aightzero · 7 years
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Bleach Nnoitra X Szayel req by Anon p.s. this is actually my fav anime so thnks 4 requesting ~Mod Jerry
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aightzero · 8 years
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You’re too tall, man.
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aightzero · 8 years
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For the day of my OTP~!!
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aightzero · 9 years
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Nice to see the HELL~!!
[My new year drawing comes late.]
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aightzero · 9 years
Wow... may I have your name, dear anon?
I ship Nnoitra x Szayel hard.
‘Tis a good ship me hearty.  Yarr!
Keep reading
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aightzero · 9 years
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A refreshing drawing of the earliest NnoiSzay fan art of myself...in Jan 2013.
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aightzero · 9 years
Nnoitra raised his brow, “How dar’ ya command me? Ya are just da ninth - hey whatta ya doing SZAYEL!?! “ The Octavo pinched his waist. It did not seriously hurt but...it was weird. “Be gentleman, Nnoi.” the pink-haired man said peacefully, “At lease Aaroniero can show us the correct way. Do you remember that we are enough with getting lost?” The taller man snorted, but did not argue. “By the way, this is MY car. So I make the decision.” Szayel continued, with an obvious proud smile on the face, “Come on, Aaroniero.”
Well, even Szayel could admit that Nnoitra was a talented driver. They sped all along, though the Noveno was not feeling comfortable since he had eaten some a lot -- he always had. Finally the carriage stopped. Aaroniero jumped to the ground first and tried his best to “communicate” with his stomach. And then came out the Octavo, whose expression froze as soon as he saw the clock tower outside the party palace. “...it’s over twelve, damn it!” he murmured. Nnoitra leaned to him floppily, “What’s up? Is yer pumpkin to disa’pear after twelve?” “Not for that!” Szayel stared back. “Don’t you see that we are late? We missed THE Halloween Eve!!”
- The End -
(Haha, actually, it’s my fault that we failed to send them to the party in time. So I change the idea to end this drabble. Thanks for @aceidia to play this with me! I hope you enjoy it XD)
A drabble idea
I suddenly came up with an idea of a Halloween story of Nnoi/Szayel. But I am now struggling with my mid-term college school work so that I have no time to contribute to it carefully. So I wonder if anyone would like to take this idea and write the story? If so, I will be very happy to read it and I may draw a picture on this after freeing myself in two or three weeks.
The idea goes like this:
The Pumpkin Carriage (this title can be changed)
Nnoitra was unpatiently waiting outside the Octavo’s palace, complaining with Tesra. He didn’t mean to stay here but because he just woke up late after his siesta. There was a masquerade held by Aizen for all the Espadas and other Arrancars in the coming evening, as it was Halloween Eve! However, it seemed that everyone had left when the Quinto found the fact, and he even didn’t know where the masquerade would take place. But he happened to know that Szayel was the only one who would set out later than the others because he had a ‘car’ - or something - kind of strange stupid transportation machine that travels really fast.
So he just waited there, supposing that Szayel should not refuse to take him along a ride. Though Nnoitra hated to ask for help but he didn’t consider it should matter this time.
Szayel showed up later, dressed himself too dramatically (like what?). (By the way, Nnoitra was disguised as a bandager which was much easier than anything else to fit his figure.) Anyway, Szayel called out his ‘car’ eventually - which was memorably transformed to a pumpkin carriage for the festival.
And yes, Szayel finally agreed to share his special pumpkin carriage with the Quinto, and arranged a horse for Tesra. But this was just the beginning. Nnoitra never expected that the Octova would have problems to find the correct way. They got lost in the auto-driving pumpkin carriage. And soon they lost connections with Tesra, too.
(It’s not a start of the story, but an introduction.)
(So what happened on their Halloween Eve? I’ve not had the development yet. But I guess these two may quarrel for a while first…XD)
Anyone wants to take this? Please feel free!
