aki-anikk ยท 4 days
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me at my first play when keir made me go through that run at the heist (I panicked real hard KGFHKHJKJHKKJ)
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aki-anikk ยท 5 days
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Me when Keir
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aki-anikk ยท 3 months
I don't think there are any Tw? But if there is something i missed feel free to dm me!
He didn't know why he even went there.
Maybe because it felt rude to not come when you were invited, maybe he came for the free food or maybe because his team decided it was a good way to "relax".
Sure. A good idea to relax was to go ans watch one of the soldiers to get married to a beautiful woman. It totally didn't make him feel envious.
It didn't make him jaelous that he wouldn't have anyone to wake up to or anyone to come back to after deployment.
Simon Riley wasn't a picky man. He didn't mind what gender his partner would be, he liked what he liked and he wasn't going to question it.
But no one stole his heart yet, and when they were close to it, he would get scared and push them away. He couldn't face rejection or even worse, handle the loss of another loved one.
So he was alone, alone with his dreams about a happy love life that would never come true.
He sat by one of the tables where in the middle were two small swans made out of paper. They really went all out huh?
There it was again, another pang of jaelousy when he realised that it was probably the best day of their lives.
The man sighed out as he downed another drink, thankfully it wasn't too strong or he would be drunk a long time ago.
Without any warning he was pulled out of his thoughts by the music.
First dance.
Simon turned his gaze towards the middle of the wedding hall and watched the pair get in their places. They both smiled at each other so lovingly, both looked sttuning.
Lucky bastards.
He huffed annoyed at his thoughts and focused on the music, not the best choice in his opinion, but who he was to judge?
With his sharp eyes he saw in the bride's eyes a hint of... displeasure. The music seemed to bother her too, her brow twitching slightly but she still had a bright, beautiful smile. Maybe she decided that she would handle it for her now husband.
The newlyweds took few steps into the dance, but then the music started to crash
He wasn't too proud of it, but a small smirk appeared on Simon's face. At least something wasn't perfect at their wedding. Maybe it was petty, even childish...
But his smirk disappeared immidietly when different music started playing.
Not only that, but the earlier covered scene began to uncover. He didn't even notice it at first as he was too focused on the pair and his dark thoughts.
"You have to be shitting me..."
He grumbled under his breath as his eyes widened slightly. There were few people on the stage that seemed to make a damn dedicated song just for the first dance. He guessed that the groom planned it all with the group, it was pretty obvious from the way he looked at his new wife with a small smirk.
Yet again, he felt a pang of jaelousy, but he couldn't be mad for too long when he saw how happy these two were. Some people just find their soulmate, and some people rot alone in despair.
Simon let out a sigh as he looked back on the table and fiddled with the napkin. The music started to fill the room and after a moment a smooth voice joined. It was the right amount of deep and high notes that were swiftly going from one to another, so natural. It felt as if whoever sang it truly enjoyed it.
After a moment of fighting himself he finally glanced at the stage. And there they were. Looking so calm, like if singing was as easy as breathing, the soft smile that shined on their face when they looked at the young pair. He recognized in them the groom's witness
So that's how he got a dedicated song.
At first he tried to not be bothered by it, why would he care? Many people did weird things on their weddings - keg stands, throwing the groom in the air, throwing cake... and even some family members proposing to their partner on your wedding. Though the last one was surely more controversial than what was happening right now.
This was just another case of it, yet...
His eyes were still on that person.
The dance had ended fairly quickly but people still clapped for the young couple and the group on the stage. The one who he kept his eyes on even bowed playfully with a cheerful smile.
The wedding continued in a much more relaxed atmosphere than earlier, the formalities and first dance were behind them already, so now all was left was to celebrate.
The people scattered around the place to talk with others as Simon kept sitting by his table.
He really needed a damn drink.
After a moment of debate with himself whenever it was appropriate to get another drink at the bar, Simon finally stood up and walked to the place
The catering runned around refiling the glasses and serving plates, they really looked just like ants at work.
