akshara16 · 3 years
Damn girl,I think I died and went to heaven, I mean,holy hell,can't freaking breathe,this was just beyond sexy and amazing,Ethan in the mood is a whole mood,honestly, and the way you write him is just perfect 🥵🥰
Keep up the good work,sweetie ❤@perriewinklenerdie
Anything you want (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Claire Herondale
Word count: 3,1 k
Summary: They go home together for an encore. Added content to OH3 Chapter 7
Warnings: NSFW, strong language, by viewing this work, you consent that you’re 18+.  
A/N: The dress in the chapter wasn’t tragic in my opinion but it’s not stellar either - so I went ahead and changed it. 
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The entire Diagnostic Team let out a collective sigh of relief when Leland Bloom turned around on his heel and walked away. After a whole evening of schmoozing and rubbing elbows with wealthy morons, all Ethan wanted to do was go home. And take Claire with him, if he had any say in it.
Tobias finished a phone call, turning towards the group. “I think we can call the evening a success.” Harper nodded, slipping her arms into her coat. “Let’s hope this sedates him for a while.”
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akshara16 · 3 years
Damn,that's some self control alright,and ughhh Ethan has done a PhD in it,I mean hell even my breathing is ragged,holy smokes😳🥵
Keep up the good work,sweetheart ❤@perriewinklenerdie
Flight (Ethan x MC)
Ethan and MC fly home together after Miami. Ethan’s POV.
Set in OH1 ch 10.
Words, rating: 1.6k, teen
Author’s note: I couldn’t stop thinking about the flight back after their first kiss - was it awkward, was it tense – so here’s my take on that delicious pining. Hope you enjoy reading.
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As she tugs the seatbelt into its clip, her emerald eyes catch his and she offers a shy smile.
This isn’t how Ethan was expecting the morning to go.
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akshara16 · 3 years
We are here for you,sweetie,anything you need❤always right behind you,we got your back 🥰@drariellevalentine
Very Important PSA
Hello everyone, this is @drariellevalentine here. You might be wondering what this post is about, and especially if you’re not on my taglist, but please read the whole post before. If you’ve read my latest fic, you’ll know that this post is the reason of my unannounced semi-hiatus. Some of y’all might know of the current drama going on regarding @nikki-2406 aka @arnikki-2406’s allegedly hacked social media accounts. If you don’t know, don’t worry, I will explain everything in the upcoming lines. This may come as a surprise to you all, but there is much more to this problem than what meets the eye, and since it has gone public, it is only fair everyone understands what is going on here. And since I play a vital role in it, I would like to clear up everything that has been going on.
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akshara16 · 3 years
This was so amazing, I loved it😍do give me some tips on how you write so well, I mean damnnnnnn 😍
Keep up the good work,sweetheart 🥰❤@perriewinklenerdie
Shirtless (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Claire Herondale
Word count: 2 k
Summary: Ethan gets jealous when he sees Claire with a shirtless Tobias.
Warnings: None
A/N: Because love me some jealous Ethan Ramsey.
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Claire’s vision was getting slightly blurry, letters on the paper she was reading shuffling. Her shift was crawling to an eventual close, the world outside the windows drowning in darkness and the hospital was quiet, almost like it was empty.
The tranquility was slowly broken by the quiet hum of the door opening and a heavy pant. She turned around, not really knowing what to expect but what she saw surpassed everything her mind could have come up with.
Tobias Carrick walked into the office, clutching his shoulder, a patch of blood staining his white coat.
“What the hell happened?” she stood up faster than she could register it, her eyes trained on the red material.
“I tried to dodge that ridiculous piece of wires on wheels and fell onto the metal box hanging on the wall.” He explained, his voice a bit shaky as he tried not to let his discomfort show.
“Funny, Ethan used the exact same words to describe Binx.” Claire pointed out, sending him a puzzled look. Tobias hesitated, sensing an unspoken question hanging in the air, but after a beat, he decided to let it go for now.
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akshara16 · 3 years
This was so amazing,you have done justice would be an understatement,I love you so freaking much,that you did this for me,I can't express how much this means to me,and how exactly the same I am,and you have captured the emotions I would have felt so well,I am so thankful to have you in my life,sweetie🥺😭😭😭
Keep up the good work,sweetie🥺👉👈❤🥰@drariellevalentine
To Be Loved
A short drabble for my beautiful big sister @akshara16’s birthday!
Author’s Note:- I’ve used her oc in this fic, so here’s to hoping I’ve done her oc justice!
Also, I don’t have a taglist for Ian x MC so I’ve used my regular taglist, sorry about that!
Prompt:- “I know how it feels to be loved because of you.”
Pairing:- Ian Kingsley x F!OC (Akshara Hughes)
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akshara16 · 3 years
Just as always,wholesome,warm and fuzzy 🥺👉👈
Keep up the good work ,sweetheart 🥰❤@starrystarrytrouble
Bistro (Ethan x MC)
Ethan realises MC’s on a date with someone else… at the bistro he used to go to with Harper.
OH3 chap 3 continuation and rewrite. Ethan’s POV.
Words, rating: 1.7k, teen, fluff
Author’s note: If PB won’t give us jealous Ethan, I’ll feed myself. I hope you enjoy reading.
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Edenbrook felt different to Ethan. He couldn’t explain why but tonight, the blinding white lights of the hospital brought a trail of goosebumps over him.
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akshara16 · 3 years
I always freaking enjoy your pictagram edits, just so damn freaking adorable they are🥺👉👈and wholesome too ofcourse 🥺
Keep up the good work,love🥰❤@caseyvalentineramsey
New Hairdo
I’m back with pictagram edits 😗! Enjoy 🖤!
| Casey's Pictagram | Ethan's Pictagram |
➳ Book / Pairing : Open Heart Third Year / Ethan Ramsey x f!mc (Casey Valentine)
➳ Précis : After a new haircut, Casey posts her picture on Pictagram. What are other’s reactions?
➳ Rating / warnings : Teen / Implications
➳ Disclaimer : Characters owned by pixelberry studios. Though I consider Casey as mine.
General Masterlist.
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Later, at night,
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Ethan has a filthy mouth. And we all know what happened the next day *cough*
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Thank you so much if you made it this far! This is kinda random, but I saw that picture on Tiera Skovbye’s Instagram story a few days ago and she looked too good to not make an edit 😅! Hopefully you enjoyed this 🥰💖! Thank you so much for bearing with me, I love you all 💜✨! Sending hugs and positivity!!
Taglist part 1 : @monsoonblooms12 ; @zoehanji ; @choicesfanaf ; @stygianflood ; @nishas-paradise ; @sophxwithers ; @kiara-36 ; @mrsethanfreakingramsey ; @openheartthot ; @udishaman ; @schnitzelbutterfingers ; @missmiimiie ; @drariellevalentine ; @mysticaurathings ; @lahamseiroshoe ; @akshara16 ; @theinvisibledreamergirl ; @maurine07 ; @tsrookie ; @whimsicallywayward15 ; @starrystarrytrouble ; @blainehellyes ; @arnikki-2406 ; @takemyopenheart ; @adrex04 ; @pitchblackstars ; @aarisa-frost ; @chetachisblog ; @mercury84choices ; @ethandaddyramseyx ; @getyourselfaunicorn ; @coffeeheartaddict (let me know if you want to be added 🥰, or fill up this form!)
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akshara16 · 3 years
This was a freaking treat,I am sorry that I have been inactive on Tumblr,but now am back,but this was just wholesome and in so many ways🥺👉👈😊
Keep up the good work like always,sweetie 🥰❤@perriewinklenerdie
You (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Claire Herondale
Word count: 3,5 k
Summary: Claire and Harper go out for drinks. (OH3 Chapter 1 added content)
Warnings: None
A/N: We stan and respect Harper Emery in this house. Also, female friendships. 
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akshara16 · 3 years
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee,my heart is singing love songs,man this was so beautiful and not even close to messy🥺
Keep up the good work,sweetheart 🥰❤@caseyvalentineramsey
Your eyes tell
Hi bubs 💜! It’s rewrite o’clock ✨! And we’re here because canon isn’t fair to queen Harper. This is written from Harper’s pov, and you’ll see just how happy she is to see Ethan being utterly in love with mc <3!
