ailenstolemybrian · 4 years
The following was written a few years ago by me and wow was i... Wow. Don't judge, I just felt the need to put it here. I honestly forgot it existed tho lmao.
Thats all the human race is and will reamin. Useless.
Sometimes I stay up at night and wonder what our purpose was and why we were wasting time. Everyone so caught up in ther religion and worshipping something that no one really knows is there or not.
I'm not bashing anyone for it, just a thought. Our lives are truly pathetic. Always worrying about learning things like math and reading, and yes those are important, but still. Everyone is so worried about being able to shoot a ball into a hoop.
It's funny that that's the thing that gets people money and make them famous. There is a whole universe out there and peole are too busy worrying about that guy that was killed on the news.
No use in crying over spilled milk is all I have to say. Nothing is going to bring him or anyone back, so don't waste time on trying because once you die, who the hell knows what happens. Not me thats for sure. 
We should be exploring the world so what the hell are we doing? Forget earth what about all the other places out there. Have we learned nothing from Star Wars? There are other galexys out there waiting to be explored.
People trying to figure out the meaning to life. Honestly, who the hell cares? Be happy you have one and move on with it. Besides, no one will ever truly agree with you on the opinion for it. Everyone one is different, and everyone thinks different
Some people do not think at all, they just do what they want.
But who am I to say? Im just a kid who thinks they know whats good for everyone.
Besides, I have to go. I have a lot of things to do.
                                                                                                                                   -Just Another kid
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ailenstolemybrian · 4 years
Scoot ur cheeks cause my fat ass needs to take a seat
Is this the place where they tell me I will will truly hit rock bottom? Idfk but Tumblr I'm here, I'm queer and I'm ready to die. So yee haw, check ur shit and hold on to ur memes cause imma blow this shit up.
Probs not but u know what I'm saying. I hope.
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