akwardpikachu · 1 year
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“I love you more then her..”
zatz x GN!reader
|Warning:jealousy,and suspected cheating| |summary:You start to feel insecure because you suspect Zatz cheating on you with maya|
i storm out of the gods palace with a attitude that could frighten,The god of war himself.
”Wait! [あなたの名前]!”
”Shut it ヘビの舌!”
as I walked down the crippled bridge as the man followed me like a helpless dog.
”Mi amour I don’t love her! I just find it right for what they are doing!”
”thats what you said when I found you kissing that goddess!”
”she forced me! I tried to pull her off!”
I stop in my tracks and turn around grabbing him by his amour
”You promise that you love me?”
”I love you more then her..”
i sighed and hugged him ’why do I even bother with this man?...’
<sorry for it being short and stuff! I will make an image for chibi for you chibi lovers!! Have a good day/night and I will post soon>
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akwardpikachu · 1 year
I knew who it was, how couldn't I. We were friends after all. “Friends, really?” a little voice in my head said sarcasm prominent in it's tone. “You really are in denial!” It said again mischief and pettiness laced in its voice. “Guess him choosing Acat over you REALLY messed you up, huh?” “He didn't have a choice!!” A little, more kinder voice in my head said. “JUST LIKE HOW WE DIDNT HAVE A FUCKING CHANCE” The crueler voice yelled. “WE NEVER HAD A FUCKING CHANCE, NEVER, NEVER IN ALL THE YEARS WE KNEW HIM OR ALL THE TIME WE SPENT WITH HIM DID WE EVER HAVE A FUCKING CHANCE” The cruel voice screeched out. “WERE THE SECOND CHOICE, WE ALWAYS WERE!!” “ No...” The kinder voice said, timid and in denial. “He got with her because people said they would look good, he doesn't like her!”
I snap out of it as HE strides in on Colmillio’s back. He tilts his head up and gazes at me for a second before stopping and jumping off of Colmillio’s back and planting a large banner into the ground. In the background, I can hear the army yell “FOR TECA!!” and heard them getting into position. “Great king and queen of teca! Please, allow me to introduce myself!” HE yelled as strode closer to the temple. And to me
“ I am Zatz, The Prince of Bats!”
I introduce myself to the kingdoms while taking off my helmet. The crowd swoons over my face, but the only thing I can focus on is my old “friend” and the regret and guilt I've been hiding for choosing Acat over them. Still, I push on and continue to speak.
“I am but an emissary for Lord Mictlan!” I state. The kingdoms gasp and I see a man faint from the corner of my eye. I walk closer to the palace to subtly try to get a better look at (Y/N). I gaze into their stunning eyes that glistened in the light of the sun, it's hard but I can still see the person I grew up with. The same child who I would train with. But I also see the pain in them, a torturous pain that I alone had inflicted.
A pain that could have been avoided if I hadn't been blinded by our plan to overthrow Lord Mitclan.
THIS is all my fault
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akwardpikachu · 1 year
“You ready?” The guard asked their ward as they look at the crowd of people in the courtyard waiting for Maya to be crowned. Maya takes a breath. “If it is to be it is up to me” Her guard gracefully walks with her to the king and queen on teca as they look at them, pride shimmering in the royal family's eyes. The kingdoms cheer for the two as Maya waves to a little girl in the crowd. “Whoah!” Maya falls face first as the kingdoms gasp “Maya are you alright!” Here let us help you” “are you ok hermaña?” her brothers ask “No!, no I'm fine” Mya tells her brothers as her guard helps her up. Her guard walks up the king and queen of teca, the queen lifts up a headdress
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(I couldn't find anything like this in real life so just imagine this in real life it's small and clips onto the back of your head )
the young guard kneeled in front on the Queen “Do you (Y/N) pledge your loyalty to the teca kingdom and swear to protect Maya at all cost?” the Queen said. “Yes, my queen.” The Queen smiled. The queen places the headdress on the back of the young guard head “then, rise and wear this with pride knowing that you are like family us.” the Queen stated as the now royal guard stands. The kingdoms cheer for the young one as they move aside for their ward to walk in. “ in the name of all the gods I percent you, our daughter MAYA!!” the king said as he moves his arm away to show his daughter. Maya walk in front of her parents and looks over her kingdom. She giggles as she waves to a little girl in the crowd. Her parents move a headdress so it's just above her head “Are you ready to carry the weight of the crown, Mija?” Maya looks in hesitation but takes a deep breath “if it is to be, it is up to me” As soon as the crown is placed on her head a rumble shakes the earth as a volcano explodes. Everyone gasps in terror as the sky turns a menacing shade of grey. A war horn sounds through the air as bats come out of the forest. “Please don't be who I think it is!!!”The young royal guard thought moving in front of Maya as they crack their bladed whips anxiety written all over their face as they stare into the forest
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“we said we would never fight!!”
