aidanashcrxft · 7 years
It wasn’t like she’d wanted him to take her to the dance. They both knew that wasn’t possible. As much as Donovan didn’t care about the Burn Book and as much as Aidan claimed he didn’t, they both didn’t want their night ruined by their friends, who would undoubtedly have a problem with whatever it was that Aidan and Donovan were doing. Funny, though, how Donovan’s night was ruined by him being there with someone else. Not just him being there with someone else, but being all over them. If she’d see him kiss Maddie’s stupid forehead one more time–but Donovan wasn’t the only one with that problem. Even in the dark, it was clear that Aidan’s face was bruised, and was that blood, on his suit? What had she missed? “Did I say Maddie’s house? I meant the hospital. Who’d you lose a fight with?” She snorted, but concern was there in her eyes. Oh, now he was in a Miranda mood. “At Midnight, with nobody home…that’s when you’re in the mood for me.” She shook her head, but allowed his hand to find her hips and pull her closer to him. Donovan hesitated, not wanting to give into him so easily, before wrapping her arms around his sides. She didn’t need him to tell her she looked beautiful. She knew she had, but he’d barely seen her, too busy grinding with Maddie or getting his ass kicked. “Yeah, I know. Makeup works wonders.” But she wasn’t wearing any right now, nor was her hair done, or her dress still on.
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Aidan chuckled at that and shook his head at her words when she corrected herself to the hospital instead of Maddie’s house next. “Ryder, and I actually won, or at most it was a tie,” he replied, shrugging it off and smirking at her. “What, worried about me, babe?” he asked, raising his eyebrows as he moved in closer to her. “Babe, it was a joke,” he told her when she shook her head and said that about him coming to see her. “You know, I actually prefer Miranda to Madeline,” he replied, smiling at her as he held her closer and she put her arms around him as well. He rolled his eyes at what she said next, shaking his head. “I said you look beautiful,” he told her. “As in now, in this moment,” he added, raising a hand to tuck a stray lock that had fallen out of her bun behind her ear. 
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aidanashcrxft · 7 years
“I’m so sorry about what happened at homecoming. Are you okay? Does anything hurt? I really didn’t think Ryder would go off like that. I’ll talk to him.”
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“Hey, no. You’ve got nothing to apologize for, Mads,” Aidan replied, shaking his head at Maddie and giving her a little smile. “I’m fine, that wasn’t my first rodeo,” he joked. “I mean, it’s starting to fade now, so it doesn’t hurt anymore. But, it’s fine. I’ve gotten worse on the field,” he assured the girl. “You don’t have to do that, really. Me and Ryder, don’t worry about it.” 
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aidanashcrxft · 7 years
“…damn. I was hoping for someone else.” Donovan sighed, “dissapointed.” “Could you check again?” Not that he needed to. Donovan could do an assessment herself. Cocky smirk? Check. Admittedly nice clothing? Check. Annoying nicknames? Check, check, check. There was no doubt about it, this was her Aidan–the one Donovan had been spending a significant amount of time with since the end of summer. “Bailey? Original.” But to be expected with how much fucking Netflix they’d been binging in the last few weeks. “Yours, for false advertising. I thought you were a freshman chaser, Ashcroft. I didn’t think I had anything to worry about.” Both her eyebrows raised.
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“Too bad, guess you’re stuck with me, babe,” Aidan replied and grinned at the girl. “Give me a moment, just need to check with HQ,” he told her, leaning back a moment and turning his attention to neutral before moving forward again. “Yup, Aidan Ashcroft, the one and only,” he told her with a smile. “Hey, I also said McLoughlin,” he pointed out with a laugh and shake of his head. “Mm, used to be. I’ve moved on to sophomores, must be your lucky day or something,” he smirked. 
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aidanashcrxft · 7 years
The night had been a bust. She didn’t know what she’d been expecting, really. The only upside had been that she’d looked great, and therefore, had felt great–at least until she’d remembered Aidan was going with Maddie. The knots that’d formed in her stomach at the sight had admittedly scared her, Donovan not used to…whatever it was that she was feeling towards him these days. Whatever it was, it surely wasn’t worth spending her night looking good, but feeling horrible, so she’d cut out of the dance a little early, unsurprisingly coming home to an empty house. That was okay. It just meant that she’d get to take over the big TV down in the living room. With Raf not home, she was able to use up all the hot water as she showered, only having just slid into an oversized t-shirt when she heard her phone vibrate. Donovan frowned when she saw it was Aidan, but frowned even deeper when she noticed that he wasn’t just texting her–he was outside. She had half a mind to just ditch him out there, to feign being asleep or busy so he’d just go away…but inevitably, she found herself coming out of the house barefoot, arms crossed over her chest as she came to stand in front of him. “What? Did you get lost on the way to Maddie’s place?”