Masterlist 🖋️
❦ Book / Pairing : Open Heart Third Year / Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Casey Valentine)
❦ Genre : Established relationship ; fluff
❦ Précis : He can lie all he wants to, but his eyes tell it all, the truth. That he’s in love.
❦ Word count & Rating : ~1 K || Teen
❦ Warnings : Slightly suggestive.
❦ Disclaimer : Characters owned by pixelberry studios. But I consider Casey as mine.
Sorry in advance if there are any errors, I’m a rookie in writing and English isn’t my 1st language.
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Amidst the chaos of the party on full swing, the two attendings grab their drinks from the bar, the latter toasting, “To the new and revamped Edenbrook!”, and clinking their glasses together.
The former sighs, shaking head, “Here’s hoping for a better Edenbrook with better care for our patients... Not just flashy new technology and services.”
Harper nods, taking a cautious sip of her cocktail while Ethan downs a big gulp of his drink, his baby blues scanning around the atrium. She can see the desperate need in his searching eyes, and she knows exactly why... or for whom. A small smirk plays on her lips, “Looking for her, Ethan?”
Quirking an eyebrow, he looks back at her, clearly trying to cover the fact that he just got caught red-handed, “Looking for who?”
His words amuse her, and she snorts, “Oh come on Ethan, none of you are subtle enough. Plus everyone already knows so...”
His blue orbs shine with happiness, clear as an April sky. His lips quirk up too, the smile threatening to break through before he composes himself with a cough, “I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, Harper.”
She sips on her drink, shaking her head, “You are very bad at lying about the two of you. Your eyes betray you and tell everything even though you try to play it cool.”
He opens his mouth to say something, only to close it again without a word. She gives him a knowing look, enjoying her victory when the buzz of gossip around them suddenly gets louder. Both of them look around helplessly, trying to find the reason of the new ingredient of the gossip mill. Moments after, they notice Casey’s sculpted figure in the middle of the hall, chatting with Bloom with her usual dazzling smile. Harper can’t help but look at her with awe, the sleek emerald dress hugging her curves perfectly, highlighting her jade eyes. When she’s finally able to look away after 20 solid seconds, she catches Ethan looking at Casey, his jaw hung open. Her eyes drift to his eyes, his stare burning with desire, his pupils dilated as his blues follow Casey’s movements like a hunter keeping eye on it’s prey. A smile curls up her lips, Ethan Ramsey is a goner. Ethan Ramsey is whipped, madly in love.
She notes the way his eyes soften when he watches Casey walk over to talk with Sienna and Ines, his gaze so fond that some might say that he’s drunk. Not of alcohol, but of Casey.
Casey has been always intriguing for Harper. She remembers her intern year, she remembers her being selfless yet determined. She still remembers how she sounded like Ethan at the start, and how she helped Ethan for Naveen throughout the months without letting anyone know. She adores her, respects her and even admires her. Who doesn’t?
Casey is everything Ethan needed in his life, to make him happy, to complete him, to love him. Something she could never do. And of course, she’s more than happy to see them together, being two fools in love, happy. But the most fun part of it? Getting to tease Ethan 24/7 and enjoying every second of it.
Shaking her thoughts away, she looks at Ethan thoughtfully, his eyes still glued on his rookie. With a rueful smile, she clears her throat, “Whoa.. You’re showing symptoms, Ethan.”
That seems to take his attention, and he turns around, mumbling, “Symptoms? What...”
She offers him a grin, “You’re showing symptoms of a chronic condition...”
“I swear to-”
“... Named love, Ramsey. Get it together!”
The faintest hint of a rosey shade colors his cheeks, his fingers running through his thick brown locks.
“Gosh stop with this jokes Harper.”, he grunts, putting his hands inside the pockets of his blazer.
She chuckles, “Oooh, you didn’t deny it though!”, soon erupting into laughter. A few people around side eye them, making Ethan sigh. He looks back at Casey again, his smoldering gaze raking on her back lustfully.
“Don’t break your desk okay? We work in there.”
He groans loudly, pinching the bridge of his nose. At this point, he looks like a starved man waiting for water... Or Casey.
“I’ll go talk with Dr. Tanaka.. enjoy, Ethan. Don’t break things though, okay?”, She walks off just in time when he finally sees Casey walking towards him, a smile on her lips.
Two hours later, Harper mingles with the crowd, tired and not interested. She’s bored with the same chats about Bloom Edenbrook and how better it is, barely managing to hide her boredom. Clicking her tongue, she goes back to the bar, grabbing another glass of wine.
As if a blessing, the duo walks in the hall again, arm in arm. The first thing she notices is a bright purple-reddish mark just where her neck meets her shoulder, the concealer unable to hide the purple of love-bites. The next thing she notices is the the blissful looks on both of their faces, Casey’s steps slower than usual. She smirks, watching them as they head to the dance floor, moving together with the slow music playing in the background. Her head rests on his shoulder, whilst Ethan holds her tightly around the waist, swaying side to side, whispering things into each other’s ear.
Harper waves at them as the song ends, both of them smiling at her before they walk up to her, hand in hand. She smiles brightly, “Enjoying yourselves, I see!”
Casey smiles back, “More like enjoying the company.”, Their eyes lock as they share a intimate, personal smile. Ethan leans down to kiss her forehead, smiling like a teenage boy with his first love in his prom night.
She laughs, “You two are way too cute! Gosh! Get a room!”
He speaks up proudly, “We will get a room! I’m taking her back to my place.”
Casey flushes, tugging on his sleeve with a hushed tone, “Ethan!”
Two old friends chuckle together, deepening her blush. Harper pats her on the back, “I’m so glad to see you and Ethan together. I don’t really believe in soulmates but who knows? I mean the two of you...”
Humming, Ethan says, “Excuse us, please. Will see you tomorrow!”
Both of them look at each other fondly before looking at Harper, “Thank you.”, they say in unison.
She shakes her head with a smile, “See? Even talking together now!”
“So impatient, good lord! Yeah, go! Have more fun, I guess?”, she speaks with a teasing tone.
Casey looks up, a blush tinging her cheeks, “We will, thank you again, Harper.”
She winks, nodding suggestively at her before they both leave the hall. Before they exit, Casey looks back at her, a grateful smile flashing on her beautiful face before she vanishes outside with Ethan.
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A/N : Thank you so much for reading 🥺❤️!! I’m so sorry if it’s messy, I haven’t edited this yet and I have no idea what I typed down at the end to be honest 😅! Hopefully you enjoyed it anyways, love you all for putting up with me 🥺! Hopefully this does them all justice!
Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated 🥰❤️!
Fanfic tags : @openheartfanfics ; @choicesficwriterscreations ;
Taglist part 1 : @monsoonblooms12 ; @zoehanji ; @choicesfanaf ; @stygianflood ; @nishas-paradise ; @sophxwithers ; @kiara-36 ; @openheartthot ; @udishaman ; @schnitzelbutterfingers ; @missmiimiie ; @drariellevalentine ; @mysticaurathings ; @lahamseiroshoe ; @akshara16 ; @theinvisibledreamergirl ; @maurine07 ; @tsrookie ; @whimsicallywayward15 ; @starrystarrytrouble ; @blainehellyes ; @nikki-2406 ; @takemyopenheart ; @adrex04 ; @pitchblackstars ; @aarisa-frost ; @chetachisblog ; @mercury84choices ; @ethandaddyramseyx ; @getyourselfaunicorn (let me know if you want to be added 🥰, or fill up this form!)
Special mention : @panda9584 hopefully you’ll enjoy this 😇💕!!
Love you all 💜✨! Sending everyone Aleyna ™ hugs and positive vibes ✨💜!
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akshara16 · 3 years
This was so beautiful,i mean no words can express it,I know I have been kinda off grid,but I am back now,so this was definitely a treat for my heart and soul 🥺😭
Keep up the good work,sweetheart❤@starrystarrytrouble
Amber (Ethan x MC)
Ethan tells MC how he feels about her after Harper joins the team.
OH3 chap 1 added scene, Ethan’s POV. Set after the on-call room 30 diamond scene.
Words, rating: 1.9k, general
Author’s notes: So glad OH is back. I didn’t like the MC-jealous-of-Harper vibes so I wrote a thing. Hope you enjoy reading.
