ahopkins1965 · 9 hours
Good Morning and God Bless You! I want to inform all of you that I am in need of prayer because I suffer from Diabetes and Degenerative Bone Disease. I want to say thank you for allowing me to become a member of your group. I also suffer from Glaucoma and Cataracts as well as Schizoid Affective Disorder.
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ahopkins1965 · 1 day
What does it mean to feel out of place?
            I have a very important to ask everyone.  Have any of you ever felt out of place during your life?  I have because I went to an AA Meeting a couple of weeks ago, and everyone felt appreciative and understanding.  I was very happy during the AA Big Book Study.  Whereas, two hours later, I went to an NA Meeting and no one did not speak to me and show me love whatsoever.  I really felt out of place because not too many people from AA, which is Alcoholics Anonymous attend NA Meetings.
 Narcotics Anonymous is a very great Fellowship.  It is that, my AA Sponsor does not want me attending those type of meetings.  I do not understand why he would tell me not to attend NA Meetings in the first place.  I can identify with both support groups.  I will have to get another Sponsor because I really think he gave me some bad advice.  I understand that I have an addiction.  I am a grateful recovering alcoholic and addict.  I have been clean and sober for 27 years.
  I want to inform everyone that I have been clean and sober since Wednesday May 2, 1990.  I really feel out of place because of attending a meeting that does not coincide with my personal beliefs.  Frankly, it is not my personal beliefs that I have to deal with, I have been coerced or easily influenced to listen to others.  There are sponsors who give bad advice.  I really feel that my sponsor gave me some bad advice when he should have examined the principles and traditions of NA, and compare it to AA.  In my case, I have to read information from both Fellowships in order to understand things.  Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.  Job 33:14 says for God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night.  When deep sleep falls upon men.
I have to remain prayerful and truthful at all times.  I know that I am in need of a new AA sponsor.  My old AA sponsor and I parted ways with each other over 3 months ago.  This is because he mentioned to me that I should not attend NA meetings.  I have not attended an NA meeting ever since.  I know that all of this sounds like a drama or a soap opera. I know that I am also dealing with issues other than AA, but I am hopeful for the present as well as the future.  I am a very nice person.
 I am a person who learns from everyone.  I know that my behavior has not been the best as of late.  However, I am an analytical person.  I am a person who loves to study.  I am, a person who tells the truth at all times.  I do not have anything to hide from anyone.  I am also a person who is willing to give my last dollar to someone who is in need.  I am a person who has had a great deal of success during the past 30 years.  I have had a lot of success during the time I was working at the University of Toledo for 4 years.  I also has a great deal of success, while working at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.  I am a person who loves to read, write, think freely, and study.  Please keep me in your prayers.  Thank you very much!!
Anthony Hopkins
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ahopkins1965 · 2 days
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ahopkins1965 · 2 days
Breaking Down Step One of AA Alcoholics Anonymous
January 12, 2020 Salt Sound Marketing
Step One of AA: The Journey Begins
The first step of anything is a beginning, so the first step of the Alcoholics Anonymous 12 steps is the beginning of your recovery process. It’s actually really exciting, because it’s the first day of a new life. This is where the healing starts.
Doing the 12 steps is also referred to as “working” the steps, because it requires willingness, effort and action.  It is said the 12 steps of AA is compared to markers put out lovingly on a path by those who preceded us, to direct us on our journey. The journey can seem daunting from the perspective of a person at the beginning but fortunately all we are asked to do is to take one step at a time.
Step One: We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable.
If lucky, our journey has taken us to arriving at a point of surrender. For some people the road they traveled getting to the first step in AA has been more than enough to convince them that unconditional surrender is the only option for recovery.
For a lot of people in recovery, walking into a treatment center or an AA meeting the first time is a major part of “working” step one. Your simple and humble act of asking for help is effectively an admission of powerlessness and unmanageability.
