Drama reflection. 4
To start we made some stretching and them was the same that we did in all the semester. Second, the teacher asks if the students can write their favorite place on one piece of paper, this activity was very interesting because we helped the students with that and some of them don't understand but if you concentrate in made that they have to understand and they don't need Spanish for that, they will understand. The third activity was made faces with the emotions that the teacher said, it was very funny. The next activity was created sculptures and when the teacher says a place you have to speak with your partner, I really enjoyed this activity because some of the students wanted to participate. The next one was made a scene but first without emotions and in the second time, the students give you an emotion. The last one was created a story giving a problem and then the solution, I really like this activity because we invent very funniest stories. I feel very satisfied with the activity and also with my personal presentation, maybe I can improve my English and also my pronunciation.
To my point of view the best way that we can teach English and have very good results is teaching like here in the university with games and little presentations, but the most important aspect doesn't speak Spanish in the classroom. I think that I can adapt some of those activities because the part of stretching I can use this one for the little kids but the steps that we have to speak I think that in those parts we can make some activities to give them new words but very simple ones like point and touch, and we can use these words with animals, fruits, and colors, because those things they learn in this each.
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Although there is still currently a wide difference in access to and uptake of technology in education, both within the UK and from country to country, the use of technology in learning and teaching is developing rapidly, not only in language learning but across the curriculum in general. This general move towards ‘e- learning’ means that, even if teachers are not yet in a position to use technology in the classroom immediately, an understanding of their potential and how to integrate them effectively into language learning is an important aspect of teacher development. 3 WAYS Creating TELL activities Integrating TELL in teaching reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary Integrating TELL in teaching  speaking, listening and pronunciation Both include some ideas that I have, they give some examples for learning English or any language with technology, you can found different activities for all the differents grades. The most interesting activity that I found is learning English with applications on the phones and in iPads, this is very common but is interesting because you can really learn English or any language with some applications, there have to be very good applications but the important here is that you can learn in those applications. My program is preschool and I think the best activity from my point of view that I found is watching a video with many easy vocabularies, like fruits, animals, family or colors.
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Reflection 7 . Technology
In all the differents links that I choose, I make the activities that are like a quiz but only with the symbols,  if you make exercises like a test, with Mark your mind obviously make better all the exercises, always the people want to have the best mark in comparison with the person who is next to you. I make the activities with symbols because if you know all the symbols of each word of the English language you go step by step to get better your pronunciation. Maybe you have a very good English, but if you don't say very good like your English the pronunciation of every word your English have to improve. All the people that speak English need to have a good pronunciation because if you say " jelou jaguar yu" Obviously your English is not a good English, so is very important to have a perfect pronunciation, sometimes the people have a bad pronunciation and for the reason the people who listen to the words, they understand something extremally different. In my opinion, if you study and also understand all the symbol that the English language has, you get better and better your English. The symbols give you an advance in your oral English, also in your confidence if you know that you have a good pronunciation you can read in public without the nervous.
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Reflection 6. Technology
In my opinion, the audience that Cristina have in her blog is the young people or old and also these people have to want to learn English. The purpose of this blog is to make better the English in the world, this language is the international language so all the world need speak well and also clearly English. When I make all the activities of four categories I think that the all of the websites help us in get better our English and also know if we are at the level that we think. This is very important, because if you make for example exercises of one level less that you are maybe you never get better your English. To my point of view, this blog is very helpful, because you can search some website that helps in your English skills, but with one entertainment form because this is a very important point to learn something if you feel bored when you learn maybe in the future you don't want to learn more of this. When I entered on Cristina's blog and see that she put all these tips for learning English and also get better our skills I really think that she is very intelligent, all the people make websites but never give this help in they own blog. In conclusion, ui think that this blog is very interesting for learn English and also get better our pronunciation because this is a really difficult step of learning this language.
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Reflection 3. Drama
Theatre Performances for EFL learning.
