akwertyy · 3 months
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yhk jenga
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akwertyy · 3 months
Satosugu Musical Trivia
In a manga extra, Akutami has listed Gojo's theme songs as "Shame on Me" by Avicii and "Mada Minu Ashita Ni" by ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION. Geto's are "Come Back Home" by Two Door Cinema Club and "→Pia-no-jaC←" by Paradiso.
There was a promotional video displayed in Shinjuku that showed Gojo getting sealed during the Shibuya Incident, including the part where memories of Geto flood his brain. As Gojo remembers his high school standoff with Geto in Shinjuku, the song starts to repeatedly sample a line from the song "Alone Tonight" : "If I came to your place tonight, would you let me in?"
During Gojo and Geto's final conversation in the JJK0 movie, the instrumental version of "This is Pure Love" plays.
The Ao no Sumika EP includes the titular song, an instrumental version, and two other songs: "Have a nice end!" and "Love Song."
The second opening for JJK S2, SPECIALZ by King Gnu, has lyrics that contain a concealed message. The line is sung as "Get lost in me," but is written as "get 1○st iπ 31" in the official lyrics.  The hidden message was confirmed by one of King Gnu's vocalists as follows: get 1○=夏油/Geto, st=悟/Satoru, 1○ 31=10月31日/October 31st, get 1○st iπ 31=get lost in me(我に返る)," with October 31st being the day of the Shibuya Incident.
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akwertyy · 3 months
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akwertyy · 4 months
Why I like Satosugu [Part 5]
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
The two of them chose their ideals over each other. But the trust they built and the emotions they held towards each other... all of it still mattered. Even though it ended in tragedy, they still deeply impacted each other's lives. We get to see a lot of how it affected Gojo, but we don't see much from Geto because he's dead. It can seem pretty one-sided from Gojo's end, but from the few glimpses we get of how Geto was affected, I'd like to believe otherwise.
The robes that Geto was wearing are known as gojo-kesa (the same "gojo" as "gojo satoru"). We don't know if he was aware of that fact, but Akutami deliberately chose to tie Geto back to Gojo this way.
Additionally, when Gojo called out to Geto before getting sealed, the latter's body responded to choke out Kenjaku, who said that something like this happening was a first for him. Akutami later said that Geto's body responding was similar to the twitching of a dragonfly that had just died. That means Geto's body was responding on an instinctual/reflexive level. This only makes sense if he still cared about Gojo on some fundamental level.
On the character sheets for the Hidden Inventory Arc, Akutami drew Gojo and Geto within the outline of two hands, with one of the hands reaching out for the other one. One of the covers for Ao no Sumika features two hands with their fingertips barely touching. The first ending for JJK S2 has a shot where Gojo and Geto are sitting on a bench with their hands turned towards each other, but there's a noticeable gap.
Their hands never quite touched and they missed each other by a hair... but the fact they missed means that they started out by reaching for each other.
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akwertyy · 4 months
so we know that orv is basically kim dokja's self insert ways of survival fix-it fanfic right. and we know that his narration is coloured by his interpretation of the characters and the way he sees not only the real world, but also the world of ways of survival. anyway can we talk about how his self insert happy ending fanfic involves him working closely with the protagonist, his favourite character ever, and he spends a good chunk of it thinking - despite all evidence to the contrary - that yoo joonghyuk doesnt care about him. he thinks its out of character for yoo joonghyuk to like him. he thinks its OUT OF CHARACTER for his FAVOURITE CHARACTER to LIKE HIM. im going to be sick
and it has to do with the way he conceptualizes himself as a "self insert" - he doesnt consider himself a person yoo joonghyuk would care about because he doesn't consider himself a person yoo joonghyuk interacts with. it's about the divide between a character and a real person..... if a new character that could rival yoo joonghyuk's strength showed up in ways of survival, proved himself trustworthy, and did everything he could to make sure yoo joonghyuk didn't die, of COURSE yoo joonghyuk would begin to trust that character - especially in the early regressions. but kim dokja isn't a character. he's manipulating the story from the other side of the fourth wall - he's not someone yoo joonghyuk can have a relationship with. (almost like the oldest dream..... ohhh my god. head in hands.) of course we aren't companions - he's a character and i'm a real person. they're incarnations and i'm a constellation. they're all real people and i'm a character, written and sold by my own mother. theres a thick wall between us.....
and why would you conceptualize it that way kim dokja. why would you tell a story where all the characters get a happy ending but you arent a character. why does your idea of a good story involve none of your companions caring about whether you live or die. kim dokja i am knocking on the wall
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akwertyy · 4 months
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The Lord of Lesbians Lust
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akwertyy · 4 months
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Happy pride (2)
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akwertyy · 4 months
Why I Like Satosugu [Part 4]
part 1
part 2
part 3
It's not like they parted on good terms. In Shibuya, Geto was leaving Gojo behind, and the latter was considering killing him.
