ainaumilsobremonte · 9 years
For you.
It was sleeping until you came, It was cold and not into a game, It was hard as the rocks from the shore, My heart was once empty, but not anymore.
You’re the most beautiful picture for my eyes, And the most perfect tune for my ears, Your touch that I can’t ever forget, For when I miss you, I shed into tears.
My hearts been broken, more times than you know, And promised not to love anymore, so I hoped so, But someone did light up my life, and made me forget the pain, You, the most perfect puzzle piece of my life in vain.
Your laughter that brightens up my day, Your smiles that take my fears away, You, who’s loving arms are so tender, How can I hurt someone like you? I just wonder.
You make my heart beats in a thousand ways, And make the most perfect times out of my sad days, You’ve made me happier than I’ve ever been before, So thank you for your love that I will not have anymore.
Knowing our love is not the way it should be, But atleast we’ve tried, and I swear I mean everything baby, If only you could step inside my heart for just a moment or two, You might be overwhelmed for what I’m feeling for you.
I want to hold you close, I want to hold your hand. I never want to let you go, but I don’t want to fall from my stand. The love that was once pure and brighter than the sun, Will now be the most sad thing and just wanting to run.
I want to protect you, I want to keep you safe I never want to see you cry, or feel an ounce of pain. But I can’t do that, I know you know, I bet you do. So now, there will be no more room, for me and you.
I’m letting you go not because I don’t love you indeed, You’re one in a million, and you’re all I will ever need; Hurting you is not my thing, nor my mere intention, Cause I’d rather have bad times with you, than good with any other person.
I still want to see you smile, and be happy without me, Because I might die if I’ll see you the worst before you loved me, Remember you’re a perfect piece of God’s billions of creation, Baby I love you, and hurting you like this will never be my intention.
You filled my heart with love and I’ve got so much from it, And you took me away from my worries a thousand feet. But I shot a gun that did hurt the both us. Baby I loveyou goodbye, but this will be the last.
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ainaumilsobremonte · 9 years
1% call 3% text 16% games 30% selfies 50% Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr
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ainaumilsobremonte · 9 years
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Does anyone else do this?
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ainaumilsobremonte · 9 years
Things people need to understand about introversion
As an introvert who is in a family of extroverts, here are some things that people need to understand:
• After a long day of being with people, if I say I am tired, it doesn’t necessarily mean I need sleep. It means I need time to myself for a while so I can recharge and get some energy back so I can deal with other people.
• If I say I don’t want to go somewhere, please don’t assume I’m lazy. I do not like last minute plans because I can’t prepare for these things. Give me time to rest beforehand.
• Just because I spend a lot of time alone, it doesn’t mean I don’t like you. Talk to me, we can hang out, I just like to be by myself rather than around a lot of people.
• I’m sorry if I zone out when we’re out in public. My thoughts are my safe haven. Don’t think I’m ignoring you.
• Don’t make me meet a lot of new people at once. It’s very draining and chances are I won’t end up getting along with them simply because I got tired.
• Let me have my space. I’m sorry that you’re used to being able to get up into everyone’s business, but I will begin to hate you if you’re in my bubble for too long. The bubble is mine. If I say get out, then do yourself a favor and get out rather than calling me cranky or rude.
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ainaumilsobremonte · 9 years
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ainaumilsobremonte · 9 years
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ainaumilsobremonte · 9 years
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ainaumilsobremonte · 9 years
There are a few posts going around tumblr that have hundreds of thousands of notes and talk about torrents that you can go to for textbooks.
My advice?
Those are illegal.
I hate to be the stick in the mud here, but yeah, those are illegal.
And seeing as how a lot of you will be logged onto your college server and they can see any website that you go on, I wouldn’t recommend it. You might have your internet privileges revoked. Or face disciplinary actions. Is it worth it?
Besides, a ton of those websites are filled with viruses.
So, you may have saved a few hundred dollars on a textbook but now you need to buy a new computer and are facing consequences from the school.
I know that textbooks are outrageously expensive. And I hate it. But it’s not worth the trouble to try and illegally obtain them.
So, what would I recommend?
Talk to your professor. They might have a few extra textbooks for you to use.
Go to your college library. I worked in the library at my old college for a year and we had an entire shelf of textbooks that students could rent for two hours.
Put up a bulletin board where students can sell their old books and see if someone’s selling the book that you need.
Ask your professor if you can get the an older edition of a book. They’re usually a lot cheaper.
Here are five LEGAL websites that I would recommend:
amazon.com - Not only do they rent books, they also sell used books. I’ve found some really great deals before.
textbookrush.com - Again, they sell used books. I once got a $300 book for $35.
chegg.com - I know a lot of students who use this.
bookbyte.com - I also know a lot of students who use this.
bigwords.com - This website compares prices for books.
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ainaumilsobremonte · 9 years
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ainaumilsobremonte · 9 years
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ainaumilsobremonte · 9 years
I don’t want to hurt you. I’m scared knowing I might hurt you so mentally and emotionally that you can never see love the same way again. I care too much about you and that is why I have to let go. To let go of us. And I hope you do the same. You might be wondering that if I care so much why don’t I just stick around and try harder. You deserve the world and I don’t even think I gave you a fraction of it. You deserve so much more. It’s so cliché, but it’s true. Hey, don’t cry.. I’ll always love you, I’ll always care about you, I’ll always be there if you need me. The timing might be wrong right now but maybe one day we’ll be better for each other. You don’t have to believe me when I say this but, I’m doing this for you.
Last thing you ever said to me. (via spilledxthoughts)
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ainaumilsobremonte · 9 years
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- Luke 22:49
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ainaumilsobremonte · 9 years
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Source: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/17381148535694518/
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ainaumilsobremonte · 9 years
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ainaumilsobremonte · 9 years
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Sweetheart backless pink chiffon dress
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ainaumilsobremonte · 9 years
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Proverbs 24:16 (NASB) For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again, But the wicked stumble in time of calamity.
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ainaumilsobremonte · 9 years
I am weak, but Christ is strong, and today, just as every day, I need Him to carry me.
T.B. LaBerge  (via littlethingsaboutgod)
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