In my opinion, the first step helps us in many things, for example, we can understand some persons that they have these problems and also help us in this situation the step about choose resolution because we can help them in get away they problems. Then we have to analyze all the problems and discuss the consequences of the resolution if they are the best solution for these teenagers problems. In the steps that we have to improvise and also create the dialogue, I learned a lot of new words and I realized that I can make many things with this language without mistakes like in the beginning the year. Later we have to practice our performances and in this step, the teacher helps us with some feedback, for example, make more notoriously the climax or the problem and obviously, we use them feedbacks. Finally, when we have to present the performance I learned that the nervous we have to get away because if I will be a teacher I need my confidence for teaching all the things that I learned n the university.
For my perspective, I can adapt this project for my students of the level of pre-school for example, all the children have to wear a disguise of animals and the problem is that the animal don't want to share their food with the other animals of the farm, with some songs like the farm song and they have to dance for make the presentation more funny and also more easy for them, and finally share the resolution for the problem with all their families and make other dance with all the animals happier.
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You have a lot of tips, very good job. I realy like your reflection!
Reflection #5
I think to search information more efficiently on google you have to be specific, search specific words to find the information that you need or want. If you search information with a sentence probably you find different result because google looks for specific words and give you result for this words. So you need search specific words for find efficient information. After to saw videos of how searching more efficiently information in google, I learn things that I don’t know. -If you want looks a quote of some book you only have to insert (“ ”) this and google automatic looks this specific text on the web and after giving you the text. -If you want to looky a blog or page in the website, you only need remember the words that have in the link and search something like this: bass competition -fish -fishing -speaker. And google looks the link that has fish, fishing or speaker. -If you forget a word that you need to look, but you know the rest of the sentence you only have to insert (* *) this, and google looking your lost word. -You can search information with images. You have to go to google images, then put search by image and upload an image and browse on your computer. Copy the location of the image and then paste in the search, immediately google gives you similar images with the location and on the web give you the original image and our information. -When you found a site but you lost this, you can search the same sentence and add (site: URL) google gives you first the site that you looks. -If you really like a site on the web and you want to look similar websites only search (related: URL) google gives you the similar contents sites that you need.
But how do you know if the information in a web page is reliable or not? You have to look the final letters in the link, like .com, .org, .edu, .gov, and if is a personal blog have a personal name. Like this, you can know the information is an opinion, real or false. Find an epal on the internet it’s easy if you know how to search.
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Reflection 5. Technology class.
in my opinion, if you search in google with specifics words you can found the specific information that you search and you don't need search other time. on the other hand, I saw in youtube a video that says all the tips that we need for search more efficiently in google and I write these tips. The first tips are the same that I say at the start of this paragraph, but also you need to put between and before of these words quotation marks and you can to have the specific answer. when you need to search one specific thing, but you need this information fast you can put the minus sign and write the word that doesn't need will appear in the search. if you search a specific event and you need real information you have to search for the specific years, month or day and also you have to put one specific site, like history.com. Also, this way to search help you for know if the information is real or fake, but google also have tips for search information with the certainty that this information is real. For example, you have to check the credentials, Top Level Domain. One of the simplest ways to determine the credibility of an online resource is to look at the purpose of the website, which can often be learned from the ending of the site's address. Finally, my process for searching my Epal friend was very difficult, because when I  try to create an account on all the sites that the teacher give us I could not. But when I was wearing like two weeks trying, I remember that when I was a child I send a lot of requests for the persons to live in other countries and I try to with one and it is worked.
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Reflection 4. Digital native and digital immigrant.
To my point of view, the digital native born with this because all the persons have the internet or some interaction with the social networks is a digital native. On the other hand, the digital immigrants are the people don't have interaction with the social networks when they were a child. In opinion when you are a digital native your life are very different in comparison with someone that don't are a digital native, because when you have the internet and the social networks near of your life you have more advantages for communicating and you are very social with persons that you don't know, but if you are a digital immigrant yours communicating with some person that don't live here it's not too much better. In my opinion when you are a digital immigrant you can't change your position, you can move along but not are a digital native, because if you are a digital native is because you born with all the things of the internet, like word or some applications for speak with some person that not live where you live.