But of course there were no left for him.
He cursed under his nose and already took a step to go back to the table, hoping that no one saw his little unsuccesful trip. But before he could walk away he heard that one characteristic voice.
He looked into that direction and again saw the groom's witness who was swarmed by some guests. It were all kinds of people, some praising the performance and others not so disecretly asking about how much they were getting paid for that.
You really had that charm huh?
Your one step, to whatever your destination was, would cause two people to come.
He wondered if you even liked the attention.
He saw your eyes look around and have that hint of disappointment when there were no drinks around. That throat was probably hoarse from all the singing and talking.
It was a bit impressive how you didn't just walk away or even frown when some young couple asked you to sing on their wedding too, probably not evening knowing you. At least that's what Simon assumed.
It seemed that fate wanted him to help you out, as the server walked next to Simon and offered a drink.
With a second of thought he grabbed two of those, ignoring the confused look he got from the server. She probably saw how he spent most of the celebration alone.
Maybe it would change in a moment.
After a moment of gathering courage he finally went up to the person who took his interest. When even was the last time he tried to talk to someone like that? He had to be much braver as a teenager.
With few big strides, that were good at faking confidence, he finally was next to you. And... he didn't think about the next step.
He watched how the couple keep talking to you and after a moment they looked at Simon a bit confused and annoyed. You also looked at him but rather a bit curious.
After All you hadn't yet have a man like that to come up to you and complement your performance, you also didn't see anyone with him so he shouldn't also ask to perform on his future wedding, right?
Simon stood there for a moment in silence, not really looking at anyone. His eyes firmly focused at two drinks in his hands as he thought about what to do. Was it too late to just leave? No. He couldn't. He made the first step and he would make the second one.
He finally looked up and saw your small confused smile, somehow gave him more courage.
"The groom asked to give you a drink, you will sound like a hoarse cat tomorrow if you don't drink it."
How could he fuck this up already?
It wasn't even a good lie.
Those years in the military really stripped away any soft words from his dictionary. All he did lately was reprimanding recruits and now it came back to bite his ass.
The couple looked rather dumbfounded and you looked rather sttuned. After All who would expect that in such a day?
What he didn't know was that you could see how the unknown man pressed his eyeslids together, rather firmly. As if he was scolding himself. And how could you not be a bit amused by that?
Even if the first sentence was rather suprising, you decided to go with it rather than against it.
"Maybe I do need it, I feel kinda rough already."
You said with a small smile as you took the glass from the man who seemed a bit suprised that it actually worked. But he quickly returned to his calmer expression.
Didn't want to mess up again.
The couple spoke to you for a moment longer and Simon just kept standing next to you for some reason. His silent presence finally made them akward enough to leave and join the others, leaving you two alone.
Your amusment fading into a small atmosphere of akwardness at the silence, your fingers tapping the glass before you finally looked at him again.
"Enjoying the night?"
He looked at you again a bit suprised but cleared his throat and gave a nod. His glass already almost empty.
You didn't need to know that he tried to calm his nerves.
He kept looking infront himself, almost ignoring you. But he still stood firmly next to you for some reason.
For a moment you thought about leaving, maybe it wasn't the best idea to drink from a glass that was given by a stranger.
"Liked your show."
He huffed, almost as if offended at his own words. But they didn't sound like a lie.
You waited for him to continue, Ask about whenever he wanted you for some show or any other occasion like other guests did. But the questions never came.
He just stood there in silence, his foot shifting slightly, just to do something.
You said simply, it didn't feel like not enough. The Man spoke rather bluntly and... It was quite new in a place where everyone danced on the floor and swiftly danced around the truth.
Somehow you two started to talk, even if at first it seemed that you two had nothing in common.
The most normal conversation, nothing too serious. Some simple sentences, asking about the groom and the bride, about the food, about decorations.