Most addicts are filled with guilt, shame, remorse, and self-loathing when they come into the rooms of AA. They’ve also gotten very used to keeping secrets from pretty much everyone, so opening up about the nature and extent of your alcoholic behavior is going against the grain. It may even feel completely unnatural and you probably don’t want to do it. But sharing your experience and the unmanageability lifts the burden of lugging them around in secret. Letting go of your secrets frees you up to move forward with a different, better life. For many people, the act of sharing Step One in an AA meeting is the true start of recovery.
However, becoming abstinent from alcohol will also be a requirement for starting to work the first step. The first step is all about looking at the effects of alcoholism in your life and for what is needed to be clean: to find a way to stop the behaviors with a perspective that isn’t clouded by alcohol. If you’ve been clean for a while, then the first step is about powerlessness over behaviors that make your life unmanageable.
Step One: Doing The “Work”
There are a lot of things alcoholics can do to fully work Step One. Most of the work is designed to unearth your complete history of use and abuse.
Inventories are a great way to work the steps—even starting with Step One. You can make a few lists:
A Consequences List: The easiest way to break through the fog of addiction is to create a list of consequences related to the behavior.
Powerlessness List: Go for as many examples of your powerlessness over your addictive behavior as possible. Be as fearlessly honest as you can, starting with early examples and ending with the most recent. (A note on “Powerlessness” this is used to exemplify the cravings in an alcoholic [or any addict] that are so intense that the ability to resist is almost impossible. Once an alcoholic takes a drink, a chemical reaction occurs within that body, setting off an intense craving for more.)
Unmanageability List: Write out the ways in which your addiction has created chaos and destruction in your life.
Here are some other really great questions to ask yourself while doing Step One:
What does the disease of addiction mean to me?
How has my disease affected me physically? Mentally? Spiritually? Emotionally? Financially?
How does the self-centered part of my disease affect my life and the life of those around me?
Have I blamed other people for my behavior?
Have I compared my addiction with other people’s addictions?
What does unmanageability mean to me?
What troubles have been caused because of my addiction?
Have I used alcohol or drugs to change or suppress my feelings?
What reservations am I still holding onto?
Do I accept that I’ll never regain “control” over drinking, even after a long period without use?
What could my life be like if I surrendered completely?
Am I WILLING: to follow a sponsor’s direction, go to meetings regularly and give recovery my best effort?
Have I made peace with the fact that I’m an alcoholic and that I’ll have to do things to stay clean?
Responsibility & Acceptance in AA
For each and every one of the millions of success stories in AA you will hear repeatedly about responsibility. It is our responsibility to stay involved in sobriety and follow our sponsor’s suggestions. It is our responsibility to actively cultivate and grow willingness. It’s important to grasp that you are not “powerless” completely: you do have the power to engage in a program of recovery, the power to choose not to abuse substances….but you are powerless over drugs and alcohol if you put them in your body.
Acceptance comes when we feel a profound sense of hope and peace in coming to terms with our addiction and recovery. We don’t dread a future of meeting attendance, sponsor contact and step work; instead we begin to see recovery is a precious gift.
It has been my experience that doing the steps has brought me serenity and the welcome realization that AA is not just a program where sick people get well—it is a way of living that is rewarding in and of itself.
Lot’s of people find that once they do Step One, that all manner of help appears! I feel grateful to have a program that expands as I grow. Having a firm foundation in recovery through steps has also given me a welcoming fellowship to accompany me in my journey.
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A Holistic, Concierge Approach to At-Home Substance Abuse and Addiction Treatment
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ahopkins1965 · 2 days
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God Bless You 🙌 🙏
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ahopkins1965 · 2 days
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God Bless You 🙌 🙏
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ahopkins1965 · 2 days
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God Bless You 🙌 🙏
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ahopkins1965 · 2 days
Let's put you to the test... PERFECT! You're a regular animal (and vocabulary) expert! I bet you know your pandemonium from your convocation! Your colony from your swarm! Challenge your friends, I bet they won't do half as well as you did. Just try to be gentle when you're correcting people when they call a group of lions "a pack". You got 17 out of 20 right - 85% (Show Mistakes) Share
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ahopkins1965 · 3 days
What is the Definition of the word Partiality?
