ahitzbean · 13 hours
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you'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling!!
(now available as a sort-of-wallpaper and print~)
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ahitzbean · 5 days
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And All I Have Is Rage.
Was gonna do some Hamilton sketch but I did this instead.🤡 Inspired by that one comment on tiktok saying that if Odysseus was Athena’s champion then maybe Ctimene was Ares’ and I like it. Having a golden child in the family is hard 😅
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ahitzbean · 3 months
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woooaaaughhhhhhhh doomed sisters,,,,,,
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ahitzbean · 5 months
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Soul yarn made from the fabric of universe itself
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ahitzbean · 5 months
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Hostages have been taken, authorities have yet to capture Jimmy and Grian
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ahitzbean · 5 months
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The Pics:
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(sorry about the arrows)
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ahitzbean · 5 months
y'all scar won THREE of grian's mugs i'm sobbing on the floor
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ahitzbean · 5 months
A helping hand
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ahitzbean · 5 months
mumbo is turning into a fish
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ahitzbean · 5 months
Hermitcraft to me is just like the old friends senior villain sanctuary. All of them are retired from large-scale crime, but old habits die hard and very few of them have a solid grasp of ethics. They commit so many crimes but it’s enrichment for them so it’s fine
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ahitzbean · 5 months
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*distant screams of agony*
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ahitzbean · 5 months
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halloween ??!?!?!? oh baby. time for blorbos in costume
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ahitzbean · 5 months
I love the “Mumbo’s some kind of supernatural creature” headcanons, and I love the “Mumbo’s just a guy” headcanons, but may I propose: “everyone thinks Mumbo is some sort of creature thing but he’s actually just a bit strange”
“His eyes are so red they basically glow!” My guy inhales enough redstone to power a small machine on the daily.
“He’s nocturnal! He’s always up at night!” Insomnia.
“It’s like he teleports! He just appears behind people” he’s just naturally very quiet and people don’t hear him walking up.
“He knows so many random facts, there has to have been around for ages to learn all that” he’s just a nerd.
Mumbo gets nervous anytime someone tries to interrogate him, making the hermits even more suspicious, but in actuality he’s just worried they’ll be disappointed and he’s starting to realise they probably won’t believe him no matter what answer he gives.
There’s a server-wide bet going for who can figure out what he actually is. Grian, who’s known him for years and knows full well that’s he’s 100% mortal and human, shows up and starts egging the hermits on by “dropping hints” as to what he may be, much to Mumbo’s dismay. Grian thinks the bet is utterly hilarious.
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ahitzbean · 5 months
facts (?) i have learnt about etho
- lives in the middle of nowhere in snow
- his gaming setup is incredibly cursed
- these revelations about his setup confirm that he does in fact have at least 2 arms. unsure about legs.
- his headphones are cursed in ways i don’t want to think about. but this is Proof he does in fact have a head
- a kid recognised him from his voice
- he hates onions
- used to help with his parent’s plant nursery business before it closed
- helped a girl out of her car after an accident
- has multiple generators
- doesn’t have a phone 😭😭
- probably chops wood and digs ditches?
- he still uses double tap to sprint
- a plastic bag once got stuck under his car and got burnt and stunk his car up for months
- he gets a nosebleed when he drinks carbonated drinks
- he had a cat named snuggles or snuckles who kiLLED A DUCK
- he likes baked potato but it’s actually baked in the MICROWAVE. for 3 hours?????
- a moose once broke his fence
- a moose once bit his sister (?)
- he went camping in the rocky mountains and messed up his ankles
- he likes peanut butter on bananas but he dropped it once but ate it anyway
- he made fireworks in his garage when he was younger and burnt a hole in a table
- he got stopped in an airport for having a BB gun i think it was
- his stopped uploading videos during the olympics. i don’t think this is a coincidence. i believe he is in the national hockey team. i have no proof.
- he is ripped with a 6 pack??
- he didn’t get vaccinated for a while when he was a kid?????
- he can make a popping noise by sticking his pinky finger in his ear
- always wears socks but hates sandals. not sure about the verdict on socks + sandals
- he can rotate his feet over 180 degrees. i think someone said it was 300 degrees but the thought of that makes me uncomfortable
- he likes the colour Green
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ahitzbean · 6 months
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ahitzbean · 6 months
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from scar's livestream earlier when joel said she was invited to creator's clash. lizzie can throw axes irl so she can probably also throw punches lol
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ahitzbean · 6 months
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Daella Targaryen and dragon ( Aemma Arryn’s mother)
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