ahki-arisldn-blog · 8 years
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Why So Serious? | Photographer
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ahki-arisldn-blog · 9 years
- 3 comics
- 3 games
- 1 hypercomic
- 1 interactive game
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ahki-arisldn-blog · 9 years
Evaluation assignment 3
I think my book tells a good story on what happened the day I got my kitten but if I had more time and pages I would have went in depth about what happened and created an even bigger book with more pages. The things I liked about this project is the fact that you can choose what you want to do and you can be as creative as you like but the thing I would change is the quality of the pages of the sketch book which I've drawn in, I like how I used photoshop in some scenarios and by using photoshop I was able to resize pages to roughly the same sizes and if I had more time would have done some real DIY stuff to the book. To make it look extra good. Another matter that I did was to create a little prototype on how the book should be and was meant to be, which last minute fell apart so I just slide them into the pages.
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ahki-arisldn-blog · 9 years
I will be uploading some scanned work as promised, just to show you
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ahki-arisldn-blog · 9 years
if only
It was easier to scan work on the computer and into the right size wanted to make life easier but using Photoshop is complicated when sizing work.
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ahki-arisldn-blog · 9 years
Thoughts on the final
I think my comic styled story is good but had to reduce the amount of information, I put into the book or it would have created a long long story. In my book the storyline has been drawn first before all the other stuff such as characters drawn and friends.
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ahki-arisldn-blog · 9 years
Finishing work on Sunday at 4:30, me and my girl decide to go home and take a nap from 5:30 to 7:30. While we were sleeping her brothers were playing their music with loud speakers, didn't bother us until 7'ish, so we woke up web downstairs to eat. While eating I get a response from a Cat owner telling me I can come collect the kitten now, so I leaped up and told my girl to come but she has a fear for cats but she ended up coming with me. We boxed the kitten and took it home, on the way home we decided to call him dodgers. The end.
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ahki-arisldn-blog · 9 years
I'm not to sure on what story to tell, whether about the time where the whole year group was fighting the year above or whether to tell the story of when I got dodger, my new cat 😁
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ahki-arisldn-blog · 9 years
Drawing of characters being introduced from my childhood who are still in my life now and I still speak to, in colour. Will be uploaded soon, has to be scanned onto the computer first but all drawings are through pictures, photographs and online.
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ahki-arisldn-blog · 9 years
Assignment 3: Explorations
Pixel, image and sound module
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ahki-arisldn-blog · 9 years
Evaluation of module
I think the game that I have created is good but would have been better is if it was easier to draw on the program including small detail to create the effect that it is an official video game. One of the issues I was having when creaking the game is when adding the second interaction the flash programme would either crash or create a collision with the other intersection, another thing would be the fact that the motion created for the interaction, had been shorten and made a lot quicker than drawn\planned. The worst issue I came across was the final section on saving the game on usb in the two different formats it would say that there are no megabytes in the file and when trying to re open it would not let it open and would crash the programme which stressed me out but overall if I was given more time I would have somehow made it more detailed.
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ahki-arisldn-blog · 9 years
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Flow game is a strategy puzzle game that during time it gets harder as you move on to the next levels. You just use your finger to interact with the smartphone and guide each colour to their dot colour by using the limited squares which are available.
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ahki-arisldn-blog · 9 years
Hohokum is 2D art game that was developed by Honeyslug in collaboration with a British artist called Richard Hogg and Sony Santa Monica But published by Sony. The player controls a snakelike animal to investigate 17 unusual universes with no set destinations. The designers, who started advancement in 2008, contrasted the idea with flying a kite and were motivated by free London historical centers, Portmeiron, and indigenous societies. The player-character is a colorful serpent animal called the "Long Mover" who floats through capricious amusement universes with free destinations. There is no right approach to play the amusement, which was intended to be appreciated without essentially seeking after goals. It is non-direct, and has no score, time farthest point, or excercise.
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ahki-arisldn-blog · 9 years
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Journey is a indie game developed by thatgamecompany for playstation3 which got released in march 2012. In Journey, the player controls a robed figure in a tremendous desert, voyaging towards a mountain out yonder. Different players on the same excursion can be found, and two players can meet and support one another, yet they can't impart by means of discourse or content and can't see one another's names. The main type of correspondence between the two is a musical toll. This toll likewise changes dull, hardened bits of material found all through the levels into dynamic red, influencing the diversion world and permitting the player to advance through the levels. The robed figure wears a trailing scarf, which when charged by drawing closer coasting bits of fabric, quickly permits the player to buoy through the air.
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ahki-arisldn-blog · 9 years
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Beyond eyes Is a game which is being developed to bring onto bigger platforms such as playstation4 and Xbox one. The aim of the game is to guide the blind little girl through an unfamiliar world while revealing paths by using the sounds, touch and scent. It's a very interesting game and I can't wait to play it as it is a different approach on gaming and nothing like the others.
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ahki-arisldn-blog · 9 years
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Gone Home is a first-person interactive story adventure video game developed and published by Fullbright. Set in the year 1995, the main objective of the game focuses on exploration of a mansion in Portland, Oregon, and while walking around the house exploring to interact with common household objects within the home. It's a good game but in my opinion it's not my sort of game to be playing but some people may like the gameplay.
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ahki-arisldn-blog · 9 years
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Fly guy A simple game which allows you to interact with all the objects that are placed in the air, such as flying past the kid with the balloon, it interacts and pops the ballon making the kid drop to the ground. Other features such as sitting on a sofa on a cloud or dancing with the lady on the cloud. This game inspired my final idea as I tried to create a flying character but instead of it just flying it has fire within his sole and hands.
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