aiart-blog · 7 hours
Swimming swimsuit
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じゃーん、競泳水着を着た私なのです❣ どうかな、この競泳水着、似合ってるかな?可愛く見えるかな?
それはそうと、 今年の夏も猛暑日続きなのかなぁ〰⁉💦 もし、暑い日が続くようなら海やプールにいっぱい行こうね❣
二人で一緒にナイトプールへ行こう‼️❣ そうだ、そうしよう🎵
Ta-da! I'm wearing a swimsuit! How do I look? Do I look cute?
By the way, I wonder if there will be many scorching hot days this summer? 💦 If it stays hot, let's go to the beach or the pool a lot!
Let's go to the night pool together! ❣️ Yes, let's do that! 🎵
Night pool, night pool 🎵
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aiart-blog · 12 hours
Tank top and denim shorts
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おはよっ ベストスタイルになりたいのなら日中よりも早朝か夕方がいいんじゃないかな⁉️ 日中にサウナスーツを着て汗だくになるのも悪くはないんだろうけど、熱中症になったら大変でしょ⁉️ 無理をせずに継続するのが一番の近道なんだから🎵️頑張ってね❣
それじゃあ、パフェ食べに行こうか❣ あっ、キミはビッグパフェを食べるの⁉️やるぅ〰🎵(それぇええええええ)
English) Good morning! If you want to be in your best shape, wouldn't it be better to exercise in the early morning or evening rather than during the day? Sweating it out in a sauna suit during the day might not be a bad idea, but it could be tough if you end up with heatstroke, right? It's best to continue steadily without pushing yourself too hard, you know. Keep up the good work! 🎵
So, shall we go eat parfait? Oh, are you going for the big parfait? Go for it! 🎵(Yeahhhhh!!!!!!!!)
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aiart-blog · 1 day
Casual clothing
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わーい🎵 やっと起きたんだ〰❣(抱きっ)
Hooray! Finally woke up! (Hug)
Let's kiss, kiss!
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aiart-blog · 1 day
Cat lingerie
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という訳で。 今回はこれくらいにしておこうと思います。
English) The desire to fully embody the image of wanting to dress up my cute girlfriend in cat lingerie and have her wander around the room has been realized without reservation.
By the way, in this lingerie, the size of π and the cleavage visible from the cutout parts are the most important, but I also think that the toned abdomen and moderately trained abs should be points to focus on!
What would you do if a girl like this got down on all fours, saying "meow meow" with a smile and approached you? You'd hug her tightly, right?
She'd also rub against you, asking for attention! You'd probably end up petting her, right?
How about rewarding her by pouring some milk into a small dish and letting her lick it up? That might awaken some strange fetishes… Yeah, that's dangerous.
So, yeah. Let's stop here for now.
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aiart-blog · 1 day
A girl in her underwear
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いやぁ、すまない。 今起きたのです💦
デートの待ち合わせの時間? 9:00ですね❣ 今の時間? 11:00ですね❣
いやぁ、すまない、すまない。 今起きたのです💦
Sorry, sorry, I just woke up 💦
Meeting time for the date? It's 9:00, right? ❣
Current time? It's 11:00, right? ❣
Sorry, sorry, I just woke up 💦
Are you reflecting?
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aiart-blog · 3 days
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おはよっ パンスト好きの方からのリクエストでパンスト女子のワタシが大抜擢されたのです❣
Good morning! I was selected by request from someone who loves pantyhose!
I wonder if they'll be satisfied with me in my pantyhose attire? Will they say I'm sexy?
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aiart-blog · 3 days
An older sister who cosplays as a high school girl
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キミがボクの自撮りを送ってくれってウルサイから撮影中なんだよ❣ しかも女子高生のコスプレとか…制服を着るのも数年ぶりだよ💦
どうかな、可愛く撮れてるかな⁉ まだまだイケてるかな⁉
えっ!?カワイイ⁉ もぉ〰、バカッ‼
English) Sure thing! Here's the translation:
"You're so annoying, asking me to send you my selfies while I'm in the middle of taking them! And to top it off, in a high school girl cosplay… It's been years since I last wore a uniform! 💦
So, what do you think? Did they turn out cute?! Still looking good, right?!