Nothing too serious. But... It felt comfortable.
After few drinks you somehow convinced him to come on the dance floor. You didn't push him in the middle of it or into any fast song. No. You wanted him to have fun too and not to make fun of him.
You got to the corner of it and slowly danced together, few swirls, few steps, few accidental bumps into each other that ended in an akward but yet also amused chuckle.
You didn't know why but your heart was beating a bit faster when you saw those slightly crinkled eyes. Your head bumpting into his shoulder with a small laugh. With a bit of hesitation he finally rested his head on top of yours. How could he not do it when this sweet sound of laughter left your lips?
The laugh and smile that were just for him right now.
And maybe many more would come his way in the future.
You didn't expect to find anything but your favourite food at the wedding and few praises, but maybe... just maybe you might have found yourself your new favourite man.
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aki-anikk ยท 4 months
Hello! I didn't expect people to enjoy or even read the first part so the feeback was pretty suprising.
I hope this one will live up to the previous part :)
(and again if there is something wrong in it then please let me know!)
People who wanted a second part:
@im-a-killer-queen , @tabloid-junki3
Tw: angst, Simon is a depressed fella
Simon was always a quiet person, whenever it was his personality or defence mechanism against the world... He would never tell anyone.
As always, after school he prepared himself to see your face, again. To look at you and walk away, he didn't want you to keep hoping for something that would never happend. He wasn't cruel.
But... You never came again.
It passed one day, he thought that maybe you're mad at him. But you will come back.
It passed a week, maybe you got sick. But you will come back.
It passed a month, he didn't know what the hell could happend to keep you away for so long. But you will come-
It finally hit him. You're not coming back.
That's what he wanted, right? Well he finally got it.
For some reason there was a heavy lump in his throat, but he pushed that feeling away. Just like he always does it. He didn't know how, and neither wanted to deal with those emotions.
Even if one day he would break. He didn't care.
How much time has passed? He didn't know, maybe 5 years, maybe 10, maybe even more. Not like he counted. And not like the reason for him not counting time was that whenever he thought about it, he felt like he would throw up.
He didn't realise it as a kid, he couldn't know what would happend to him in life.
He didn't expect his family to be gone forever, he didn't expect feeling so... Empty.
Sure, he joined the military. He had companions and even friends but... There was no one who looked at him the same way you did.
He caught himself many time going back to you in his mind. Whenever he felt like he didn't deserve to live, he remembered those soft, affectionate eyes. You wouldn't want him to end it all, right?
And then he would frown involuntary. He had no right to be so selfish. He pushed you away, hurt you and finally made you leave. Maybe you really hated him? That thought made his stomach turn again.
But again, he pushed it aside like every emotion. Even if he called himself selfish and tried to not think of you, he silently begged that he would never forget your face. He couldn't lose another person.
The work went like always, days blurred into one and he just complied to every order. It was easier to deal with all that pain when he didn't have to face it. When he got his mind busy with work.
One day he got hurt, not a big deal. He was never the one to go to hospitals as the wounds would 'heal on their own' while leaving a nasty scar. But he didn't care about it. He stopped caring about his looks a long time ago, because who would want to be with a bloody monster?
He had to be practicaly dragged by Soap to the nearest hospital. He said something along the lines-
"It's gonna be a quick job LT"
Or at least that's what he took out of it, it was sometimes hard to understand his damn accent. But he just finally agreed.
He sat on the bed as some nurse told him to, he didn't even look at her. He could feel the weird look she gave him when he didn't take off the mask. Not like he cared... Or felt like he had the right to care.
There were few people walking through, and he just waited, unmoving, like a statue. For a moment he thought about leaving, but then someone came up to him. Great.
The person seemed to be a doctor, as they sounded pretty professional, but he didn't look up. He only did when there was one sentence repeated over and over again like a broken radio.
"Are you okay sir?"
He finally looked up and just froze.