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Ethan liked lightning. 
The momentary flash that shattered the darkness and reminded him that even the best doctors couldn’t control nature.
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akshara16 · 3 years
I am dead from all the angst,oh lord,I-🥺😭
This was just so amazing and honestly I feel perfect 🥺😻keep up the good work,sweetie ❤@the-pale-goddess
Puncture Wound - Ethan Ramsey x MC (Tiffany Addams)
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Ethan monitors Naveen overnight on New Year’s Eve. An unexpected guest keeps him company moments before the midnight strikes.
Set after Miami in OH1.
Warnings: good old angst, maybe (1) curse word, mention of alcohol and kissing (a little bit steamy, but nothing explicit)
Author’s note: So here I am, offering you a NYE angst as a very late Valentine’s Day gift…*sweats nervously*
I couldn’t accept the way they smoothly got back to working together in canon. Tiffany would definitely try to break Dr. I-need-to-be-able-to-push-you-to-your-limits, and we know damn well the man has two weaknesses: pancakes and resisting MC.
Tiffany crossed Ethan’s mind an hour before midnight.
Perhaps ‘crossed’ would be inadequate—she emerged from the room she’d claimed a permanent tenancy on.
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akshara16 · 3 years
So I came back after a long time on Tumblr, and it's my sweetie cutie's work I read first,and I freaking loved it,needed on the first day of my period 🥲💀
Not gonna gross you out,but all I gotta say is Ethan saying I love you was the most amazing and precious moment ever😭❤💫,keep up the good work, sweetheart🥰❤@caseyvalentineramsey
Be my ‘Valentine’
Happy late galentine’s Valentine’s day 🥺💖❣️! Here I am, back at it again with fluff <3! Enjoy 💞! Sorry I’m late aah 🙈! Procrastination!
✧ Masterlist ✧
Sorry in advance if there are any errors. I’m a rookie in writing and English isn’t my 1st language.
❦ Pairing : Ethan Ramsey x Casey Valentine
❦ Book : Open Heart
❦ Genre : Romantic fluff ; Soulmates
❦ Précis : It’s 14th February, “Valentine’s” day. While spending time with the ‘Valentine’ in his life, 3 long unspoken words break-through.
❦ Word count & Rating : ~2.3K ; T
❦ Warnings : Language, subtle suggestions.
❦ Disclaimer : Characters owned by pixelberry studios. Casey is mine.
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It’s another morning of February in the city of Boston, a special day and a rather pleasant weather. The golden beams of the morning sun sneaks inside a certain couple’s bedroom, the only figure tucked into the blankets whining and turning around to bury her face in the pillows. She cuddles up to the side pillow, planning to sleep for two more hours, yawning.
It is her own day after all, she can do whatever she wants to, right? Sleeping till 11 am? Why the hell not? Specially when he insisted on taking a day off for both of them.
The aroma of brewed Darjeeling tea and glazed donuts from her favourite shop fills in his lungs, his adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he realises just how ‘rookie’ he’s to this whole thing of celebrating Valentine’s day.
Honestly, he used to despise Valentine’s day. It’s stupid and all the cards and roses he receives on the day from the hospital staff, bother him big time. He can clearly see his 3 years younger self walking down the halls with his trademark scowl on his face, his ‘admirers’ annoying the hell out of him.
Closing his eyes for a brief moment, Ethan shakes his head ; No Ethan, stop thinking about the past. You’re a different man now courtesy of her, just focus on making Casey happy.
After setting up the breakfast, he carefully tip-toes back to the bedroom, a sly grin on his face as his eyes catch her curled up figure. Pushing the blanket aside a little, he leans down to kiss her forehead, murmuring, “Rise and shine, love.”
Pulling away, he notices her shimmering jade eyes focused on his movements, her cheeks flushed ever so slightly. He smiles, “How long have you been up?”
Casey eagerly curls her hands around his neck, “Long enough to hear your voice calling me ‘love’, Dr. Ramsey.”
His lips curl up, “Is that so? Do you like how it sounds?”
“Of course I do, love.”
He scrunches his nose in response, the skin of his neck turning red, “Go freshen up, breakfast is ready.”
She rolls off the bed, her giggles echoing through the room, “Awh, someone is blushing.”
“I’m not blushing!”
“I never mentioned your name, my love.”
He grunts, pinching the bridge of his nose, watching her giggling and panting for air.
“Just go.”
She ducks inside the bathroom, poking her head out, “As you say, love.”
“You’re not gonna leave it alone, are you?”
She clicks her tongue, a smirk on her lips, “You bet I am not.”
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
9:33 am
With a soft smile on her face, she walks into the living room, a very familiar scent tingling her senses. It’s Darjeeling tea, she can recognise one of her favourite drink’s aroma even in her sleep. When she reaches the breakfast table, her lips part in surprise, the glazed donuts placed on the plate catching her off-guard. She looks back at Ethan suspiciously, only to find the self-satisfied look in his ocean blues.
“That much sugar for breakfast is unhealthy... right??!”
He just shrugs, pouring her a steaming cup of tea, “Take a seat, c’mon.”
She grabs a chair, pulling it close to him and flopping down on it. He hands her a donut, biting on his own. Nibbling on her lower lip, she takes it, her eyes narrowing, “Is everything alright...?”
He nods, “Yes. Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Umm.. nothing!”, she cautiously takes a sip of the tea, humming appreciatively.
A comfortable silence falls between them as they focus on their breakfast. Their hands touch briefly whenever they grab a donut, their knees touching under the table. She clears her throat, threading her fingers with his, holding tight, “So? Why did you make us take a day off?”
He looks down at their joined hands, his thumb running circles on her palm, “Because we deserve the day off, specially today.”
It makes her quirk her eyebrows, “Because it’s Valentine’s day?! Wait- wait- wait. Hold up. Since when—”
He presses his lips with hers in a swift motion, shutting her up instantly. She whines softly, melting in his arms as he pries his tongue inside her mouth, deepening the kiss. Her hands grip on his t-shirt, the rough scratch of his beard sending shivers down her spine. He pulls out, touching their foreheads together before whispering, “Happy Valentine’s day.”
She flutters her eyes open, her face alight with joy, “Ethan...”
Looking deep into his ocean eyes, she closes the gap between them, pecking him gently, “Happy Valentine’s day to you too.”
He offers her another kiss, his voice raspy, “Get ready after lunch okay?”
She rests her head on his shoulder, “Why?”
“You’ll see.”
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
4:13 pm
They walk along the secluded beach, her arms wrapped around his muscled bicep. The rolling ocean waves hit their feet, just a reminder of how close they are to nature. She starts to slow down, her voice colored with confusion, “Ethan? Are you gonna tell me where are we going?”
He looks back at her, sighing, “We’re going to Pam.”
“... And who’s that?”
He opens his mouth to say something, but he’s cut off by a distant cheery female voice, “Howdy Ethan? Long time no see!! Aah god you’ve grown up to be so handsome!”
He smiles, reassuring her, “An old acquaintance. One of my patients actually. She’s a photographer.”
They spot a petite figure walking up to them from the other side, casey’s grip tightens around his arm, her voice low so that only he can hear her, “Who’s this, Ethan? Do you know her?”
“Oh a former patient? What was her diagnosis?”
“Anemia, paired up with a blood clot in her frontal lobe.”
“I see... But why are we here?”
Pam walks up to them, the woman in her late forties enthusiastic and energetic. She grins as soon as she notices Casey, looking her up & down before turning to face Ethan.
“So this is the woman who melted your ice heart?”
He nods, his fond gaze finding hers before he announces proudly, “Yeah, Pam, she is. Casey, meet Pam. Pam, this is the Casey I told you about.”
Casey holds her hand up for a handshake, but Pam pulls her in for a hug instead. Patting her on the back, Pam chuckles, “You must be so rare and special. I always thought that Ethan will be lonely, angry and frustrated forever.”
Both women break to laughter upon that, making him roll his eyes.
“Oh come on, we need to take shots, the sun is already setting!”
As if snapping back to reality, Pam quickly takes the DSLR out of her bag, preparing it while she tells them to position along with the setting sun.
