ahmedsaqlain96 · 4 years
Infertility Support Group of Pakistan is committed to providing support to subfertile couples in a number of ways. Having access to accurate and complete information is very important and therefore Infertility Support Group of Pakistan has created relevant content relating to the issues surrounding Infertility. Please feel free to explore various topics and post your comments to engage with our expert panel of consultants and doctors of Infertility Support Group of Pakistan.
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ahmedsaqlain96 · 4 years
Infertility Support Group of Pakistan is committed to providing support to subfertile couples in a number of ways. Having access to accurate and complete information is very important and therefore Infertility Support Group of Pakistan has created relevant content relating to the issues surrounding Infertility. Please feel free to explore various topics and post your comments to engage with our expert panel of consultants and doctors of Infertility Support Group of Pakistan.
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ahmedsaqlain96 · 4 years
While you may be excited about finding an infertility clinic in Pakistan to start treatment and get pregnant, it’s important not to rush into anything. Not all clinics and practices are the same, so you really need to slow down and take your time to make sure you choose the treatment center that’s right for you.
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ahmedsaqlain96 · 4 years
When dealing with infertility, it is essential to find an infertility clinic in Pakistan that offers both advanced medical care and a supportive environment. Your IVF clinic in Pakistan should see you as a person, not as a patient, and should provide you with access to a wide variety of medical treatments as well as flexibility and understanding.
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ahmedsaqlain96 · 4 years
Finding quality IVF Information is a basic need of anyone undertaking this treatment as a way to treat their infertility. This treatment will in no way be easy or inexpensive. However, for couples for whom all other measures have failed, it presents the best way to conceive successfully.
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ahmedsaqlain96 · 4 years
The purpose of the new guidelines is to enable health professionals to help women have a healthy pregnancy because there are more risks associated with pregnancy in women with a body mass index greater than 30 when ‘They are getting pregnant, says NICE director Mike Kelly.
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ahmedsaqlain96 · 4 years
ICSI & IVF procedures can be used for couples facing these problems to increase their chances of pregnancy. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection or ICSI is often considered the most fundamental breakthrough in the field of reproductive medicine.
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ahmedsaqlain96 · 4 years
IVF Information that is both useful and understandable for couples is widely available and can help alleviate some of the understandable apprehension that the couple may experience before undergoing this procedure. IVF is invasive and generally unpleasant, but offers great results and, especially for couples who are otherwise unable to conceive, it may be the best option for them to getting pregnant successfully.
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ahmedsaqlain96 · 4 years
The importance of an appropriate embryo transfer technique for successful IVF cannot be overstated. Regardless of the quality of the IVF laboratory culture environment, the doctor can spoil everything with negligent embryo transfer. Here are the crucial steps to follow during an embryo transfer.
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ahmedsaqlain96 · 4 years
Obesity is a condition that involves several health risks. There are heart diseases, diabetes, and many others. Those who are obese can also have pregnancy problems. Now a new study indicates a possible link between autism and obesity during pregnancy.
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ahmedsaqlain96 · 4 years
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a practice used during in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. With a typical in vitro fertilization treatment, the female's egg and the male's sperm are placed together, anticipating that the sperm will enter the egg and fertilize it. However, with ICSI, an embryologist will insert the sperm directly into the egg.
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ahmedsaqlain96 · 4 years
Complications of pregnancy can often harm the outcome of pregnancy, ending your dream of starting a family. However, awareness of the complications and associated pregnancy symptoms can help minimize the complexities during childbirth.
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ahmedsaqlain96 · 4 years
During pregnancy Complications are more common than most people think. Even for those who are in good health and who have already had children, early complications of pregnancy can occur, without anyone being responsible for it.
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ahmedsaqlain96 · 4 years
So you are considering IVF? It is a big step for women and couples on the road to victory over infertility. You need to know the odds before you start, but only to prepare for the job ahead. If you can afford it and you're ready to keep trying, if you've gotten to IVF is probably a yes to that, then definitely consider this treatment.
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ahmedsaqlain96 · 4 years
If you have had trouble conceiving, you may be wondering if you can experience the joys of pregnancy. Fortunately, there are many infertility treatments, including in vitro fertilization or IVF. IVF can be a very complex and expensive process, and you need to make sure that it is the best route for you and your partner to follow. Here are some considerations that you should keep in mind when trying to decide if IVF is right for you.
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ahmedsaqlain96 · 4 years
Have you ever wondered if you are infertile? According to medical studies over the years, there are five common signs of infertility issues that may require you to seek infertility treatment if you are serious about getting pregnant. One of the easiest signs to spot is amenorrhea, which is a condition in which a woman does not have a period. Amenorrhea is usual when a female has not reached puberty. Menopausal women may experience amenorrhea. Naturally, pregnancy also announces the normal occurrence of amenorrhea.
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ahmedsaqlain96 · 4 years
The main available methods of infertility treatments
Lack of ovulation can be treated with medication and hormone injections. These fertility drugs have a fairly high risk of multiple births. Cervical mucus abnormalities can be successfully treated with the hormone estrogen. The blockage of the fallopian tubes is a more serious condition, requiring surgical treatment that currently does not have a high success rate, although treatment is constantly improving.
Artificial insemination
Many couples wanting to have a family undergo these tests and treatments and still find that they cannot conceive. They can then consider artificial insemination, which is a method of fertilizing the egg by injecting sperm into the vagina at the ovulation stage.
AIH (artificial insemination by the husband)
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AIH is the term used when the sperm injected comes from the husband or the partner. This is done in cases where the husband is unable, due to physical or psychological problems, to eject the semen himself.
AID (artificial insemination by donor)
AID is used in cases where a husband is unable to produce his own sperm. If the couple wishes, the sperm of a fertile man can be used.
The semen can be frozen and used at a later stage. Such scientific progress is being made in these directions that the use of artificial insemination is becoming very successful and popular with infertile couples.
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
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The design of test tubes is now fairly common. In this procedure, known as in vitro fertilization (IVF), the eggs are removed from the ovary, mixed with sperm, and fertilization takes place. One or more of the resulting embryos are placed at the entrance to the uterus. Implantation only succeeds in around 30% of cases. A method of freezing the embryo has now been developed so that the embryo can be transferred when the risk of pregnancy is high.
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Surrogacy is another method by which couples unable to conceive normally can have a child. A woman who can produce eggs, but cannot bear a child, can donate an egg to be fertilized by the sperm of her partner and implanted in the belly of another woman (a replacement belly); or the surrogate mother can be artificially inseminated with the future father's sperm. In Pakistan, an official investigation into the moral dilemmas posed by surrogacy has concluded that this practice should be made illegal.
There is a lot of controversy about these methods, but many couples who desperately want a baby are willing to try them.
If you want to know when to ask for help and advice on infertility or any
infertility support, visit [https://infertilitysgp.com/discussions] for more discussion.
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