Was his mind playing tricks on him? Has he finally lost it? He saw a face, a too familiar one. One that always looked at him with adoration but now was filled with worry.
It was you.
It was... You.
At the realisation who it was, he felt every little mistake crash on him, every fiber of his body screamed and every piece of his broken heart was begging to speak. Anything.
But he didn't, of course he didn't.
He just let out a confirming huff, like if he was annoyed.
He hated it, but he couldn't stop. He wanted to apologize, do anything and everything.
But he just watched you in silence as you checked his pulse and talked to him. Oh that voice, it got a bit deeper but it still had that softness to it. He listened every word hoping that it would never leave his memory. That something-
But then you nodded at the nurse and walked to another patient.
You didn't recognize him. He had a mask.
How stupid.
Just a moment ago you looked at him with care, just like all of those years ago. But then those gentle eyes left him. They now were turned onto another patient. Your smile wasn't only for him to see.
He realised that.. he was no one special to you anymore.
It hurted. Why? He pushed you away. That's what he wanted.
But once you finally left, he missed you.
He missed the way you followed him like a pup, he missed how you tried to make him smile, even if as a kid he didn't appriciate it.
And even worse, he missed those loving eyes.
He needed them.
He didn't know why, maybe he knew but also didn't want to admit.
But he kept searching anything about you. He searched where you worked before, to what university you went to. He checked everything, but it still didn't feel enough.
He hated those feeling, you were right there just an arm away but still out of his reach. No matter how much he tried to lift his hand towards you, he couldn't bring himself to do it.
So he just let you live your comfortable life that you created for yourself, sometimes watching you work, but nothing more. There was no place for him in your life anymore.
It was until he was injurned, heavly. There wasn't much he could complain about as he was barely concious as he was rushed to the surgery room. The white hospital lights flashed into his eyes like if someone was making a cruel joke on him.
A lamp, light.
No lamp, no light
A lamp, light.
And again and again and again.
As if he already saw the light that everyone talked about when they were near death. The white light to heveanly gates that each lack of the lamp were taken away from him.
He neither did deserve heaven or even death.
He felt a cold table under him, he struggled to move, he struggled to fight when he felt someone's hand on his mask.
His eyes opened wide open, trying to push it away. But he stopped once he saw you. You, who were desperately trying to take off his mask, for what would come next.
He let go, his fate was already sealed.
Nothing he could do.
Once he felt the air hit his face, he saw your expression. He didn't blink even once, just to see every flashing emotion that was going through your face.
There was shock, worry and then so much despair. You couldn't help it, couldn't help how your face almost grimaced in pain, like if someone was stabbing your heart over and over again.
That hurt, but not only your heart.
He finally closed his eyes as he felt like he had died. Again.
He thought he had found something to make him want to live, it wouldn't matter that you didn't know. He would watch you in silence, but now you knew the truth, knew who he was. And you hated him.
He wished he didn't wouldn't make through this surgery.
After many hours they were slowly finishing the surgery, but Simon didn't feel alive. He was mouring the death of his heart.
You hated him, there was nothing he could do.
These words spinned in his head like vultures that waited to dig into his skin.
They hate me.
They hate me.
They hate me-
"I'm sorry."
Simon once again opened his eyes, you were still there, but didn't look at him. Maybe you couldn't bear to look at his face. Maybe he overheard it.
But your eyes were glossy, hurt.
He didn't know, of course he couldn't know. Through all those years you wondered if he understood your sign of love, that you so desperately tried to kept alive.
You didn't hate him, you never could. You felt so much pain because you felt like you betrayed him. He didn't want to see you, and there you were. You felt like you broke some sacred secret, and all you could do was to apologize.
He understood that... You don't hate him.
How can you not hate him? He caused you so much pain, said so many hurtful words. But you stood there like if you were about to cry because you intupted the way he told you to love him. Like if you were the one who did something wrong.
He should have never said it. He never thought you would really do it.