Stunned, she grips on his wrist, “What? Ethan? Are we taking pictures? But-”
He shakes his head, “We are. Why are you questioning everything? I did it for you.”
She gulps, her eyes softening, “But... but isn’t this too much? A photoshoot is over the top, Ethan.”
“You were the one who was looking at the sunset photoshoot of that Pictagram influencer couple and saying that sunset couple photoshoots are so dreamy.”
Her teeth sinks on her lower lip, her voice merely a whisper, “You.. remember that? It was so random even I don’t remember!”
He cups her cheek, pulling her closer, “Of course I do, I remember everything, Casey.”
Both of them look back at Pam immediately, her camera focused on them.
Emeralds meet baby blues, an almost magnetic force pulling them in together.
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
06:46 pm
She gawks at the decorated bathtub, holding onto the towel around her bare skin. He hugs her from behind, planting a kiss on her neck, making her shiver.
“Do you like it?”, he points at the heart shaped candles, the flower petals and the foamed water.
She turns around to face him, “What’s in there?”
“Lavender bath bomb, your favorite.”
A wave of emotions flicker in her glossy eyes, her lips dry, “Ethan, I—”
“Shh, now shall we?”
She just nods, holding onto him tightly, letting him take off the towel and place her in the tub. He follows suit, his arms around her as he pulls her into him, settling her on his lap. She inhales the calming scent of lavender, leaning back to rest her head on his chest.
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
8:02 pm
Her eyes follow him as he serves her the stuffed chicken, taking his own portion later. Feeling her gaze on him, he looks up, “Dig in! What are you waiting for?”
She looks around the table, the champagne glasses, the fancy candles, home-cooked meal... she couldn’t remember the last time she felt so loved & appreciated. With a soft smile, she puts a tender piece of meat in her mouth, the burst of flavours entertaining her taste buds.
“It’s so amazing Ethan!”
Her happy moan is all he needed to know that he cooked it well.
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
10:35 pm
They cuddle on the bed, romantic music playing in the background, their limbs twined together while they share kisses. The diamonds of the heart pendant sparkles on her cleavage, the happy smile on both of their faces seeming to outshine the diamonds.
Lost in each other’s warmth and eyes, time flies by. Until...
“Casey?”, his soft, cautious voice breaks her daze, her head burying in his chest as she climbs up on him.
“Yeah, Ethan?”
“Happy Valentine’s day.”
She blushes, resting her chin on his chest to look up at him, “You took my words that seriously, huh? Happy Valentine’s day.”
Sharing yet another kiss, he grins, “You weren’t wrong though... It’s Valentine’s day after all. Your day.”
She leans down to nudge her lips with his, “Is that why we did everything today you remember saying that I’d like to do?”
He joins their hands together, kissing her knuckles, “Yes, on point diagnosis, Rookie.”
She laughs out loudly, holding him close, “Why, thank you, Dr. Ramsey.”
After another brief silence, her vulnerable voice speaks up, “You know... Ethan. I’ve never felt like this before.”
Noting the change in her tone, he strokes her jaw gently, “What do you mean?”
With a long breath, she speaks in a trembling voice, “I’ve never had someone in life who has been so considerate about what I love, what I want... I’m not used to this, Ethan. You’ve no idea how much today means to me. How much you mean to me. I’m just so glad you gave us a chance. Thank you so much, for everything... You’re my world.”
He could see the tears glistening in her eyes, swallowing hard, he pulls her in for a kiss, his voice desperate, “Please don’t thank me for anything, Casey. Please, it’s the least I could do after everything you’ve done. You changed my whole universe, Casey. My vision, my principles, you changed everything. And I’m beyond, beyond thankful for that. It’s.. it’s almost like my eyes opened for real. I—”
He stops abruptly, the words stuck in his throat, his heart pounding in his chest. It is time, Ethan, tell her. Tell her the words you’ve always wanted to.
“Ethan... are you okay?”
He nods, looking into the depths of her eyes, as if searching for her soul.
“Be my Valentine.”
“What? But I’m already-”
His heart thunders in his chest, his ears red from the anticipation. Closing his eyes, he says earnestly, “I love you, Casey. I’ve meant to-”
His sentence is cut off midway by her lips closing on his. She whispers between kisses, “Tell me again.”
“I love you!”
She grips on his face, holding it as if it’s the most precious thing in the world to ever exist.
“I love you too Ethan... hell, I love you more!”
A chuckle escapes him, relief washing over his body. Why was he afraid again?
“You can’t do that. Surely I love you more.”, he groans before pulling her impossibly closer, skin against skin, two racing hearts beating together in symphony.
Love can change a person. Beyond anyone’s imagination.
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First of all, YAY 😭 I FINALLY FINISHED IT 😭! That moodboard only took me 3 hours 🤧! Celebration time ┌(★o☆)┘! Lol don’t mind me I’m just happy (honestly? Crying happy tears because FINALLY THEY SAID IT!!!)
Okay, my clownery aside, hopefully you enjoyed this baby of mine 😭❤️! Took me so long and it was such a pain in the ass 😭! Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated <3! But what matters is your satisfaction, so hopefully you had as fun as me ❣️🦋✨!
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Fanfic tags : @choicesficwriterscreations ; @openheartfanfics ; @choicesfebchallenge : Day 14 : Valentine’s Day
✨ My brand new shining taglist ✨ (fill up this form if you want to be added or let me know!)
Part 1 : @monsoonblooms12 ; @zoehanji ; @choicesfanaf ; @stygianflood ; @nishas-paradise ; @sophxwithers ; @kiara-36 ;@openheartthot ; @udishaman ; @schnitzelbutterfingers ; @missmiimiie ; @drariellevalentine ; @mysticaurathings ; @lahamseiroshoe ; @akshara16 ; @theinvisibledreamergirl ; @maurine07 ; @tsrookie ; @whimsicallywayward15 ; @starrystarrytrouble ; @blainehellyes ; @nikki-2406 ; @takemyopenheart ; @adrex04 ; @pitchblackstars ; @aarisa-frost ; @chetachisblog ; @mercury84choices ; @ethandaddyramseyx ; @getyourselfaunicorn ;
Adding part 2 with a reblog!
Also, a quick p.s guys, I have got my practical exams starting from 18th February 😞 my luck is so horrible istg 😭... so yeah... I will try to catch up with the V day works tomorrow 🥰! See you all again soon 😄💖! Love you all 💜✨💜! How are we feeling?! OHTY is just around the corner 🤠!!!
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akshara16 · 3 years
🌼~BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.~🌼
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akshara16 · 3 years
THIS WAS FUCKING AMAZING,KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK,LOVE🥰❤@drariellevalentine @medicallyinevitable I can't even begin to say how beautiful this was🥺
Medically Inevitable 
Chapter 14:- Pitiful Pining
Characters:- Ethan Ramsey, Arielle Valentine, Sienna Trinh, Ethan Ramsey, Harper Emery, & Danny Cardinal 
Pairing:- Ethan Ramsey x Arielle Valentine (F!OC)
Warnings:- Light angst & minor language 
Word Count:- 2000+ words 
And a special thank you to @akshara16 for pre-reading this chapter💞
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Arielle’s PoV:-
You’re reading your 18th, well actually what seems like the 100th text book when someone knocks on your bedroom door. You answer with a more irritated tone then you meant.
"Hey, you okay?" The door opens to reveal Sienna with two mugs in her hands.
"Yeah...”, you try to smile but even you know it doesn't quite reach your eyes. 
"You don't seem okay though," Sienna says as she comes inside and hands you a mug. You look inside the mug to see what's in it. "I made us some hot chocolate." 
You smile, accepting your cup with a genuine thank you as you move, making space for Sienna to sit. 
"So what is it?" Sienna asks sitting beside you. 
You shake your head, just thinking about the case makes your head spin. "Just a patient’s case. I’ve been running test after test but every result was negative.", you sigh, "and the patient happens to be a major asshole to say the least.", You smile sadly. 
"Is it the P. I. T. A?" She asks. 
"P. I. T. A?" 
"Pain in the ass," she laughs, so do I. 
"Oh yeah… Danny mentioned that earlier. That name fits him perfectly!" I respond laughing. 
"So what do you think he has?"