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He had promised to be Maddie’s date a long before he had begun to realize his feelings for Donovan. Yet, he couldn’t seem to keep his eyes from wandering towards Donovan and looking for her wherever she was. So the moment the fight had been broken up and Maddie demanded to be taken home, Aidan dropped her off and went straight to the Valdez-McGovern residence. He smiled when he saw the girl, how she was only in an oversized t-shirt and hair still damp from the shower, yet she looked just as beautiful as she had only a couple hours ago at the dance. He chuckled at her question and shook his head lightly. “Wait, this isn’t Chez Chase?” he asked the blonde, suddenly looking surprised. “Nah, I was more in the mood for a Miranda at this hour,” he said teasingly, smirking at her playfully as he moved forwards slightly only to put his hand on her hip and pull her in closer. “You look beautiful,” he told her softly.  
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aidanashcrxft · 7 years
Aidan had finally dropped Maddie off, heading straight for Donovan’s home to see her after the homecoming dance. He had seen the girl only moments after entering the dance and he couldn’t get the image of her out of his mind. She looked breathtaking. She seemed completely different, not that she wasn’t beautiful any other time, she was. He just hadn’t seen her done up like that before. Not even the night of her birthday. He had wanted to go over and talk to her all night, but being a Plastic’s date for the night meant eyes being on him and he had taken enough flack from the Burnbook for a while. Instead he came to see her after it, texting to see if she was home, leaning against the hood of his car as he waited for a response. 
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aidanashcrxft · 7 years
Donovan raised an eyebrow, thinking back to every conversation they’d ever had. “I’m sorry…you are Aidan Ashcroft, are you not?” She placed a hand on his arm and pretended to look around him, as if the real Aidan would suddenly appear from behind him and begin to roast her. Dropping the act (but not her hand), she rolled her eyes. Like she needed him to tell her she looked good. “Miranda McGovern, bringing upon shame and disappointment?” She gasped, as if shocked. Her head shook as she leaned back against her dressing room door. “You know, when I told you I was at the mall, it wasn’t with the intention of you tracking me down.” Not that she minded…and not that she’d admit that she didn’t.
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Aidan laughed at that and shrugged his shoulders as he pretended to think about it for a moment. “Mm, I think I am one Aidan Ashcroft, yes,” he confirmed to her, smiling as she turned to him and tried to look for another. “Last time I checked, at least,” he added. “Is that your last name? Somehow I thought of it as Bailey or McLoughlin,” he said, shaking his head lightly and frowning as if he’d been deceived this entire time. “Well, now. Whose fault is that? You should have known better, I almost would have expected better from you, Miranda,” he replied, shaking his head at her in disappointment. 
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aidanashcrxft · 7 years
“You’re the guy. All you have to do is look good and show up,” she pointed out, closing the notebook after he commented on it. “Well for me, I want to walk in feeling like a queen. I have to look good to prove I’m still fabulous after everything that I’ve been through.”
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“Hey, it’s you guys that made it all the more complicated and competitive. Maybe try following our lead once in a while,” the jock joked with the ex-plastic and shook his head lightly as she watched her shut the notebook. “It’s not that much work, it’s just a party. Put on a dress, do your hair, a lil make up and show up,” he replied with a shrug. “Why’re you trying to prove something, though?” 
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aidanashcrxft · 7 years
“Footballs to the head, I’m telling you.” Donvovan shrugged, as if to say what can you do? She knew he wasn’t fooled, though. Even if it wasn’t the truth, Aidan would think that she was there to see him, because he was a cocky asshole like that. What would show him would be getting right out of the pool and leaving, not bothering with even a simple glance over her shoulder as she walked right back out of his yard–but something, more than his hand on her ankle, kept her from going anywhere. It’d be like walking away from a challenge. If it was anything Donovan didn’t do, it was walk away. She’d fight to the end with everything she had left in her, even if that meant spitting water at his face like some kind of fountain. She couldn’t help but grin, both eyebrows raised. “I mean, if the shoe fits–” Suddenly, she was being pulled towards him, and as he had a grip on her, it was either grip onto him or have no leverage if he decided to force her under again. Her hand automatically found it’s way to his forearm, head tilting up to discover just how close they were…it was then that Donovan remembered she’d been saying something, and lifted her gaze back up to his, eyes alive and defiant. “Wear it.” She finished.
