ajivthree-blog · 6 years
ENRICHMENT  Page.48 04/12/18
                             SAMSUNG GALAXY S9 AND S9+ 
        Exceptional among other contraption during the present year is the new Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ the initial introduction when we see this item is the moderately similar with past Samsung Galaxy S8 family. It is use boundlessness screen in the body and we won't get any hardware home catch any more drawn out at front body since all home and course gets are live in the screen. There are some fundamental change about exceptional stamp sensor, SAMSUNG GALAXY S9/S9+ sensor at back of the body rule camera. It will make all of us the more easy to touch with our finger.The physical Home catch has been cleared and supplanted with a weight tricky board set underneath the screen so the front of the device is a sheer sheet of glass.The interesting imprint peruser is by and by arranged on the back of the phone, nearby the camera module. The phone similarly reinforces iris checking for included security. Such countless are standing up to issues with this. Also, besides SAMSUNG System S9/S9+ starting at now use USB Compose C for charging and data affiliations. We can use streak drive at this port to trade reports (OTG). Related with PC for some more features furthermore ought to be conceivable at this port. SAMSUNG System S9/S9+ at introduce have 3.5 mm headphone jack close USB port, both arranged at base of body. The Boxby get in like manner open at this phone to complete a couple of limits, for instance, virtual right hand and some other more.       However gadgets can regardless impacts various people wherever all through the world, both constructive and contrary effect.SAMSUNG GALAXY S9/S9+ will give you an unrivaled camera experience. Along these lines they give more features and capacities. The persistent work of Samsung aggregate advance toward getting to be positive conditions, since they get most shocking rating at the lead position with 104 point, this place supplanting around 5 months Google Pixel 2 camera at 98 point.But still this gadgets has an opposite part for users,samsung galaxy S9 and S9+  does not have committed external microsd simcard and certainly a couple of individuals may not deal with the cost of the cost and samsung galaxy S9 and S9+ battery is little for top notch features it doesn't have twofold point of convergence guideline camera and the front camera does not have streak Driven light and at last the battery isn't removable.       On the off chance that you're thinking about trading your phone,you're likely unsatisfied with where the iPhone is headed,whether its the nonattendance of a headphone jack,the loss of the home catch without an unprecedented substitution ,or essentially the general rising in cost.Theres never going to be a perfect time to ricochet ship.Sunk costs are sunk costs.The S9 and S9+ will be the years most common android phone for a conventional reason.They make incredible pioneer phones while making sense of how to keep the cost to some degree in the area of sensible.
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ajivthree-blog · 6 years
Enrichment page 48 03/17/18
Title of work:SAMSUNG S9 AND S9+(PLUS)
       1.1 Importance of technology      in human life  
       1.2 Newest Samsung S9 and S9+(plus)
 2.0 BODY  
       2.1 Features of Samsung S9 and S9+(plus)  
       2.2 Avantage of Samsung S9 and S9+(plus)   
       2.3 Disadvantage of Samsung S9 and S9+(plus)
 3.0 Conclusion    
      3.1 Potential of gadget in human life   
      3.2 How can gadget affect our lives
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ajivthree-blog · 6 years
Starter page 46 03/17/18
Tumblr media
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ajivthree-blog · 6 years
Task 6 page 37 022418
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Reduces environmental problems through proper disposal
1.2  To inform the community about the importance of waste management
1.3  About on how waste management practice properly by the people
1.4 Through waste management we can reduce the possible bad effects on humans health and lessen the disorder of our environment.                                     
2.0 Body
2.1 Segregating waste,segregating waste can be segregated by biodegradable and non-biodegredable and the importance of segregating in our environment.
2.2 Saving resources through recycling,recycling integrate the 3Rs  into official waste management policies.
2.3  Avoiding harmful materials,plastic is one of the harmful materials that can cause bad effect on our environment.
        3.0 Conclusion
3.1 The main point of my essay are for people to practice  the proper segregation of waste and for them to have an idea on recycling and avoiding harmful materials like plastics.
3.2  By introducing the 3Rs of waste management to the people of the community,practicing it in every households and to deliver them the real meaning and role of the 3Rs play on our environment and waste management.
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ajivthree-blog · 6 years
Task 5 page 36 03/21/18
TOPIC: Reduces Environmental problems through proper waste disposal
TITLE OF ESSAY: Waste Management
PURPOSE: To inform the community about the importance of waste management.
AUDIENCE: Community
ROLE: As a concerned student
THESIS STATEMENT: Through waste management we can prevent the possible bad effect on humans health and lessen the disorder of our environment.