"I don't know anymore," you sigh again, "I ran almost as many tests as possible." 
"I'm not any expert but maybe if the two of us try to find it, it'll be easier?" 
You look at her a bit surprised, "You'll spend your free time diagnosing my patient?" 
She smiles at me, "Of course. That's what friends are for right? To help you." 
You look at her with a grateful smile. "Thank you." 
"You can thank me with strawberry glazed doughnuts once we're finished with this.”, she replies with a silly wink.
You spent the next thirty minutes discussing the symptoms as you catch her up with the diseases you've managed to ruled out. 
In between, you notice Sienna acting a bit weird. But whenever you try to bring it up, she deflects your question so you decide not to press further. 
Another half an hour goes by with Sienna’s weird antics and you decide you’ve had enough. You close your book and turn towards Sienna. She tries to act like she doesn’t notice you looking at her but eventually she looks up.
"What is it, Sienna? I can tell you want to ask me something but you’re not.”, you say.
"Uh-what?" she asks nervously, her eyes darting around everywhere but you.
"I don't know what you’re talking about." 
"Don't lie, Si!," you narrow your eyes. 
But she doesn’t budge. You keep asking her until she finally accepts.
“Come on Si, no secrets between us right?”
"Okay fine!... you’re hiding something, Ari,", shesays catching you off guard. 
"I-Me? I'm not hiding anything," you try to laugh it off. 
Now it's her turn to narrow her eyes. "You are! See, you’re behaving really weird."
"I'm not behaving weird," you oppose. 
"You are. And don't you dare deny it again.”, she says in a serious tone.
"You can talk to me, you know that right?” Her voice changes to the caring and concerned tone reserved for her closest friends.
You ponder for a minute, whether or not to tell her. You’ve shared so many secrets with Sienna before, you know she's your best friend and that you trust her completely. 
Before you know it, you start blurting out everything. From how Dr. Ramsey assigned you the case, to how he wouldn’t reassign him to someone else, and then your confrontation which was probably the most idiotic thing you could have done. Then how you both shouted at each other, you completely blanking out at the fact that he was your supervisor and could pull you from the program the next second if he wished, and how that lead to triggering a panic attack, then lastly…
“I don’t know how, our faces were mere inches apart, breathing ragged, and I had absolutely no idea what I was doing-“ You throw your hands up, cutting yourself off as you jump up and pace around the room.
“I mean I could have kissed him for God’s sake! What was I even thinking?! If it weren’t for my pager I don’t know what I would’ve done…”
“Woah, calm down Arielle. You need a break.” She makes you sit down and drink a glass of water, waiting until you’ve calmed down a bit. 
“Now, tell me what else happened.”
“What?! Nothing else happened!” How Sienna knows you so well eludes you, nonetheless you try to hide it.
“Something else happened, or else you wouldn’t be spiraling this much. I know you Ari, you always have a cool head under any circumstance.”
You sigh, knowing there’s no use in hiding it. “Well I did see something…”
“Go on.”, she says urging you,
“Well it all started after the whole almost kiss thing, my brain was like scrambled eggs and my shift had already ended so I took my car and drove around until I realised I had no idea where I was, and to top that disaster off I was starving…”
———————A few hours before———————
“Ugh, I think I drove all the way to the other side of town. And I’ll have to drive all the way back to the apartment and then start research for Nigel’s treatment again. And I’m hungry because instead of eating lunch, I decided to unleash my wrath of Dr. Terminator. Ohh, can this day get any worse-“ In the midst of your little blabbering session, you spot a classy French cafe across the street. 
“Well at least a day this bad always has room for improvement, and right now I’m starving.”, you park your car and head inside.
The smell of roasted coffee and baked buttery goods hits your senses the moment you enter the cafe. The serenity is a nice change of pace compared to always busy and bustling Edenbrook, dimly lighted and decorated with beautiful vintage items.
“At least I won’t bump into anyone here that I know.”, you think as you stand in the queue.
You decide to order a vanilla frappe with drizzled salted caramel and go for a regular chocolate doughnut to satisfy your sweet tooth. After the barista brings your order, you move towards a nice secluded corner and sit down at the table.
You slowly finish your doughnut and coffee, savouring the taste as you gaze out the French style window. You’re about to dispose of your trash when a familiar sweater shirt catches your eye.
“No way…” As you hide your face with a medical journal which you randomly fished out of your purse, you peek over the top to see Dr. Ramsey sitting across…
“Is that Dr. Emery?”, your mind recalls the time when you saw them in a patient’s room, quite cozy with each other. And now they sit a few tables away from you, talking as her hand is over his. You pretend to read your journal as you watch both of the doctors get up and throw away the remains. You follow pursuit and slowly exit the cafe making sure they don’t notice. You stand at the side of your car door and watch as they both edge closer and closer, her hand now on his jaw. Their faces are barely an inch apart now, as he leans in to close the distance.
“That’s- I can’t-“ 
Not being able to look at them, you get in your car, slamming the door and speed away as fast as you possibly can, ignoring the tears that brim in your eyes.
————————end of flashback———————
”Oh Arielle…..I’m sorry.” 
“It’s alright.”, you assure her when pretty much everything going on in your life is anything but alright. She gives you a look.
“I- okay well there’s nothing I can do about it, and it’s not like anything would have happened, it was merely a stupid crush.”, you reply wondering whether you’re trying to convince Sienna or yourself. A long but comfortable silence passes, you both just sit and immerse in everything you’ve just blurted out. 
"How are things between you and Wayne?", you say desperate for a topic change.
"It's as usual I guess?" she says now as gloomy as me. "We haven't had a proper conversation in a while."
You try to comfort your best friend as you mentally curse the idiot.
"He's an idiot, Si, " you tell her. "If he can't value you, he's not worth it Si."
"He was not always this way you know... We've had happy days. But ever since I started my residency he became... distant." 
You put your hand on top of hers in a comforting manner and give her an understanding smile.
"You can always talk to me about it, Si. You know that right?"
She nods and shoots me a smile, a sad one, nonetheless a smile. That’s a slight improvement.
We talk about our messes of relationships for a bit more before Sienna decides we had enough gloom and doom and it was time to make some happy memories. 
“Okay, what did you have in mind?”, you ask.
A grin forms on her face as she tucks her knees in and speaks, "Why did the Dalmatian go to the eye doctor?" 
“Medical joke hmm?” She nods and nudges me to try to answer. After thinking for a moment, I shrug.
"Because he kept seeing spots.", she says following with a fit of laughter. The joke isn’t even that funny but even you end up laughing your heart out. That's the thing with best friends, everything becomes a thousand times better when they’re by your side.
"Oh-" Sienna tries to say recovering from her previous laughter session, "There's another one."
"What did one tonsil say to the other tonsil?" 
"Umm...What?" you ask when you fail to find an answer.
"Get dressed up, the doctor is taking us out!" We both break into another fit of laughter, laughing till tears form in the corner of your eyes.
You wipe tears from your eyes, still smiling broadly.
Your own reflection catches your eye in the mirror. Your balayage hair is now slowly falling out from the messy bun you tied up before, your eyes now have bags in addition to your dark circles and lastly you look like a zombie with your smeared makeup.
“I look like a hot mess.”
Sienna laughs. “Well I have a night shift today so I’ll look worse than you after it.
You join her in another wave of laughter until Sienna’s phone goes off from her room.
You watch her as her eyes light up and then morph into worry as she looks at herself. You give her a look.
“Oh uh… Danny said that he would give me a lift to my shift and stop by to get coffee.”, she shouts as she rushes into her room. You chuckle watching her frantically trying to make herself presentable as she grabs her bag and heads downstairs.
“Bye Si! I’ll see you later-“ She’s already run off. With a smile, you head towards your room for a bath, dinner and then a date with more textbooks.
Authors’ Note:- Hey everyone, Chapter 14 of Medically Inevitable is finally out! We know that the release was scheduled much much earlier but life happens unfortunately and it took us quite a long time but from now on, our regular schedule will continue again!
Anyways, let us know if you enjoyed this chapter and your predictions of what will happen next! Are Harper and Ethan really a couple? And if they are, why did Ethan almost kiss Arielle? And what’s happening with Danny and Sienna? As always, it means a lot to us if you comment and reblog and have a great day/night everyone!
