aimerfonce · 10 years
Remember when I said I wasn't leaving yet? Well...
This blog will probably not be completely forgotten, as my muses are very random and unpredictable. For all I know, my muse could return within the next few months and I could be back full-time. Just-- right now, this seems unlikely, so until further announcement this blog is now inactive. You can assume all of my threads are dropped.
If I said I had a good time in the community, or a lot of great memories, I'd actually be lying. People have attempted to bully me (emphasis on attempt), people have ostracized me, I ran into people from my past, and I even had shit talked about me behind my back. I'm not going to lie, I've made quite a few enemies here.
I have made some friends too, however; It wasn't all bad times. The bad times just came loudly, while the good were more quiet, so when I look back on my experiences in this fandom, what comes to mind are mostly the bad. Still, it was.. an interesting experience, to say the least.. enough so to make me hesitant to leave.
I was respected by some people too, so that also makes me reluctant!! Thank you for those who thought rather highly of me. Even knowing some of the people who read this will be relieved to see me go, it's nice to know there were some saddened to hear I was planning on leaving the community due to it's inactivity.
I've been here for only about two and a half months, so I'm not sure if it calls for a post this long, but it feels like I was here a lot longer, you know!! So.. to avoid rambling on for hours, I'm just going to leave a couple of messages to some people who made impressions on me during my stay, a lot of whom I might not get to speak to again.
the-steel-queen It made me really happy when you said that you really liked me!! It makes it sound like we're never going to talk again, though. The last time we talked we were arguing and I'd hate that to be my last interaction with you.
biancovirtuoso I miss you being a group chat with you too! I've always thought you were a really nice person and I enjoyed hearing about your day and stuff from a distance, though we've actually had a real conversation. To be honest, I had a tiny crush on you when we first met. Don't worry though it's gone now, but I still think you're great.
nemurusukeban I've always wanted to be your friend. Thank you for all the really awesome role plays, and I'm really sorry for dropping all of them before they got to the good part... and for being a really slow role play partner in general. You have the cutest personality, btw!
vagrantx I feel like I have not appreciated the things you've given to me at all. Thank you for the absolutely gorgeous themes, and always being nothing but friendly to me the entire time we've known each other!
shieldofthesovereign Remember that time you told somebody you wished they would shove their foot up my ass and thought that I'd never find out about it? I found out about it. I just had to get that off my chest, or else it'd bother me for the rest of my life that you WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING ME talked shit about me on a subject you knew nothing about. I needed to get that out there. I think you're an ass tbh and I cringed every time you replied to one of my messages.
matoi-ryuuko-wielder You always liked and reblogged my posts, I noticed that and I liked that v much. Thank you.
gokulolita I think one of the worst things about leaving this account is no longer seeing your art on my dash. You and strawberryseamstress and petitechefu and junsoku were all fun to watch on my dash and all great people IRL from what I could tell. Thank you all for being so nice to me! I hope none of you ever go inactive! I just rly love the OC community ok.
escindir You know, about a month after we met I received info from my friend that they recognized your personal URL and I'm pretty sure you actually have my personal blocked. Like, we MET before. We had a really bad argument like a year or so ago, long before we met in this community and then met back having no idea who we all were. Haha.. Good times.. I might have removed you on Skype...
sensei-nise SO LIKE.. I have this conspiracy theory you're out to get me. I'll probably never know whether or not this is true, but you share your name with a girl who almost convinced me to kill myself three years ago. Not only that, but you write EXACTLY like her. Also, someone who lives in the same city you once told a mutual friend that you lived in goes to my blog like 50-100 times a day... just like.. refreshing.. every couple of minutes.. and has my blog bookmarked.. and all of this is like.. too much of a coincidence for me to think I'm just paranoid at this point? I just wanted to say that. Like I really needed to say that. I'm not even mad anymore I'm just, really disturbed tbh.. like if that's you... lmfao wow, ok.
To everyone else, thank you so much for role playing with me or following me. I won't be responding to anymore messages on this blog, so if any of you want to get into contact with me or take your last shot being my friend (it's not worth it brotha) o r whatever.. My skype is hiidora-
Let me know who you are when you send it, though!
Or else I'll probably ignore it!
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aimerfonce · 10 years
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aimerfonce · 10 years
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[ I’m with you till the end, friend!
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aimerfonce · 10 years
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{{ the end is nigh, fandom death is upon us
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aimerfonce · 10 years
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aimerfonce · 10 years
If my muse is rude to yours it’s not the mun’s opinion about your muse
If my muse is rude to yours it’s usually not without reasons. Maybe the reasons are stupid, but that’s how my character ticks
If my muse is rude to yours it’s how my muse works and no, I won’t change their character just because you want it so
Because it’s my muse and deal with it, and I am done with playing my muses after the wishes of others
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aimerfonce · 10 years
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"Fair enough. Well, If such a situation occurs, you'll know what I mean."
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"…..Not when you’re making that face."
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aimerfonce · 10 years
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Don’t worry Aikuro. I never get bored with your glowing nipples.
Based on Hark! A Vagrant - strip (all of them are awesome, go read!)
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aimerfonce · 10 years
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"Do you?"
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"…Do I even want to know why you’re asking?”
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aimerfonce · 10 years
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"I see you're quite faithful to me, as usual.. I'll have to take your word on it."
"Let me give you the ‘serious' answer— “
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“Probably not.”
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aimerfonce · 10 years
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                                       FEEL MY FURY!
               ✄ Independent Ryuko Matoi role-play.                ✄ Doubles as an ask blog.                ✄ Singleverse / Singleship.                ✄ Semi-Selective; RPs with mutuals.                ✄ Mun is of age.                ✄ 11 years of experience.