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Aidan chuckled at that and shook his head. “You’re very fond of the idea of me getting hit in the head, aren’t you?” he asked. He didn’t believe it for one second that the girl was only there for the convenience of the facilities, Donovan was never one to put up with someone just because. She was free to turn and leave at any time, but she stayed. She continued to stay and that meant more than either were letting on. He grinned back at her, liking the image of the girl smiling like that and being playful with him in the pool. Things had definitely changed from the first time they had interacted, and in that moment they were about to change some more. His hands were on her hips, holding her close as he pulled her in. Aidan enjoyed the way her words had trailed off, how she’d cut herself off. He licked his lips as he looked down at her, taking encouragement from the way she didn’t pull away from him as he slid a hand up to cup her cheek as their eyes locked. “Yeah?” he asked softly. “I think I will,” he replied, looking at her and into those mischievous and bright eyes before leaning in the rest of the way, closing the distance between their lips. 
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aidanashcrxft · 7 years
“I finally decided on a date, my dress is ready and accessorized, and my hair appointment is set. I think there’s nothing else to plan for homecoming,” she stated, looking down at her notebook. Instead of notes for class, it was filled with her plans for the dance and after-party. At least focusing on all of that took her mind off her already failing grades. “Did I leave anything out?”
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“The part where I care about all this planning?” Aidan asked with a laugh and shook his head lightly as he looked at Summer and saw all the detailed notes, descriptions and drawings she had scribbled away in her notebook. “What is it with girls and making such a big deal about homecoming?” he asked, brows raised at her and shaking his head lightly. 
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aidanashcrxft · 7 years
“Yup, you caught me. Donovan McGovern, trying on dresses. Shocking, I know. Doesn’t mean I care about your stupid little homecoming, though.”
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“Hey now, who said I was going to start on you like that?” Aidan asked, smirking at the girl and looking her over with almost a fondness. “You look good, Miranda... It’d be a shame if you didn’t care about going to homecoming,” he told her. 
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aidanashcrxft · 7 years
Clarke didn’t even need to think about it before nodding eagerly. “Yeah, I do.” He meant it, too. Aidan was his bro. “Dude, I feel that.” He nodded. “…because I think you’re suggesting we ditch, which I’m down for, but if you’re not suggesting ditching, and you’re suggesting, like…criminal activity or something, then I’m obviously, like…not down. You know? So maybe.”
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"Aww, babe, you do love me,” Aidan replied playfully before laughing and shaking his head fondly at Clarke. “Right? I seriously need to get my ass into gear, or coach is going to bench my ass,” he said and shook his head, running his hand over the top of his head and rubbing the back of his neck. He chuckled at that and shook his head again. “Yes, I am suggesting we ditch and get actual pizza. Although even if I were suggesting criminal activity, I’m sure my dad could get us off with a warning.” 
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aidanashcrxft · 7 years
“Me. I fucked up so bad, Aidan.”
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“Pretty sure we already did that,” the boy joked at first before shaking his head seeing as the girl was actually upset. “What happened? I’m sure it’s not as bad as you’re making it out to be. What’s wrong?” 
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aidanashcrxft · 7 years
He was one of the few who didn’t underestimate her. Test her patience, sure…but didn’t underestimate. She supposed that would make him smarter than the rest, though she’d never admit it. There was a lot of things she refused to admit when it came to Aidan, but if she allowed herself to think about it, she’d realize she wasn’t the only one refusing to admit anything…but Donovan didn’t allow herself to think about it, so she had nothing to worry about. “Mhm, as I seem to recall, I’m over here for the amenities, not the company.” Donovan raised her eyebrows, noticing the way he was getting closer now, and taking a few casual steps back, though she ultimately wound up on her tiptoes in order to hold herself above the water. God damn it. “I rather look like one than act like one.” She shot back. Aidan sunk under the water after that, producing a smirk from Donovan, thinking she’d won, but a hand wrapped around her ankle quickly pulled her under the water she’d tried so hard to stay above, and she quickly had time to close her mouth to avoid swallowing the water before she was pulled under. When Aidan’s touch retreated and they both surfaced again, she merely stared at him, waiting until he started whatever smart-alec remark he was going to make before spitting a mouthful of water at him. While distracted, she attacked.
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He had seen what damage Donovan could do, remembering the time the girl had held her own and seemed almost giddy as she threw punches left and right the previous year on the football field. That had been the first time he had noticed the blonde and asked around for who exactly she was. Aidan had been impressed by her strength for a girl her size and knew she could knock him down a little if he brought it on himself, but he didn’t think that day would actually come. “Oh right, the amenities, right. How could I forget that?” he asked, a confident smirk on his lips because he wasn’t the only one with a pool around that Donovan could jump right into. He laughed at her words and shook his head before ducking under the water. He smirked to himself at how the girl was practically on her tip toes to stay above water, It felt almost too easy as he wrapped his fingers around her ankle and pulled to make her fall back into the water as well. He laughed when they both resurfaced, rubbing the water out of his eyes right before she spat a mouthful at him all over again. “And you called me the child?” he asked, brows raised at the girl as he leaned in closer again, pulling her in as well. 