    @drariellevalentine & @mysticaurathings
Medically Inevitable Taglist:-
@whimsicallywayward15 | @iemcpbchoices | @sizzlingcashherohumanoid | @archveexz | @deepikakkannan | @nishas-paradise | @maurine07 | @archxxronrookie | @adrex04 | @everythingchoices | @rivenni | @annekebbphotography | @mrsethanfreakingramsey | @jamespotterthefirst | @natureblooms24 | @katkart122 | @udishaman | @hopelessromantics4life | @custaroonie | @mvalentine | @queencarb | @lisha1valecha | @ezekielbhandarivalleros | @ejrownsme @the-pale-goddess | @justanotherrookie | @miss-smrxtiee | @missmiimiie | @choicesfics | @romewritingshop | @taniasethi | @keithandlevi-ontheroof | @open-heart-ramseyyy | @crookedkittyperson | @sistatribe | @tsrookie | @starrystarrytrouble | @caseyvalentineramsey | @alina-yol-ramsey | @openheartthot | @gryffindordaughterofathena | @binny1985 | @groovypalacehorselover | @epiclazershark | @aarisa-frost | @shanzay44 | @jooous |
Let us know if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
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akshara16 · 3 years
THIS WAS FUCKING AMAZING,KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK,LOVE🥰❤@drariellevalentine @medicallyinevitable I can't even begin to say how beautiful this was🥺
Medically Inevitable 
Chapter 14:- Pitiful Pining
Characters:- Ethan Ramsey, Arielle Valentine, Sienna Trinh, Ethan Ramsey, Harper Emery, & Danny Cardinal 
Pairing:- Ethan Ramsey x Arielle Valentine (F!OC)
Warnings:- Light angst & minor language 
Word Count:- 2000+ words 
And a special thank you to @akshara16 for pre-reading this chapter💞
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Arielle’s PoV:-
You’re reading your 18th, well actually what seems like the 100th text book when someone knocks on your bedroom door. You answer with a more irritated tone then you meant.
"Hey, you okay?" The door opens to reveal Sienna with two mugs in her hands.
"Yeah...”, you try to smile but even you know it doesn't quite reach your eyes. 
"You don't seem okay though," Sienna says as she comes inside and hands you a mug. You look inside the mug to see what's in it. "I made us some hot chocolate." 
You smile, accepting your cup with a genuine thank you as you move, making space for Sienna to sit. 
"So what is it?" Sienna asks sitting beside you. 
You shake your head, just thinking about the case makes your head spin. "Just a patient’s case. I’ve been running test after test but every result was negative.", you sigh, "and the patient happens to be a major asshole to say the least.", You smile sadly. 
"Is it the P. I. T. A?" She asks. 
"P. I. T. A?" 
"Pain in the ass," she laughs, so do I. 
"Oh yeah… Danny mentioned that earlier. That name fits him perfectly!" I respond laughing. 
"So what do you think he has?"
"I don't know anymore," you sigh again, "I ran almost as many tests as possible." 
"I'm not any expert but maybe if the two of us try to find it, it'll be easier?" 
You look at her a bit surprised, "You'll spend your free time diagnosing my patient?" 
She smiles at me, "Of course. That's what friends are for right? To help you." 
You look at her with a grateful smile. "Thank you." 
"You can thank me with strawberry glazed doughnuts once we're finished with this.”, she replies with a silly wink.
You spent the next thirty minutes discussing the symptoms as you catch her up with the diseases you've managed to ruled out. 
In between, you notice Sienna acting a bit weird. But whenever you try to bring it up, she deflects your question so you decide not to press further. 
Another half an hour goes by with Sienna’s weird antics and you decide you’ve had enough. You close your book and turn towards Sienna. She tries to act like she doesn’t notice you looking at her but eventually she looks up.
"What is it, Sienna? I can tell you want to ask me something but you’re not.”, you say.
"Uh-what?" she asks nervously, her eyes darting around everywhere but you.
"I don't know what you’re talking about." 
"Don't lie, Si!," you narrow your eyes. 
But she doesn’t budge. You keep asking her until she finally accepts.
“Come on Si, no secrets between us right?”
"Okay fine!... you’re hiding something, Ari,", shesays catching you off guard. 
"I-Me? I'm not hiding anything," you try to laugh it off. 
Now it's her turn to narrow her eyes. "You are! See, you’re behaving really weird."
"I'm not behaving weird," you oppose. 
"You are. And don't you dare deny it again.”, she says in a serious tone.
"You can talk to me, you know that right?” Her voice changes to the caring and concerned tone reserved for her closest friends.
You ponder for a minute, whether or not to tell her. You’ve shared so many secrets with Sienna before, you know she's your best friend and that you trust her completely. 
Before you know it, you start blurting out everything. From how Dr. Ramsey assigned you the case, to how he wouldn’t reassign him to someone else, and then your confrontation which was probably the most idiotic thing you could have done. Then how you both shouted at each other, you completely blanking out at the fact that he was your supervisor and could pull you from the program the next second if he wished, and how that lead to triggering a panic attack, then lastly…
“I don’t know how, our faces were mere inches apart, breathing ragged, and I had absolutely no idea what I was doing-“ You throw your hands up, cutting yourself off as you jump up and pace around the room.
“I mean I could have kissed him for God’s sake! What was I even thinking?! If it weren’t for my pager I don’t know what I would’ve done…”
“Woah, calm down Arielle. You need a break.” She makes you sit down and drink a glass of water, waiting until you’ve calmed down a bit. 
“Now, tell me what else happened.”
“What?! Nothing else happened!” How Sienna knows you so well eludes you, nonetheless you try to hide it.
“Something else happened, or else you wouldn’t be spiraling this much. I know you Ari, you always have a cool head under any circumstance.”
You sigh, knowing there’s no use in hiding it. “Well I did see something…”
“Go on.”, she says urging you,
“Well it all started after the whole almost kiss thing, my brain was like scrambled eggs and my shift had already ended so I took my car and drove around until I realised I had no idea where I was, and to top that disaster off I was starving…”
———————A few hours before———————
“Ugh, I think I drove all the way to the other side of town. And I’ll have to drive all the way back to the apartment and then start research for Nigel’s treatment again. And I’m hungry because instead of eating lunch, I decided to unleash my wrath of Dr. Terminator. Ohh, can this day get any worse-“ In the midst of your little blabbering session, you spot a classy French cafe across the street. 
“Well at least a day this bad always has room for improvement, and right now I’m starving.”, you park your car and head inside.
The smell of roasted coffee and baked buttery goods hits your senses the moment you enter the cafe. The serenity is a nice change of pace compared to always busy and bustling Edenbrook, dimly lighted and decorated with beautiful vintage items.
“At least I won’t bump into anyone here that I know.”, you think as you stand in the queue.
You decide to order a vanilla frappe with drizzled salted caramel and go for a regular chocolate doughnut to satisfy your sweet tooth. After the barista brings your order, you move towards a nice secluded corner and sit down at the table.
You slowly finish your doughnut and coffee, savouring the taste as you gaze out the French style window. You’re about to dispose of your trash when a familiar sweater shirt catches your eye.
“No way…” As you hide your face with a medical journal which you randomly fished out of your purse, you peek over the top to see Dr. Ramsey sitting across…
“Is that Dr. Emery?”, your mind recalls the time when you saw them in a patient’s room, quite cozy with each other. And now they sit a few tables away from you, talking as her hand is over his. You pretend to read your journal as you watch both of the doctors get up and throw away the remains. You follow pursuit and slowly exit the cafe making sure they don’t notice. You stand at the side of your car door and watch as they both edge closer and closer, her hand now on his jaw. Their faces are barely an inch apart now, as he leans in to close the distance.
“That’s- I can’t-“ 
Not being able to look at them, you get in your car, slamming the door and speed away as fast as you possibly can, ignoring the tears that brim in your eyes.
————————end of flashback———————
”Oh Arielle…..I’m sorry.” 
“It’s alright.”, you assure her when pretty much everything going on in your life is anything but alright. She gives you a look.