By: Anthony Joseph Hopkins April 23, 2024
        What is the definition of the word Partiality?  The word Partiality means favoritism or choosing sides.  Partiality is the habit of favoring something — taking its part. ... Partiality is like bias. It means that your favorite person, type of food, or way of operating tends to get priority when you're making up your mind.  God does not show partiality because
It is a sin.
        One thing that I can say about myself is that I do not show favoritism.  God does not do it, and so do I.  I want to inform all of you that when someone shows favoritism, you are committing a sin.  You will be deemed as a transgressor. 
        I also noticed in my family that there are favorite Uncles and Aunts.  I really do not understand why people are showing favorites, or choosing sides when it comes to people, places, and things.  The only thing that I know is that my family members are committing a sin.  When it comes to the word Partiality, it is very serious if any person that I know has committed this offense. 
        What does the word favoritism mean? Favoritism means to 1: the showing of special favor: partiality. 2: the state or fact of being a favorite.  I know that my nieces and nephews have stated that I was their favorite Uncle in the family.  I try to tell all of my family members that you are committing a sin whenever you have a favorite person.   Frankly, I treat everyone the same. 
        According to the Bible, God does not show favoritism whatsoever.  I realize that what I was doing is telling my family members and friends the truth.  I understand that God is love.  Favoritism can get someone in trouble with God.  I remember when I was a little boy, I used to have a favorite football team growing up.  However, my team used to lose all of their football games. Currently, I do not have a favorite team whatsoever. I say that I love everything equally. 
What is the Definition of the word Partiality?
By: Anthony Joseph Hopkins April 23, 2024
        What is the definition of the word Partiality?  The word Partiality means favoritism or choosing sides.  Partiality is the habit of favoring something — taking its part. ... Partiality is like bias. It means that your favorite person, type of food, or way of operating tends to get priority when you're making up your mind.  God does not show partiality because it is a sin.
        One thing that I can say about myself is that I do not show favoritism.  God does not do it, and so do I.  I want to inform all of you that when someone shows favoritism, you are committing a sin.  You will be deemed as a transgressor. 
        I also noticed in my family that there are favorite Uncles and Aunts.  I really do not understand why people are showing favorites, or choosing sides when it comes to people, places, and things.  The only thing that I know is that my family members are committing a sin.  When it comes to the word Partiality, it is very serious if any person that I know has committed this offense. 
        What does the word favoritism mean? Favoritism means to 1: the showing of special favor: partiality. 2: the state or fact of being a favorite.  I know that my nieces and nephews have stated that I was their favorite Uncle in the family.  I try to tell all of my family members that you are committing a sin whenever you have a favorite person.   Frankly, I treat everyone the same. 
        According to the Bible, God does not show favoritism whatsoever.  I realize that what I was doing is telling my family members and friends the truth.  I understand that God is love.  Favoritism can get someone in trouble with God.  I remember when I was a little boy, I used to have a favorite football team growing up.  However, my team used to lose all of their football games. Currently, I do not have a favorite team whatsoever. I say that I love everything equally. 
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ahopkins1965 · 4 days
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How Come Life is Not as Meaningful as it used to be?
How Come Life Itself is not so meaningful?
Sometimes when the downs outweigh the ups then everyone knows that life is slowing down.  I really think that God is showing me my options right now.  There are times when things tend to slow down physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. 
Next, when it comes to a meaningful life, it consists of all of the positives plus the experiences that comes along the way.  I want to mention that my 58 years of existence were pleasant.  There were times when it was not as pleasant. 
