akaisentouki-a · 6 months
"If it isn't the superhero ~ here to make sure the bad guy is not doing any bad meddling ~?" He slides in closer, a coy smile on his face, before he unapologetically draw his fingertip on Chiaki's chest. "I could stop doing bad things if I had a cute distraction like you ~..." ...and immediately removing himself as if nothing happened. "For real, I never had the opportunity to thank you for taking care of my little bro. So thanks. I owe you, atop of already owing you more."
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That surprised him to say the least. He hadn't expected to run into Rinne here, yet the location itself made sense in some way to find the older. Even though not a pachinko parlor or a night club, the arcade still boasted many of games where someone could lose all of their money to without gaining a single prize in return. No matter where one may be, luck always finds a way to be a part of the situation!
Even during the climax fights in shows luck plays it part too. Strength alone only ever makes it so far in those fights. He's seen it enough times when all seems lost before luck befalls the fallen hero. A single stroke of luck lands itself right in front of them! A spark of hope plays in their favor! They come out victorious! The hero wins a--
Right, now's not the time to inner monologue about luck and winning. Chiaki releases a laugh out of him with a clear shake of his head. "No hero plays dirty tricks on the enemy behind their back! It's not fair to me at this point to dare consider you a bad guy when we're not on stage in front of the crowds, Amagi-senpai! At this point we are equals standing in arms in the face of games."
Still, Chiaki hadn't expected the redhead's finger against his chest. Head tilts slightly to the side when considering the rest of the statement. Hardly considers any other meaning behind Rinne's words at all. "I am glad that you think such! Though, I am hardly cutest one to keep you distracted! If you need a cute distraction some of our kouhai better fit that." Hand raises to cup his chin. "Still, it's not as if you're truly doing anything bad, Amagi-senpai. Just because you're spending time doing what you enjoy the most, doesn't mean that you're doing bad things." Nod of his head a couple times over.
When the air changes in the conversation, eyelids blink as everything screeches to a sudden halt. AH!! They were simply messing with him! And here he was beginning to get serious about it! Oh, he hopes they hardly mind that. Lifting hand away from his chin, Chiaki waves his hand back and forth in front of his face along with the shake of his head.
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Own demeanor calms down. "There's no need to thank me, Amagi-senpai. While it's only right for a senpai to look after their kouhai, I've come to learn there's more to it than that. But your brother is quite lively! I enjoy his company a lot. You don't need to owe me anything, honestly. I'm just glad to help!"
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akaisentouki-a · 6 months
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His expression momentarily shifts into one as if he had just been deceived by a friend when Midori suddenly decides to snag up the sauce covered cabbage he went to snatch up. A sadness. Distraught. His mouth hangs open for a short time while staring down at the empty spot his food once sat awaiting him to pleasantly feast upon. Betrayed! Slander! The enemy has left its residue upon his treasure as a reminder to what it planned to destroy of his when it once sat upon his tray!
It's when Midori talks once again that Chiaki lifts his gaze rather abruptly and snaps his jaw back together. Eyelids shut as his eyebrows drop slightly and a weak smile curls against the corner of his lips. "Ahaha.... Of course, I'm not going to chicken out of eating the rest of my meal because the ene-- eggplant touched your chopsticks and then my food! There's... no way it'll have contam-- left any flavor behind!"
"I am welcome to giving you payment as well for allowing me to have your sweet potatoes in exchange!" Chiaki hadn't expected the ryusei green to snatch up his drink as well for a sip. Well... Chiaki decides to advert his attention to the potatoes instead as he eats a few pieces in the process, before returning to slurp up some more noodles from his udon.
"You don't need to think like that, Takamine! It's only proper for friends and comrades to support each other! Even if someone knows what they like and do not necessarily need to hear someone say it's ok! It means they care about you to support you! It's in no way making fun of you! I wish for you to know that I back you up in what you like is all!" Shake of his head, expression finally back to normal. Though, for the time being, he's still clearly blatantly not picking up any more cabbage to eat with his noodles, trying to not make it that obvious though.
