ainimus-blog · 10 years
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      I’m Steve— Steve Rogers.
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( Rogers...? )
& the name is more than familiar. a famed war hero cannot be so easily forgotten, regardless of how long ago he'd served.
    ❛Charles Xavier         it's a pleasure to meet   you, Mr. Rogers.❜
finally meet him, that is.
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ainimus-blog · 10 years
❛ Last time I checked,   you weren’t the one   who got to call the    shots. ❜
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a short sigh & prolonged pause.     ❛     it's your turn.❜
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ainimus-blog · 10 years
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ainimus-blog · 10 years
❛ Sorry for prying. ❜
Although it still was a topic of interest; the thesis she’d read had hailed from Oxford, and she can even recall half of their science department bemoaning the fact that they’d never have the chance to meet such an extraordinary mind.
❛ And the pleasure’s all mine, really.    It’s not often I have people in my office,    even if it’s just because they’re in the wrong    place. ❜
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    ❛      No. It's   quite all right.❜
He hadn't an idea of how to explain his situation        it had been more than a long time since he'd been associated with any university or school in general. Besides his own, that is.
    ❛Is that so?    Then, perhaps I'll   have to visit again.❜ & cue smile.
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ainimus-blog · 10 years
❛ I didn’t ask for your    charity, Charles. ❜
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    ❛You can't continue    to seclude yourself, Erik.❜
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ainimus-blog · 10 years
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         ❝ I would like to think of it as improbable… ❞
he lifted his head a little higher.
            ❝ — - Charlie. ❞
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    ❛You were dead.    We buried you.❜ 
unspoken queries of  how he survived and  why he never returned caused chaos in mind. and heartbeat was racing: something akin to a bullet.
    ❛         that is not my name.❜
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ainimus-blog · 10 years
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it’s perfectly okay to panic, right? oh gosh okay well i never thought i would get here mainly bc all i do is cry over clint barton, post too many ooc posts and sometimes roleplay. so uh, im surprised and kinda grateful that you guys put up with my shit. i just hope im doing something right. without further ado, here’s my follow forever. and don’t worry, i have a giveaway planned i just gotta figure out what to do for the giveaway so keep ur pretty eyes peeled for that.
ainimus, atxnement, amazingfutzup, asgardiantelevision, agxntcoulson, aweapontobeused, agentclntbrtn, billionxre, bygxne,  bannerxman, blkwdow, brutallyefficiens, contrarii, consultxnt, cellobowsandarrows, carryonthefamilybusiness, dexilinlaw, deceiverx, defiiled
earthandthunder, frostedhawkfeathers, goldenxarcher, gankingmonsters, hatexendings
juniorisms, katebishoppi, luphoria, lxgnen, lo-gic-us, lxptr
malleum, mspxtts, mrstxrk, mxskedhero, notacircusmonkey, nonitase, oldfashionedhxro
playboyengineer, pietroed,  prxfessors-pet, prxzrak, raserix, reactxr, rokkalda, romanoffx, svikoglygar, serxph, shootingstarlord, savageclaws, scarredbyxhellfire, soldatzimy, smightymcsmighterton
txnistark, tokillabarton, unsoldat, virxbonus, warlikelady, wntrsldr, wiintxr, witness-protection-with-wings, xmanwithaplan, xpraeliator, xromanoff, xxcastiel, xchernayavdova
okay so im pretty sure i skipped some people and if i did i am so sorry pls dont be made im running on three hours of sleep and fumes at this point. ily all so much and i cant even believe i managed to reach 1k on this account im gonna cry ok *smooches ur faces*
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ainimus-blog · 10 years
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        ❝ He is my son — - ❞
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( Father...? )
cue immediate surprise  & incredulity.
    ❛That is impossible.❜
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ainimus-blog · 10 years
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ainimus-blog · 10 years
❛Because I had to leave. ❜
He may abide by his cause but he wasn’t a madman. Lingering longer, catching up with some old friend would have drove him to disaster; lead them both to catastrophe, if they saw it fit to incarcerate a naive cripple. He had been confined to an alabaster coffin, wherein he sacrificed, squandered eons midst that penitentiary relentless condemnation—unable to help, unable to salvage the lives of those who fought for his cause, unable to fight with them. Remorse was rare, but when it infected him, it ravaged him. The query is answered with one of its form; curt in its oration, spoken with dire incredulity bounded to its form.