“I- okay well there’s nothing I can do about it, and it’s not like anything would have happened, it was merely a stupid crush.”, you reply wondering whether you’re trying to convince Sienna or yourself. A long but comfortable silence passes, you both just sit and immerse in everything you’ve just blurted out. 
"How are things between you and Wayne?", you say desperate for a topic change.
"It's as usual I guess?" she says now as gloomy as me. "We haven't had a proper conversation in a while."
You try to comfort your best friend as you mentally curse the idiot.
"He's an idiot, Si, " you tell her. "If he can't value you, he's not worth it Si."
"He was not always this way you know... We've had happy days. But ever since I started my residency he became... distant." 
You put your hand on top of hers in a comforting manner and give her an understanding smile.
"You can always talk to me about it, Si. You know that right?"
She nods and shoots me a smile, a sad one, nonetheless a smile. That’s a slight improvement.
We talk about our messes of relationships for a bit more before Sienna decides we had enough gloom and doom and it was time to make some happy memories. 
“Okay, what did you have in mind?”, you ask.
A grin forms on her face as she tucks her knees in and speaks, "Why did the Dalmatian go to the eye doctor?" 
“Medical joke hmm?” She nods and nudges me to try to answer. After thinking for a moment, I shrug.
"Because he kept seeing spots.", she says following with a fit of laughter. The joke isn’t even that funny but even you end up laughing your heart out. That's the thing with best friends, everything becomes a thousand times better when they’re by your side.
"Oh-" Sienna tries to say recovering from her previous laughter session, "There's another one."
"What did one tonsil say to the other tonsil?" 
"Umm...What?" you ask when you fail to find an answer.
"Get dressed up, the doctor is taking us out!" We both break into another fit of laughter, laughing till tears form in the corner of your eyes.
You wipe tears from your eyes, still smiling broadly.
Your own reflection catches your eye in the mirror. Your balayage hair is now slowly falling out from the messy bun you tied up before, your eyes now have bags in addition to your dark circles and lastly you look like a zombie with your smeared makeup.
“I look like a hot mess.”
Sienna laughs. “Well I have a night shift today so I’ll look worse than you after it.
You join her in another wave of laughter until Sienna’s phone goes off from her room.
You watch her as her eyes light up and then morph into worry as she looks at herself. You give her a look.
“Oh uh… Danny said that he would give me a lift to my shift and stop by to get coffee.”, she shouts as she rushes into her room. You chuckle watching her frantically trying to make herself presentable as she grabs her bag and heads downstairs.
“Bye Si! I’ll see you later-“ She’s already run off. With a smile, you head towards your room for a bath, dinner and then a date with more textbooks.
Authors’ Note:- Hey everyone, Chapter 14 of Medically Inevitable is finally out! We know that the release was scheduled much much earlier but life happens unfortunately and it took us quite a long time but from now on, our regular schedule will continue again!
Anyways, let us know if you enjoyed this chapter and your predictions of what will happen next! Are Harper and Ethan really a couple? And if they are, why did Ethan almost kiss Arielle? And what’s happening with Danny and Sienna? As always, it means a lot to us if you comment and reblog and have a great day/night everyone!
    @drariellevalentine & @mysticaurathings
Medically Inevitable Taglist:-
@whimsicallywayward15 | @iemcpbchoices | @sizzlingcashherohumanoid | @archveexz | @deepikakkannan | @nishas-paradise | @maurine07 | @archxxronrookie | @adrex04 | @everythingchoices | @rivenni | @annekebbphotography | @mrsethanfreakingramsey | @jamespotterthefirst | @natureblooms24 | @katkart122 | @udishaman | @hopelessromantics4life | @custaroonie | @mvalentine | @queencarb | @lisha1valecha | @ezekielbhandarivalleros | @ejrownsme @the-pale-goddess | @justanotherrookie | @miss-smrxtiee | @missmiimiie | @choicesfics | @romewritingshop | @taniasethi | @keithandlevi-ontheroof | @open-heart-ramseyyy | @crookedkittyperson | @sistatribe | @tsrookie | @starrystarrytrouble | @caseyvalentineramsey | @alina-yol-ramsey | @openheartthot | @gryffindordaughterofathena | @binny1985 | @groovypalacehorselover | @epiclazershark | @aarisa-frost | @shanzay44 | @jooous |
Let us know if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
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akshara16 · 3 years
😭😭😭this was so beautiful Shiro😭😭
Keep up the good work,sweetheart 🥰❤@caseyvalentineramsey
You are not alone
Hello 🌥️! Look who’s back again at fluff 😂! The last time I posted an Ethan fic y’all went, ‘I despise Ethan’ ; ‘I wanna punch him so bad’ ; ‘Oh hell no, bye Ramsey’ and I- 😶💔 anyways hopefully this one will change that✨💞! Ethan is precious 🥺💙!
❥ Masterlist 🖋️
❥ Pairing : Ethan Ramsey x Casey Valentine
❥ Book : Open Heart (taking place in the third year)
❥ Précis : It’s all red and pain until he takes it away with his love.
❥ Word count & Rating : ~ 1.7K || Teen
❥ Warnings : None.
❥ Disclaimer : All characters belong to pixelberry studios. But Casey is my baby (I made her who she is 😤) so I consider her mine ©
Sorry in advance if there are any errors, I’m a rookie in writing and English isn’t my first language. (And no I’m so sorry but I didn’t edit this yet, and I don’t have a beta reader either so xD! Enjoy this unedited mess <3)
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It’s that day of the month again where Casey really wants to apply all the anesthesia in the world on herself, anything to ease this damned stabbing pain. As if that’s not enough, her huge workload made it almost impossible for her to go through the long day made longer with her obstacles. But thankfully it’s over now, and she’s safely hiding beneath her blanket, surrounded by all the pillows she could find around in his apartment.
It was Ethan who insisted upon the fact that she should stay with him tonight despite all her excuses, and knowing how stubborn he is, she just nodded in response at the end. With the whole day’s exhaustion and her first day cramps, it literally felt like a battlefield for her until she found herself on the bed, curled up with pillows and blankets.
“Casey? I need another hand in the kitchen!”
His voice alarms her senses, and she pulls down the blanket to peak, internally crying because she’ll have to move again.
“Sweetheart? Can you not hear me? Or are you simply ignoring me?”
With a groan, she sits up, the sharp pain in her pelvis making her hiss. She softly rubs her lower belly, getting out of the bed, sighing. Why Ethan just had to call her for help? She drags herself out of the bedroom, heading towards the kitchen with baby steps. The tee and shorts she took from Ethan’s closet and wore earlier the night hang loosely from her body, too big for her short figure.
“Mmh coming!”
She leans on the kitchen island for support, her voice whiny, “Why did you need me?”
He answers with his eyes fixed on the mushrooms he’s chopping, too focused to spare a glance at her, “Stir the soup please, and add some spices and herbs if needed. And also can you put the rice into the rice cooker?”
Recieving no answer from her, he asks again, “Are you helping me or not?”
“... Sure.”
She removes the lid of the cooker and the gathered up steam hits her face, immediately triggering a very unpleasant feeling. She blinks, trying her best to not cough or sneeze, striding away to grab a spoon. He casts a glance at her, “You’re wearing my clothes again?”
“Is it my fault that they’re more comfortable than my own clothes?”
Ethan shakes his head, not dragging the matter further. Tip-toeing, she reaches for the cabinet, finally grabbing a suitable spoon. The sharp thump of pain makes her dizzy, and she braces herself against the cabinet, a pained moan escaping her. She feels a secure hand on the small of her back, his voice a whisper in her ear, “Are you okay, love?”
Though the endearment makes her blush, the awful cramp causes her to grit her teeth, “Y-yeah. No worries.”
With a concerning look etched on his face, he nods, going back in his station.
She too goes back to the stove, stirring the soup for a few minutes before bringing a small portion of it up to her mouth and blowing air to cool it down. After tasting, she clicks her tongue, “Ethan, can you add more pepper? And maybe coriander?”
“Yeah, wait.”
He walks over with the spices, telling her to prepare the rice now. With an unreadable expression on her face, she grabs the packet of black rice, taking the measured amount of rice for both of them, and putting it in a strainer. Just as the cold water hits her hand, she feels her nose crinkling, and a disaster about to happen. She stops breathing to resist, but the sneeze soon breaks through, rocking her whole body to the core. After a spilt second of gathering herself, she quickly turns around to check the back of her shorts, her uneasiness quickly taking his attention. He narrows his eyes, “Casey? Are you sure that-”
“I’m okay Ethan, sorry I’ll be back in a second.”