He wanted to speak up, explain himself, but he couldn't speak. Maybe because of the injuries or maybe out of fear.
Soon he watched you walk out. Again leaving his life. He again let you leave.
No. He couldn't allow it.
Not this time.
It passed two weeks- no. Maybe a month? You didn't know. You couldn't really focus on anything as the days started to blur behind your tears, tears that threathened to flood the world.
You felt just like the day when Simon stomped on the boquet you gave him. It hurt so much. You thought you healed, yet every little scar was opening again and felt even deeper than before.
You were so lost that you didn't hear the doorbell rang. The person was persistent, ringing and then knocking loudly which caused you to jump slightly.
A sigh left your lips, right. Your landlord? He was probably annoyed that you didn't pay yet.
You got up and went to the door, everything felt heavy, the dark room overwhelmed any light of hope.
And you opened the door.
There was Simon. The Man was looking at you as suprised as you were, as if he didn't try to get your attention for good five minutes.
His lips opened few times and immidietly closed again, he wanted to say so much, but also couldn't say anything. He had planned what he would tell you, what words he would use. But everything crubled when he saw you and your shocked face.
He cleared his throat and just pulled a boquet from behind his back.
It was just like the ones you always tried to give him. It was carefully picked, with smiliar colors to the ones from the past.
He was nervous, he didn't remember the last time he was so nervous. He felt his hands become wet and he subconciously fixed his collar as if trying to get more air. He even forgot to breath as he glanced into your eyes, not brave enough to fully look into yours.
And what did you do?
What else could you do, but to finally hug the man that you wanted to love for years?
For a moment Simon stood there sttuned as he quickly extended his hand that held the flowers so you wouldn't crush them, and then without any hesitation hugged you thightly with his other arm.
A loud, relieved and a slightly shaky breath left his lips. You really didn't hate him, something he was afraid of, to the last second.
You accepted the flowers that he carefully picked, the total opposite to what happend when you two were kids.
You didn't crush them, you accepted them as you both finally grew up to care for the feelings between you.
"Stay with me."
These were Simon's words, he gave you another way to show your love for him, so what else could you do but to accept and stay with him?
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aki-anikk ยท 4 months
Tw: angst, and That's All i think? Well maybe that they are young, not full on teenagers but kids.
Was intended for male reader but can be read as gender neutral or female too! :)
Please dm me if i can fix something.
(sorry if it came out weird, first time writing a ff)
You don't know when it started, but what you do know is that.. whenever you see him - your heart speeds up, your cheeks flush and... You just can't take your eyes off him.
Which usually resulted in you getting yelled at by him. You knew his face so well, every little wrinkle when he frowned at you, that scowl when you gave him flowers, the gritting of teeth when you talked to him with those hopeful, soft eyes.
Oh how you loved that boy. For Simon Riley, you were like a love sick puppy.
Yet he didn't seem to want it, pushing you away, ignoring you and telling you many, many rude things. Just so you would leave him alone.
But how could you? How could you do that when you saw the other side of him? How he cared for the homeless dogs, how one day he beat up some people that bullied his friends.
It didn't matter that he wasn't like that for you.
Well, he was at the begining.
At first he was nice, he talked with you and even helped you when other kids picked on you, so how could you not love him? Yet sometimes you wished you didn't, it felt like you destroyed everything between you two because of feeling this weird, this warm tickle whenever you saw his smile.
The moment when you came to him for the first time to confess your love, full of hope, with even a boquet, that you spent at least 2 hours to pick flowers for, to make it big, perfect, just for him.
But his reaction wasn't what you expected. There was suprise, confusion and then... Anger. He didn't take them, and every next time he didn't even touch them. He hated how you looked at him, he hated these sweet smiles you sent him - not even aware of doing it.
He hated you.