All right people here's part two I know it's short but my sister made me watch the amazing spider man so I had to watch Maya and the three all over again
Have a nice day/night and make sure to take care of yourself BYE~
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akwardpikachu · 1 year
Zatz x reader
“Maya stop, you're pulling too hard” the young guard quietly shouted. “Oh come on (Y/N)!!” Maya yelled “the ring is not too far away from here!” their friend said. “Why did you even agree to oncoming of your going to whine the whole time??” Maya stated as she sneaks closer to the ring while putting on an eagle mask. “NOW who challenges bear khilla to a round for the golden prize of gold?!!?!” the small announcer yelled. “I DO!!!” Maya yelled as their friend facepalmed while groaning. The young guard felt anxiety build up in them at the thought of their ward dying in the pits as they watches their friend go up against a man three times her size. “ she’s going to get herself killed” they thought as they clutched a feathered serpent necklace their father gave them before he left them with their ever so rotten mother.
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Oh, how the child worshiped and praised there father for the sacrifices he made for mankind. For their father was none other than Quetzalcoatl! But they could not talk about their father outside of their room for humans took things easily for granted, as they would with their power. They were the reason their father had grown angry and bitter at humanity for making him sacrifice himself over and over again not having time to spend with his child. And oh how he cherished his child more than anything. They were perfect in his eyes, a being that could do no wrong I'm his eyes. They were the light of his like and would do anything to keep a smile on their face. He would give her the world on a silver platter if they asked. But something stopped him... Those things were humans. Those utterly DISGUSTING, FILTHY, GREEDY humans. ALWAYS TAKING THINGS FOR GRANTED NEVER SATISFIED WITH WHAT THEY HAVE!!! DO THEY EVER THINK ABOUT ONE ANOTHER? NO!!!! THEY DON'T CARE IF IT DOESN'T BENEFIT THEIR GREEDY, UGLY CAUSE OR MORALS OR DESIRES!!!! ALWAYS WANTING MORE AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE UNTIL YOU BRAKE and they call you a monster and threaten to burn you at the stake if you don't leave.......
I fucking HATE humans
A presence near them caused them to stop daydreaming. They looked down and saw a quite small woman with white hair talking to a butterfly. Which the woman returned with a kind motherly smile. (Y/N) stared at the woman confused, something there was something familiar about that woman but what? Chapa’s roar broke them out of their thoughts and they noticed the white-haired woman was now gone. They jumped down into the ditch and took a hold of their wards passed out body and jumped onto the battle cat and left to the kingdom of TECA.
~time skip brought to you by zatz~
“Are you sure this is how you found her?” the teca queen asked her daughter guard as she looks over her daughter. “Si señora.” (Y/N) said while playing with their necklace. Maya's father and brothers watching with concern for their daughter/sister. “No need to worry mi Amor, I'm sure she's fine” the teca king said with a sheepish look on his face as his wife looked at him and said “ tell that to her dislocated shoulder!!” the Queen yelled. She sighs looking at her daughter as she grabs her daughter shoulder and arm snapping them back into place “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” a scream filled the room “I SWEAR I WASENT FIGHTING IN THE PITS!!!!!” Maya yelled as her body jolted up into a sitting position. The guard chuckled at their friend's silliness. They soon started daydreaming again (a “horrible habit” a certain tattoo-covered woman said)in the corner of the room, they was so quiet even a bat couldn't hear them. They spaced in when they heard the queen say “Maya will no longer be fighting in the pits” she said as she ripped Maya's eagle mask into two. The young guard stared in utter shock at the queen. “I hate you” may quietly said “I wish you weren't my mother.” Maya said while glaring at her mother. Everyone in the room gasped, a maid dropping a platter with cups onto the floor, Maya's mother staring at her in utter heartbreak, and her guard shocked at what Maya had just said. “Mama I'm sorry I didn't-” “Maid.” the queen interrupted her daughter. “Yes, my lady?” “take Maya to my dressing room” the Queen stated while heading to the door while fighting back tears.” do whatever you must to make her look like a princess.” “yes, my lady!” the maid timidly said. Soon both Maya and the maid left leaving the guard there flabbergasted at the scene they just witnessed but soon recollected herself and went to their room getting ready for Maya's coronation as the Princess of TECA and them being crowned her official guard.