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aightzero · 9 years
Tiny Electricity [Nnoiszay]
A random drabble By aightzero
Rated: T Pairing: Nnoitra/Szayel
It was raining heavily, even though all the windows had been shut closed undoubtedly with no humid atmosphere or sounds of dropping allowed in. The clouds shaded most of the daylight and the winds mixed the air with dist and dust. The windows had been washed out again and again by the colorless weak acid for a long while, but kept its struggle and meaningless graphs out of the glass. Szayel was sitting in front of his desk, almost losing in thought. His experiment was not yet finished, but the scientist just felt not interested at this moment. He picked up two of the test tubes and then poured the solution from one into the other. He was so confident in his skills that he didn't fix his eyes there. He took a glance at the counter, and touched the pen with his right hand. However, he totally forgot the number he saw as long as that pen was passed to his left hand. It is not my best moment for science. Szayel thought. He’d better stop with this experiment - since he could not concentrate on it. Later, he decided to take a walk outside. It was not very ‘Szayel’ to do so - he stood up and stared throughout the window, considering if he had locked himself in the lab for too long - no one would judge. But wait, Szayel was not planning to get exposed to the rain as in the other carnival. He rummaged his cabinet for a while and finally found an all-white long umbrella. His suit for experiment was waterproof, and his boots were made of rubber. What Szayel had been dressed with now exactly fit a journey. So with nothing more to worry about, Szayel slowly finished his neckline and changed for another pair of gloves for outdoors. Szayel was about to leave, but he didn’t have a destination yet. As long as he pulled open the gate, cool winds collided from outside to his face and quickly filled up the gaps between his glasses and his eyes. After a blink, the Octavo made his decision to visit an old friend of his.
Szayel arranged his way to the Quinto’s Palace down a series of verandas patiently. His paces were not fast only because he had to avoid the puddles in the way carefully as well as to pay attention to the raindrops blew around by winds from different directions. His umbrella was large enough for a single user. The area covered by the umbrella was ample. Szayel would like to take any cost to keep himself and every piece of his clothes clean and tidy - even in a rainy day like this. The hem of his hakama floated as he stepped forward, caressing his ankles. It felt dry and soft, which just satisfied Szayel. In a favorable mood, he walked leisurely in an elegant way. He knew where Nnoitra should be, even though he didn’t scout around. Quinto’s Palace was not the most familiar place to Szayel, but neither an alien one. He could suppose that Nnoitra was either sleeping in bed or staying outdoors. And Szayel could also believe that this heavy rain should be enough to prevent the Quinto from falling sound - like it did to himself and his abandoned experiment. Szayel wandered around the huge architecture until he saw the figure - it was slender, jet-black-haired, especially with a ridiculous round hood out of proportion, which was self-supported from the man’s back neck like a kind of rough canopy.
Nnoitra was not under any shelters. Even his strange hood didn’t help a lot - he was totally drenched when Szayel caught him in sight. His head looked smaller and his body was stooped with taut wet clothing sticking on it. His long hair was fully soaked with the rain that appeared smooth and slightly shiny like silk. It was not difficult for Nnoitra to discover the other one’s arrival. Maybe it was because that Szayel didn’t take care to hide his trace at all. The Octavo came nearer and nearer. Nnoitra was chewing a stalk of grass - at first he was just holding it in his teeth, but since somewhen he started to bite it. Anyway, he was not hungry for this, no. The last few steps of Szayel were in a little hurry. His efforts to protect his hakama turned vain after the fabric finally being spilled, seeing which Nnoitra spat the residues of grass with a scoff out of his mouth. And then Nnoitra twisted himself to look at the pink-haired man who stopped there with an annoyed look. Szayel was hesitating. Maybe it was time for this ‘visit’ to come to an ending. He looked up to watch the Quinto on the stairs, whose sight just met with his. Nnoitra was sitting there, while looking down from height as usual.