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aidanashcrxft · 7 years
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“…I’m fine, just–I’m fine.”
“Yeah, not buying that for a second. What’s wrong? Who do I need to fuck up?” 
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aidanashcrxft · 7 years
“I could use something strong.” Maddie nodded affirmatively as she got into his house, following him to where the alcohol was. “More than one. But I don’t think I can stand talking about this sober.” She was too pissed off and sad and it was all too much. “I’m sorry for bothering you, I just didn’t know where else to go. I couldn’t talk about this with Logan.” Her brother and her were close but she did not feel comfortable talking about all the drama in her love life with him. Besides, he wouldn’t let her get smashed and she felt that she needed to feel numb right now. And since Sam wasn’t there and Izzy and Corrina were ruled out as well (for obvious reasons),  Aidan was the one she trusted most. 
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“I can see that,” Aidan replied and nodded lightly at her as she came inside. His brows rose at her words and looked her over again. “That bad, huh?” he asked the girl, though that much was obvious from the state of her appearance. “Hey, you’re never bothering me, you know that,” he assured her and shook his head, giving her shoulders a little squeeze. “You can come to me to talk or just get hammered anytime, you know that,” he assured the girl and handed her one of the other bottles. “Straight up? Only way to get there faster,” he said, unscrewing the top of his own to take a swig straight from the bottle. If Maddie needed someone to get wasted with and talk, he could definitely drink and be a good listener. 
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aidanashcrxft · 7 years
After the whole situation with Ryder and Corrina happened it was needless to say that Maddie was a mess and Isabelle was taking their side, saying that Maddie shouldn’t be angry at them and other things along those lines and honestly she couldn’t hear it. She needed to rant to a friend who she knew would be on her side and supportive. She sent Aidan a quick text asking if he’d be up for getting drunk with her. 
Half an hour later she was at his place, wearing an oversized cheerleading hoodie over her pyjama shorts and top. Her hair was up in a  bun and her eyes were red, needless to say she looked like a mess, but she didn’t care much about that right now. “Let’s get wasted.” She held up the vodka bottle she brought with her. 
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Aidan hadn’t heard about the entire situation yet but was sure something had to have gone down for Maddie to message him about getting wasted together. Sure the two had fun with drinks included from time to time, but it wasn’t a main thing. The boy’s brows had gone up at her text and sent back an affirmative before pulling himself out of bed to go downstairs to let the girl in. 
The jock frowned at the sight of Maddie’s red eyes, knowing for sure something had happened. He nodded and stepped back, letting her in. “Shit, I’ll go crack out my dad’s good stuff,” he told her, shutting the door behind the cheerleader and doing just as he said. He’d long ago figured out how to get into his dad’s favorite stash. “Any particular reason we’re getting shitfaced right now?” he asked as he grabbed the bottles and moved towards the girl, pulling her under his arm. 
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aidanashcrxft · 7 years
“I’d find a way to make it work. Don’t you worry.” If there’s a will, there’s a way…or some shit like that. Donovan didn’t know. But if the desire to choke Aidan ever became too strong…the size of her baby hands would be the least of his problems. He should really watch himself, instead of watching her. Donovan didn’t like the weight of his eyes on her, how she could feel them, as if his gaze were a physical thing. It made her skin crawl in a way she hadn’t felt in quite some time, if ever at all. Her mind flashed briefly to Adam, but the thought of him was gone as fast as he’d actually left. “I’m quite good at entertaining myself, thank you.” She much preferred it that way, if her only choice of company was him. The five and a half year old. “Oh, right. That half is very crucial.” After all, Donovan would know. “Yeah, says me.” She was prepared for the splash this time, managing to avoid it hitting her in the eyes, and this time, shoved with both hands a wave of water directed at Aidan, not noticing him approaching her. “And people say I’m the child.”
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“Mhm, I’m sure you will,” Aidan replied and chuckled, shaking his head as he smiled almost fondly at Donovan while she spoke about strangling him. He didn’t think the girl would actually try to strangle him, not unless he gave her an actual reason to do so. The boy couldn’t help the way that he looked at her. It was a fact that Donovan was beautiful, but the more time they spent together the more a fondness seemed to develop and while he still pushed that inside and was denying it, he still had eyes and appreciated the girl’s looks. “Is that so?” he asked, brows raised at her words then smirking. “Then how come you’re over here with me?” he questioned the blonde as he closed in further, “You know it, have to be accurate about stuff like that, babe,” he told her and laughed, managing to turn his head away when she sent a wave of water his way. “Might be because you still look like one,” he teased before moving under the water as he moved towards her and dragged her down with him. 
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