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It is with great sorrow and grievance with tears to my eyes to write this. I am sorry. This is also last shrine I visit in Japan so I also apologize for bringing up kami not enshrined here, but I write this out of urgancy. Please deliver it to all kami.
In the United States, fear and hurt is everywhere- friends, family, an entire nation. Many are scared on what is to happen next. I ask Daikoku-sama, Ebisu-sama, and Masakado-sama that like you brought protection to Edo/Tokyo to extend it here in the States. I also ask Inari-Okami to protect the LGBT Community, African Americans, Native Americans, Asian, Muslim- all minorities of all sorts and being prosperity. To ask Takeminakata no kami and Yasakatome no kami of Suwa to help bring us back together. Amaterasu Okami to bring light and goodness to all, especially our leaders. I ask all kami to protect us all, to show we are not alone, and all kami to bring strength. We see what you have given blessings to Japan, please protect us too. We need it!
With tears ~ Ampora Eridan ~ and again I am sorry to have to do this.
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I don’t get how we’re here.
I didn’t want to get political or anything here, and yet, here I am.
How are we here? Why is this the country I live in?
This isn’t just me, right? Everyone is going to suffer from this. We have just elected a president who will ensure that America is an oligarchy for decades to come. We have just elected a president who - even if he leaves the majority of the actual managing of the country to his VP - is handing that control over to a man who honestly believes in redirecting funding from AIDS prevention to conversion therapy.
We had been so close. But we’re losing everything now. America is just full of too much hate and fear to allow progress, and now one of the world’s most advanced countries is going to be pulling back on human rights issues under the thumb of a government where money is truly the only thing that matters.
I read an article that told me a lot about the reasons many lower-class people voted for trump; that people who worked, perhaps, in the same business as their parents, like farmers, people who struggle to make ends meet, look back at the past and say; “I feel like the American dream is being stolen from me. A generation ago, two generations ago, people could do this work and make a living. They could do this work and have time for their family. Now it barely makes ends meet. Something has gone wrong, I am working hard, and it is not paying off, as I was told it would.”
I wonder how they’ll feel in four years, as it becomes harder and harder to sustain a middle class. I wonder how they’ll feel when Trump’s policies cause a recession, as they have been predicted to.
I wonder how the country is going to feel, having made such a mistake.
Today is a historic day, alright. People of the future will look back at it and wonder how such a social regression was allowed to happen.
Maybe something will change. Maybe people will look at what they’ve wrought and change.
Frankly, I’m having trouble keeping my optimism.
Don’t forget to set your clocks back 40 years tonight.
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I finally did it!
The first step is officially taken, and my wings are finally spread. It just feels great to finally do this... I’m officially an amateur journalist.
It’s honestly been years since I really tried to do anything important, and I know some other people have similar experiences, spinning their wheels and unsure what to try. Just in case you’re like me, and reading this... just find something. There’s at least one thing you like, and at least one thing you can do with that online, even if you’re shy, or worried - nobody will know unless you let them.
It just requires you to act on it. I finally did, and I love it.
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Shameimaru’s Grand Debut
Aah, I really did it. My nerves are getting to me. AKR Gaming is finally up, and with it, my career begins. I’m already halfway through my first review - Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies - and have a partner I can trust to help out with it. Our writing styles are a bit different, but I hope together we can have a lot more fun with this than trying to go it alone.
This really doesn’t quite feel real, though. It was kind of an impulse, but it’s already leading me toward something I great in the future. So this is what it feels like to start taking your first steps somewhere.
I think I could get used to this.
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