This is my first fanfic so feel free to give me helpful criticism and I tried to keep (Y/N) gender-neutral using they/them pronouns
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akwardpikachu · 1 year
fandom: maya and the three
Zatz was all alone as a baby, he was already missing an eye and had lost his mother :(
That was until you were around
in the whole realm of the Gods you were the Only one like him
You kept him company and you made him feel so much less alone
As soon as he saw you he automatically fell in love
You were perfect and beautiful and brave and honorable
As the years grew by you and zatz grew up together, you were inseparable
When you two fought together it was in sync it was like dancing
Zatz was totally head over heels for you and did almost everything you asked (SIMP LMAO/j)
You were best friends and did everything together, you brushed each others hair, ate together and even though you had different rooms to sleep you preferred to stay up late in the others company
However as zatz kept his love secret for so long he feared he would lose you
One day in the mortal realm a young prince from a kingdom noticed how beautiful/handsome/pretty you were
He went up to you, aware you were a demigod so he showed respect, and asked if you would he his queen in this mortal realm.
you weren’t too keen on being stuck here married away from zatz so you refused politely.
After this occurence Zatz was scared he would lose you, he never considered the fact you could love someone else.
He decided to confess his love to you when they got back.
You sat down eating dinner, zatz gazed at you, which you though was slightly weird.
You asked “are you ok Zatz?”
And he stuttered unknowingly saying
He went red, this was not how he planned this To be, he was supposed to hold your hands and make you fall in love with him you’d think he was a loser now.
”I know zatz and i love you too”
Zatz was very surprised , was he blind to your love or were you just very good at hiding it?
You made plans together, talked about the future and past until the time came for you to sleep.
You kissed him on the cheek and said
”Adios… mi amor”
And he felt as if cupid had shot him right then and there..
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 TYSM FOR READING I HOPE YOU ENOYES IT AS MUCH AS I ENJOYED WRITING IT!
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akwardpikachu · 1 year
Mi Mariposa
Zatz x Fem! Reader
“Mama, there's nothing to do here” the little girl complained with a bored expression while she swung her small legs over the edge of the throne. “My daughter, why don’t you go play?” her mother, Lady Micte, The Goddess of Death asked from beside her husband, Lord Mitclan, The God of War. The girl looked around the room with that same bored expression then said, “Papa said I was supposed to stay here” with a sigh she crossed her arms and threw herself back into her throne. Lady Micte looked at her husband with a quick glance and then leaned over to her daughter, gently placing her hands on the girl's face. “Well, Mi mariposita, when was the last time you ever listened to your father?” said Lady Micte with a smirk spreading across her face, the girl let out a small giggle looking up at her mother then took a quick glance at her father before getting up and faded away in a red mist.
Lord Mitclan noticed his daughter missing from his wife’s side and with a slightly amused expression said “Aye, where did she go now?”. Lady Micte looked at her husband with a smile then placed a hand on his arm saying “Off somewhere having fun, let her have this before the plan”.
A certain white-haired boy around the age of 9 stood beside his father and looked around the room with his only good eye, a curious expression written on his face. His father, General Camazotz, the God of Bats looked down at his son with a small smile on his face, “What’s wrong, hijo?” he asked the boy. The boy looked up at his father and asked, “Papa, when is something interesting going to happen?”. Camazotz looked at his son and let out a quiet laugh in response he said, “Why don’t you go find somethi–”. Before the God of Bats finished his sentence, the boy had already run off. The God laughed at his son’s antics and continued with what he was doing.