Life itself is really what you really make of it.  What I am trying to say is that everyone is supposed to consult with God to find out what is the meaning of your life.  As soon as God shows you your true meaning of life; it will make you feel better right now.  I know that my life consists of helping people right along the way.  I know that my life has a lot of emotional drive.  My life is filled with accomplishments.
Further, my life as we speak has been filled with more downs than ups.  I supposed that I am really supposed to define my life with God’s help.  Lord Jesus, at this time, I would like for you to please direct me in a way that is feasible.  I will admit that I am supposed to have children.
Moreover, my meaning of life is defined by God Himself.  My life has been filled with more of the spiritual way of living.  I know that I have a connection with God.  It is that I have to still resolve all of my personal issues with God, Jesus Christ, other people, and myself.  It reminds me of a Step 5 in AA.  We have to admit to God, ourselves, and others the exact nature of our wrongs.  I know that God is my All!!
Finally, I want to inform all of you that the meaning of life is specifically created by God.  I know that only God can define my moments that I have with Him.  God knows exactly what is going on with me all by himself.  I want to inform all of you that we have to consult with God just to see where we stand with Him.  Flowers are very nice. 
I know that my life is filled with sadness and pain.  I want to say that my life had a lot of problems in the past, but my present life is pleasant.  My whole body is filled with pains and strains.  My physical problems have gotten the best of me personally.  I am still having pain inside of my body.  My vertebrae are hurting right now.  I am suffering from bone disease, diabetes, and seizure disorders.
In Conclusion, I want to say that my life is in a lot of pain.  My pain radiates throughout my body.  I know that my problems are getting the best of me right now.  My family members and friends know that I have been sleeping too much.  If I were to go and see a Chiropractor, I would be dead by now.  This is because my bones are hurting in three places. 
My neck pain as well as my lower back pain hurts me a whole lot.  I am suffering from Degenerative Bone Disease and Diabetes very bad.  God please apply your Hands on my entire back and heal me from my physical problems.  I really need to touch the garments of His clothes, and I will be healed.  Lord Jesus, please heal me from all of my pain right now.  I need a physical and mental healing throughout my entire body right now.
In Summary, Lord Jesus, I would like for you to please heal me because every time, I walk my body is in pain.  I have been feeling sick for over 25 years now.  Lord God, please lead me and guide me for the rest of my life.  In Jesus Name I Pray Amen!! 
The Meaning of life itself varies from person to person.  It depends on what are my Spiritual Gifts that I have right now.  I know that my life has been filled with both negative and positive charges that tends to circulate throughout my body.  Thank You for reading my essay!!
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ahopkins1965 · 4 days
How Come Life Itself Does Not Have Meaning at this Present Time?
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How Come Life is Not as Meaningful as it used to be?
How Come Life Itself is not so meaningful?
Sometimes when the downs outweigh the ups then everyone knows that life is slowing down.  I really think that God is showing me my options right now.  There are times when things tend to slow down physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. 
Next, when it comes to a meaningful life, it consists of all of the positives plus the experiences that comes along the way.  I want to mention that my 58 years of existence were pleasant.  There were times when it was not as pleasant. 
Life itself is really what you really make of it.  What I am trying to say is that everyone is supposed to consult with God to find out what is the meaning of your life.  As soon as God shows you your true meaning of life; it will make you feel better right now.  I know that my life consists of helping people right along the way.  I know that my life has a lot of emotional drive.  My life is filled with accomplishments.
Further, my life as we speak has been filled with more downs than ups.  I supposed that I am really supposed to define my life with God’s help.  Lord Jesus, at this time, I would like for you to please direct me in a way that is feasible.  I will admit that I am supposed to have children.
Moreover, my meaning of life is defined by God Himself.  My life has been filled with more of the spiritual way of living.  I know that I have a connection with God.  It is that I have to still resolve all of my personal issues with God, Jesus Christ, other people, and myself.  It reminds me of a Step 5 in AA.  We have to admit to God, ourselves, and others the exact nature of our wrongs.  I know that God is my All!!