She weirdly trots back in the bedroom, only adding to his confusion. Putting the heat on the lowest, he cleans up the rice and puts it in the rice cooker, waiting for it to prepare. After a few minutes pass, he grows anxious, deciding to stand by the bedroom door. He peaks through the generous gap, waiting for her to appear. After a minute or so, she comes out with a towel and washing gel bottle in her hands. His ocean blues follow her going around the room with slow steps, and the realisation hits him when he notices her taking out ibuprofen from her cherry coloured bag. He knows damn well what that bag is and what is inside.
She whines, resting her head on the nearby wall, taking deep breathes and rubbing her forehead. Holding on the wall, she walks back to the kitchen, knocking her head in his chest without knowing.
He tilts her chin, dropping a kiss on her head before he addresses her sternly, “I hate how much you lie to me.”
She opens her mouth, closing it again, not sure what to say, “I didn’t lie to you, Ethan. I have no idea what are you talking about.”
He crosses his arms around his chest, “Oh? Is that so?”
She nods, mumbling something under her breath.
“You told me that you’re okay. Liar.”
She frowns in response, “Wha- but I am!”
“SHUT UP! Stop lying! Do you really think that I’m a fool?”
She takes a few steps back, swallowing nervously, her eyes glazed.
“I don’t know what you are talking about, Ethan. Don’t test me, I have to put the rice in the cooker, let me go..”
“Oh Casey...”
He pulls her into him, stroking her golden locks, “I didn’t mean to snap at you, I’m sorry. I already put the rice in the cooker and the soup is done. But you did lie to me, sweetheart... You said that you’re okay. You could’ve just told me you know? That you’re on your period and I would’ve never once asked you to move from the bed. Why didn’t you? I feel like a horrible partner right now.”
She looks down, clearly overwhelmed by his words, “Oh, um... I- I’m sorry... I-”
Without letting her finish, he picks her up in bridal style, carrying her to the couch, sitting on it before settling her on his lap. She tries to move and sit on the couch instead, but he holds her tight, locking her position on his lap.
“Don’t be sorry... I should be one apologising...” he tucks the stray strands of blonde behind her ear, leaning down to press his lips on hers, sharing the gentlest kiss they’ve shared in a long time. She sighs, melting in his arms, her eyes fluttering close from the peaceful feeling. He holds her as intimately as possible, his nose nuzzling her neck in silent comfort. Kissing his way up to her neck, jawline, he reaches to whisper in her ear, “Is it your first day of menstruation?”
She nods, toying with his shirt nervously, while he moves the oversized tee aside from her lower abdomen, cupping it in his big hand. He strokes his thumb over it, his other hand busy drawing patterns on her back, “How much is it hurting right now?”
She ponders a little, mumbling, “Like- like someone is stabbing my uterus with a knife... and like someone is trying to squeeze the life out of it..”
His face falls as he hears her, “That sounds so painful... But you did take ibuprofen so... You said you get cramps only on your first day, right?”
“Yeah... only the first day, on the second day too but it’s barely painful.”
He places her on the couch, sitting down to remove her tee completely, she stammers, “E-ethan! What are you d-doing?”
He motions her to stop, trailing butterfly kisses all over her bare skin, specially focused on her stomach. Her fingers immediately thread through his hair, stroking his scalp in a message as he kisses up her left hand, gathering her in his arms and carrying her to the bedroom. He puts her on the bed, climbing up to sit by her side. Putting her head on his lap, he pulls on the blanket over her body, but she stops him, turning around to check again.
“There aren’t any stains at all, what are you doing?”
She fidgets shyly, “No I don’t want to ruin the sheets, it just felt like there’s-”
He runs his thumb over her lower lip, “And why would you feel like that? You use menstrual cups, loosen up.”
“You won’t understand... sometimes all I feel is wet and red though there isn’t anything at all...”
He tilts his head, kissing her knuckles as he speaks, “Maybe I don’t understand but I can try to... you know? You’re not alone in this. We’re a team, your pain is my pain too. I know that it’s happening in you but hey... you are a part of me.”
By the time he looks down at her emeralds they’re glistening with tears. Their eyes lock, and after a moment she moves up to bury her face in his chest. He holds her immediately, her tears soaking through his shirt.
“Why are you crying? Is it hurting too much? Do you need-”
“It’s your fault! Why did you say that?”
“Say what, love?”
She grips on his shirt, mewling, “Stop..”
He kisses the crown of her head in response, nuzzling her hair, “I’ll let you eat chocolate ice cream with dark chocolate shavings for dessert , okay? As much as you want. Sorry but I don’t have the pistachio or cookies and cream...”
She rests her head on his shoulder, still sniffling, “It’s alright! Chocolate ice cream is fine!”
He chuckles fondly, pulling her in for a soft peck, “You are my everything, you know that? What would I do without you?”
“I don’t know... maybe you’d be grumpy and alone for the rest of your life?”
“Ouch- you wouldn’t want that to happen, would you?”
She snuggles up to him, adoration flickering in her eyes, “No.. you’re my squishy Ethan Ramsey.”
His hearty laughter rings through his bedroom, her eyes fixed on the man she’s clearly in love with, wanting nothing but to spend the rest of her life just like this, wrapped up in his arms.
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Thank you so much for reading aaaaa 🥺💗! You have no idea how much it means to me 🥺😭! Leave feedback if possible 🙂, if not, it’s alright, hopefully you enjoyed this 🥺!
Honestly, yeah 😔 it’s the monthly struggle but well we don’t have a Ethan Ramsey to take care of us 🤷🏻‍♀️! But our MC has 😭 tf 😭! ETHAN RAMSEY WHY TF ARE YOU NOT MINE & REAL? So I just wrote this instead as a coping mechanism. I’ve always kinda wanted to write this type of fic but never managed to do so until today (cause of the cramps 🙁) so yay 🧸👌🏼! I’m just gonna queue this cause it’s like dawn here and I honestly can’t take the anxiety of posting this rn 🥴😅! I can barely keep my eyes open 🥴😪! My ovaries suck istg-
🏷️ Taglist part 1 : @openheartthot ; @marvel-hp* ; @udishaman ; @schnitzelbutterfingers ; @missmiimiie ; @drakewalker04 ; @angela8754 ; @drariellevalentine ; @newcolonies ; @mysticaurathings ; @lahamseiroshoe ; @rookieoh ; @dulceghernandez ; @akshara16 ; @shadynaturehilariouscookie ; @theinvisibledreamergirl ; @enamouredbytruth ; @openheartreader* ; @maurine07 ; @tsrookie ; @literaryjuggernaut ; @freckles-spangledvampire ; @monsoonblooms12 ; @whimsicallywayward15 ; @starrystarrytrouble ; @utterlyinevitable ; @virtuemoir-avengers* ; @blainehellyes ; @randomperson111 ; @nikki-2406 ; @sushiharrington ; @crazynutella ; @takemyopenheart (please let me know if you want to be added or removed 🥰 ; and if you’re new, fill up this form)
🏷️ Fanfic tags : @choicesficwriterscreations ; @openheartfanfics ; @choicesjanuarychallenge2021 : Day 16, Cooking
Bui bui (~╹▽╹ )~ love you all 💜💜💜💜! Thank you so much for bearing with me 🥺
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akshara16 · 3 years
Lemme assure you this was far from a disjointed disaster,but it was actually beautiful and heartfelt,i fucking loved it🥺🤩
Keep up the good work,sweetheart 🥰❤@starrystarrytrouble
Jealous (Ethan x MC)
When MC goes on a date with someone else, how will Ethan react?
Set after the Gala (2.17). For Choices Jan Challenge day 19: Ocean
Words and rating: 3.2k, teen
Author’s note: This was previously a series with parts 1 & 2 on AO3 so if you’ve read those and want to know how this mess ends, then scroll down to part 3. So much love to everyone who asked me to finish this. Hope you enjoy reading.
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Part 1
They’re keeping their distance from each other again.
Keep reading
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