The white-haired boy had started looking around for something to do, until he heard a giggle in the distance. He turned around and saw a girl about a year younger than him, pulling harmless pranks on the other gods and goddesses. This intrigued the boy beyond belief and with that he walked up to her, the girl in question felt a presence coming towards her. She looked at the boy in surprise, no one had ever come up to her like this boy had. It made her slightly happy. The boy started to look nervous now, he started to think that this was a mistake. The girl gave the boy a small wave and a smile, that eased the boy’s nerves quite a lot.
“Umm… Hi, i’m Zatz, the Prince of Bats'' the boy had introduced himself, he started fidgeting with his hands and shuffling his feet. The girl had stopped tormenting the poor gods and goddesses, then offered her hand to him before introducing herself, “I’m Y/n” Zatz shook her hand with a smile.
The two children had played together as their parents started their meeting, the young goddess and demigod had instantly become friends and shared mostly everything with each other. By the end of the meeting Zatz’s father had come looking for him, when Camazotz had finally found his son there was a little girl who he recognized as the Goddess of Life. He smiled, he had interacted with the young goddess multiple times and they were all pleasant. The God of Bats hadn't noticed Lady Micte floating behind him, also watching the interaction between her daughter and the demigod. Her pequeña mariposa finally had a friend and would no longer have to feel so lonely.
Zatz and Y/n still haven’t noticed their parents watching them playing. “You know, I expected you to be some sort of spoiled princess” Zatz said looking at Y/n with an amused and relieved expression, Y/n returned the look with that same amusement. “Yeah, a lot of people think that when they first take a glance at me” Y/n says amusement turning to disappointment , her voice cracking at the end of her sentence.
Y/n’s eyes started to glaze over with tears. Zatz looked at her with a shocked expression, he had only met the young goddess a few hours ago and he already didn't like seeing her upset. Zatz crawled over to the girl and pulled her into a gentle hug, Y/n returned the hug. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have mentioned it” Zatz apologized, he started to feel guilty about what he had said. All he got in response was her hiccuping and soft crying, he felt her tears on his shoulder. Suddenly, they heard footsteps behind them. “Mijo, what happened here?” Camazotz asked his son gently as he came over to them and kneeled beside them, his father looked confused and concerned.
“I didn’t mean to make her upset, Papa” Zatz told his father, his eyes now glazing over with tears. Zatz and Y/n separated from the hug, their hands now linked together. Y/n turned her head up to Camazotz, she formed a small smile but her face was still wet with tears. “Daughter, what has happened?” said Lady Micte softly from behind them all.
Her voice had startled the three, no one had seen or heard the goddess. “It's nothing, Mama,” the girl exclaimed while wiping her eyes quickly. The mother looked at her daughter with a sad expression. She floughted to her daughter then knelt down beside them, just like Camazotz had been. The little girl stood up and slowly walked to her mother, “Please tell me what troubles you”, her mother tried again.
“My beloved!”
They all turned to the loud voice, which revealed to be Lord Mitclan. General Camazotz shot up with a nervous expression, his son on the other hand seemed more interested in his new friend. He smiled to himself through the encounter between his father and Lord Mitclan.
{Time skip}
The large doors closed with a thud, Lady Micte looked behind her to make sure she hadn't been followed. However, she hadn’t noticed the little poodle moth on the wall.
I don't hate this chapter but I don't love it.
Anyway I hope you enjoyed it
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akwardpikachu · 1 year
Zatz x (kind of emotionless)reader headcanon!
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(I like this GIF)
A/N: First time, please be kind, I hope it's not embarrassing (this is so long oh my god) and disclaimer, I have no idea how to speak Spanish forgive me if it sucks I used google translate and I MAY edit it from time to time but enjoy!