He had other problems to deal with, his father, school, and people who always seemed to pick on him, without even any reason. He didn't need someone to follow him around like a dog, someone who no matter how much he yelled, hurted and snapped at, would always come back. Never, not even once, looking at him with anything else but affection.
One time he couldn't bear it anymore. He walked back from school after being teased by his classmates about you and he was going back to a home where his hell would continue.
He felt overwhelmed, needed to let it out. And who was there? You. Again.
Of course you were. You always were.
When he turned around and he saw you with yet another boquet... It was too much.
The flowers were beautiful, clearly carefully picked and put together with care to make it special, just for Simon.
Those eyes filled with Hope that maybe, just maybe he would change his mind, and this time and accept you. No matter how many times he pushed you away, you never lost hope.
He finally felt something snapping inside of him, not being able to bear it anymore. Those eyes, that smile, the confessions. He couldn't.
And for the first time he took the flowers you gave him. Your eyes widened slightly, you wanted to smile, Hug him, anything.
But everything was crushed the moment he rose his hand and threw it on the ground, stomping on your hard work. Your sign of love.
"If you love me, then don't ever come close to me again"
Those were the last words you heard from his lips. He walked away clearly angry, not even looking back. Leaving you frozen. You were just staring at the destroyed flowers as you held in your tears.
You felt a lot of things that moment. Despair, pain.... Oh you were so hurt. How could such a small heart like yours not break at this?
Your first love had just ended, before it even began.
But one thing didn't change, the feeling of care you held for him. It was engraved into your soul and would never leave it, no matter if it healed, it would leave scars.
So you left.
Just like he asked.
But not because you hated him, not because he hated you.
You did it because it was the first and only way he allowed you to show his love for him.
'if you love me, then don't ever come close to me again'
So you didn't come back, and this way you had shown, that you truly loved him.
Neither of you knew how to handle that pure and childish love, so it had to be finally broken.
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aki-anikk ยท 6 months
Random idea while I'm currently sleep deprived and don't know what to label:
The Ghost would love you like a dog.
Always at your shadow, following you, guarding you. At least he can do that right, good for something, big dumb brute that he is, baring his teeth and growling for you, tearing out throats for you just for a scrap of affection.
Ghost would love you like a dog.
Waiting by the door, by the foot of the bed, by your side, and hoping, silently, that you'll get lonely enough to invite him up. And he'll take care not to show his eagerness, not to be too exited and overplay his hand.
Simon Riley would love you like a dog.
Like his rotten canines are falling out, panting and drooling and messy, desperately to leave marks on you. Because he's a Riley. Everything he's ever loved left bite marks on him. And he'll be dammed if he let's the world take away you too.
Simon would love you like a dog.
You could stab him. Kill him.
Burry his body in the cemetery as a sacrificial lamb, so you aren't forced to linger when you pass.
And he'd forgive you.
Dogs are like that.
Dead dogs are just happy your hand is holding the knife.
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aki-anikk ยท 6 months
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aki-anikk ยท 7 months
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The first thing that came to my mind while playing through this moment.
(I have no clue how to upload things here :])
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aki-anikk ยท 7 months
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hi yes hello a friend gave my baldurs gate 3 for my birthday and is now painstakingly teaching me how to use the controls
Meet my little cosmic horror protagonist Luvtrรถja!! They are just a little guy!! They like sitting in chairs :]
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aki-anikk ยท 1 year
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If denji and power were better at hunting master kishibe โ€ฆ
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aki-anikk ยท 1 year
hi i just wanted to let you know your little yoshida art and yoshi kishi family art feeds my soul and i've looked at it multiple times. thank you so much for your service
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Thank you!! I think I saw your feedback on my fic Angel Plumes as well. Little Yoshida and Uncle Kishibe content will make it into the fic at around chapter 12 or 13, I think. It will unfortunately be a heavy chapter, but it will not be sad forever. The influx of comments has also convinced my editor to work harder! He's so flattered by all the praise for his art and his editing! So please look forward to potentially more frequent updates. In the meantime, please have some more teasers and fanon stuff! Very excited to expand on their dynamic as Yoshida is a late teen in the fic. Given the events of the fic, Kishibe is also struggling with some other shit. So it'll be interesting, I think. Was also thinking about an 18th birthday plot and Kishibe struggling to process where all the time went. Related to the drawings, I think the first time Kishibe hears little Yoshida give a genuine belly laugh, his one shriveled fatherly braincell is like "Yeah, this is my kid now". Originally, Kishibe only agrees to keep Yoshida for a couple of months until Social Work can figure out a permanent placement for Yoshida. But when they come to retrieve him, Kishibe tells Yoshida to get in the car because they're going to go pick out a new paint color for his bedroom. He won't let them take little Yoshida. Especially not after experiencing how bad his separation anxiety really is. (Little Yoshida has destroyed the house on several occasions).
