybe, sometimes, it's nothing more than two people enjoying each other's company. And sometimes, it doesn't need to be anything more than that.
"No," Kara agrees softly. "I suppose it doesn't."
The woman in front of her brightens even more, somehow. Lena leans back in a dignified sort of slouch, and Kara feels herself respond in kind. Her muscles loosen, and her grip on her fork eases.
"In that case," Lena says, "we have a whole evening ahead of us. Whatever shall we talk about?"
Kara meets her gaze, and relishes the energy she channels into it. Time to meet Lena exactly where she is.
"Anything you like."
'Anything' ends up spanning Kara's work, her family and even her limited travels, and she can't bring herself to feel self-conscious about how little it is. Despite having three times the worldliness at half her age, Lena listens with rapt attention, drinking it in.
It's easier to share than Kara thought it would be. She goes on and on, but it doesn't feel like too much, even when she figures it should be. Still, she makes a point to redirect the conversation to Lena, when they transition from the table to the couch for their second glass of wine.
"What about you?" Kara asks.
Lena snorts. "What about me?"
"Well, do you like to travel?" Kara settles into the cushions, letting her legs stretch a little. She notes the way Lena's gaze flits towards them for a brief moment before lifting back to Kara's face. "I mean, clearly you do travel, but do you like it?"
To her surprise, Lena shrugs. "It's part of the job. I don't really ever get the tourist experience, though. I think this afternoon is the closest I've come to it."
"Well, I'm always happy to be your travel guide to National City." Kara grins. "Next time I'll show you the karaoke bars I went to in college."
Lena stares at her, eyes sparkling pleasantly. "You said next time."
Instead of denying it, or trying to explain it away as a slip of the tongue, Kara tilts her head. "I did, didn't I?"
"You know..." Lena purrs, shifting to sit a little sideways, letting one finger brush the skin of Kara's shoulder. "I only had dinner in mind when I invited you out tonight."
"Mhmm," Kara hums.
"But ever since you showed up wearing this..." Lena's finger strokes the strap of Kara's dress. "I can't stop thinking what it might look like on my floor."
Kara's breath catches.
"No pressure," Lena continues, voice deep in her throat as she leans a little closer. "I just want you to know that you look.... ravishing." Lena's nose bumps the skin of Kara's neck. "And that I'd love to make you feel so, so good..."
Before she can think twice about it, Kara turns her head to meet Lena's lips with hers. Almost immediately, Lena gives a little moan, her hand coming up to cup Kara's cheek, deepening the kiss.
Kissing Lena feels less like fireworks, and more like a languid descent into velvet bliss. Lena feels soft, tastes sweet, and responds to Kara as though she lived inside her brain. Just as Kara reaches to tug Lena closer, the woman levers herself over to straddle Kara's lap. Now, both of Lena's hands are on Kara's face, and Lena's long hair brushes Kara's chest as she perches there, chin dipped to give Kara all her attention.
It's not until Lena's right hand begins to drift down towards Kara's chest that Kara pulls back for air.
"Wait," she urges breathlessly.
Lena pulls back immediately, concern plain over flushed cheeks. "Sorry. I didn't mean..."
"No, it's-- you're-- it's fine," Kara stumbles over her words. It's a struggle to form any words, let alone rational ones, past the cotton of desire stuffed between her ears. "It's just-- I haven't--"
Lena's brow furrows. "Ever?"
Kara barks a laugh. "No. Just a while." Letting her head fall back against the cushion, she sighs. "I don't want to do anything we both might regret..."
Suddenly, Lena sounds small. Young in a way she hasn't before. Kara opens her eyes in time to see Lena's brightness dim, a shutter close behind her eyes.
"No, hey--" Kara reaches for her, but Lena pulls back, refusing to meet her eye. "Lena..."
"If you don't want this, you've got a shitty way of saying so."
Kara blinks in surprise at the shift in the woman's tone. But it's not anger that undercuts her words, but hurt.
"Not wanting isn't the problem," Kara murmurs. She reaches for Lena's wrist, and this time she lets her. "Usually, it is. But not this time. Not with you."
Lena looks at her, expression guarded, but says nothing.
"But I'd be lying if I wasn't afraid of what where this might lead. If tonight isn't... enough."
What had Lena said before? That she felt drawn to Kara... and if Kara were a magnet then Lena is the sun, with a gravitational field that could swallow planets-- and Kara-- whole.
"So... what do you want?" Lena asks soft.
"You." The answer is an easy one. "But maybe, whatever this is..." Kara waves her hand, encapsulating whatever invisible string was drawing them together. "Maybe it can last for more than tonight?"
Finally, Lena features soften into a timid smile. "Pen pals are cool too."
"Pen pal--!" Kara's incredulous exclamation gets swallowed by another kiss, this one soft and gentle, lingering.
"Friends, then," Lena murmurs. She looks into Kara's eyes, her gaze unfathomably deep. "And a reason to come back to National City."
When Kara leaves that night, Lena kisses her cheek one last time.
"You have my number," she murmurs, letting her hand run the length of Kara's arm as they part. "Use it."
When their fingers tangle together, Kara gives Lena's a squeeze goodbye.
"I will."
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agt-dnvrs · 17 days
And THEN, 👀👀👀 in the BAD WORLD where they NEVET MET 😢, Lena's ❤HEART❤ is replaced with KRYPTONITE 🙊💀💔🤯
... Why are you looking at me like that?
What's a metaphor?
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agt-dnvrs · 1 month
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carmilla content in 2024?? More likely than you think
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agt-dnvrs · 1 month
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Happy 10th Anniversary !
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agt-dnvrs · 1 month
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On August 20th 2014 the first episode of Carmilla aired on Youtube
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agt-dnvrs · 1 month
some of you really aren’t gonna like this, but a creator’s wishes should never dictate what fan content is produced for a piece of media.
in the past, authors like anne rice have tried to limit the production of fanfiction. but at least rice was honest - she thought this infringed on her copywrite. back in the day, this was considered a valid argument to not create any fanfiction at all for her works.
do you understand what i’m saying? while you may sound valiant for placing a creator’s “discomfort” above the fan’s natural proclivities in fandom, really you’re just continuing to advocate for censorship in fan spaces.
and for anyone who is a creator, or who wants to become one - get comfortable with the rules of the internet. there will be erotic content made of your characters, there will be weird AUs made with your characters. there will be strange pairings and headcanons, no matter if you interact religiously with the fans or not. you cannot stop people from connecting with and wanting to be creative with your characters.
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agt-dnvrs · 2 months
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supercorp + texts posts (part 1)
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agt-dnvrs · 2 months
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agt-dnvrs · 2 months
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agt-dnvrs · 2 months
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agt-dnvrs · 2 months
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Hear me out
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agt-dnvrs · 2 months
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Some things are too terrible to grasp at once. Other things - naked, sputtering, indelible in their horror - are too terrible to really grasp ever at all. It is only later, in solitude, in memory that the realization dawns: when the ashes are cold; when the mourners have departed; when one looks around and finds oneself - quite to one's surprise - in an entirely different world.
- Donna Tartt
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agt-dnvrs · 2 months
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yayy theyre back
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agt-dnvrs · 2 months
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agt-dnvrs · 2 months
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in each and every one of you there is a light (insp)
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agt-dnvrs · 2 months
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drawing ronance every day because i can
day 6: ”longing„
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agt-dnvrs · 2 months
Robin Buckley, and Debby Harry, the lead singer of blondie, Nancy’s favorite band, (has a poster in her room + Robin listed it when Vecna had Nancy), around the 1980’s
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To further prove my point here’s Maya hawke:
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