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ajivthree-blog · 6 years
Task #4 pg.35 02/19/18
Title of work: The growing phenomenon and the imminent threat of global warming 
1.0 Introduction
1.1 The present phenomenon of global warming
1.2 Current effects and climate change
2.0 History
2.1 Past occurrences of climate of climate change
2.2 Previous climate shift
3.0 Sources
3.1 Green house effect
3.2 Consumption
3.3 Pollution
3.4 Solid waste
4.0 Consequences
4.1 Changing climate patterns
4.2 Energy hoarding
4.3 Peak oil crisis
5.0 Conclusion
5.1 Renewable sources of energy
   5.1.1 Solar energy
   5.1.2 Wind energy
   5.1.3 Hydrothermal energy
   5.1.4 Geothermal energy
5.2 Adaptation
   5.2.1 Optic fibers
   5.2.2 Green architecture
   5.2.3  Fuel cell
   5.2.4 Hybrid vehicles
5.3 Alternative fuels
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ajivthree-blog · 6 years
Enrichment #6 p.29 02/14/18
Sleep dreaming is a part of the lives of all people. Most people may experience dreaming while sleeping. Dreams are manifestations of your inner subconscious.Dreaming is still a very broad topic for people. There are still many undiscovered things about dreams and how people obtain it. It is indeed a very interesting topic because it upholds mystery. Dreaming is seen to be a part of the lives of almost everyone because probably all individuals experience dreaming.Dreams can tell you many things.It is an unfolding sequence of perceptions thoughts and emotions during sleep that is experienced as real life event.People sleep and wake up having a hard time thinking what their dreams about.A person obtains about seven to eight hours sleeping per night and according to the dream encyclopedia (2009) we spend approximately one-third of our lives in a state of sleep, much of the night filled with dreams. There are a kind of dream that they call lucid dreaming,according to world of lucid dreaming.A lucid dream is any dream during sleep in which you become aware that you're dreaming. This simple realization snaps your waking consciousness into the dream.As of now, there is no current study that shows lucid dreaming as unhealthy or danger to the lives of all people in any way. However, some experts say that lucid dreaming is associated with some minor side effects that manifest possible dangers of it. Some people use lucid dreaming as their way to escape from the reality of life. It can make a person feel happy. According to healthresearchfunding.org there are danger in lucid dreaming this are Addiction,dissociation,alienation,waking Problems,Accidents because of Lucid dreaming Dreaming is part of our life whatever your dreams are.We must be thankful in god that he allow us in a short period of time to escape reality.
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ajivthree-blog · 6 years
Enrichment #5 p.27-28 02/13/18
Activity 1 1.Personal profit can serve as an motivation to business to better serve their customer. 2.Overlocking is a procedure that is capable of enhancing a computers performance through overloading electricity. 3.Animation is an exercise where you sketch several pictures to make it into a movie film,or a comic magazine. Activity 2 1. Most people disapprove of individuals who make mistakes at their important duties in real life.In addition people often put these kind of standards on government officials,teachers,friends,and even parents. 2. Despite of having a limited market,game software will have more costumers.When they produce a new game,people will definitely buy it. 3. Strategic management is flexible and versatile in anticipating future events to eliminate business risks and setbacks.This is where you will see an organization manage ways to outperform its leading competitors. 4. Posters,flyers,and street signs are usually used in advertising however in early times technology was very limited,commercials were in a black and white.And so was the business' means of advertising.
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ajivthree-blog · 6 years
Enrichment #4 pg.27 02102018
According to kirsty bell and suzie cave (2011) and chua-unsu (2014) plastic bags are more efficient to use than paper bags.
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ajivthree-blog · 6 years
Enrichment #3 Activity 2 pg.26 02102018
Filipino children uses mobile technology for their everyday lives.Using gadgets are utilize as a medium by programs dedicated to promote overall physical wellness.Early exposure to these technologies can cause positive and negative effects physically,socially, and educationally.
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ajivthree-blog · 6 years
Enrichment 2 p.16 030218
Stress is very prominent this days,it can affect the humans health and behaviour stress is everywhere. What does stress really mean? According to Merriam-webster(2018) stress is a physical,chemical,or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation. However many people have different ideas about what ‘’stress’’ actually means. Here some another definition of stress, Charlton(1992) states that’s stress is a word without real value. Worse, the concept of stress is a pseudo-explanation which provide a blind alley for rational thought. 
Stress is a very serious matter it can cause illness. According to Alexander(2014) the illness you can have in stress is Insomia , stress keeps people awake at night due to worry,anxiety or uncertainly about the future. Another one is depression ,unresolved stress can make a person fell angry or hopeless,both which can lead to depression. And lastly the anxiety and panic attacks,same as depression,anxiety disorders and panic attacks frequently have a stress related connection.
No matter what happen,stress is a part of life and you cannot always avoid it however stress can be manage and control how you will respond to it.
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ajivthree-blog · 6 years
Enrichment 1 p.16 030218
The rice scarcity that affected numerous countries in the Asian region brought out the consequence of the meager interest given towards the improvement of rice production in the Philippines. In less severe cases, numerous people can be observed purchasing rice distributed by the National Food Authority (NFA). However, there are also instances wherein families cannot afford three meals a day. These instances provide reflection on how Filipino’s can help in giving solution to this grave dilemma. Regrettably, it can be observed in various restaurants how people disregard excess rice ignoring the thought of hungry people in resettlement areas.  Cases such as marginal families contenting their selves with just prawn crackers, called kropek, and noodles, as well as, youths satisfying their hunger with skewers sold by street vendors are indeed worth reflecting on. Disappointingly, there are still people eating on a cafeteria who are inconsiderate enough to leave their meals untouched disregarding the value of the food they have ordered.
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