                           {{ Home }}    {{ Guidelines }}    {{ Artwork }}
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aimerfonce · 10 years
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"Of course not. You know I'd never do anything that would inconvenience you for selfish reasons. Just hypothetically, envision I did something irresponsible. It wouldn't effect you any, but it would happen to be something you were against. Would you lose respect for me?"
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“Depends if I’m going to catch shit for it—”
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aimerfonce · 10 years
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"Calm down. It was just a simple question." He thought about it for a second. "I guess I should take this seriously, though." To be completely honest, he wasn't. There was something that made this situation hard to believe.
Even after their escapades trying not to be eaten by live clothing, he still had some semblance of common sense left in him and this was frankly betraying it. "It's nothing much, I just want to test a few things." By that, he meant reach straight out and grip either of her newfound feline ears in his fingers.
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"No, teach, I’m fuckin’ with you because y’know I have a secret fetish for pretendin’ to be a fucking animal,” she spat, angry heat rising to her face.
"… Depends on what y’mean by ‘confirm.’" Ryuko eyed him wearily, absentmindedly wringing her newfound tail between her hands. She’d found that she couldn’t stop fiddling with it and tugging at it, hoping it would fall off.
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aimerfonce · 10 years
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41 notes · View notes
aimerfonce · 10 years
Based on my writing, how old would you THINK I was?
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aimerfonce · 10 years
Is everyone at this school insane? This is not how we do it in the UK
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"I guess that’s one way of putting it..”
0 notes
aimerfonce · 10 years
The daily routine of an Aikuro Mikisugi was fairly droll.
He taught History in class, graded papers, assured all of his students went home safely, etc. He did everything a normal teacher would, with the exception of spying on one of his students, of course. A Ryuko Matoi, to be exact. In his cramped lair a short distance from the school, he kept a close eye on her. This outright stalking wasn't so any of the reasons your mind would logically jump to at the thought of a School teacher following around one of his students, and watching her through binoculars everywhere she went.
He was a spy-- or to be more exact, a double agent. In the daytime, Aikuro acted as your everyday teacher, but at night he was a sniper. A member of a resistance group dubbed Nudist Beach by it's late leader, the father of the very girl he crept on.
That was a story for another day, however. The story you'll be hearing today is a bit less exciting, it would seem. His eyes tore away from his laptop as he sat there, bent forward with an awful posture as he sat on his couch, typing away at a professional speed. All action halted at the sound of a familiar voice barking through his door, and her fist threatening to break it down with harsh thrusts. "Ah." was all that left his throat.
He flipped the device closed and rose to his feet, pausing as he realized he had changed out of his disguise. Thankfully, it took only a second for him to ruin any semblance of his stylish haircut, making it closely resemble the plant his family was named after. How he also managed to regain his facial hair in the same motion was.. honestly beyond the person writing this post.
"Coming, coming..!" He called in a tired voice only reminiscent of his true one. Snatching his sunglasses off the table, he carefully placed them back onto his face and hobbled off for the door, opening it with all the zest of an eighty-two year old man. Happy as he was to be needed (and visited) by the girl, he would have preferred she didn't risk jeopardizing his mission in the process, so as he greeted her, he promptly said--
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"You shouldn't be so loud, Ryuko. You'll draw attention."
"Y’know, you frustrate the shit out of me," Ryuko hissed down to the lapel of her seifuku, pulling the hood of her jacket over her head as she slipped into the shadows of Honnouji Academy. It was one thing to be so exposed when they were synchronized - hell, she even accepted the fact that he needed to feed on her blood to even function. That was all fine and well, but when Senketsu began bugging her about her BMI or whatever the hell other physiological change he could sense in her…
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Well, it had a tendency to drive her up the fucking wall.
So do you. I don’t do this because it’s enjoyable, it’s my nature to want to keep you healthy and safe, Senketsu returned crossly, very nearly huffing himself. She had been eating too many croquettes, and he could feel his fibers stretching somewhat to compensate for the extra padding around her waist line.
"Jesus fucking Christ, man, you know how hard it is to come by good food when you’re hopping all over Japan going from school to school getting kicked out all the damn time," the youth bit out, turning a corner onto the increasingly familiar path to her homeroom teacher/Nudist Beach connect, Aikuro Mikisugi. If anything, he was proving to be as irritating as the Kamui she bore - but she had to do what she had to do to get shit done.
Regardless, you should be more careful with what you put into your body - and what you do with it. It’s the only one you’ll ever have, the Kamui chided, prompting a groan of frustration from his host - a clue that she saw the wisdom in what he had said and was momentarily struck at a loss for words as a result.
"It’s my body, fuck, Senketsu! Live fast, die young, that’s my motto, so hop off my motherfucking d- Oh, shit, I think that’s it," Ryuko finished, speaking mostly to herself at that point. Had to be. Tall-ass apartment building overlooking the Academy proper. Shoving her heads into her pockets, she went up the stairs to the complex swiftly, opening the door to begin hiking up the stairs.
At the very least, it wasn’t difficult; years of fighting had made her more or less fit, as well as the fibers that artificially strengthened her - unbeknownst to her at the time, thankfully. Taking stairs two at a time, she finally reached the nudist’s apartment door.
At the very least, try to be polite. He cares about you.
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"In a really fucking creepy way so shut the hell up, ya fuckin’ uniform, goddamn," she bit back, rolling her eyes even as her fist came up to pound on the door insistently. "Oy! Hentai sensei, open up! I’ve got a fuckin’ problem here!"
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