akikonagatani · 1 year
Hi everyone!
My name's Kerry, and I'm a current Publishing MA student at Northumbria University, Newcastle. For my dissertation, I'm looking into manga piracy and scanlation and how they affect the publishing industry. As part of my research, I'm conducting a survey into scanlation practices and reader habits, and I would really appreciate it if you could spare a few minutes to complete it. It should take less than 15 minutes and would be a huge help! ✨
The survey is entirely anonymous and confidential - no personal information will be collected at all - and you are able to withdraw your responses at any time (please, please retain a copy of your completion receipt, otherwise you won't be able to withdraw). It's important that you read over the participant information page carefully as it explains how your data will be collected, used and stored.
I'd also like to stress that there's no pressure to take part if you don't feel comfortable doing so 😊
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message me here, or contact me via my email: [email protected]
Thanks very much!
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akikonagatani · 6 years
"Niche", Tegami Bachi. Ahh I love Asada's artwork! Though, trying to copy it with any sort of accuracy was a lot harder than I expected 😳 Now, what should I draw next...? 🤔
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akikonagatani · 6 years
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Osaka, photography art by Elora Pautrat
Prints or phone covers available at Society6 (use code SUMMERART)
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akikonagatani · 6 years
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akikonagatani · 6 years
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Telma Monteiro (POR)
2016 Rio Olympics  
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akikonagatani · 6 years
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an anime about cells is on air. what a time to be alive.
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akikonagatani · 6 years
“lol Android users be like-” your phone is designed to break down after a year, your apps are all programmed to draw unnecessary power after 2 years, all your accessories and hardware are arbitrarily made with only 1 kind of plug in mind so you can’t use them with anything else or get them from anywhere else, the cables are 150$ and break in a year, your phones will not charge if there is lint in the port, the stores will ask you for 150$ to remove that lint, the phone itself is 900$
But your chat bubbles are blue so that balances it out right
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akikonagatani · 6 years
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This Makikomi is hypnotic!
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akikonagatani · 6 years
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akikonagatani · 7 years
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What a great Uchi-mata… Perfect timing!
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akikonagatani · 7 years
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Lag from Tegami Bachi. First arty thing in ages wooo~ The proportions are all wrong, but I quite like the colours 😅
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akikonagatani · 7 years
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akikonagatani · 8 years
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“It is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one should listen to…. The feeling for the things themselves, for reality, is more important than the feeling for pictures.” Vincent van Gogh
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akikonagatani · 8 years
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Luneth, the protagonist of Final Fantasy 3. This is probably the best thing I've ever drawn haha 😅
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akikonagatani · 8 years
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Just look at this crazy escape from this Uki-goshi!
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akikonagatani · 8 years
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Kung Fu Paintings
Kung Fu Masters like Feiyue Shoes on http://www.icnbuys.com/feiyue-shoes.
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akikonagatani · 8 years
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