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Drama class. Reflection 2
From my point of view, we need to speak with a clear intention, because the expressions help to understand de language and also help to the other person with we speak can understand what we say. The expressions give us advantages for communicating with the world, for example when we don't speak one specific language and we feel nervous we can explain what we want to say or need with our body and for this reason, the expressions and our body are so important to give help us for communicate.
In my opinion, the best form to learn English or some language is to recreate a situation where you need to speak a lot and understand what's up. In my case, I understand and speak more English because all my teachers in the university speak only English with me, for example during breaks, in class and when we go to the bathroom. This situation gives me more confidence and experience in the communication with other people not in my mother language.
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Reflection 3. Social networks.
I choose the social networks Instagram, youtube, and twitter. The social network perspective provides a set of methods for analyzing the structure of whole social entities as well as a variety of theories explaining the patterns observed in these structures. Instagram is a social network and application for uploading photos and videos. Its users can also apply photographic effects like filters, frames, thermal similarities. This social network identifies for reputation, identity, sharing, and conversation. YouTube is a video sharing website. It hosts a variety of movie clips, TV shows, and music videos, as well as amateur content such as video blogs and YouTube Gaming. This social network identifies for identity, sharing, reputation and conversation. Twitter allows you to send plain text messages of short length, with a maximum of 140 words, called tweets, that are displayed on the main page of the user. These messages are public, so they can be shared. This social network identifies for identity, sharing, conversation, and reputation. All the social networks have an especially function, for example, some of them the principal objective is to give communication (make groups) and the others are to give entertainment (upload videos or music). In my opinion, the most important role in all the social networks is the communication with other people, you can speak with people come from the other continent and the message send in short time and this is very important for the interaction.
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Reflection 2. Technology class.
Today I learn to the forums what it is, I make to descriptions of three forums; The student’s room is a large United Kingdom-based community and social learning website for school and university students, Ultimate guitar  Moderators are users that are rewarded for being particularly helpful and knowledgeable in a specific subject and are responsible for moderating forums that focus on the subject they specialize in and finally VeggieBoards is one of the largest and most active internet forums for vegetarians and vegans. In my opinion, the forums are very important site because in there we found all the information we need. In the VeggieBoards, for example, i found all the tips you need if you are vegetarians or vegans. Chile, for example, have one famous forum and this is Rincon del vago, this page is a students room and there you can found works, documents, books, and tests. Also, you can upload your own work.
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Reflection journal 1 “Drama games”
I think if I don't speak the language I can't communicate with the people live there and I don't know anything, because I can't ask they and this is a problem, but I can move my body and my hand or my mouth and in this way I can communicate with the people speak a language I don't speak. I think to speak other languages it is very important because if you don't speak the language where you are, you don't have any idea where you are when you lost, how do you ask this.
Listen and follow instructions it is very good to learn English because when you point, look, shake, reach and make circles with some part of your body you think and understanding the words and you never forget that. the activity is about the teacher or the students give the instructions and the rest follow.
When you interpret the song you can understand the words without the translate because you have the mimics or gestures for the words. For interpreting the song you need many words in your head or you can ask any person you have between of you, but in English, because when you speak and speak one language your mind understanding better in the next time.
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Reflection . Technology class
I think that the teenagers use the technology in the class or for making a work it is very beneficial because the internet gives them more advantage and more information of some matter. The technology has advantages and disadvantages like everything, but the advantages are too much more.
In my point to see I believe the internet, it is beneficial to the teenagers but not to the children, because the children use the internet for play or listen to music and this is not beneficial to them because they don’t focus on the important thing in them age. We need the internet for everything and for this reason we have to use in our lives because this gives us consciousness and more words that we don’t know.
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