aisurumono14 · 1 year
A3! Troupe Event - MY WORST WEDDING Event Story Translation (3/11)
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Neither Japanese nor English is my first language so please forgive me if I made mistake. However, feel free to point me out, I’d love to hear your feedbacks on the translation ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
Translation under the cut
Azami: Persimmons and kiwis are rich in vitamin C.
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Sakyo: Expensive. Grapes are on sale today.
Azami: Just a little bit is fine. Don’t be so stingy!
Sakyo: Only 10 yen, and then 20 yen. Piling up that a little bit can cost your head. One month, then one year, they’re gonna accumulate and become a larger amount and then… et cetera, et cetera–
Izumi: W-well! We will buy persimmons and kiwis at the next sale!
Azami: Tsk. Then at least do your sleeping duty properly. It won’t cost you anything.
Sakyo: … Will try my best. (*)
Izumi: Then, I’ll pay at the cash register!
*Shifts to Mankai dorm*
Izumi: Ah, that’s right. If they are rich in vitamin C, how about persimmon and kiwi curry next time?
Azami: No curry, please–.
Sakyo: No, thanks.
Izumi: You two are really in sync at times like this…
Sakyo: It seems to be edible if it’s only persimmon or kiwi curry, but you can’t put both into one.
Young girl: …
Izumi: ?
(That girl... She is looking inside Mankai dorm, I wonder if she needs something)
Sakyo: —Why are you here?
Miyako: Ah, onii-chan…!
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Azami: Onii-chan?
*In the kitchen*
Izumi: I wonder if the younger sister would prefer orange juice rather than tea… Do we have any desserts here…
Azami: I brought some Monakas from my home last time. (**)
Izumi: Ah, that might help. Azami-kun, you can sit here.
Azami: It’s awkward to be over there so I’ll help you here.
Izumi: Eh? A tense atmosphere there?
Azami: Sakyo only comes home once in a while, so they’re still not close enough to talk when there are just two of them.
Izumi: I see…
*Shifts to the living room*
Izumi: Here for Sakyo-san is the Japanese tea, and for the younger sister, would you like to have orange juice?
Miyako: T-thank you.
Izumi: There are also some Monakas that Azami-kun got from his home, so if you’d like to, please feel free to have some.
Miyako: Itadakimasu…
Sakyo: …
Izumi: (Uhm, the air here is really awkward. Sakyo-san looks like he doesn’t know what to do either.)
Do you come here to meet Sakyo-san today? 
Miyako: Y-yes… I need him to help me persuade my step-mother.
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Izumi: Persuading?
Miyako: Actually, it seems that my step-mother didn’t have a proper wedding ceremony when she first got married and when she remarried to my dad. 
But she said that she used to yearn for wearing a wedding dress back then, so I was thinking about getting her and my father a wedding photoshoot this time…
Their wedding anniversary is getting near soon.
Azami: Wedding photoshoot?
Izumi: Instead of organizing an actual ceremony or reception, in order to commemorate, the brides and the grooms will wear dresses and tuxedos for taking photos. 
Miyako: I told her that this is the right time to wear a dress for commemoration. But she said that she was not young enough to wear a dress anymore…
Izumi: These days there are lots of couples celebrating their 60th birthdays, so I don’t think age really matters. (***)
Miyako: I know right!?
Azami: That reminds me Omi-san once said that he did that sort of work too, not only the pre-wedding photoshoot, but also the anniversary photoshoot for couples’ 10th wedding anniversary.
Sakyo: Did you tell step-father about this?
Miyako: Yes… But step-mother’s feelings are the most important after all… 
Sakyo: That’s right…
Miyako: However, step-mother said that she used to wish to wear a dress back then… Onii-chan too, you also heard that last time, right?
Sakyo: I think mother also feels glad that you want to do this for her, but it’d be difficult to persuade her since she’s pretty stubborn. 
I tried to be filial to her before, but she refused after that. She told me to spend my money more on something else. 
Miyako: Step-mother is such a frugal person, isn’t she…
Sakyo: If we can convince her, I’ll pay all the expenses for the wedding anniversary celebration. 
But if mother still sticks to what she wants, then even me can’t persuade her either. It can’t be helped.
Miyako: I see…
*Shifts to outdoor*
Sakyo: I’ll take you to the station.
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Miyako: It’s still bright and it won’t take too long, so it’s okay.
Izumi: Please feel free to come over again anytime.