They spent a decade apart after that. By comparison, shouldn't a measly three years have meant nothing? They were now the strongest sorcerer and the worst curse user. By all rights, they should have been bitter enemies. And yet they weren't.
When Geto went to Tokyo Jujutsu High to declare war and the two of them reunited for ostensibly the first time in a decade, they still called each other by their first names.
Gojo bothered to ask for Geto's last words, and the other man made sure to say that he had never hated anyone from Tokyo Jujutsu High. And Gojo said that he had faith that Geto wouldn't kill promising young sorcerers, surprising the latter man. They'd been at odds longer than they'd been partners, but they treated each other tenderly at the end of it all.
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akwertyy · 4 months
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I put real effort into this
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akwertyy · 4 months
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Thoughts on DKOS's wings
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akwertyy · 4 months
hey... can i talk about the fourth wall? about how it would feel, from the outside?
a skill always active, uncontrollable, which main goal is protecting kim dokja. it can cut off his emotions, but what if you're one of his companions? you talk to him, you're fighting for your life with him, and kim dokja's eyes are strangely blank. he cuts off in the middle of a conversation because the skill activated and suddenly you feel like he doesn't see you. of perhaps sees too much? maybe you feel like suddenly he sees you exactly as you are, pushing you onto an already traced path, and you feel like the boundless potential he talks about is strangely fixed. he seems like he knows everything, like he has access to every piece of information here, and you get nothing from him. his thoughts are hidden, his feelings muted, you have no way of knowing if he lies or not, and while he seems to know everything about you, he offers nothing about himself.
at the beginning... and throughout everything, to be honest, when he's still reading that thing on his phone, how must it feel? when he looks at you through a wall and brushes aside pain and feelings and there's this distance between you, how must it feel to see him look at a blank screen, and show more emotions that he's ever done in front of you?
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akwertyy · 5 months
Why I like Satosugu [Part 3]
part 1
part 2
I like satosugu as a pair because of all of the juxtapositions, like Gojo's association with fiery yang energy compared to Geto's association with cool yin energy. They have a lot of of contrasting traits, from their cursed techniques to their demeanors (here's a twitter thread that talks about this more as part of a larger analysis of Geto's association with femininity).
Gojo came from one of the main three jujutsu sorcerer families, whereas Geto came from a mundane background. As Akutami was choosing their names, he wanted there to be a duo-like feel, even as he was creating a nuance of the former as a natural born genius and the second as a genius through effort.
When they were teenagers, their philosophies couldn't have been more different. Yet they spent their youth together. Played basketball, went to the arcade and got fast food after school. Fought back to back and walked side by side.
And then everything collapsed. Gojo unintentionally left Geto behind, who stewed in his own misery.
But even in this, they were a pair.
The Hidden Inventory • Premature Death Arc name comes from one interpretation of 懐玉•玉折 (the original JP name of the arc). Another interpretation, which is more accurate in my opinion, references two separate idioms about jades. 懐玉 (harbouring jade) comes from the full phrase "harbouring jade in hemp cloth" (likely where the hidden inventory name came from). This idiom can refer to a great talent concealed by a low-quality exterior.
玉折 (the jade breaks) is about how  "reaching beyond your means invites disaster," or the premature death of a brilliant individual. The first phrase is obviously about Gojo, while the second phrase describes Geto. (I referenced this reddit comment, which has further discussion on the nuances of 懐玉•玉折).
Another phrase involving jades that comes to mind: 双璧, which literally means twin jades, but can refer to a matchless pair, as in a pair of people who have no match except for each other. Before Gojo became enlightened, and before Geto crumbled, they were the strongest duo.
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akwertyy · 5 months
Why I like Satosugu [Pt.2]
link to part 1
Geto is a character that I have mixed feelings about. I can understand why he snapped in the way that he did, and even find the depiction of his downward spiral to be pretty compelling. The endless monotony of going through the motions, only to be met with the corpses of your comrades as your best friend leaves you behind? The frustration that you can't overcome your lack of talent? Chef's kiss.
The whole situation resulted in Geto forming a superiority complex in order to hide his inferiority complex. He acted as if he was a higher being with superior logic, when he was actually lashing out in blind rage at all non-sorcerers.