Warnings: Nahhh
Let's be honest you were a little emotionless
You barely smiled and even if you did it was kind of hard to see and didn't express your feelings a lot
And let's say you joined Maya and the Three after meeting and helping them out of a tight spot
And they thought hey the more people the merrier (a plus because you were a good fighter)
Rico has tried countless times to make you break
Picchu too and Chimi quite a few times
Maya learned not to bother you
And then, Zatz shows up and at first he doesn't think much of you, while you, he (you've heard Maya complain about him too many times)
And let's say that he travelled with Maya a lil longer
You're a pretty skilled fighter and you could kickass so he's impressed the more he watches you (Maya is a good fighter too though, that baddie)
And every night when everyone gathers around the fire for dinner he notices you don't smile a lot
You do talk, and you make jokes but you don't really react??
Noticing that your friends always try to direct jokes at you to gauge a reaction and failing
And that's when he really becomes intrigued
And then he's tryna engage in one-on-one conversations with you
You're getting confused to why he's suddenly seeking you out more often than usual
You're not complaining though, and you've gotten rather fond of him
And even he gets into the "Trying to make you laugh" game with the rest
He was just randomly talking to you once and you felt jittery and fluttery so when he made a joke you unintentionally let out a small laugh
And he's just like: :D
He wished it was a little louder but you know, baby steps
Then one day, he's walking around the place you set up camp, helping around and he randomly trips on a log
He lets out a hilarious yell and falls face first
PURELY UNINTENTIONAL and everyone starts laughing and lo and behold
You laugh loudly in the first time in what they considered ever
And everyone is just 👁👄👁
You don't even know why you're laughing, but here you are
Even though he's on the floor
And the whole night he teases you about breaking out in laughter
"You're not as tough as you seem huh, cara de piedra?"
"Cállate Zatz, I am!"
"Oh come, you have a nice laugh!"
And while your friends just watch the encounter YOU KNOW THEY KNOW
You started to be a little more expressive and smiled a lot more
And while Rico was kinda upset about the fact that he lost the game, Zatz couldn't care less and was a little too hyperfocused on you when you laughed
He hurt himself too many times when he's supposed to be doing something else
You noticed (I mean how could you not, with the accidents he got himself into while you were in his range of sight) and you'd always have a little smile on your face
Then one night, Zatz taps your shoulder asking if he could speak to you in private
You were confused but followed him anyway
He was acting strangely and you were getting suspicious and you started thinking it was some sort of trick
"Zatz, what's going on?"
"This is very hard to say..."
"I....am interested in you?"
He actually says it like a question and he was so painfully awkward about it and you're very surprised
But he hurriedly promises not to bother you if you don't return his feelings because he doesn't want it to be awkward and is happy staying friends if you wished to
But you start smiling and you tell him that you like him too
And he was initially shocked, and then he was suddenly talking your ear off as you return to your friends (which is rather unlike him because he wasn't the most talkative person in the group since Rico came along)
And everyone is cheering and teasing you
Then the both of you are just talking amongst yourselves through the night while the rest went to sleep, laughing and joking
We love Zatz
Stan bat boy
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akwardpikachu · 1 year
“Up late again huh?”
Zatz X GN!Reader
|warnings:none| plot:
Your Zatz’s first significant other and he wants to try out cuddling with you!
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The smell of rain and fresh pine cone fills my senses as the four slept peacefully.
I took it upon myself to protect and serve them for they saved me in a battle with the godesses of thievery.
”up late again huh?”
I jolt up in fear and spun around with my blade in hand
”Christ Zatzy!! I’m on look out duty be more careful“
I whispered harshly to the white haired man standing in front of me.
”I’m sorry mi amour! you just looked lonely..”
he said as he walked up to me with his arms out like he was shrugging only to make me sink into his embrace.
I sighed,is such a rom goof sometimes with his nicknames for me, once I relaxed i Hugged him back.
”so touch starved hu- oUGFH”
i grinned as I playfully punch him in the gut, I may be a foot shorter then him but I can still punch him atleast.
”sorry sorry...I was wondering if we can do what your friend says ‘cuddling’?”
you look at his face,he’s never cuddled a women or man has he?
”sure come here”
Zatz smiles and gives it away that he’s clearly never don’t this before. I chuckled and payed down on the caves floor and patted the spot next to me.
he sits down next to me sooner or later I started to crawl into his lap and wrapping my arms around his neck
zatz,who was red as maya’s armor at the moment had his hands up for a few minutes.
he looks for a place to put them and placed them above my hips and pulls me closer.