Finally, I want to inform all of you that the meaning of life is specifically created by God.  I know that only God can define my moments that I have with Him.  God knows exactly what is going on with me all by himself.  I want to inform all of you that we have to consult with God just to see where we stand with Him.  Flowers are very nice. 
I know that my life is filled with sadness and pain.  I want to say that my life had a lot of problems in the past, but my present life is pleasant.  My whole body is filled with pains and strains.  My physical problems have gotten the best of me personally.  I am still having pain inside of my body.  My vertebrae are hurting right now.  I am suffering from bone disease, diabetes, and seizure disorders.
In Conclusion, I want to say that my life is in a lot of pain.  My pain radiates throughout my body.  I know that my problems are getting the best of me right now.  My family members and friends know that I have been sleeping too much.  If I were to go and see a Chiropractor, I would be dead by now.  This is because my bones are hurting in three places. 
My neck pain as well as my lower back pain hurts me a whole lot.  I am suffering from Degenerative Bone Disease and Diabetes very bad.  God please apply your Hands on my entire back and heal me from my physical problems.  I really need to touch the garments of His clothes, and I will be healed.  Lord Jesus, please heal me from all of my pain right now.  I need a physical and mental healing throughout my entire body right now.
In Summary, Lord Jesus, I would like for you to please heal me because every time, I walk my body is in pain.  I have been feeling sick for over 25 years now.  Lord God, please lead me and guide me for the rest of my life.  In Jesus Name I Pray Amen!! 
The Meaning of life itself varies from person to person.  It depends on what are my Spiritual Gifts that I have right now.  I know that my life has been filled with both negative and positive charges that tends to circulate throughout my body.  Thank You for reading my essay!!
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ahopkins1965 · 4 days
Were ready to ask God to remove our defects of character Step 6
Step 6 is a separation of people from themselves and others. When it comes to this step, we will have to prepare to let go of everything that is completely bothering us. Step 6 is like a mania, which is an object of excessive madness. Therefore, we must ask God to remove the madness in your life. Character defects are called sins.
God begins to work in our lives. Our foundation has to be prepared for our situations. These defects of character hurt us. They have also delayed us. Read Romans 7:14-25. This is called struggling with sin. Defects are the absence of something necessary or useful toward perfection. Read Genesis 1:31 and Isaiah 59:2. Character is its features and qualities that set you apart from others, such as unbelievers. Your character is what people know you by. It distinguishes who you are.
Next, I am asking God to remove all of these undesirable traits. Deeply ingrained patterns of behavior; which are called habits. A habit is a behavioral pattern that has been done numerous of times. This means that you have done it for an extended period of time. When it comes to generational curses, which are roots and branches are messed up through families. This is a cycle. They will not vanish overnight. We must be intentional in our own behavior with God.
God’s righteousness is credited to me. Through the power of the Holy Ghost sanctification takes place. Read Colossians 1:13. We begin to find a peace of joy, myself. People begin to say that I remember when. Replace all of our defects of character with good intentions. God will make your life better.
Read Luke 6:19. This is when power was coming from Him. Jesus Christ was healing everyone that came to Him. Read 2nd Corinthians 5:17. A complete transformation of our life is done through the power of the Holy Ghost. We begin to ask God to bind up our evil speaking, pride, and bad spirits. Read Ephesians 1:21. He is far above all principalities, powers right now and in the world to come. Read Galatians 5:22-23 and 2nd Corinthians 5:18-20. Read Ephesians 2:13. A lack of power was my dilemma. Trade our character defects for Godly character. We are ambassadors of Jesus Christ. A tradition is something that is passed down. Read 1st John 2:23. Whoever has acknowledged the Father has acknowledged the Son also. Read Titus 2:14. Character defects are sins.