He formed new connections, just like Gojo, but he cut off all of his old ones in order to do so. For example, he took in Mimiko and Nanako, in exchange for murdering his own parents.
All of this is pretty interesting stuff to chew on. I guess it's the holier-than-thou attitude he's got going on that doesn't exactly endear him to me. Y'know what, it's complicated. I like him and I don't. There's parts of him that I do, and parts of him that I don't. Gojo is arrogant too, but we get to see a lot more of his quiet sentimentality, so it balances out. There are sides of Gojo we get to see that Geto never gets a chance to show because he's, well, dead.
One of Geto's rare appearances after the Hidden Inventory Arc is when Mimiko and Nanako recall the time they'd asked Geto who Gojo Satoru was. Geto answers with "He was my best friend. But we fought, and things have been like this ever since."
He used the past tense, making the distinction that they were once best friends but aren't anymore. Interestingly, by comparison, Gojo referred to Geto as his best friend in the present tense when he returns Okkotsu's ID card to him at the end of JJK0. As if Geto had always been his best friend and never stopped being his best friend.
This reflects the difference in their attitudes pretty well. Like I said, Geto left behind his old ties to form new connections. Gojo, on the other hand, was still bound by his ties to the past, to the point that he referred to the past as if it were the present. He even experienced the past as the present when he saw Kenjaku and relived those three years of his youth. From just this standpoint, you could argue that Geto didn't care that much about Gojo, in the end. But that's not the whole picture. Did Geto move on? Yes, but even he still held onto vestiges of his youth.
Even with his use of the past tense, Geto's first response when asked about Gojo is that he was his best friend. I forget which chapter it was in, but there was an extra where the 1st years and 2nd years of Tokyo High plus like Nanami and Todo are asked "What is Gojo Satoru to you?" They all gave slightly varying answers, but they all end up defining him as "The Strongest." And in the same panel, it's just Gojo standing by himself.
Geto left Gojo behind after asking "Are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru? Or are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest?"
And despite almost everything in the story screaming about Gojo standing alone as the strongest for essentially a decade, Geto still thought of him as former best friend first and a sorcerer second.
Not to mention their final conversation. We didn't get to see it as much, but Geto still cared. Even if he had tried to move on after a decade. He still had soft words for Gojo at the end of it all.
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akwertyy · 5 months
where's that quote abt like. being embarrassed abt the thinness of ur life the way ur embarrassed by a threadbare piece of clothing. bc like yeah
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akwertyy · 5 months
Why I Like Satosugu [Pt 1] - Not Spoiler-free
Generally, I first have to grow to like each character individually before I really get obsessed with the ship. Satosugu occupies a bit of a weird spot for me because I appreciate Geto as a character, but I don't necessarily resonate with him the same way I do with Gojo (I swear it's not because I have a god complex). It's a bit like the "my son egg n his brother cheese" post except it's "my blorbo and his boyfriend."
What I really find compelling about Gojo's character is that despite being hailed as the unequivocal "strongest," he still has a human side. Gojo gave Amanai an extra day in Okinawa at the expense of pulling a second all-nighter. He made sure that Fushiguro and his sister were taken care of. He was genuinely angry when he thought Itadori had died, remarking that he hadn't forgiven the higher-ups for taking a young person's youth away.
When the curses are planning to attack Gojo during the Shibuya incident, Jougo remarks that not even a thousand measly human lives would be enough to distract him. But it was Geto's appearance alone that stopped Gojo in his tracks.
The subtleness of it is the real kicker. From Gojo's capricious attitude, you'd think he doesn't give a shit about anybody else. But at the end of the day... he still cares. Even if everything goes to shit.
Kenjaku tells Gojo, "You're only considerate during such awkward moments," in reference to how Kenjaku was able to possess Geto's body because Gojo didn't cremate it.
Wanting to connect with other people and trying your best, but having it blow up in your face. The frustration of having being unable to reach someone even though you were right in front of them, because you weren't enough... Despite all of this, Gojo lived on. Even as he mourned Geto, and tried to prevent a repeat of what happened to Geto from happening again. He took on students, and reached his hand out to others.
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akwertyy · 5 months
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akwertyy · 5 months
pre-canon han sooyoung is actually so funny like. what if you had a dr jekyll and mr hyde situation going on but dr jekyll was a 13 year old girl and mr hyde was a 30 something smoker woman who survived the apocalypse. you would think that their wants and life goals would clash, but actually they're exactly the same! all both of them want to do is write webnovel and internet stalk kim dokja. and hate on each other's writing.
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