❛       Weren’t you? ❜
But resonance rings strong, stands stagnant in a memory that does not give up its struggles, its thoughts so easily. It’s a fragment, nary a dissonance despite time beating upon its attendance: (…so that I could sleep.) Trask and his vile operations had unmade so many; poured maculations atop mutantkind and imbured the ones he claimed with that unheeding scalpel; the causation, presumably, for these tireless, tortured nights endured by his erstwhile comrade. There were gaps in his knowledge, accordingly unfilled to this day. Questions whose answers forsake them; slots with names unfilled, friends who might still stride this unfortunate earth; brethren, not yet felled by the rancorous hand of hegemony and wonted grief. Perhaps he was an idealist to keep in sight the utopian future; one by which his kith and kin would reign preponderant. 
❛ Don’t you see? We need to    end this. End this suffering.    Trask won’t be the last one    who tries to exterminate us.
   My people went quietly to their    deaths once before. I won’t ever    let that happen again. We mutants    will fight back. And win. You can    still join me, Charles. Fight with me.    Then it will be enough. ❜
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    ❛You didn't     ❜ twice. You didn't have to leave twice.  It was evident, his need in leaving the subsequent time, albeit deserting them in Cuba with a possibly fatal wound... hadn't been essential. And yet he knew of his desire, or rather, belief  that he was not wanted. 
    ❛          no.   I wasn't.❜
Each articulated word   however few   were voiced with subtle rage: partially due to the opposing aspirant's skepticism t'wards he, albeit predominantly for his own disbelief. ( Hiding; you and Hank. ) Pretending to be something you're not. Did he capitulate? Agree? He hardly had deemed it secreting during the moment, though now it could only be seen as such. Running from responsibility was still a regret held now; he should have acted upon hearing the cries of many.
    ❛I do not doubt you, Erik:   there will be more. Though   that could be said of us, also.   People like Trask  like Shaw     exist in both humanity and    mutantkind.❜  There are those in humanity who will do anything to wreak destruction upon them, he could not deny it. And they did not differ in that regard.
    ❛However there is   no battle to be won.   Not yet. What you're    suggesting will not end   as you expect it to. If you   carry this to it's finale, it   will conclude in a real war.❜
He believed mutants superior to the humans, although the only thing separating them from humanity was genetics. They may be stronger, sharper-perhaps “better” in that regard. That said they never proved themselves melior as people.
This wish for humanity to be scared & anticipate no retaliation was pure idiocy. Instilling fear  facade or otherwise  is useless. They had a chance to live not as those who are worthier nor revered, but as equals. An opportunity for tranquility; peace. Raven had saved many men, and that is more than a beginning to not live amongst those who are frightful of them. To breath midst a community of equivalence ... no hierarchy fought over by both kind.
    ❛I understand we need to   act. But not like this--even if   it did end how you wish it to ...   I'm sorry my friend, but I   cannot help you win a fight of   which you are starting.❜
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ainimus-blog · 10 years
#charles don’t want his bf to leave#ever#ur here forever erik.
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ainimus-blog · 10 years
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        ❝ You know of this Professor Xavier — -? ❞
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    ❛I sure hope so.   Why do you ask?❜
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ainimus-blog · 10 years
— So she’d been entering establishments without permission.She never stole anything, though. She used to ❝borrow❞ things however, she would return them after a few days. But that just wasn’t possible this time. Maybe because she just really got sick of it. It went against everything she stood for as a person; she just wanted to do something ❝fun.❞ The library was one of her favourite things she wanted to … ❝borrow❞ from. Always a selection of things; of beautiful poetry and immersive literature. Aerith loved the smell of worn paper, after all, and the quiet busy-ness was something that appealed to her. Albeit sometimes she found herself to be a lazy reader, she loved traveling elsewhere mentally at least; her imagination could prove to be her most valuable weapon.
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                         ❝ —— You could  say that.                          I have a habit of exploring on my own,                          at the expense of my own … incredulity.❞
No, really, in places like these she really would be awestruck. It was earthy … cozy. Warm and welcoming. And it really gave off an intelligent streak. She felt like learning more about the world today, however. No more of the fairytale lot. No more of swashbuckling fantasies or deep-space exploration. She wanted to learn something more— psychology; the human mind.                          ❝Can you show me the right way to                          get there without feeling like a lab rat?❞
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Various ideas of this “borrowing” floated midst other thoughts, and whilst it entails she returns the item, until then it would be deemed stolen. Perhaps even thereafter. And this concept brings about a smile to visage--he nearly would have laughed, if in doing so wouldn't prove him mad.