Read Ezekiel 36:26-27. The new life that we reach in Jesus Christ, we become a brand new person. Read 2nd Corinthians 4:3-4. This is called Spiritual Blindness. We must be willing to trade in our filthy mouth, cheating, porn, dishonesty, immorality, and our broken down self. Read 2nd Corinthians 2:10. This is the model of me. God is putting the pieces together. Friendships are restored as well as favor from estrangement.
1.Reconciliation with God
2.Pardon is excuse of an offense without penalty. It is an official release from punishment. The offender is release custody. Read Psalms 103:12.
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ahopkins1965 · 6 days
How do I unwind after a demanding day?  The first thing I do is thank God for allowing me to wake up today.  I also thank God for being with me during the day.  I eat dinner around 6:00pm.   I read the Bible and work on the 12 Steps of AA.  I watch the local news and go directly to bed before 1:00am.   I look over my essays throughout the day.   I unwind usually by taking a bath and take my medication for seizures before I go to bed.   Lord Jesus, I Love You very much.   I Thank You for allowing me to relax and meditate three times per day.   Lord Jesus I am willing to serve you in any capacity.   Lord Jesus please give me wisdom and Knowledge that only comes directly from You.  Please monitor my progress 🙏.  Writing also helps me to relax and free my mind from stress.  Lord Jesus please pray for me because my body is physically and mentally sick right now.   Lord Jesus enable me to maintain my memory 🙏.  Lord Jesus thank you for everything that you have done for me.  Please forgive me of all of my sins and transgressions from the past and present.  Lord Jesus; I know that I am not able to pay my student loans anymore.   I do not have a job working anywhere.  My job at the present is to write about my overall behavior and my relationship with You.  Life is good for me because I am very grateful to be clean and sober right now.  Lord Jesus; I thank you for leading me in my right frame of mind.   I love all of Your Creation.  I am supposed to respect others and love everyone including myself.   Lord Jesus I am ready to share Your Good News with everyone.  Please lead me in the right direction and help me to become successful as a Man of God.
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ahopkins1965 · 7 days
What Does It Mean being Myself?
     What does it mean being myself?  First, I want to inform all of you that I was born on Thursday June 24, 1965 at 7:30PM.  My mother was gifted.  I guess that since I had a C+ Grade Point Average in School, I thought everything was well.
Second, I want to say that It has taken me a lot longer to do things.  For example, I did not do very well in math in school.  I did very well in all of my other subjects in school except math.  As long as I know how to count my money, I am fine.  I cannot say that because God has other plans for me.  I mean!!  I might have to attend school again.
     Third, I want to inform all of you that I have changed a whole lot.  My overall behavior has changed because I do not argue with other people anymore.  I have to literally resolve all of my issues with other people.  God has helped me a lot!!  I know that I am a person, who has above average intelligence.  My therapist and I are working on a No Medication Approach.  The reason why the therapist would only like for me to write down everything that is feasible for me.
Fourth, I love listening to music.  I love listening to music with a meaning.  I am saying that I like listening to music that makes me think about how I have managed to earn a College Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies and Social Work.
     Fifth, I want to inform all of you that I am very intelligent.  I am a person who do not like to argue with the next person.  I am doing the best I can to listen to God.  I will admit that I have been dealing with my own issues for the past 13 years now.  I know that it is not very easy having Schizophrenia and Schizoid Affective Disorder at the same time.  I have to be perfectly frank by saying that it has not been easy dealing with a mental illness.
     Sixth, I want to say that there are people who use vulgarity towards me.  I know that this is a very serious problem that affects millions of people worldwide.  I know that I am a person; who likes to listen to other people talk.
 I have been sad because my mother and sister passed away six years ago.  I really accept what people say.  However, if I say something in return, certain people do not accept what I tell them.  This is the reason why I prefer to be by myself for a while.  What does it mean being myself?  I want to inform all of you that I always listen to other people, more than they listen to me.