Miyako: Thank you for your treat.
Izumi: I hope that Miyako-san’s feelings can be conveyed to your step-mother as well.
Miyako: I wonder if my step-mother saying she didn’t look good in a dress is perhaps a matter of principle, that she has some reservations about her ex-husband. Like she cannot forget her ex-husband or something…
Sakyo: That won’t happen. It’s been decades since my father passed away.
And when she decided to remarry, mother also reported it in front of the Buddhist altar with a bright look on her face.
Miyako: I see… Thanks for letting me know, onii-chan. Sorry for bothering you.
Sakyo: Be careful on your way home.
*Inside the dorm*
Izumi: …What you said before, will it be alright?
Sakyo: It’s no use forcing her to receive the care she doesn’t want to. She is not someone who likes luxury things in the first place, so she won’t let anyone spend money on her… 
You guys don’t need to worry ‘bout it.
Izumi: …
Azami: She is Sakyo’s mother after all, and even though we know she’s frugal, if we say it’s to commemorate, she’ll agree, won’t she.
Izumi: I heard that Sakyo-san once got refused before when trying to buy his mother an apartment. Maybe that’s why he is afraid of being refused again after persuading her. 
I think Sakyo-san also really wants to be filial to his parents.
Azami: (Filial piety…)
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*Shifts to Room 106*
Azami: Oi, hurry up and go to bed.
Sakyo: I still have work to do. Go to bed first.
Azami: Didn’t you say you’d sleep properly instead of buying persimmons and kiwis.
Sakyo: Tsk, you still remember that… I’ll turn off the light then.
Azami: ——Hey.
Sakyo: Hah?
Azami: ..No, nothing.
Sakyo: ?
Sayuri: “Actually, Mom wanted to wear a dress too.”
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*Back to present*
Azami: …
Translator’s note:
(*) He is using 善処する here, which means “I will try my best but can’t guarantee the result”. I don’t want to make the sentence too long but couldn’t think of any phrasing that can express this nuance, so I noted this.
(**) モナカ (monaka) is a type of dessert (wagashi) which is served with tea.
(***) In Japan, people celebrate their 60th birthdays, which is called “kanreki” (還暦). Kanreki is celebrated as a rebirth or re-entry into childhood.
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aisurumono14 · 2 years
A3! Event Story Translation “Moon Traveler” - Chapter 6
Citron asks Chikage about his roots this time around.
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I am quite hungry from all this rehearsing.
Omi-kun said he’s gonna make pasta for dinner tonight. There’s also Napolitan and some spicy arrabbiata.
I’m looking forward to it.
I’m glad Fushimi-san cooks for us during rehearsals to cheer us on.
It was kata yakisoba last time.
Nice work.
Huh? Guy-san?
Daily delivery from Zahra.
Ohh, how early!
Woah, what a big box!
There’s another box, I’ll go get it.
It will be heavy. Chikage and I will go and take care of it.
Guy will hand out the contents of the box.
Oh, this is the candy I had before, it’s pretty tasty.
What about this one?
A health product. It can help massage your back.
T-this is great!
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So it's heavy. What’s in it?
A special gift for Chikage.
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This box is just the same size as the other one.
I will hold it! Be careful not to feign your back!
Yeah, it’s pretty heavy… Are these books? I hope it’s spice.
It is a surprise!
Books or spices… Maybe both.
How amazing Chikage.
Maybe it’s the spice I’ve been wondering about.
Mix it with honey for throat care.
That’s perfect for when I’m rehearsing. I’ll give it a try later.
This book is…
It is the novel adaptation of the movie that the play is based on.
The Zahran version is pretty rare. I’ve never seen it before.
I had quite the difficult time finding it since it is an old book, but it is a gift to commemorate your lead role.
Thanks. I hope my linguistic skills are good enough for me to read it.