"Ohhh, I don't want you to regret bringing it up! No no! I want to go with you! I assure you that I won't be similar to a clingy aunt! I'll also come with you to enjoy the time and do some shopping as well! It's always more fun to go shopping with others than out on your own! Right after we finish eating! We'll have a great time!"
💚❤️ @akaisentouki.
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So many words to say so little, how exhausting... He cannot help but silently sigh, running a hand through his hair for a moment before starting to munch on the eggplants, mixing them with his rice. Chiaki is annoying him, but heat starts to pool up his cheeks, which Midori cannot identify as to why... which is even more exhausting.
This annoyance spiralled, causing the young man to spend more mental energy on this than needed. As retaliation, his chopsticks lunged for a piece of vegetable soaked in sauce his senior was clearly going for, snatching it and shoving it in his mouth.
"That looked good... I'll take this as payment... you're not going to chicken out on the lunch because those touched my mouth and the eggplants, right?"
Immediately he rinsed it down by stealing a small sip from the ryusei red's drink, putting it down back to its place like nothing happened.
"You don't have to support me in my interests. I know what I like. I don't need you to tell me it's okay. Don't make me regret mentioning where I want to go, I don't want to feel like I'm going shopping with a clingy aunt..."
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akaisentouki-a · 7 months
♫ for @akaisentouki ofc I'm just lazy to swap on mobile skfjsjf ❤️
send ♫ and I’ll make a playlist for our muses: make a copy of it to not lose it 💚
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hypocrite. 💚💔
觸不可及 The Upside - 周深 Zhou Shen
DREAM FIGHTER - Miyano Mamoru
Dance The Night - Dua Lipa
Honky Tonky Night - FAKE TYPE.
Villain - Stella Jang
Happy Together - Gerard Way
Save Me - BTS
Moon Halo - 茶理理 Chalili, TetraCalyx & Hanser
Butterfly - BTS
A whole lot of mixed feelings, condescending tone... but a lot of burning passion and angsty love ~.
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akaisentouki-a · 7 months
gestures that get me going
many of these are meant to be spicy (i've been on my horny bullshit lately LOL), but some can be used in any kind of interactions, be them fluffy, smutty, antagonistic, romantic, anything. feel free to combine prompts & change/add any pronouns/descriptor words/etc that may be useful! softer things are more towards the bottom. add '+↺' to reverse sender and receiver!
[ SHIELD ] — sender steps in front of receiver protectively [ HEADLOCK ] — sender puts receiver in a headlock from behind [ COLLAR ] — sender grabs receiver by the collar of their shirt to pull their faces close together [ TIE ] — sender grabs receiver by their tie to pull their faces close together [ HAIR ] — sender pulls receiver's head back by their hair from behind [ MOUTH ] — sender puts their palm over receiver's mouth from behind to keep them quiet [ BUCKLE ] — sender begins to undo receiver's belt buckle [ LOOP ] — sender threads their fingers into the belt loops on receiver's pants [ POCKET ] — sender sticks their fingers into the pockets of receiver's pants (bonus: specify if they're the front pockets or the back pockets) [ BUTTON ] — sender undoes the buttons of receiver's shirt [ THROAT ] — sender lightly grazes along receiver's throat from behind [ CHOKE ] — sender puts a light to moderate amount of pressure on receiver's throat from behind [ CHEST ] — sender lightly grazes along receiver's chest from behind [ SIT ] — sender gently squeezes receiver's ass when they sit on sender's lap [ TOUCH ] — sender feels up receiver's abs [ SMOOTH ] — sender gently rubs their palm along receiver's bare ass [ MASSAGE ] — sender gently rubs their palms along receiver's bare back [ RUB ] — sender gently rubs their palms along receiver's bare thighs [ FEEL ] — sender gently rubs their palm between receiver's legs [ LICK ] — sender gently licks along receiver's nipples [ EASE ] — sender encourages receiver's legs open [ PULL ] — sender pulls receiver's pants/undergarments down out of the way of their ass [ WORSHIP ] — sender kisses and licks along receiver's tattoo(s) (specify if receiver has multiple) [ RING ] — sender kisses and licks along receiver's piercing(s) (specify if receiver has multiple) [ NIBBLE ] — sender nibbles against the shell/lobe of receiver's ear [ BITE ] — sender gently bites down on receiver's lower lip as they kiss [ SMOOCH ] — sender presses gentle kisses down the back of receiver's neck [ KISS ] — sender presses a bunch of little kisses along receiver's face [ GRAB ] — sender playfully squeezes some stray pudge on receiver's belly [ PLAY ] — sender playfully squeezes some stray pudge on receiver's thigh [ POKE ] — sender grabs onto receiver's love handles [ LIE ] — sender rests their head on receiver's chest to hear their heartbeat [ LINK ] — sender hooks their pinkie with receiver's [ REST ] — sender rests their chin on receiver's shoulder from behind [ GAME ] — sender traces lines to connect receiver's moles/other body marks into a bigger shape [ COVER ] — sender covers receiver's eyes from behind before removing them to reveal a big surprise [ WRITE ] — sender writes 'i love you' with their finger on an exposed part of receiver's skin (bonus: specify where)
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akaisentouki-a · 8 months
[Eichi] ❝ anything can be a cage. ❞
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a meme i do not feel like finding
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Arms fold upon the upper surface of the short wall lining the walk-way between the streets and the beach. They were taking a short walk nearby the shoreline to get some fresh air while things recently calmed down. Steps slow as the breeze blew by, yet they came to a momentarily halt by Chiaki's own decision as their words cut like a knife.
In comparison, he hardly spends as much time, if any for that matter, visiting the hospital in comparison to his friend. His constitution far better than when he was a child, even for not being entirely perfect. Still, the weather's nice enough right now that his body handles it. Head turns as the brunet quietly considers their words. Slowly he turns back to the blue waves crashing against the beach.
"If anything can be a cage, then even standing here enjoying the sunshine and breathing in the crisp air of the ocean breeze must be a cage! Oh, no no, I entirely understand your words, that what I just proposed isn't what you meant! But just think about it, Tenshouin! Right now, you're not in any cage! We might not know how long it'll last being free, but it's best to enjoy that freedom to its fullest! Feel like a bird flying through the air or a fish swimming in the ocean out there!"
Chiaki allows a smile to grace his lips. Sure, he's being rather optimistic in the face of it all, but they're all alive right now! They're enjoying what they love best right now! He can't allow his fears and worries to creep up and stunt him once again. "I don't let myself get stuck in that cage as much as I possibly can. My mind's been a cage for years. Without others coming into my life, I'm sure I wouldn't be here now. I know the same goes for you too! Let's enjoy this time than being too negative."
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akaisentouki-a · 8 months
Cheek: “I want to tell you I love you.”/Deep affection/Devotion - From Kanata ♥
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Touch my Muse! - on the cheek
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A short pause as Kanata's hand brushes against his cheek. The softness of their skin hardly matches to the roughness he's gained from his time back during school, working as a stuntman, and now the building of his acting career. For all they've been through there's an always clear gentleness that bursts forth. It's refreshing. It gives him the chance to allow himself to fully relax.
A smile tugs upon his lips, a small delicate one that shimmers in those deep red hues. Right, he never has anything to hold him back anymore.
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"Thank you, Kanata! We're always able to rely on each other in this way! I am always here when you need me! Oh, I am sure you know that as is, but I personally feel it's always good to throw it out as a reminder. It eases up the worry, especially when it comes to loved ones. I love you too."
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akaisentouki-a · 8 months
Midori does every single touch on the list to Chiaki. He won't elaborate.
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Touch my Muse! - uh. everything. no u will not get me to list them all.
