Random Update No One Asked For!! Part 2
I am now on episode 43 of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and nearly completion of the serious. With that being said, here’s a continuation of my thoughts!
-black hayate is the best boy and deserves all the love
-roy mustang needs to chill. like damn bro you cant be ambitious and sexy. pick one
-Olivier Mira Armstrong is the only character i fear. if she asked for my firstborn or my social security number i would give her both and all the money in my wallet
-envy is having one hell of an emo phase
-Bradley also needs to chill. He’s either suffering from being forced into this position or hes enjoying being a bad guy but he cant be both. too much angst and too much creepy
-pride can and should be tossed off fort briggs (kudos to the writing and animation for making him an awesome character tho)
-shout out to falman, who is just doing his best 
-the english dub voice for Ling is Natsu and I cant (he’s one of my favs from the manga but the voice is killing me and made it so much better)
-Ling is an accurate picture of highschoolers and i love him
-al has no clue about how to talk to girls
-ed and winry are oblivious idiots and dont know how to communicate
-literally all of Team Mustang has PTSD and they all need a hug
Thank you. I’m sure there will be more soon.
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ah I’m sorry to hear that, I remember hearing about you getting married... I’m glad that there wasn’t a situation such as abuse or cheating, but I can still only imagine the struggle you guys are going through :/ sending you all my love and well-wishes
thank you anon <3
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hello friends. i am unfortunately going through a divorce and my mental state has not been very good. It’s complicated but please know there was zero abuse or cheating involved and we still love each other to pieces. we’ve just decided we’re better as friends than as spouses. i’ll be all right- I’m safe and with family. I’d appreciate any good vibes/healing energy/prayers you can send my way💖
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Forgot to add that a side blog is just an additional blog dedicated to a certain fandom or show or something😂 adhd brain at it’s finest!
Can I ask what a FMAB side blog is? Am I missing an abbreviation in the fandom?
Hey! FMAB stands for “Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood” 😁
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Can I ask what a FMAB side blog is? Am I missing an abbreviation in the fandom?
Hey! FMAB stands for “Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood” 😁
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there are two wolves inside you. one has a book of names for royai babies and a dozen wedding headcanons. other is “they’ll never be together because their happy ending is execution” “roy can never express their feelings because they’re tainted by the fact he counts riza as his first victim” “riza can never love roy as a man because she sees him as her absolution”. you are a mess.
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royai as parents headcanons
-roy is ECSTATIC to be a dad, and he and riza have a very special moment together when they realize he’s just like hughes
-riza is really afraid to be a mom, but she learns how to be the nurturing mother she had desperately needed all these years
-roy doesn’t really remember having a father, so he feels insecure in his abilities. but he teaches his children to be strong and vulnerable when it matters, giving and demanding, and balanced in all things because alchemy requires balance
-roy does not pass on flame alchemy to any of their children. instead, he teaches them medical alchemy and alkahestry, in addition to basic alchemy. when his kids ask about flame alchemy (because they inevitably will, he’s the fuhrer/president and very famous) he explains to them that it’s powerful, but dangerous, and he won’t let anyone else get their hands on it
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✨ home is such a lonely place without you ✨
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I just published the prologue to my fantasy book Grim Aria on Medium.com! If you read my story and join the site (it’s free) I get paid for my work. So please check out my book here.
I will be posting chapters as I finish them. If you join the site within 30 days of reading my story, I will get money. Help support my writing, please! You don’t even have to read, just scroll through or leave the page up for 20 minutes. The longer you take to read each post, the more I earn. In fact, keeping the page open and reading is the only way I can earn anything from viewers. Just viewing the post and/or liking doesn’t get me anything.
Thank you very much if you decide to join and support me with this! <3
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thanks so much to Catie ( @fromthepassengerseat ) for creating this tag back in the day, and thank you to Ana ( @tsaritsa / @rizsa ) for bringing it back! I had so much fun with this last time and I’m so excited it’s back. <3
Who are you and how do you pronounce your username?
Where are you from? (okay to not answer!!)
Give us a fun fact about yourself
What got you through 2020?
What's your favourite medium of Fullmetal Alchemist (Manga, 03, Brotherhood, Live Action)
How did you discover Fullmetal Alchemist?
Do you create any Fullmetal Alchemist content?
What's your favourite scene/arc in the series?
Where would you wanna travel to in Amestris?
What's a favourite headcanon? (crack is allowed and encouraged!!)
What are some of your favourite tropes in fan-created Fullmetal Alchemist content?
Give us your unpopular Fullmetal Alchemist opinion
What kind of alchemist would you be? Would you enroll in the State Alchemy Program?
What's your favourite quote from the series?
tagging anyone and everyone who hasn’t been tagged! if you wanna do it, do it! i’m p sure that everyone has been tagged at this point, hahaha.
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I just published the prologue to my fantasy book Grim Aria on Medium.com! If you read my story and join the site (it’s free) I get paid for my work. So please check out my book here.
I will be posting chapters as I finish them. If you join the site within 30 days of reading my story, I will get money. Help support my writing, please! You don’t even have to read, just scroll through or leave the page up for 20 minutes. The longer you take to read each post, the more I earn. In fact, keeping the page open and reading is the only way I can earn anything from viewers. Just viewing the post and/or liking doesn’t get me anything.
Thank you very much if you decide to join and support me with this! <3
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do people on tumblr like. realize that friendships arent therapy
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Considering I’ve never really been overly mad about Christmas I’m drawing a lot of Christmas fma art 😅
But riza dressed up 🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥺🥺🥺
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no offense but nonbinary ppl can have boobs…..nonbinary ppl can have long hair, wear dresses, use makeup, have beards, be tall or short, muscular, thin, or curvy……there is literally no wrong way to be nonbinary 
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You all asked for it so here’s part 3 (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ The snake juice one is coming pls bear with me 
Part 1
Part 2 Bonuses bc this post was freaking cursed and I’m too tired to finish these:
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Favorite Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Male Characters Roy Mustang, The Flame Alchemist
“Stand back, Colonel. You know as well as I do you’re useless on rainy days”.
Edward Elric Alphonse Elric GreedLing
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Riza pulls up the sleeves of her shirt, fully revealing the livid bruises on both of her wrists, and she hears her Colonel’s quick intake of breath. He almost reaches out toward her, but he waits, letting her come to him. She angles herself toward Roy, holding both of her wrists out stiffly.
“This won’t hurt,” Roy assures her, and Riza knows that he has realized the depths of her apprehension. “Your skin will tingle, and it’ll be over in a couple of seconds. That’s it.”
Riza tucks a lock of hair behind her ear, moved by the reassurance. “I trust you,” she says, simply, honestly. (She trusts him, just as she always has.)
Roy looks at her as if he wants to say something in reply. He directs his attention to her wrists instead, and very gently takes her right wrist between both of his hands. He is careful not to apply pressure, and Riza doesn’t flinch.
delicate, part twelve
I commissioned @chewytran to draw one of my favorite scenes from my Riza character study & royai fic delicate, and she did such a beautiful job in bringing this scene to life. ❤️ Thank you so much to everybody who has read and followed this fic over the past months - it’s been the greatest joy to create and share it. 
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