“Whatta ya here ‘fer?” The voice of Nnoitra suddenly rose in the rain. He was not loud, nor sharp. And his greeting was so silly that Szayel would rather leave him a sneer as the reply. However, that voice seemed to get him rid of the annoying humid fogs in mind, which was like an arrow thrown to Szayel’s head. The Octavo fixed his glasses for no reason. It seemed that Nnoitra’s words made him change his mind. After withdrawing his hand, Szayel picked up his hakama from sides and stepped forward again - till next to Nnoitra’s side. Szayel was standing straight and firm, but the umbrella held in his hand loosely fell to his shoulder. Now, Szayel was the taller one to look down upon the other physically. Rains dropped down off his umbrella. And rains dropped down on Nnoitra. Szayel smiled. And then he said in an honest voice, “Well, I am just walking around.”
Nnoitra turned his face away and wiped off the water by hands randomly. He didn’t realize that Szayel was right there when he swung his arms. It was late - but at the same moment, there came a huge, astounding bright lightning from the sky all in a sudden. And only in a few seconds, it faded into the forest far on the horizon. It seemed that Szayel lost his best chance to fault the rudeness of Nnoitra. The first sentence jumped out from his mouth afterwards was of great rationality that began with “I think we should not stay -” Nnoitra stood up from the ground aside him at once, which stopped the Octavo from continuing speaking but withdrawing a step. Nnoitra was so tall! It should be more dangerous than ever! Szayel frowned, but fixed his eyes on the Quinto. The taller man didn’t say a word, but turned to him, and then grabbed the umbrella from his shoulder. “Yap. That would be ‘da most stupid way ‘ta die.” Nnoitra held the umbrella between them, while Szayel didn’t catch up with what was going on. So the Quinto, who had never got good patience, lifted one of his heels to hit the other. Fortunately, Szayel became aware of him and shied away in time. Well, that umbrella should fit for two to share. However - “Don’t you think that you are holding the umbrella too high, Nnoitra? My glasses are spilled - did you hear me?!?”
- The End -
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aightzero · 9 years
“Why are ya tellin’ me that?! Can’t ya see that I am driving it very fast? I’ma lot faster than ya did!” said Nnoitra with his arrogant smirk. The winds were so strong that his long hair flapping around vividly. “ It’s stupid to be too careful. Anyway, I ma not killin’ anyone in this way -” “Ouch!!” Suddenly he whistled. The carriage just sped and passed something. (Something?) “What’s there?!”
(So, take it easy! XD)
A drabble idea
I suddenly came up with an idea of a Halloween story of Nnoi/Szayel. But I am now struggling with my mid-term college school work so that I have no time to contribute to it carefully. So I wonder if anyone would like to take this idea and write the story? If so, I will be very happy to read it and I may draw a picture on this after freeing myself in two or three weeks.
The idea goes like this:
The Pumpkin Carriage (this title can be changed)
Nnoitra was unpatiently waiting outside the Octavo’s palace, complaining with Tesra. He didn’t mean to stay here but because he just woke up late after his siesta. There was a masquerade held by Aizen for all the Espadas and other Arrancars in the coming evening, as it was Halloween Eve! However, it seemed that everyone had left when the Quinto found the fact, and he even didn’t know where the masquerade would take place. But he happened to know that Szayel was the only one who would set out later than the others because he had a ‘car’ - or something - kind of strange stupid transportation machine that travels really fast.
So he just waited there, supposing that Szayel should not refuse to take him along a ride. Though Nnoitra hated to ask for help but he didn’t consider it should matter this time.
Szayel showed up later, dressed himself too dramatically (like what?). (By the way, Nnoitra was disguised as a bandager which was much easier than anything else to fit his figure.) Anyway, Szayel called out his ‘car’ eventually - which was memorably transformed to a pumpkin carriage for the festival.
And yes, Szayel finally agreed to share his special pumpkin carriage with the Quinto, and arranged a horse for Tesra. But this was just the beginning. Nnoitra never expected that the Octova would have problems to find the correct way. They got lost in the auto-driving pumpkin carriage. And soon they lost connections with Tesra, too.