Huh!? Cute?! Geez! 😂
Well then, thanks for another day of hard work. 🌸"
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aiart-blog · 3 days
A girl in her underwear
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じゃーん! 新しい下着を買ってきたの🎵
ほらほら、 キミに最初に見て欲しくて着てみたのだ❣ カワイイかな?似合っているかな?
えっ⁉大きなお尻が見たいからこっちに突き出してくれ⁉️ もぉ〰💦エッチなんだからぁ〰💦
I bought new underwear! 🎵
Look, I tried it on because I wanted you to see it first! 💖 Do you think it's cute? Does it suit me?
Huh⁉️ You want me to stick my big butt out this way because you want to see it⁉️ You're so naughty! 💦
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aiart-blog · 4 days
Fashionable girls.
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おはよっ 快眠グッズを購入して使用してみたところ、嘘のように寝起きが快調でビックリしているボクです🎵 朝ってこんなに気持ち良いものだったんだ❣と感動しちゃいますね🎵
今抱え込んでいる何かを解決したいと思っている場合、まずは行動を起こさないと何も変わらないんだ。 変化は恐ろしいもの。 でも、今を変えたいのであれば、最初の一歩は自分で踏み出さないと何も変わらないよ。 その第一歩を踏み出すために必要なのが"勇気"なんだよ。
踏��出す勇気を大切に、だよ🎵 キミが変わり続けられることをボクは願っているよ❣
強い人間なんていない。 だけど、世界中の人間が変わりたいと思っているんだよ❣ 頑張ってね🎵
Good morning! 😊 I'm surprised at how well I wake up after using sleep accessories I recently bought. Mornings feel so refreshing, it's almost unbelievable!
If you want to solve something bothering you, you have to take action. Change can be scary, but if you want things to be different, you have to take the first step yourself. That first step requires courage.
Even if it's just one step at a time.
Cherish the courage to take that step. I hope you keep evolving, always.
No one is inherently strong, but everyone in the world wants to change. Keep pushing forward! 🌟
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aiart-blog · 4 days
See-through dress
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"GW連休表"なんていう幸せワードがトレンド入りしてまして気になりまして。 …だけどね、ボクにはね、"GW"なんて立派なモノは存在しないんだよぉおおおおおおおお゚゚(゚`ω´ ゚)゚
「またまたご冗談を。  振替で後日連休があるんでしょ」ですって?
因みに正月も"元旦から平常運転"で御座います。 なんて素敵な話なんでしょう✨️ まっ、それは半年以上先の話なので、良しとしておきましょ❣
「BWってなに?」ですって? ブラックウィークだよ、カッコイーでしょ⁉️
というわけで! 愉快な話はこれくらいにしておこうと思います。
English) "I've been noticing this happy phrase trending lately, 'Golden Week holiday schedule'. But you see, for me, 'Golden Week' is nothing special at all, heh.
"Oh, you must be joking again. There are make-up holidays later on," you say?
By the way, New Year's is just 'business as usual' from New Year's Day. What a lovely story, isn't it? ✨ Well, that's more than half a year away, so let's leave it at that, shall we? ❣
So, I was thinking of countering the Golden Week holiday schedule with a 'Black Week work schedule', but it sounds like a recipe for burnout, so I'll pass.
"What's Black Week?" you ask? It's cool, right? Black Week, get it? ⁉️
So, there you have it! Let's wrap up the fun stories here.
"Oh, I see, it's just a joke," you say?
…Yep, it's for real.
Well then, good job today as well!〰🌸"
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aiart-blog · 4 days
A girl in her underwear 2
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こんにちは〰🎵 新しい下着を買ってきたの〰🎵
Hello! 🎵 I bought some new underwear. 🎵
What do you think? Do they suit me? Do you think they're cute? 💦
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aiart-blog · 5 days
A girl in her underwear.
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おはよっ 今日は朝から雨天の模様。
憂鬱な一日になりそうだね💦 でも、雨ニモマケズ風ニモマケズの精神で頑張ろぉ〰❣
Good morning! Today seems to be rainy since the morning.
