airpura · 2 years
Why are Smoke Air Purifiers Important?
The smoke air purifier function is essential to daily life. Smoke can be released from a variety of different sources, like fires and tobacco products, among others. The way smoke spreads in the air around us depends on several factors, including its temperature as well as the density of particles in each cubic meter.
The smoke air purifier for wildfire functions by filtering out contaminants from the air we breathe. This will prevent them from reaching our lungs which could cause serious health issues such as asthma or even lung cancer.
Smoke doesn't just affect the smoker, but also everyone around them. Secondhand smoke is known to be dangerous and harmful to those who are exposed to it. This includes children and infants and can lead to a variety of different health problems in adults. Eliminating these concerns with a powerful smoke air filtration and purifier solution is an excellent way to improve the health of your loved ones in your home, business, or other locations.
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airpura · 2 years
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There are many air purifier dealers in the USA that make claims of powerful filtration systems, but Airpura rests on science. All of the filters, accessories, and tools for sale at Airpura have been tested to meet higher standards. The end result is a reliable solution to keeping your living space, business, school, or medical center protected in the event of VOCs, wildfire smoke exposure, and other airborne contaminants that can harm your health, especially over repeated exposure.
You can learn more about this exceptional company by visiting their online store at airpura.com and searching through the available Air Purifiers to purchase.
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airpura · 2 years
Benefits of Using an Air Purifier for Wildfire.
Wildfires are a natural part of our environment, but that doesn't mean they do no harm. Smoke from wildfires can cause serious health issues, and it's essential to keep your home as smoke-free as possible. An air purifier is an excellent investment because it can help remove airborne particles like dust, dirt, and pollen from your home.
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It also helps protect against harmful viruses and germs that can spread quickly during wildfire season. An air purifier will bring back some peace of mind by improving your indoor air quality—it may even help improve your sleep quality at night.
Finding a quality air purifier, especially one with a HEPA filter, is a good investment. They can be used in so many different ways, making our lives better by making it easier to breathe and sleep. For anyone who has been affected by wildfire smoke, picking up an air purifier is a sure way to reduce the chance of long-term health effects.
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airpura · 2 years
How to Select the Best Air Purifiers for Wildfire Smoke?
With each new generation of air purifiers, brands are upping the ante on dynamic filtration technology aimed at making our homes and offices more breathable. With the onslaught of wildfires in recent years, we’re seeing a new category of air purifiers emerge: smoke-specific models capable of removing particulates caused by fires and other irritants like dust mites from indoor environments.
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This is not just to alleviate any immediate concerns about active wildfires causing smoke in your area, but also the long-term health concerns. People who live within 20 to 50 km of a wildfire face an increased risk of certain cancers. This is due to the complex mixture of dangerous particulates and carcinogens. Continue Reading..
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airpura · 2 years
Air Purifiers for Radiation Particles.
Radioactive particles can be tiny, but they pack a significant punch. If you’ve ever seen the inside of a nuclear power plant or known someone who works with radioactive materials in a lab, you know about radiation detectors.
These devices help us understand how much radiation is around us at any given moment — even when we can’t see it. They’re used in environments where even small amounts of radiation can cause harm to humans, animals, or the environment.
Fortunately for us all, air purifiers also use technology to filter out certain types of airborne particles. This means that if you live near a nuclear power plant or have friends who work with radioactive materials on a regular basis, you could benefit from having an air purifier in the home.
What are Radioactive Particles?
These are radioactive materials dispersed near your home or workplace in the form of particulates, dust, fumes, mists, vapors, or gases. While not common in every part of the world, there are certain areas prone to radioactive particles that can land on the food we eat and exist in the air we breathe.
Radioactive particles are smaller than the diameter of human hair and can be inhaled or ingested. They can also be found in any area and in all seasons. These small, but powerful entities pose a significant risk to human health if they’re not properly handled.
The good news is that there are many ways to detect radiation particles and keep yourself safe from their potentially harmful effects. The most common method is to use an air filter with active carbon filters built into it. These filters will filter out any pollen, dust, or other debris that may contain radioactive material on its surface as well as inside itself.
How Common is Radiation in the Air?
There are many examples of nuclear power plants being threatened or melting down due to human error. The most prominent would probably be 5 Mile Island in the U.S., Chernobyl in Ukraine, and Fukushima in Japan.
While these are rare instances, there is also the threat of conflict and wars in one area of the world, affecting places on the completely other side of the globe. Jet streams and severe weather fluctuation can spread radioactive particles to places without direct connection to a nuclear power plant.