Finally, I want to inform all of you that I have had success in my life.  For Instance, I have written three books in my life.  I have written two books in one year.
 My mother is very proud of me for being the person that I am today.  Although I do not have any children of my own.  This is because my mother wanted me to have children before she died.  Mom and I used to talk at great length every single day.  My sister wanted me to go with her everywhere she went.  I miss both of them!!
In Conclusion, I want to say that I am still learning about life as well as the meaning of it.  I am a changed man.  I have been clean and sober for 33 years now.  I have been keeping to myself as of late because I have been spending time with God.  May 2, 1990 is my date of sobriety.  May 2, 1990 was on a Wednesday back then.  I went to treatment one month later.
I have a lot of physical problems right now.  I had back surgery last year before the Thanksgiving Holiday.  I have been having back problems for over 25 years now.  I have had too many health problems since Sunday July 25, 1982.  What happened on that day is that I had a Grand Mal Seizure.  Otherwise, I am doing fine.  Please keep me and my family members in your prayers.  Thanks!!
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ahopkins1965 · 7 days
What Are You Thinking About?
Good Day Everyone!!  My name is Anthony Joseph Hopkins and I am from Dayton, Ohio.  I am talking about a topic called What Are You Thinking About?  This is an essay that is based on what I am thinking about right now. 
Next, I have been thinking about numerous of things during the past three months.  I know that I have been trying to resolve a discrepancy between management and the residents who live at Wentworth Hi Rise Apartments located in Dayton, Ohio.
Further, I can only focus on what I am thinking about at the present time.  For Instance, I want to inform all of you that I know that the residents who live inside of my apartment building are using heavy drugs and drinking alcohol each day.
What Are You Thinking About?  This is a good question that everyone should ask themselves each day.  The only person who is able to answer this question is God.  I can only focus on myself and no one else.  I know that I had been going to the hospital on a regular basis for treatments of Kidney Disease and Diabetes.  I also have been consulting with my doctor on a monthly basis.
Moreover, I know that my life at this time has been messed up.  The residents who live inside of my apartment building really do not care about each other.  I know that I have to take a walk each day of the week.
In Addition, I have been thinking about moving out of state for the third time in my entire life.  I know that Dayton, Ohio is not as progressive as I once thought.  The cost of living in the Dayton, Ohio Area is going up every six months.  The bus fare in the Dayton, Ohio area is going to increase to $2.50 Cents by January 2026. 
Also, I want to say that incomes are not going to increase.  It will only get worse because it is going to increase crime inside of the city.  During the past three years, crime has increased for the third straight year.  I really do not know what is going on in the Dayton, Ohio.
In Conclusion, I want to inform all of you that my family members are doing their own thing right now.  I have been talking to my family members as of late.  My own family members are going through what I went through 34 years ago.  My nephews are not listening to me because the women that are involved in their lives are engaging in illicit behavior.
Finally, I want to inform all of you that I have been trying to assist anyone who have problems with their relationships.  Whereas, my nieces are doing better than their own siblings and cousins.  I know that my life at the moment is upside down.
In Summary, I want all of you to know that I am very concerned about my family members and children who are involved in dysfunctional family problems.  What am I thinking at the moment?  I am thinking about my family members in the Dayton, Ohio Area as well as other areas inside of the United States.  I have been trying to apply for a job working at a library or a pharmacy in the Dayton, Ohio Area.
My way of thinking has changed because of the environment that I am currently living at the present time.  I have to write each day in order to resolve inner conflicts that I am having with the residents.
What Are You Thinking About?  I have so much on my mind right now that I might as well move out of my apartment.  I have been living inside of Wentworth Hi Rise Apartments for 13 years now.  The rent itself is increasing and incomes are decreasing each year.  I really do not know exactly what is going on with my family members, but I have to allow everyone to resolve their own problems.
Frankly, I can only focus on myself and no one else right now.  God is helping me to solve all of my problems at the moment.  I have to start solving my problems with God’s help. 