(It’s not a start of the story, but an introduction.)
(So what happened on their Halloween Eve? I’ve not had the development yet. But I guess these two may quarrel for a while first…XD)
Anyone wants to take this? Please feel free!
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aightzero · 9 years
“Drive?” Nnoitra raised his right eyebrow. He had never thought about this! But Szayel just passed him the rein and Nnoitra had to take it over. The Quinto had no experience to drive a carriage ever - it’s not a joke, because he didn’t own a carriage! Though Szayel’s carriage seemed not to be a normal one anyway...it should not bother him too much in addition. Nnoitra seized the rein in hands. Since Szayel didn’t tell anything about how to use it, he just pulled the rein hard and shouted aloud: “TURN LEFT!!!” It worked - though Nnoitra didn’t know in which way, neither did he care really. The carriage turned so sharply that the two in it were almost thrown out at the moment. “Hah, this is fuckin’ fun!” Nnoitra whistled. And there came a noise of clash behind him.
(The carriage would not break down, I promise! XD)
A drabble idea
I suddenly came up with an idea of a Halloween story of Nnoi/Szayel. But I am now struggling with my mid-term college school work so that I have no time to contribute to it carefully. So I wonder if anyone would like to take this idea and write the story? If so, I will be very happy to read it and I may draw a picture on this after freeing myself in two or three weeks.
The idea goes like this:
The Pumpkin Carriage (this title can be changed)
Nnoitra was unpatiently waiting outside the Octavo’s palace, complaining with Tesra. He didn’t mean to stay here but because he just woke up late after his siesta. There was a masquerade held by Aizen for all the Espadas and other Arrancars in the coming evening, as it was Halloween Eve! However, it seemed that everyone had left when the Quinto found the fact, and he even didn’t know where the masquerade would take place. But he happened to know that Szayel was the only one who would set out later than the others because he had a ‘car’ - or something - kind of strange stupid transportation machine that travels really fast.
So he just waited there, supposing that Szayel should not refuse to take him along a ride. Though Nnoitra hated to ask for help but he didn’t consider it should matter this time.
Szayel showed up later, dressed himself too dramatically (like what?). (By the way, Nnoitra was disguised as a bandager which was much easier than anything else to fit his figure.) Anyway, Szayel called out his ‘car’ eventually - which was memorably transformed to a pumpkin carriage for the festival.
And yes, Szayel finally agreed to share his special pumpkin carriage with the Quinto, and arranged a horse for Tesra. But this was just the beginning. Nnoitra never expected that the Octova would have problems to find the correct way. They got lost in the auto-driving pumpkin carriage. And soon they lost connections with Tesra, too.
(It’s not a start of the story, but an introduction.)
(So what happened on their Halloween Eve? I’ve not had the development yet. But I guess these two may quarrel for a while first…XD)
Anyone wants to take this? Please feel free!
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aightzero · 9 years
“Ugh! What a pity.” Nnoitra twitched his mouth, obviously with no sincerity at all.
He leaned to the back of the seat, resting his head on his arms. “I’m hungry ‘cause I’m bored.” The carriage had run for long enough. “Ya should know that yer cloak is annoyin’. Why dan’t ya take it off?” - well, he just didn’t want to care about the lost problem. But, anyway, they could not stay this way on. “...all right. How do ya want me ta help if it wouldn’t be too troubleson’?”
A drabble idea
I suddenly came up with an idea of a Halloween story of Nnoi/Szayel. But I am now struggling with my mid-term college school work so that I have no time to contribute to it carefully. So I wonder if anyone would like to take this idea and write the story? If so, I will be very happy to read it and I may draw a picture on this after freeing myself in two or three weeks.