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First: hand atop his head. To their fingers combing through strands of brown locks until reaching his ear -- a small pinch. Slides over next to lightly touch the tip of his nose and brush along his cheek, then his chin in a push up to raise gaze, until reaching his neck and grazing down along his shoulder. It continues along its path down the shape of his biceps and right into his forearm before gripping at his wrist and tugging fingers. Their hand soon lifts to push against his chest over his heart and then drags down to bump upon his stomach. This leads to squeezing at his waist and soon hips. After it traces around to his backside with a tickle of digits before swiftly traversing down to hit him against the butt.
Throughout it all, Chiaki's at first standing there rather rigid until the farther Midori maneuvers down causes the smaller to squirm a bit in place. They're not done yet!
Stance lowers to permit easy travel of hand along the muscle of his thigh, gradually moving to bump against his knee and drag down along his calves right until hand at last ceases movement upon his feet. Chiaki went from staring up at Midori to not glancing just a tad downward at the top of light brown locks.
It takes a moment for the older to process exactly what it all means. Might be some steam coming from his ears if that were possible. Not all bad! Not all bad, at all! Some emotions a bit more confusing than others, but it hardly says anything about hatred! Oh, but why would his boyfriend hate him, after all?!? Well... neck maybe, but... it's probably the lesser of the words! Oh, but forearm is indifference, right? Some of the emotions are a bit contradictory, huh? Well, that's not exactly important!
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"The more positive feelings no doubt overrides the negative majority of the time~! I know how much you love me, Takamine! You have no need to worry about a thing! There's no way you can ever betray me since I believe in you wholly! I trust you!" Only a second of silence falls before a thought suddenly strikes him completely, considering his physical reaction to the way the taller touched him.
"OHHHHHHH, unless you simply wished to touch me all over, Takamine! No reason to use this as an excuse to touch me! I told you it's ok if you touch me! If you want a hug from me or to hold me, you are welcome to! I love you very much too, Takamine! You won't ever hurt me!" He must be right... right? He doesn't exactly get any elaboration on a lot of the feelings being presented to him by these touches. He could worry over it, but he trusts Midori. A few meanings a little concerning, but there's always a valid reason. Or so he thinks, but he's at least wishing to try to understand Midori on a personal level than trying to be the reliable senpai only. "It'll be okay no matter what! Our love will burn passionately... like flames! I'll be willing to hear you out when you wish to tell me any of your worries or if something is upsetting you!"
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akaisentouki-a · 8 months
Touch my muse! Touching is a quiet way of conveying your feelings, so tell me how you feel with your touch!
Top of head: Sibling affection/parental affection
Hair: Yearning
Ear: “I want you to hear me out.”
Nose: “You’re so cute.”
Cheek: “I want to tell you I love you.”/Deep affection/Devotion
Neck: Dislike/Hate/Disdain
Shoulder: Worry/Concern for other/Fear
Waist: Possessiveness/“You are mine.”
Over the heart: “I love you.”
Butt: Sexual attractiveness/lust
Hip: Interest
Back: Wanting to kill/will betray you one day
Stomach: Fun!/Silliness/“Wanna go cause some trouble?”
Forearm: Indifference/Don’t particularly care for
Biceps: Aggravation/Irritation/“You are an idiot.”
Fingers: Friendship/amicable
Wrist: Fear of losing you
Knee: “Don’t worry, I’m here for you.”
Chin: Beauty/attractiveness
Thigh: Sympathy/empathy
Calves: “I will cause you pain.”
Feet: “I will serve you forever.”/Deep devotion and and feelings of servitude/extreme fealty
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akaisentouki-a · 8 months
Midori gives Chiaki an envelope. After everyone else gave him birthday presents (after the birthday mascot pin of course) to not attract too much attention. It is embarrassing, after all. Inside the envelope is a coupon written [ FAVOR ] on it. A one time wish of anything. He better use it well.
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He stares at the coupon he pulled out of the envelope Midori handed him a while ago. A favor...? One time wish...? What could he possibly wish for out of his boyfriend at this point? The shorter thinks long and hard over this matter at hand. Well, a few minutes long on the potential wish.
