aheem-heem--whumper · 3 years
I think my whump awakening was sometime in middle school, but I didn't find the words for it until much later. The first tiny barely-there little inkling was honestly probably Gravity Falls. After an hour of searching, I finally found this comic again that I remember seeing on Pinterest years ago, and I was like 'yeah I think blood looks pretty too!' It was such a gem to me because I had never found anything that focused on what I would eventually learn is whump, and like, pretty injuries? Or injuries making someone more attractive? Yeah. Also, all the gory Bill-possessing-Dipper fanart? The gorier, the better! And all the eMoTiOnS behind it! That was a fantastic time for me. The next thing was Supernatural. I'll never forget, the summer between seventh and eighth grade I binge watched the whole show and caught up in time to watch the next season as it aired. That was the first show I watched where it was a recurring thing, I could count on seeing these boys bloody. I ended up making a tumblr in the middle of high school. Interacting with posts about Supernatural, obsessive love poetry, probably pictures of knives, and eventually Hannibal likely put stuff properly tagged as whump in my orbit. And then I lurked, and now I'm here!
Whumpmas in July - Day 2
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Day 2: How did you find the whump community?
Are you an old-school whumper from the livejournal days who migrated to tumblr after strikethrough? Did you find whump two weeks ago via pinterest prompts? Tell us the story of how you found this community, when you decided to make an account, and what convinced you to stay!
Question posts such as this are meant to serve as conversation starters—so while we won’t be reblogging every response, we encourage you to look through the reblogs and the posts in the #whumpmasinjuly tag and see what other people have to say!
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aheem-heem--whumper · 3 years
Whumpmas in July: Day 1 - Intro
Hello! I'm Curio, and this is my grand debut into the whump community! I've been lurking and quietly liking posts from a different blog for at least a few months now, and I figured that this event would be the perfect time to make a blog dedicated to whump where I could reblog stuff, maybe start posting some of my own work, and make some friends!
As for my favorite types of whump, I can't think of the names of tropes off the top of my head, I just know what I like. Bloody and bruised, of course, restraints are always good, torture is fun. After looking up some stuff, I think a some of my favorite tropes and things are pet whump, fantasy whump, and nsfwhump. I've read a lot of great BBU stuff, I stumbled across @haro-whumps' Ren and Soren a while ago and instantly fell in love and spent a few hours going through every installment. That's what led me into the whump community proper, and I've been here ever since! Some other blogs I really like are @comfy-whumpee, @deluxewhump, and @whumblr.
Aside from my whumpy interests, I like being outdoors (especially kayaking and biking), (re)discovering music (I love MARINA, Glass Animals, Mystery Skulls, Bastille, Ken Ashcorp, I Fight Dragons, and Caravan Palace), D&D, video games, anime, all sorts of arts and crafts (cross stitching, making friendship bracelets, a bit of painting), and I'm slowly learning about fashion and how to play guitar. And my favorite color is green!
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