    ❛You may want to be   cautious, then. That could   conclude in trouble.❜
If she finds herself in a situation of lesser... legality, it could quite possibly finish inadequately. Although she seemed capable of handling herself, this “borrowing” hadn't appeared to be the most prudent of activities. 
    ❛Indeed I ...❜ However this believed charming smirk falters at her words     or rather, word. (...labrat.)  & he's taken back to the past, back to 1962. Prior to the deaths and losses. Before everything.
Back to Erik and Raven. To their team. A much simpler era; he'd be more than mendacious in stating he hadn't desired a chance to return there. If only to see Sean & Darwin anew. Of course the time was perhaps not harmonious, albeit moreso than currently. And then he's back here. With a stranger who was assumed sweet, aside from questionable hobbies.
     ❛      right. It isn't all too far;   just take the nearest left turn. Though ...   would you prefer I escort you?❜
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ainimus-blog · 10 years
❛ There’s nothing I can do, Charles.             Nothing we can do. ❜
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    ❛Where else will you go?   You're safe here.❜
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ainimus-blog · 10 years
❛ I need another drink. ❜
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    ❛      you cannot  ignore this, Erik.❜
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ainimus-blog · 10 years
❛ Barbara Gordon. ❜
Commissioner Gordon’s daughter—or at least, such was almost always the association made. Her father was akin to some sort of Gotham royalty, however strange it sounded; but since the area was littered with psychos, the paper was littered with police reports.
❛ So which university do you teach at? ❜            Because it’s certainly not this one. ❛ You’re one of the brightest minds out there,    right? I’m sure every school’s got their eye on    you. ❜ 
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    ❛A pleasure.❜
And it isn't condescending nor dishonest. Though, he cannot say he'd heard the name prior; he was positive he'd recall it from the moment she stated it.
At next inquiry, a sudden-and rather tremendous-hesitance to reply arose; he'd never had need of explaining.
    ❛That's...   a bit complicated.❜
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ainimus-blog · 10 years
Everyone seemed to be involved nowadays. The littlest things would be blown out of proportion; a party can grow to be a community. Communities grow into cities. So what was the surprise? Maybe she just wanted everything to have distinction; easy to spot, therefore if something went wrong things were easy to… ameliorate.
Curls bounce as she cants her head to a side; there’s always something new. History is always made— somewhere around the corner. And there are also snipers. Eyes shift and a corner of her lips tugs until she assumes a rather “favorable” expression, and then a nod follows suit: Cissnei mulls over the fact that there are many things that come with having to meet people. Make connections. Or even starting up small talk.                          ❝—— Authority can be very fucked up.❞ There’s a frankness in her words that she hasn’t really… released in a while. Actually, she can’t really figure out what makes her think so, feel so— she knows, however, that it’s quite sickening for people to be involved without question. Greed can change a man, after all.                          ❝I guess that’s a given. And, given these                          circumstances … I’m Cissnei. And I guess today                          I’m just a really bad and relaxed … spy, of sorts.❞
The redhead extends her hand— she refuses to sit, to kneel, to get down to his level. For a man who made a very valuable impression on her, one of respect in spite of his disability, he didn’t deserve anything lower.
To encounter someone as she was rare; she'd proven herself none too quick to assume: a quality not too frequent midst anyone. To act as such was more than uncommon, and quite reputable. And whilst her virtues likely extend beyond just that, he'd hardly wish to presume anything more. Perhaps he'd merely been fairly avid at happening 'pon a person who suspected him weak. That said, it was more than a pet peeve or simple agitation. To be deemed unfit or incapable... vexing & troublous, amongst anything synonymous.
     ❛That it can.❜
Her forthright words displayed more than a surprise      an untold story possibly lingering. He'd known her not dangerous, though... she'd spoken it as if from experience. Albeit the thought wouldn't be pressed further; it was a subject he needn't any information on, regardless of burning curiosity.
    ❛Charles Xavier.   You aren't working currently,                      are you?   I wouldn't wish to keep you.❜
And he shakes the offered hand, inquisitive-however genuine-smile obvious on features. Her noncompliance to lower herself was most respectable, though unexpected--he'd never perceived such to be quite so insulting. And still her defiance is evident; she'd easily gained a deserved reverence.
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