ahmiin · 1 year
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ahmiin · 1 year
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pick one you bald genderless idiot
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ahmiin · 1 year
Do you ever like physically feel yourself pass your mental breaking point and then all you can think is “oh these next few days are going to be interesting”
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ahmiin · 1 year
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Hebden Bridge, Calderdale, West Yorkshire (England)
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ahmiin · 1 year
posts like this make me absolutely fucking feral.
Gene Roddenberry's vision (despite the sort of awful trash goblin person he was in his personal life, but thats beside the point) for Star Trek was literally that people would be better in the future. That progression as a people and society would get better over time, and eventually we would get to a point of something resembling a Utopia, at least compared to the present.
You're telling me that Chapel getting fleshed out in SNW to not be some one dimensional shell of a character that only exists as an incredibly sexist 'woman that exists only to serve and fawn over male main character' wasn't an essential and important change?
You're telling me that Star Trek Picard adding enough depth and complexity to not only fix the borg situation but add meaningful depth to Picard as a person, rectify the Khan timeline and clarify how deeply awful eugenics is, add context to rectify and provide a possible in-universe reason for the abysmally aggrivating habit of writers historically just appropriating Jewish culture in its entirety and airdropping it into Vulcan society while simultaneously refusing to ever acknoeledge Jews exist in the Star Trek universe (the reason being accidental cultural appropriation from ||vulcan observers visiting earth|| spoilers for ST:P), providing meaningful storylines and characters with *diversity* instead of just more white people, that that wasnt an essential and important change?
You are consuming media that writers worked hard to make, media that fulfills the ACTUAL original message of Star Trek. Presumably for free or at least a very low cost point. Other people are working so hard to provide and create this content, and you need to learn an appreciation for content creators. THIS is why we're having so many writer's strikes. Learn some gddamn manners.
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ahmiin · 1 year
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Truly, the perfect successor to Leno
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ahmiin · 1 year
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ahmiin · 1 year
In 4th grade, my bff was in a death feud over chess with a boy in our class but instead of competing like normal people they decided that the best way to determine who was chess master was for each of them to select one of the two biggest idiots in class and teach them to play chess, My Fair Lady style, and see whose idiot won. We are just now, 22 years later, grappling with the moral implications of this exercise.
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ahmiin · 1 year
Person: *Tells me their problems*
Me: *telling my own story to show that I relate to them and understand their pain and offering solidarity and help the best way my autistic brain knows how*
Person: "Why are you making this about you?"
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ahmiin · 1 year
i've experienced popping and cracking in all of the above so i wanna know how normal this is
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ahmiin · 1 year
unironically people need to learn to say “they haven’t done anything wrong i just find them annoying”
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ahmiin · 1 year
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ahmiin · 1 year
it’s always the Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, but never the Irritating Ordeal of Being Known
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ahmiin · 1 year
i'd also like to reiterate, as a semiverbal autistic JEW, that anything comparing any potentially-genetically-related medical conditons to "superpowers" are literally just a repeat of Eugenics rhetoric. Straight up the gas chambers were originally used on disabled and autistic people, and the Nazis specifically used them because *Hans Asperger* said it was the most "humane" way to remove human life.
Debunking autistic social media communities
Episode 4
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Image ID: a tweet from username Buddy Lee (Jesus Saves) reads: “We are more truthful and honest than non-autistics!!! I think autism is a gift from god because all the good qualities we bring!! unfortunately, in this sinful world that hates god and morals we are seen as evil people when our behavior is one that honors god and Jesus Christ.” Some of the words are in all capital letters. End ID.]
Im not even sure where to start with this. But I’ll try.
We are more truthful and honest than non-autistics!!!
Funny joke. Autistic people are not more honest or truthful. We are humans with faults just like every non-autistic person. If autistic people are honest, then how come so many of us mask? Masking is a type of dishonesty (this is not a moral judgement, it’s not bad to be dishonest for your own safety). What about those of us who try to hide how much we are struggling?
I think autism is a gift from god because all the good qualities we bring!!
Autism isn’t inherently good. It doesn’t give us “gifts”. Autism is defined as a specific set of deficits (or struggles or symptoms or whatever vocabulary is correct these days). Autism is a disability, it is a disorder. If “autism” doesn’t make your life more difficult it’s not actually autism.
That’s not to say that autistic people can’t experience joy or talents. Of course we can. However, autistic people having talents isn’t a symptom of autism, it’s a symptom of being a human. Also, there are a lot of autistic people who have severe deficits/struggles and yet do not possess any special “gifts”. They are just as valuable and important to our world than the “gifted” ones.
Our behavior is one that honors god and Jesus Christ!
I’m a trans lesbian who loves to have premarital sex, masturbate, smoke weed, swear and curse, support abortion, and hate the US government. None of those things are in line with evangelical or traditionalist Christian values. I know there are other opinions in more liberal Christian groups, but I’m sure this person does not come from one of those.
Please tell me, does this erase my level 2 autism diagnosis? Does this mean I’m cured? Because by behavior certainly does not align with honoring Jesus Christ.
Autistic people aren’t pure little angels here to be put on a moral pedestal. We’re PEOPLE. With faults and complexity and problems and everything else that comes with being a human.
Conclusion: Traditionalist christianity is toxic and ableist. Autistic people are humans and therefore we have human traits.
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[Image ID: White text in a Galaxy background reads If you: Derail my posts; are an “aspie”; run a sh/ed blog; are under 16; are a TERF; think cripplepunk is for mental disabilities; think that autism isn’t a disorder; are pro-transabled, trace, transage, etc; are pro-map or pro-zoo; are a transmed; want to completely demedicalize autism, I will probably block or mock you. End ID]
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ahmiin · 1 year
i unironically believe electricity is the closest thing we have to magic in this universe. consider:
it's basically what human "souls" are made of (your consciousness is the result of miniscule amounts of electric charge jumping between neurons in your brain)
when handled incorrectly or encountered in the wild, it is a deadly force that can kill you in at least half a dozen different ways
when treated respectfully and channeled into the proper conduits, it is a power source that forms the backbone of modern society
if you engrave the right sigils into a rock and channel electricity into it, you can make the rock think
there is a dedicated caste of mages (electrical engineers) tasked with researching it in ivory towers
whatever the fuck Galvani was doing with those frog legs
look at this and just try to tell me it isn't a kind of summoning circle
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ahmiin · 1 year
So, Dove soap and Lizzo are endorsing KOSA, in the name of "social media is bad for teens' self-esteem" (even though that's bullshit) and I am mad.
If you don't know, long story short KOSA is a bill that's ostensibly one of those "Protect the Children" bills, but what it's actually going to do is more or less require you to scan your fucking face every time you want to go on a website; or give away similarly privacy-violating information like your drivers' license or credit card info.
Either that or force them to censor anything that could even remotely be considered not "kid friendly." Not to mention fundies are openly saying they're gonna use this to hurt trans kids. Which is, uh, real fucking bad.
Given that in terms of their actual products they don't have a direct stake in it, it might be possible to get Dove to rescind this (can't find contact info for Lizzo sadly), if you want to contact Dove about this, here's their contact page.
And, as per usual, I urge you to contact your congresscritters, especially given that as of now (Thursday, 4/13/2023) they plan to re-introduce the bill this Monday, and we're going to need a flood of people saying this is awful to kill it.
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ahmiin · 1 year
Is anyone else just like severely annoyed that media companies and journalists want characters that wear a mask/helmet to take off their mask/helmet all the time
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