aicas2023 · 1 year
Feb 10, 2023
It's been weeks since I last posted here. A lot has happened already. I now have a part time job at CAS cnx. We just finished the training this week and next week we will be deployed to the prod already.
I loved the training. In just two weeks, I have already improved a lot. Especially my English speaking ability.
Roch and I had our date. I was sad because I missed him a lot. But we really tried our best to be just with each other even with our low cost date. :)
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aicas2023 · 1 year
What am I doing with my life?
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aicas2023 · 1 year
Jan 20 2023
I will let myself immerse with the pain today but tomorrow this should end.
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aicas2023 · 1 year
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January 7, 2023
I really forgot to write in here. I am sick. I didn't push through with the showtime event. I don't know if it was the right decision or not since I 'd be losing a lot of money.
I really really have to prioritize myself since I've been prioritizing other people always. There's no one to take care of me and at the end of the day, I am left with just myself.
On a side note I was able to wear the cute socks.
I hope I get better. I need to rest and relax so I can be ready with everything that I need to do.
I love the movie Soul. It teaches us to live in the moment while we are still alive. If I die right now, my life would amount to nothing. Really nothing.
So I have to do my best to live my life to the fullest, without caring what others might think and say. After all, it's my life. I can blame others for what I've become but the beauty of this is I also have the power to change it for the better and live a meaningful life.
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aicas2023 · 1 year
Jan 1, 2023
I'm sorry, I failed to start a great year. 2022 has been so bad and very negative. I was never strong, I wasn't kind and I did really bad.
It feels like I am discrediting everything good that happened to me. I feel like there's nothing to be grateful for last year. I am also not hopeful this year 2023.
I think I just have to stop talking and start doing.
So maybe again, I will start to write here every accomplishments that I will make, be it great or small. Just to remind myself that however small it is, that I am doing great things for my self despite of everything's that's happening to me.
This year, I will start prioritizing my self - health, hygiene, intelligence, attitude, professional career, side hustles, spiritual growth, upskilling and financial literacy.
I also have to remind myself that if I can't afford to give my future children the love, respect and life that I would like to receive from my parents -- I shouldn't have kids and have a family. I don't like my children experiencing the same thing that I am experiencing right now. I don't want my children to tell me that they hate me and the family that I built. I don't want them to resent me for every bad decision that I have made in my life. I don't want them to suffer the consequences of my bad decisions.
Just don't have children and don't start a family.
If you really like one, you have to work hard for it.
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