Until it clicks in his mind. A short gasp upon looking up suddenly.
"Right! I can always ask Takamine to watch the latest series of Super Sentai! It's still coming out, so we have to watch it online at present. It's far more fun watching with others than by yourself, even if I had been watching them on my own for years. We're together now, so we should share in our delights! I can ask for one wish, but should I use it on that? It's what I want... Hmmmm... Or maybe I can save it for when the latest Kaiju movie releases to theaters. Oh! But do I need to wish to go out on a date? No no, so yes! I'll use it to have Takamine sit with me and watch the newest series together! It'll be fun!"
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akaisentouki-a · 8 months
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He's dying(tm).
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akaisentouki-a · 10 months
Hubby was talking about the Power Rangers && tbh the only thing it had me actively thinking about was Chiaki watching the Power Rangers && being able to recognize the Super Sentai scenes && be like " OH I know that point! That was series xxx episode xxx at the point where so-&-so was doing so-&-so." Like he's excitedly watching the Power Rangers, but still happily nerding over the original Super Sentai points.
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akaisentouki-a · 10 months
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akaisentouki-a · 10 months
little spoon
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send in " little spoon " for the receiver to cuddle the sender, so that the sender is now the little spoon
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It's very uncommon nowadays for the two of them to get any personal time to spend together. Though living in the same dormitory, work schedules tended to vary significantly, and Live performances never aligned. One could blame it on the different agencies, but no... in his opinion that's not fair! So, this time they got set aside pays off.
Day of relaxation and rest!
Chiaki chose to focus more on his own personal well-being and better himself as an individual -- as himself -- so spending time away from the others with Rei gives him the chance to not dwell on matters. He mellows down. Relaxes out. Shifts his thoughts entirely. Sure, it's a bit anxiety inducing for him, wondering if it's all the correct choice... ( Stop it; stop it, Chiaki! )
His arms purposely wrap around the taller's torso underneath their arms. Face rests into the nape of their neck, strands of their hair tickling his face. It's perfectly fine! Safety in the closeness of companionship, even if... they're not facing each other by any means. Squeezing them just a tad bit, Chiaki nuzzles into the back of their head with frame curling into the shape of theirs. A warmth he feels being close against them even if their body temperature might be a bit cooler than his. The hero cuddles into Rei.
"Are you still awake, Sakuma? I'm still not certain how much you've truly grown accustomed to staying awake during the day and sleeping at a normal hour of the night! It must still be difficult on you regardless, huh? I won't bother you too much if you let me stay like this for a while! It's truly nice to take some time off and spend some quality time together. Talking about mundane things isn't extremely fulfilling, but I'm glad you wished to watch some shows with me for a while! I enjoyed today!"
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akaisentouki-a · 10 months
Alright. Cleaned up. 4 asks && 6 drafts to do ( which one draft is technically an ask I haven't had for too long but it's ok ).
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akaisentouki-a · 10 months
Sooo.... I'm gonna do a bit of clean up honestly. I'll probably get rid of all my stuff that is like super duper old. I typically still eventually try to answer that stuff regardless of the amount of time. But compared to Koga who I've managed to get the stuff done on in like a month or two eventually, this stuff I've been holding onto for almost a year now fjghdfklg.
It's mainly a lot of old asks over like threads tbh, so it's basically just gonna be an inbox overhaul. Clean out the really old stuff && focus on the new stuff. fdjghdflkg.
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akaisentouki-a · 11 months
What Does Your Heart Look Like?
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An Open Door, A Burning Hearth
Your chest is wide open, and your heart is a home. Others are welcomed in readily and asked to stay. You are comfort and love, everything you were never given but so desperately want to provide for others. You have built this welcoming hearth with your own two hands and won’t see anyone else left out in the cold. Be careful to not burn yourself out trying to keep everyone else warm.
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akaisentouki-a · 11 months
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For Sunday
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