The idea goes like this:
The Pumpkin Carriage (this title can be changed)
Nnoitra was unpatiently waiting outside the Octavo’s palace, complaining with Tesra. He didn’t mean to stay here but because he just woke up late after his siesta. There was a masquerade held by Aizen for all the Espadas and other Arrancars in the coming evening, as it was Halloween Eve! However, it seemed that everyone had left when the Quinto found the fact, and he even didn’t know where the masquerade would take place. But he happened to know that Szayel was the only one who would set out later than the others because he had a ‘car’ - or something - kind of strange stupid transportation machine that travels really fast.
So he just waited there, supposing that Szayel should not refuse to take him along a ride. Though Nnoitra hated to ask for help but he didn’t consider it should matter this time.
Szayel showed up later, dressed himself too dramatically (like what?). (By the way, Nnoitra was disguised as a bandager which was much easier than anything else to fit his figure.) Anyway, Szayel called out his ‘car’ eventually - which was memorably transformed to a pumpkin carriage for the festival.
And yes, Szayel finally agreed to share his special pumpkin carriage with the Quinto, and arranged a horse for Tesra. But this was just the beginning. Nnoitra never expected that the Octova would have problems to find the correct way. They got lost in the auto-driving pumpkin carriage. And soon they lost connections with Tesra, too.
(It’s not a start of the story, but an introduction.)
(So what happened on their Halloween Eve? I’ve not had the development yet. But I guess these two may quarrel for a while first…XD)
Anyone wants to take this? Please feel free!
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aightzero · 9 years
“Hah?” Nnoitra narrowed his only eye, and then scoffed. “I thin’ it’s yer business to finda right way - or why do ya call yerself ‘da smartest?”
He stared at the Octavo righteously. After a while, he seemed to suddenly remember something. “Where’s Tesra? I’ma little hungry now.” Saying this, Nnoitra leaned his body half-out from the side-window of the carriage. But of course he could see nobody else.
Soon enough he sat back to the pink-haired man. “By ‘da way, can I eat da pumpkin’? Did ya poison it?”
(I really find it interesting to write about his accents, though I’m quite not sure if I am writing them in the right way...and yes, this is all fun XD)
A drabble idea
I suddenly came up with an idea of a Halloween story of Nnoi/Szayel. But I am now struggling with my mid-term college school work so that I have no time to contribute to it carefully. So I wonder if anyone would like to take this idea and write the story? If so, I will be very happy to read it and I may draw a picture on this after freeing myself in two or three weeks.
The idea goes like this:
The Pumpkin Carriage (this title can be changed)
Nnoitra was unpatiently waiting outside the Octavo’s palace, complaining with Tesra. He didn’t mean to stay here but because he just woke up late after his siesta. There was a masquerade held by Aizen for all the Espadas and other Arrancars in the coming evening, as it was Halloween Eve! However, it seemed that everyone had left when the Quinto found the fact, and he even didn’t know where the masquerade would take place. But he happened to know that Szayel was the only one who would set out later than the others because he had a ‘car’ - or something - kind of strange stupid transportation machine that travels really fast.
So he just waited there, supposing that Szayel should not refuse to take him along a ride. Though Nnoitra hated to ask for help but he didn’t consider it should matter this time.
Szayel showed up later, dressed himself too dramatically (like what?). (By the way, Nnoitra was disguised as a bandager which was much easier than anything else to fit his figure.) Anyway, Szayel called out his ‘car’ eventually - which was memorably transformed to a pumpkin carriage for the festival.
And yes, Szayel finally agreed to share his special pumpkin carriage with the Quinto, and arranged a horse for Tesra. But this was just the beginning. Nnoitra never expected that the Octova would have problems to find the correct way. They got lost in the auto-driving pumpkin carriage. And soon they lost connections with Tesra, too.
(It’s not a start of the story, but an introduction.)
(So what happened on their Halloween Eve? I’ve not had the development yet. But I guess these two may quarrel for a while first…XD)
Anyone wants to take this? Please feel free!