How to Prepare Your Home for Radioactive Particles in the Air
With a bit of preparation and forethought, you can avoid many of the common symptoms of radioactive particles in the air. This includes:
Take off your shoes before entering your home
Wash your hands before eating
Wear a mask if you need to go outside for any reason — even just to walk the dog or get the mail
Stay inside as much as possible, especially when it’s windy outside (which is when radioactive particles are most likely to be blown around)
Close all windows and doors
Cease non-essential travel
Use a HEPA-certified filter from a reputable source
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The Power of HEPA Air Purifiers
HEPA air purifiers are the most effective type of air purifier. They use a special filter that collects and removes particles from the air. These filters have incredibly high efficiency for removing particles, as evidenced by their ability to remove 99.97% of particles in size ranges as small as 0.3 microns (0.3 millionths of a meter) down to 0.01 microns (0.01 millionths).
In fact, HEPA filters are so effective at removing particles that they are considered one of the standards used by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) when testing new drugs and vaccines. They are often implemented in medical situations where a single containment can mean the difference between life and death.
Unless you know that your home is sealed and radiation-proof, an air purifier would be a great addition to your emergency preparedness kit. The best way to capture these microscopic particles is with the help of a high-quality, reliable air purifier. To take advantage of these benefits, look for an air purifier designed specifically for use in homes and other residential buildings.
Recommended air purifier would be the Airpura I700 containing 100 square feet of HEPA for maximum mitigation of radioactive particles.
Watch the Clean Air Podcast
Ukraine/Russia war: What happens if nuclear power plants are damaged in Ukraine? Could you be threatened by radioactive air pollution?
Dr. Yevgen Nazarenko, research associate at McGill University specializing in Nanotechnology Safety, Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution, Aerosol Science discusses how to protect yourself from this threat.
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airpura · 2 years
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airpura · 2 years
What is Dust and How to Remove Dust from the Air?
Homes collect LOTS of dust. In fact, the average home collects 40 lbs of dust a year. Contrary to popular belief, dust is more than just dirt. It is a mix of dead skin cells, hair, food particles (like flour!) clothing fibers, bacteria, dust mites, bits of dead bugs, pollen, and microscopic particles of plastic. Two thirds of it comes from outside when it gets tracked in on your shoes as dirt and from airborne particles such as soot and pollen.
Difference between Dust and Dust Mites
Many people think they are the same but not really. Dust is a mix of skin, hair, pollen, etc while dust mites are actually microscopic, living, insect-like creatures that feed on dead human skin cells. They are found in mattresses, sheets, carpets and curtains. Nearly 4/5 of homes in North America have dust mites in at least one bed.
One dust mite can leave behind thousands of waste particles in one gram of dust and can trigger allergic reactions in people. 
Mites can live on humans completely unnoticed, an infestation can lead to symptoms such as itching and red bumps.
Is Dust Harmful to your Health?
It can be! When dust gets disturbed, it gets suspended into the air and can get breathed in.
The smallest of airborne particles can bypass the natural defenses in your nose and make it all the way to your alveolar which is the deepest part of your lungs. This is the place where oxygen is added to your bloodstream. Anything that makes it here, whether it’s oxygen, dust or virus will then be transported throughout your body which is where the trouble starts since they can end up in your brain and heart causing serious health damage. Recent studies are now showing that dust can contain up to 40 different dangerous chemicals. Dust gets trapped in carpets and crevices, so dust in an old house can even retain pollutants such as DDT that were banned nearly fifty years ago! https://www.airpura.com
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DEHP: This toxic chemical was found in nearly every dust sample studied. It is found in food containers, electronics and vinyl floors. Disrupts hormones and is harmful to reproductive system.
TDCIPP: A flame retardant found in some furniture. Known carcinogen.
Phenols: Found in a variety of cleaning products. Disrupts hormones and is harmful to reproductive system.
Symptoms that Indicate you may be Allergic to Dust
Runny nose
Skin irritations
Red, itchy eyes
Surface Dust versus Airborne Dust: How to Remove All Dust
Removing dust from your home involves a two-pronged approach. You first need to address the surface dust which is settled dust that you find on floors, furniture and walls. This can be done with a vacuum cleaner equipped with HEPA filtration. The more surface dust you are able to remove, the cleaner your air will be since there will be less dust having the opportunity to get recirculated into your air. It is important to note that an air purifier cannot remove surface dust. Cities also contain a lot more dust due to construction and lack of forest area to absorb dust particles.
The second source of dust is airborne dust. This is dust that an air purifier with a HEPA filter can remove.
Mopping should be done weekly to remove dust and grime from floors
Using rubber gloves, rub your hands over the surface of upholstered sofas and curtains to create static cling and extract dust, dander, hair. Next, vacuum thoroughly. This should be done a few times per month.