《 ... The current Chikage shouldn’t have a problem with that.》
《Even when we first met, everyday conversation went swimmingly, but now you’re as close as one can get to a native speaker.》
《What an honor to get the minister’s approval.》
《... Chikage, how and why do you speak so many languages?》
《Will that be your question?》
《That’s right.》
《I’ve studied languages of many countries for diplomacy purposes since I was a child, but it’s difficult to master them completely.》
《Even if it’s a language used in other countries, it’s still a minor language that’s only widely used in the country of Zahra.》
《I assume you’re familiar with other languages as well?》
《If you don’t mind to tell me, I’d like to know if this ability of yours is a natural talent or it comes from your roots.》
《You can say my upbringing was a big part of it.》
《My hometown was filled with people from all over the world.》
《We had a common language, but we all had different roots, and we all cherished those roots.》
《People with the same roots would speak their native tongue, so I naturally got used to hearing it, and they’d happily obliged if I asked them to teach me.》
《Of course it’s still difficult to master, but I think that’s the reason why I’m better at it compared to most people.》
《Wow, compared to all those languages, which ones did you find most interesting?》
《Each country is interesting in its own way, but right now, the first thing I’m thinking of are the Nordic languages.》
《There are many words pronounced similarly to how you’d say it in Japanese, but they have completely different meanings.》
《As an example, “Kani” there means “Rabbit”*》
《”Kani” is rabbit? That’s interesting!》
《Then, how do you say “Dream” in that language?》
《”Dream”, that is…》
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Thank you for answering my questions!
I don’t think there’d be many situations to use what I told you.
《It was nice to know about your roots today. Let’s both cherish our roots and look after one another even when we’re far from our homeland.》
Goodnight to you.
… Night.
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Good morning.
Morning. Is that turmeric?
I was just preparing today’s supper.
You could use some of the spices I got from Citron the other day.
I’d love to!
In our recent rehearsals, your performance as Roberto has been improving bit by bit. I’d say he’s gone more soft, or rather, more honest.
Fufu, must be the effect of Spring troupe’s Q&A.
I guess so.
However, I think it’s better to be like “I got no idea what this guy is thinking” when it comes to that role.
You got a point there…
The way that Roberto tries his best to understand those around him to work together to make the project a success,
I think it’ll be relatable for the audience.
I see.
That’s why, please continue with your “role-playing” as you are.
Role-playing, right.
Speaking of, have you decided on a name for the aliens?
I’ve been thinking a lot about it, I just can’t seem to make my mind. I was thinking it’s time to ask everyone’s opinion on it.
Fufu, it’s rare to see you so indecisive like this. I’m looking forward to what you come up with.
"Kani" in Japanese means crab, but the language Chikage is referencing is Finnish, where "Kani" means rabbit.
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aisurumono14 · 2 years
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I can't believe watcher didn't have omi fushimi on their list so I fixed it.
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aisurumono14 · 2 years
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aisurumono14 · 2 years
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1111 is a pretty number tbh
(thank you again to gradient map for saving my life)
421 notes · View notes
aisurumono14 · 2 years
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there’s definitely something with this man’s shady expression
also yeah jakurai as a domestic demon bf
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aisurumono14 · 2 years
not birthday themed but good timing, happy birthday boi
(breasts or thighs? personality)
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aisurumono14 · 2 years
I'M NOT DEAD YET I was diving back into a3 head first after years </3 happy birthday mankai's #1 mom
((also I'll never shut up about gradient map, I could never pull these colors out on my own it's such a life saver 🏃))
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aisurumono14 · 2 years
Event | the Rad Red | Chapter 1
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College Friend: Damn, all this stuff that’s all over the internet about this guy who was a child actor in a famous drama when he was younger. He doesn’t even look like that kid at all~!
Taichi: You’d never know that unless you go flat out told, huh.
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College Friend: Hey, that reminds me, you used to be a child actor too, right, Nanao?
Taichi: Ah, Ah, well~... I was, but I was super plain and didn’t stand out at all, so when I joined my theater company, it wasn’t that big of a deal and I didn’t have to quit acting or anything.
College Friend: Huh~. Well, you are kinda plain with no really distinct features. In a good way!
Taichi: Well, anyway, where was that place we were going to go get drinks today?
College Friend: The usual place. Also, what about that alumni visit thing we were talking about the other day?
Taichi: Ah, let’s go, let’s go!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Taichi: ––.
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Taichi: Haah…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Taichi: Hmm…
Taichi: (Ah, my roots are showing again…)
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Taichi: About time to get them done again…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Banri: “~♪~♪~”
Director: The second-anniversary performance, how nostalgic.
Director: (Each group tried out something new for the revue performance, and Autumn Troupe chose a band. They practiced their instruments hard, and it really paid off seeing how cool they were in the show.)
*Door opens*
Taichi: Morning…
Taichi: Huh?
Director: Good morning, Taichi-kun.
Taichi: Is that the second-anniversary performance!?