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aki-anikk ยท 1 year
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Art trade I did with @tobytoon !!! it was very fun to do this and plan it out with them! :D <3 their art is amazing so go and check out the other part of this art trade!
My prompt was Uncle Kishibe and Nayuta!
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aki-anikk ยท 2 years
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My friend headcanons that Kishibe carries old ass granny candies in his pocket, so I made this comic.
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aki-anikk ยท 2 years
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Little Yoshida and Uncle Kishibe. An expansion on my headcanon. Kishibe teaches Yoshida about knives and how to use them. Little guy learns early and learns quickly. Though not without its psychological consequences.
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aki-anikk ยท 2 years
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Little Yoshida headcanons.
I imagine Kishibe is his uncle since they look so similar. In my fic, Kishibe takes Yoshida in when he's 8.
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aki-anikk ยท 2 years
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CW / TW : child abuse , child neglect , bruise , bruises , blood , fingernail damage , psychological trauma EDIT: Someone alerted me that description TWs don't actually filter out. So I'm adding them to tags now. Thank you, anon!
Little Yoshida concepting for my fic. Plus a bonus Uncle Kishibe.
Little Yoshida was really going through it. My base concept was that Yoshida's mother only kept him in a bid to get his father back, but the father left them stranded anyway. The mother was angry to be strapped with a child and so she neglected him emotionally even though his physical needs were always met. She constantly reminded him how much she wished he wasn't born and how she would leave him one day like he deserved.
One day she just snapped and locked him in a cabinet and never looked back. He was found two days later by authorities after a wellness check was called in. Kishibe enters the picture when he gets a call that his sister is nowhere to be found and she left her son behind. Kishibe had no idea he was an uncle to begin with, but little Yoshida needs a place to stay for a few days while the social workers figure out what to do with him. Kishibe almost doesn't take Yoshida in, but a nurse convinces him to spend time with the boy. The human part of Kishibe that hasn't died yet decides to give it a shot since it's only a few days. Little Yoshida attaches to Kishibe very intensely since in his child mind, his own mother didn't want him but his uncle (a complete stranger to him at this point) got to choose him. The human part of Kishibe wants to make Yoshida strong, especially after he leaves for work one day and Yoshida destroyed the house in an anxious fit of separation. Kishibe inspects the damage and is reminded of his youth where (in canon) he was too strong for his own good and destroyed all of his toys. But in a narrative parallel, Yoshida has destroyed not in strength, but in "weakness". When the social workers come to collect little Yoshida to figure out a more permanent placement for him, Yoshida clings to Kishibe's leg like a little crab that would sooner lose its claws than release its hold. So Kishibe shuts the door in the social worker's face and decides from that moment on that this boy is his responsibility to make into a beast of a man that can never be destroyed again. While Kishibe's methods are unorthodox and cruel for a child, it's all he knows how to give little Yoshida. Is to destroy his faith in the world to build his faith in himself. Kishibe teaches him self sufficiency. But he breaks him again in doing so.
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aki-anikk ยท 2 years
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Happy pride month
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