”do you like it so far mi amour?..”
”....I would like to do it more often..”
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akwardpikachu · 2 years
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wow they are twins
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akwardpikachu · 2 years
I’ve connected the dots
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akwardpikachu · 3 years
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⚡M S B Y⚡
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akwardpikachu · 3 years
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How to tell a raven from a crow. Made with corvid researcher Dr. Kaeli Swift for her blog post on the subject!
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akwardpikachu · 3 years
[ N ] Angry at Ranboo : What's that ?
[ N ] Sarcassticly : Oh , Sorry . I just Thought someone that was above the National Average Height said something .
[ N ] Chuckling : You're Disgusting , Tall man .
[ N ] Darkly : Shrink , Perhaps .
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akwardpikachu · 3 years
[ N ] : Does It Hurt ?
Tommy : Nope !
[ N ] , Disappointed : Awe .
[ N ] : This Is Actually Causing Me Pain !
[ N ] : And , Not The Good Kind -
[ N ] : I Enjoyed The Slapping .
[ N ] : It Was Like Torture .
[ N ] : But , Not The Good Kind -
[ N ] : I Like It On The Ground .
George , Raging : You Wanna Get Slapped With A Sausage ? !
[ N ] , Without Hesitating : Sure !
[ N ] , Launching ThemSelve On A Random Rude Fan , Wanting To Beat Them Up : You Wanna See Pain ? !
Ranboo , Holding Them Back : Heyy -
Dream : I'm Gonna Lay On The Floor , So You Can Start Kicking Me !
[ N ] : You Had That Dream Too - ?
Wilbur , Done With They're Shit : You Are A Sick Person !
[ N ] : Your Just Now Figuring That Out - ?
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akwardpikachu · 3 years
word count: 7225
Fandom: IRL!MCYT Pairing: Quackity x Male!Reader Pronouns: He/Him Relationship: Romantic Occupation: Baker Ability: N/A
[M/N]: Male Name [H/C]: Hair Color [E/C]: Eye Color [D/N]: Dog Name
Warnings: cringey
I like making my oc’s and even readers really tall, fight me.
this is hella gay and it hurts my brain because I rushed it.
that is all.
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Keep reading
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akwardpikachu · 3 years
word count: 8339
Fandom: IRL!MCYT Pairing: Dream x Male!Reader              Sapnap x Male!Reader              GeorgeNotFound x Male!Reader Pronouns: He/Him Relationship: Romantic Occupation: College Student                      Professional Skateboarder                      Traveler Ability: N/A
[M/N]: Male Name [H/C]: Hair Color [E/C]: Eye Color [S/C]: Skin Color
Warnings: n/a
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Keep reading
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akwardpikachu · 3 years
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only for you
➵ cc!wilbur x male!reader
➵ cw: swearing
because I don't see enough male reader content I wanted to write something for all of my fellow readers who use he/him pronouns. this is probably really ooc as well, so I apologize.
the morning was soft and serein. wilbur lay awake in his bed while his boyfriend lay beside him, y/n sleeping peacefully as the sun gave him the perfect lighting.
wilbur was undoubtedly in love. he wasn't sure just how far he'd fallen into this pit, but he did know it would be extremely difficult to climb his way out. not that'd he'd want to, he wouldn't be entirely opposed to spending the rest of eternity stuck here.
he thought y/n looked amazing anywhere he went, his smile lighting any room he entered. the sun didn't help with this, if anything it only made it worse seeing as the light made y/n's features stand out.
"so pretty," wilbur whispered as he went to brush a strand of hair that had fallen into y/n's face away. "so so handsome, my love."
wilbur's smile grew when he felt y/n nuzzle their head into his hand, their beautiful e/c orbs becoming visible when his eyes fluttered open.
"morning, bubs," y/n mumbled with a smile, his face still hazy with sleep as he stared towards wilbur.
"good morning, love," wilbur gently rubbed his thumb against y/n cheek, a small sign of endearment. "how'd you sleep?"
y/n giggled before using their own hand to grab ahold of wilbur's. "i was sleeping next you, do it was quite awful."
the curly haired man shook his head with a gentle laugh, "so mean to me. at nine in the morning, too."
"only for you, bubba."
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