I know that I have to save enough money to move either out of state or relocate to a new neighborhood in the Dayton, Ohio Area.  I know that young people today have more issues than I did when I was their age.  You know something, I have to allow God to resolve all of our issues at His Own Pace!!  People do not know me and they are making assumptions about people that they do not know.
Society at Large has changed a whole lot during the past 30 years now.  I know when I was in college, I paid my rent where I was living at during that time.  I was working three jobs during a five-year period.
Fortunately, people are making choices that are affecting them really bad.  I know that God is with me and inside of me right now.  The Holy Spirit is something that I will always cherish inside of me.  I am very happy that I do not have any children because I will have to work for the rest of my life.
What am I thinking about?  I am thinking about my family members.  I know that my siblings and I really do not speak to each other.  Some of my siblings do not speak to me because I tell them the truth to their faces.  I know that I am a sinner leading other sinners to a better way of life.
I am thinking about moving out of state because it will give me a better peace of mind.  I can only focus on what is better for me right now.  My AA Sponsor have me working the 12 Steps of AA Recovery.  Life itself is really what you are making of it.  At least for me, I am able to obtain my education and seek employment.  I know that my life has been filled with ups and downs.  During the past 15 years, I have gone from being inside of a State Psychiatric Hospital to writing three books.  Thank You for reading my essay called what are you thinking about?  
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ahopkins1965 · 7 days
How do I use social media?  I use social media on a daily basis.   I have been posting my blogs and essays on quite a few websites.   I have been communicating God's Word and messages to all of my family members and friends.  God is the focus of my life right now.   There are times when I might be online too much.   I will admit that I used a computer for over 18 hours per day.   Frankly, I am not online as much as I used to.  Lord Jesus, please teach me how to discipline myself by listening to Your Voice each day.  I am willing and able to actively participate in reading Your Word.  I am willing to listen and accept constructive criticism and allow You Lord Jesus that I am very compliant.  Lord Jesus, please teach me how to be honest and truthful with everyone.  Lord Jesus thank you for reading my essays and blogs on a daily basis.   Lord Jesus, I Love You very much.   I have a lot of respect for Your Creation.  I respect you Lord Jesus.   I know that Your Spirit bears with my spirit and I am a living vessel for you.  I am sorry for all of my sins and actions.   Please forgive me for hurting anyone who I am in contact with for 58 years.     I used to be a harlot lover in the past.   Thank you Lord Jesus for all of the things that you have done for me.   I am truly grateful for being clean and sober for 33 years now.  Lord Jesus please allow me to acquire wisdom, knowledge, and understanding towards Your Creation.  
0 notes
ahopkins1965 · 7 days
How do I use social media?  I use social media on a daily basis.   I have been posting my blogs and essays on quite a few websites.   I have been communicating God's Word and messages to all of my family members and friends.  God is the focus of my life right now.   There are times when I might be online too much.   I will admit that I used a computer for over 18 hours per day.   Frankly, I am not online as much as I used to.  Lord Jesus, please teach me how to discipline myself by listening to Your Voice each day.  I am willing and able to actively participate in reading Your Word.  I am willing to listen and accept constructive criticism and allow You Lord Jesus that I am very compliant.  Lord Jesus, please teach me how to be honest and truthful with everyone.  Lord Jesus thank you for reading my essays and blogs on a daily basis.   Lord Jesus, I Love You very much.   I have a lot of respect for Your Creation.  I respect you Lord Jesus.   I know that Your Spirit bears with my spirit and I am a living vessel for you.  I am sorry for all of my sins and actions.   Please forgive me for hurting anyone who I am in contact with for 58 years.     I used to be a harlot lover in the past.   Thank you Lord Jesus for all of the things that you have done for me.   I am truly grateful for being clean and sober for 33 years now.  Lord Jesus please allow me to acquire wisdom, knowledge, and understanding towards Your Creation.  
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