aintagonist · 1 year
misc thoughts.
i don't necessarily subscribe to the 'isaak is manipulating cain' theory / headcanon but.
i also don't... not... think that.
like, to preface this, i think cain is pure id. he's insane. like, the epitome of came back wrong but he seems to be able to... adapt? depending on who he's with. and i think this is one part intentional manipulation, and also one part the old (and extremely lonely and desperate to please else he be thrown out and considered defective) cain surfacing.
pre-lilith's murder, i think his connection to abel is what kept him even halfway stable. abel was his conscience and his barometer for right and wrong. abel wanted to kill humans and leave the vampires alone, and cain - kind of hated them both! because the vampires were once the humans that made their lives hell.
cain wanted to kill both species and was being driven by pure destructive impulses, but he channeled them to the target abel wanted. right up until he fucked up and murdered lilith, which he did because fighting her was upsetting abel. i do not think that cain was ever really on the 'side' of the colonists, he was an always has been just on the side of himself and his siblings. but i also don't think he originally planned on turning around and killing them once they won. ( though this may just be largely due to the given the fact that crusnik need the bacillis to survive, 01's rational was that they needed to survive so it had food )
but it's interesting to contrast it with post-lilith murder. where he just wants to destroy everything. there's no actual malice in it, either. no good or evil. and i think it's a mixture of isaak's end goals, the 900 years of isolation, and 01's instincts.
we see that he is abel to connect to people when he's allowed to his own devices - his affection towards esther, twisted as it may be - is genuine. and that's something isaak has to monitor carefully. the bond that cain has with esther is so interesting given that he and isaak literally raised dietrich, but he doesn't seem to hold that same soft spot for him. he just wants to fuck with him and make him miserable, or just completely disregards him.
isaak seems to genuinely believe in rebirthing the world through fire. and so cain's like yeah, okay, we can blow it all up! and isaak is monopolizing all his time and trying to keep him focused because at this point, cain is a fucking mess.
and i feel like if he did regain himself, like the old him in his entirety, killing lilith and killing esther's last living blood relative right in front of her might crush him more than the millions upon millions of lives he took. because he hurt two people he genuinely valued, and he can never put that right again.
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aintagonist · 1 year
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hello hello, here's a quick promo.
this is an independent & selective roleplay blog for cain knightlord ( crusnik 01 ) of trinity blood. manga && novels based. multiship && open to crossovers and aus.
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aintagonist · 1 year
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headcanon: the descent into madness was a slow, slow burn. cain didn't just wake up as a different person after his death. he woke up... changed. more vibrant. less weighed down by the burdens of leadership. this is why none of his siblings noticed the change until it was far too late.
the more people he killed and drank from, the less sense death made to him. as he put it, all he killed and drank from lived on inside of him - or at least, a copy of their data did. enough for cain to get confused about the difference between the living, breathing person in front of him and the copy the nanomachines held inside.
this was ultimately what caused him to murder lilith. abel's despair over the ongoing war bothered him, and so cain took it upon himself to bring lilith to their side by any means necessary.
he went in there knowing full well he would most likely kill her. however, as mentioned, this no longer seemed like a bad thing to cain. he could kill her, absorb her and 04, and then she's back with them! there's no problem! see, abel, she's in me now and therefore back with us!
i don't think his siblings could process just what the fuck was going through cain's head. why he'd show them that as though it was a good thing.
cain genuinely can't comprehend what he's doing. good and evil have no meaning, he's not running off of any consistent internal logic. he's an perfect fusion of a broken mind and an alien machine, meaning that blue and orange morality is all he's got to work on.
even if you remove 01 from him -- it's been nine hundred years of this. cain may come back to his senses and return to the man he once was, but 01 is running off of the true feelings he kept buried. the hatred for humanity and living the way he did. you can't just put those back in the box once they're been pulled to the forefront.
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aintagonist · 1 year
tumblr has changed so much. here's a temp info post.
mun: ire, 25+, he/him
name: cain knightlord, krusnik 01. age: 900+ species: genetically modified human fused with sentient nanomachines. alignment: chaotic neutral
personality & history underneath the cut
personality: cain is a mess.
the original cain knightlord was a man who hid his feelings behind a smile. who obediently obeyed his creators in fear that if he failed to meet their expectations, they would destroy him. he repressed his anger, his loathing, his pain underneath the mask of a dutiful leader, beloved by his people.
and then he died.
this cain is a mixture of the original cain's repressed id and the incomprehensible mind of a machine built to destroy all life. cain still cares and parts of him are still plainly visible, but he doesn't seem to be in full control of himself - nor is he aware of it. the concept of death is completely gone from his mind, replaced instead with the idea that all he kills live on inside of him as the nanomachines allow him to absorb their memories and emotions. he is pure chaotic energy.
this isn't to say that he doesn't have people he's fond of - he loves abel, and esther, and isaak - but he's just as likely to kill any of them as he is to hold them close. the two actions have no distinction in his mind.
trinity blood is like... a trigun roleswap au, where the twin that hated humanity was forced to become its savior because the twin that (supposedly) loved humanity murdered their maternal figure / the woman he was in love with.
cain was created as part of the red mars project alongside his siblings. they were labrats who were experimented on, and the three youngest grew resentful towards humanity.
yet, on the surface, cain and their prototype, lilith, were fine with things as they were and the purpose they were born into. cain was nothing but dutiful and loving. always wearing a smile, the picture of a kind and loving leader to be. abel, on the other hand, tried to kill the humans onboard and the humans on the planet multiple times. he was always caught and stopped by staff, and cain would come to comfort (and tease) him. in these conversations, cain dropped (unnoticed) hints that he was toing the line to ensure that he and his siblings would not be seen as 'defective' and thrown out.
so cain mastered the art of lying at a very young age. he repressed all of his feelings and wore the mask of the perfect, all loving leader. when the siblings finally went to mars, he became a much beloved leader. on mars they found lost alien technology - the kudlak bacillus and the krusnik nanomachines. they found that the bacillus infected humanity, however it had beneficial effects and allowed the people to thrive on the harsh martian terrain. the krusnik nanomachines seemed to kill anyone who they were injected into and so they were frozen an set aside. but for a time, everything went well.
and then tragedy struck. a workplace explosion mortally wounded cain and another colonist.
after an accident left him mortally wounded, his sister seth, desperate to save him, injected him with these nanomachines. cain's weakened body was unable to handle the injection and so he quickly died. his personality fused with that of the nanomachines - which are weapons of mass destruction and crave nothing but violence and bloodshed. cain seemed stable for a time - at least, stable enough to hide the changes from his siblings.
something something something, 80 years later they came back to earth, and the proximity to the sun caused everyone who was infected with the bacillus to become vampires. humanity flipped out, and a war broke out between vampires (who preferred to be called methuselah) and humans.
cain, abel and seth sided with the vampires. they killed shittons of people. lilith sided with the humans.
eventually cain, seeing how distressed abel was to be fighting with lilith, proposed a peace talk. in truth he just lured her up there to murder her. when the deed was done, he presented her head to abel - who didn't react as he was expecting him to. his siblings threw him out of the airlock, where he disintegrated into ash upon re-entering earths atmosphere. BUT THAT WON'T KILL THIS JACKASS.
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