Dust mites thrive in high temperatures and high humidity since it helps them to breed and multiply easily. Kill them by washing linen in hot water (130F or 54.4 C) with 5-6 teaspoons of vinegar. Keep humidity levels below 50% and set temperatures no higher than 68 °F (20 °C)
Books can be a HUGE source of dust! 3-4 times per year, you should vacuum the tops and spines of your books.
Buy furniture made without flame retardants
Choose cleaning products that don’t contain bleach or fragrance which tend to contain phthalates.
Studies have shown that cloves can help control dust mites. The oil can be diffused into the air or sprayed directly onto fabrics.
An air purifier with a High Efficiency Particulate Air filter (HEPA) with a good prefilter will help filter out 99.97% of airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns. Getting an ULPA filter is even better since it can filter 99.9999% of airborne particles as small as 0.1 microns. It should be run at low to medium speeds 24 hours a day. Airpura I700 with a carbon filter upgrade is the best air purifier to help remove dust from a home. It has an extra-large capacity medical grade HEPA filter in a pressure sealed filter chamber that traps 99.97% of airborne particles, as small as 0.3 microns.
Here are some common household pollutants and their corresponding micron sizes that can be removed with an air purifier
Pet dander: 2.5 -10 microns
Household dust: 0.5 -100 microns
Bacteria: 0.3 -60 microns
Pollen: 10-1000 microns
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airpura · 2 years
Why are Smoke Air Purifiers Important?
The smoke air purifier function is essential to daily life. Smoke can be released from a variety of different sources, like fires and tobacco products, among others. The way smoke spreads in the air around us depends on several factors, including its temperature as well as the density of particles in each cubic meter.
The smoke air purifier functions by filtering out contaminants from the air we breathe. This will prevent them from reaching our lungs which could cause serious health issues such as asthma or even lung cancer.
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Smoke doesn't just affect the smoker, but also everyone around them. Secondhand smoke is known to be dangerous and harmful to those who are exposed to it. This includes children and infants and can lead to a variety of different health problems in adults. Eliminating these concerns with a powerful smoke air filtration and purifier solution is an excellent way to improve the health of your loved ones in your home, business, or other locations.
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airpura · 2 years
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airpura · 2 years
How to Keep Children Safe from COVID-19 + Dangerous Variants at School
The Importance of Air Ventilation and Filtration in Minimizing COVID-19 Transmissions in Schools Reports of outbreaks in settings with poor ventilation suggest that infectious aerosols were suspended in the air and that people inhaled the virus. These settings have included choir practices, fitness classes, restaurants and schools.
Kids being in schools require an astute and multi-pronged approach to keeping them safe to prevent COVID-19 transmissions between students and staff. Some of these measures include:
Sanitizing stations at entry points and other key areas
Social distancing of at least 2 metres (6 feet) between students and staff
Mandatory masks for everyone
Proper indoor air filtration to decrease the concentration of aerosols that may be suspended in the air
1) Source control: Controlling the source of the infection is important. It can be done by wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and staying home when ill. 2)Improved Ventilation: Inflow and out flow of air is essential. Keeping the windows open and holding classes outdoors can be helpful in keeping the aerosols (small respiratory droplets) in control. But this again is apt during warmer temperatures and not suitable during winters. 3) Air Filtration: While ventilation can only keep the aerosols moving with air around the building and does not capture it. The HEPA filter can trap the virus on the surface of the filter and prevent it from escaping back into the airstream.
CLEANING THE AIR IS KEY TO REDUCING VIRAL SPREADSARS CoV-2 particles can remain suspended in the air for hours. More ventilation and better filtration can reduce on the number of airborne particles that linger when an infected person coughs or exhales indoors. Airborne infection is 15 to 20 times more likely to occur indoors than outdoors. 1) Source control: Controlling the source of the infection is important. It can be done by wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and staying home when ill. 2) Improved Ventilation: Inflow and out flow of air is essential. Keeping the windows open and holding classes outdoors can be helpful in keeping the aerosols (small respiratory droplets) in control. But this again is apt during warmer temperatures and not suitable during winters. 3) Air Filtration: While ventilation can only keep the aerosols moving with air around the building and does not capture it. How often the indoor air gets filtered (cleaned) before being recirculated is also important. Cleaning the air with a portable filtration device containing both a HEPA filter and a UV germicidal lamp will ensure that remaining virus particles that don’t get moved out fast enough with existing ventilation systems get removed.
How does the combination of HEPA Filters and Germicidal UV light work in removing virus particles?
Air filtration using HEPA filters have become a critical weapon in the fight against the spread of SARS-CoV-2. The HEPA filter can trap the virus on the surface of the filter and prevent it from escaping back into the airstream. The fibers in a HEPA filter are designed to trap particles as small as 0.3 micron in diameter — just a tiny fraction of the width of a human hair. The UV germicidal lamp provides a critical extra level of protection by irradiating the virus rendering it completely sterile. Airborne and aerosolized viruses, bacteria, mold, chemicals and particles go through powerful filtration for near complete removal.