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aightzero · 9 years
A drabble idea
I suddenly came up with an idea of a Halloween story of Nnoi/Szayel. But I am now struggling with my mid-term college school work so that I have no time to contribute to it carefully. So I wonder if anyone would like to take this idea and write the story? If so, I will be very happy to read it and I may draw a picture on this after freeing myself in two or three weeks.
The idea goes like this:
The Pumpkin Carriage (this title can be changed)
Nnoitra was unpatiently waiting outside the Octavo’s palace, complaining with Tesra. He didn’t mean to stay here but because he just woke up late after his siesta. There was a masquerade held by Aizen for all the Espadas and other Arrancars in the coming evening, as it was Halloween Eve! However, it seemed that everyone had left when the Quinto found the fact, and he even didn’t know where the masquerade would take place. But he happened to know that Szayel was the only one who would set out later than the others because he had a ‘car’ - or something - kind of strange stupid transportation machine that travels really fast.
So he just waited there, supposing that Szayel should not refuse to take him along a ride. Though Nnoitra hated to ask for help but he didn’t consider it should matter this time.
Szayel showed up later, dressed himself too dramatically (like what?). (By the way, Nnoitra was disguised as a bandager which was much easier than anything else to fit his figure.) Anyway, Szayel called out his ‘car’ eventually - which was memorably transformed to a pumpkin carriage for the festival.
And yes, Szayel finally agreed to share his special pumpkin carriage with the Quinto, and arranged a horse for Tesra. But this was just the beginning. Nnoitra never expected that the Octova would have problems to find the correct way. They got lost in the auto-driving pumpkin carriage. And soon they lost connections with Tesra, too.
(It’s not a start of the story, but an introduction.)
(So what happened on their Halloween Eve? I’ve not had the development yet. But I guess these two may quarrel for a while first...XD)
Anyone wants to take this? Please feel free!
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aightzero · 9 years
God! I love this conversation!!!
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So, in colors~
(Nnoitra breaks an “8″ to a “5″!)
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aightzero · 9 years
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So, in colors~
(Nnoitra breaks an “8″ to a “5″!)
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aightzero · 9 years
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You know who they are ^^
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aightzero · 9 years
When trying to take one more step forward, Nnoitra found himself trapped. Something scratched his boots. The Quinto quickly glanced down and caught a sight of some bright-purple, vine-look, soft thing just withdrawing from his ankles lightly and then slid away in a second. He couldn’t tell the name of that stuff, but he could guess it was the Octavo who let everything happened.
Nnoitra knew before he came that he should show no surprise at any absurd creatures in Szayel’s garden. He might ever be curious. But now, he tended to care about nothing else than the pink-haired man in white clothes. The garden should be more colorful, perhaps. He tilted his head a bit and let out his typical smirk. “So that’s yer pet, hah?”
It was not a query in faith. Nnoitra stopped at where he stood, lips apart for some unclear little noise. After a while he realized that he could count the very eyelashes on the scientist’s face easily enough, and Szayel was no longer in his seat.
[[I hope I didn’t mess it up?]]
The Other and the Look
Prompt from the AO3 generator seen here. 
Existential garden eye sex
The deserts of Hueco Mundo were ubiquitous, but Szayel enjoyed his own self-created oasis, in the greenhouse attached to his laboratories.  It was a garden of his own, thick, lush, and full…a spot where he could sit and think on the complexities of his life.  But today he was not alone in his reverie. Approaching him was the Quinto espada, moving nonchalantly, obviously wanting something.
Szayel stared him down, two golden eyes fixed on one, but he knew that Nnoitra was not one to back down.  Szayel’s gaze was daring, mixed with longing. Without the admixture of lust and madness, would Szayel cease to be himself?  He pondered the point, his own nature.  He let his eyes flick up and down the long-limbed body before fixing again back to his face.
He waited for the other to speak, if he would.  Who knows, maybe even Nnoitra would not want to break the tension with the risk of a poorly chosen word.  After all, he held his gaze too, and he couldn’t be ignorant to the thoughts currently entertained in the scientist’s mind.
[[ aightzero your turn]]
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