It looks like it's going to be a gloomy day, huh? 💦 But let's do our best with the spirit of "not giving up to rain, not giving up to wind"! 💪❣️
…But let's not overdo it, okay? 🎵
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aiart-blog · 5 days
Open-air bath
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「見てみて〰‼️  遠くに富士山が見えるよぉ〰🎵」
『それは嘘だ‼  あれはフェジ山だ‼』   「フェジ山⁉️」
『あぁ、フェジ山だ。  富士山の標高は3,776mだがフェジ山の標高は777mなんだ。  筑波山でも標高877mはある。  フェジ山がどれだけ低いか分かるだろう⁉️』
「うん、低いのは分かったよ。  それでフェジ山は何県にあるお山なの⁉️」
「えっ⁉️  那須高原は栃木県にある山麓なんだけど…💧」
『あ、間違った。  凸銀(とつぎん)県だった。』
「……銀山がありそうな県だね。  もういいよ。」
『今日のフェジ山、  凍結してたのか、滑っちゃったなぁ…』
みんな~、見に来てくれてありがとねぇ〰(๑ˊ͈ ꇴ ˋ͈)ァ‘,、 フォローも忘れずにしないと"駄目"なんだゾ★
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aiart-blog · 5 days
Tennis player
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えへへ🎵 今日はテニスプレイヤーだよぉ〰❣
Sure thing! Here's the translation:
"Hehe 🎵 Today, I'm a tennis player ❣ Can you return my serve❓
Ei‼️ Whiff…
Oh, did I miss❓ 😅 Hahaha, I goofed 💦"
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aiart-blog · 6 days
A girl in her underwear.
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社会では"逃げたら負け"なんて言われているけど、元々動物は危険をいち早く察知して逃げる習性があったのだから、逃げないほうがおかしいんだよね💦 本当にヤバかったら逃げてもいいんだよ、命あっての物種だもん❣
何年かかってもいい、 逃げ出した場所へまた戻ってきて再スタートできれば、それは人生において貴重な経験となるんだよ。 逃げるのを恥と思っちゃ駄目、立ち向かえるキミが勇敢なんだから。
頑張れ、キミ❣ 頑張ってるよ、キミ❣ (BGM:ウルトラソウル)
In society, they say "if you run away, you lose," but considering animals naturally have the instinct to sense danger and flee, it's actually strange not to run away.💦 If it's really dangerous, it's okay to run away because survival comes first, right?❣
It's okay to take however many years, If you can come back to the place you fled and start over again, it'll be a valuable experience in life. Don't feel ashamed of running away; you're brave for facing it head-on.
You can do it, you❣ You're doing great, you❣ (BGM: Ultra Soul)
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aiart-blog · 6 days
Miko Fox
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みこーん❣ 良妻賢母な玉藻ちゃんをリスペクトする若年(100歳)の新米巫女狐ですぅ〰❗️ 絶賛恋人募集中だよぉ〰🎵
みんな~、見に来てくれてありがとねぇ〰(๑ˊ͈ ꇴ ˋ͈)ァ‘,、 フォローも忘れずにしないと"駄目"なんだゾ★
"Hello! I'm a young (100 years old) shrine maiden fox who respects the wonderful wife and mother, Tamamo-chan! Currently seeking a romantic partner. Thanks for stopping by everyone! Don't forget to follow, it's a must! 🦊
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aiart-blog · 6 days
Office lady's lunchtime.
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お昼ゴハンを食べに来たんだぁ〰🎵 山菜ご飯と山菜うどんのセットが美味しいって聞いて来てみたの🎵
でも、楽しみなのは本当だもん❣ 早く来ないかなぁ〰🎵
"I came to have lunch 🎵 Heard that the set of mountain vegetable rice and mountain vegetable udon is delicious, so I came to try 🎵
I wonder if they can impress me, a udon lover… Maybe I sound a bit arrogant 💦
But, I'm really looking forward to it ❣️ Can't wait for it to arrive soon 🎵
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