UVC radiation is a known disinfectant for air, water, and nonporous surfaces. UVC radiation has effectively been used for decades to reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses, such as tuberculosis. For this reason, UVC lamps are often called "germicidal"
UVC radiation has been shown to alter the DNA of the SARS-Cov-2 virus. The alteration leads to inactivation of the virus.
UVC radiation is commonly used inside air ducts to disinfect the air. This is the safest way to employ UVC radiation because direct UVC exposure to human skin or eyes may cause injuries, and installation of UVC within an air duct is less likely to cause exposure to skin and eyes. Some UVC lamps generate ozone. Ozone inhalation can be irritating to the airway which adversely affects the lungs in many ways.
If a UV air purifier on the market produces higher than the recommended ozone level, it can create a health risk for you and your family. The UV lamps used in Airpura are classified as ‘Non-Ozone generating lamps. The Airpura air purifiers are also CARB compliant.
Can an Air Purifier in a School Reduce COVID-19 transmissions?
It is important to know how COVID-19 is spread to understand the role of air purifiers in reduction of COVID-19 transmissions. The primary means of transmissions are:
Short-distance droplet transmission: Small particles are expelled from infected individuals while exhaling or talking. These respiratory droplets range in size from 0.125 to 5 microns and can remain airborne indefinitely.
When these smaller particles pass through an air purifier with a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA), they stick onto the surface of the HEPA and are trapped, effectively being removed from the air in the room.  HEPA filters can remove particles as small as 0.3 micron which is well within the constructs of being able to handle the SARS CoV-2 virus particles. The UV germicidal lamp is an added level of protection that irradiates the surface of the HEPA and destroys the DNA of these trapped pathogens.
Of course, the virus particles must physically travel to where the air purifier is located and then be drawn into the air purifier in order to be removed from the air. An air purifier must be capable of drawing in enough air consistently in order to reduce the amount of virus particles in the air. The faster that an air purifier can accomplish this, the better chance that your air will be virus-free.
Long distance droplet transmission: Larger particles can also be expelled from infected individuals when they cough or sneeze, however these heavier particles fall to the ground, so an air purifier would have limited usefulness in this case. 
The New Danger: COVID-19 Variants
Variants are now spreading quickly among schoolchildren. This is a more evolved and contagious form of the virus that will spread to teachers and family members. Children that get infected with Covid-19, are also more susceptible to developing a rare condition called Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children, or MIS-C. This mysterious inflammatory syndrome has appeared in thousands of pediatric Covid-19 cases. The symptoms are fever, red eyes, and digestive problems but can lead to heart dysfunction and even death.
Independent study that Demonstrates the Proven Performance of Airpura Air Purifiers Against SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19)
An independent study conducted by researchers at Rutgers University has concluded that the Airpura air purifiers effectively removes viral-sized particles such as SARS-CoV-2 from the air.
Even the circumferential air outflow design of the Airpura air purifiers make them less likely than air purifiers with vertical exhausts to disperse droplets from coughing or sneezing throughout the air. This unique air outflow process of our air purifiers reduces the potential of one infected person causing an infection cluster
Air purifiers with HEPA +UVC germicidal lamps were placed in a COVID-19 ICU ward. After purifiers were turned on, virions of airborne SARS-CoV-2 were removed. This study is real-world evidence that air purifiers with both HEPA and UV germicidal lamp technology are effective against COVID-19!
The Removal of Airborne Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Other Microbial Bioaerosols by Air Filtration on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Surge Units
Read studies here: https://www.airpura.com/pages/research-and-studies
Schools that did not install air purifiers in their classrooms have 3 to 4 times more SARS-CoV-2 cases: 
Can an Air Purifier Spread around Virus particles?
This is a complete myth that cannot be corroborated with any study. If you delve into the constructs of any "study" that claims this, you will be that the tests were done on air purifiers without the filters in them. They did not evaluate the mechanism inside the purifier that can trap and kill particles. To not consider any filtration or virion inactivation within the air purifier is talking about a fan and NOT an air purifier. This has the same validity as saying that “cars are only good for sitting in”, not taking into account the motor, the suspension, the wheels and motor. 
The best air purifier against SARS-CoV-2 transmission in schools is:
UV600: 40 square feet of HEPA 99.97% @0.3 microns, 18 lbs of Carbon, Prefilter and UV lamp for added protection against viruses
Other good option:
I600: 100 square feet of HEPA, 99.97% @0.3 microns, prefilter
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airpura · 2 years
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