Director: Yep. Nostalgic, isn’t it?
Taichi: Juza-san worked super hard practicing the guitar.
Director: He did. But it was still all thanks to all of your guys’ hard work that that show went well and the audience loved it.
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Taichi: Ban-chan’s vocals were super cool too!
Director: Doing something like the revue performance again seems like it’d be a lot of fun.
Taichi: Yeah!
Taichi: ––Ah, it’s almost time for me to go!
Director: You’re leaving pretty early today.
Taichi: Gotta deal with some Taichi Nanao Emergency Maintenance before I go to class! See ya!
Director: Bye.
*Door closes*
Director: (Emergency maintenance… What kind of maintenance could that possible be?)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
College Friend A: Mornin’.
Taichi: Morning!
College Friend B: Morning.
Taichi: Hmm…
College Friend A: …?
Taichi: Don’t you notice anything?
College Friend B: Notice what?
Taichi: The new version of Taichi Nanao!
College Friend A: …Where?
Taichi: I dyed my hair again! Up until yesterday, I had a pudding head going on.
College Friend A: Ahh, now that you mention it, your hair seems a little brighter, maybe?
College Friend B: I think it’s a little brighter.
Taichi: That’s not it at all!
College Friend A: I mean, your hair has been red ever since you enrolled here, Nanao. Why not change it up a bit more?
Taichi: ‘Cause it’s my trademark!
College Friend B: Well, you are known on campus as the “red-haired theater guy”. How long have you been dyeing it?
Taichi: Since middle school.
College Friend A: That long ago, huh?
College Friend B: It’s getting a bit old then, isn’t it?
College Friend A: Don’t you ever wanna change it up? I mean, we’re gonna hit the big double digits when we turn 20, y’know~.
College Friend B: Eventually you’re gonna have to dye it black again if you wanna get a job or something. Well, unless you’re just sticking with that theater company.
College Friend A: I dye my hair slightly brown too, but when I’m in my 20s I’m probably gonna have to rethink that, huh~.
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Taichi: 20…
College Friend A: Ah, we’ve gotta get over to that building.
Taichi: Ah, yeah.
College Friend: “Hey, that reminds me, you used to be a child actor too, right, Nanao?”
Taichi: “Ah, Ah, well~... I was, but I was super plain and didn’t stand out at all, so when I joined my theater company, it wasn’t that big of a deal and I didn’t have to quit acting or anything.”
College Friend: “Huh~. Well, you are kinda plain with no really distinct features. In a good way!”
Taichi: …
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Taichi: Juza-san!
Juza: Hey.
Taichi: We both got the A Meal today!
Juza: The cafeteria’s hayashi rice is really sweet ‘n good.
Taichi: I like it too.
Juza: …Did you dye your hair?
Taichi: Way to go, Juza-san! Well noticed! Got it re-done at the salon this morning.
Juza: I mean, I see ya every day, so.
Taichi: …Speaking of that, a friend of mine just asked me if I was ever gonna change it.
Taichi: I told you before about how I dyed my hair because I wanted to stand out as much as possible when I was an extra in a TV drama, right?
Taichi: I’m already way more confident in my acting now than I was back then, so…
Taichi: Plus I got more confidence in myself when I had my lead in Mantou Fist and when we won the tie-breaking act-off with GOD-za.
Taichi: And the more that I think about it, I wo~nder if I don’t really need this red hair anymore…
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Juza: I getcha.
Taichi: I mean, of course, I still like my trademark red hair and all!
Taichi: But, I’m gonna be in my 20s soon, so I wonder if I should get a makeover soon~...
Juza: …Well, it’s up to you to do whatever ya want. Can’t imagine ya without red hair though.
Taichi: Hmm.
Juza: I don’t really feel like I’m in my 20s… But I guess some things have kinda changed since I was a teenager.
Taichi: Stuff changes!? Which things!?
Juza: …I can drink.
Taichi: That!? That is true, but I like drunk Juza-san…!
Juza: You do? Don’t really remember much from when I was drunk, my memory’s all fuzzy ‘n stuff.
Taichi: (Now that I’m aware my teenage years are almost over and I’m going to be in my 20s soon… I’m starting to get all nervous.)
Taichi: (I don’t know if there’s gonna be things I can’t do now that I’m an adult.)
Taichi: (Is there anything that I need to do now while I’m still a teenager? Something I have to do now…)
[ Next Part ⇢ ]
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