alaaenasser · 5 years
What is a Photograph - Carol Squiers
Changes in digital photography have expanded the creative process for artists, altering the meaning of a photograph. With the emergence of technology new forms of photography have taken place such as the use of dark room, cinematic still shots, Polaroids, post-modernistic images, a source of history, and so on. This allowed photographers to combine their other forms of artistic expression and combine them together into a mixed media piece, a simple distortion, or whatever deemed to them as a photograph plus additional edits.
In the end, the word “photograph” has become a broad term throughout the years, as new forms of technology begin to influence art. In my opinion, a photograph is already a form of art; therefore, if the final piece includes some specific moment captured, then that is a photograph. The photographs can be made into a gif, a mixed media piece, a projection heavily edited, yet it still includes the core piece of the photo. 
My personal takeaway from this reading, is it would be worth exploring the various methods of photography.
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alaaenasser · 6 years
All the World is Staged - Robert Shore
The “decisive moment” has been implemented throughout photography on capturing the desired photo in the very same moment the photographer realizes that in fact, it is the shot they intended to create. In this passage, Laurence Demaison’s work exhibits this theory. When exploring her bubble photo series, the subject’s face is deformed underwater in just the right amount, creating a great use of negative space. In the end, no one photograph can be exactly replicated, therefore being aware of the decisive moment is crucial in order to get the shot. Models, weather, props, and other external factors are constantly interfering with the shot, and if the photographer is lucky enough, they can capture the moment when these factors interfere in the right way. 
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alaaenasser · 6 years
Kiyoji Otsuji - Destruction Art B&W photography
I chose this portfolio, because black and white photography can provide further exploration if done correctly. Kiyoji takes a theatrical approach in his photography, allowing the viewer to enter another dimension of an optical illusion. He successfully highlights a photo by excluding color and focusing on the narrative. 
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alaaenasser · 6 years
Anne Hoy, Still Life Constructions - Reading Response
After coming across several of the images incorporated in the reading, I realized there’s an area of still-life photography that I haven’t been exposed to before. The beauty behind constructing these images is the ability to plan out the concepts before conveying the message. These still-life photographs have a depth and wonderment to their construction, that differ from standard photography. 
For instance, with Barbara Kasten’s photographs, you can notice the preparation behind her photos with her use of light and vivid colors, perfectly shadowing her shapes in an intriguing angle to create a story through ordinary objects. She was able to figure out “how color operates in space,” creating dynamic and abstract images from everyday shapes. 
With still-life photography, an artist can manipulate miscellaneous objects into a form of art through the power of light, a digital sensor, other art mediums, and most importantly, through story-telling. 
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alaaenasser · 6 years
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Taken last semester in colored photography, highlighting complementary colors. 
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alaaenasser · 7 years
Artist Statement
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        Growing up Lebanese American, I often felt I was losing my Lebanese principles, while not fitting into the American culture. I thought I was too Americanized to be Lebanese, and not enough American to be considered Red, White, and Blue. Once I reached adulthood, I felt my American side gradually taking over my Lebanese upbringing, eliminating my cultural background. I soon stepped aside, and reevaluated the situation at hand: where are my roots originated from, and where am I currently in my Life? I was no longer ashamed to be “more” of this background or “less” of another; I knew I was proud of both parts of me. My odd, yet humorous personality was built by being exposed to both these countries. I learned to make time to enjoy aspects from both backgrounds, realizing I’m getting more out of my life by doing so. I wasn’t losing any part of myself anymore, I was gaining new experiences and growing as an individual. I’m proud to say I’m Lebanese American, and blessed to be given the life I have.
          I wanted to carry this pride into the hearts of others, and showcase their ethnic backgrounds in a real, yet positive light. I felt like this project would be the ideal way to reveal strength in color, and beauty in pride. I wanted others to feel genuinely proud to be where they are from, and reminisce their ethnic backgrounds to remind themselves to keep that pride growing. I included paint to allow the volunteers to have fun with this project and provide an element where they can feel the passion of their country through their skin. With the text from each volunteer, we are able to get an inside look on their personal experience with their background. It not only makes the volunteers remember their upbringing, but it also allows the viewers to notice the beauty in diversity, through people we encounter every day.
          This project has been something I’ve envisioned executing for a while now. However, I always thought I didn’t have time to give it my all. I soon realized I truly have time for anything as long as I want to make time for it. In the end, my passion for this artistic vision drove my commitment into making it happen. It was truly a labor of love, and I will continue to execute this concept
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alaaenasser · 7 years
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For my GIF, I decided to use my photos from my final project. I did this to show a different perspective from my final project, with motion instead of still-image. The GIF shows the subject’s emotions throughout the process, while still-image allows the viewers to establish their own idea of the photo.
Through motion videos, the viewers are able to see a more elaborate story-line being unfolded in front of their eyes. Whereas still images, hide the story, allowing the audience to narrate their own tale. I wouldn’t say either form of media is more beneficial than the other, rather than it provides a different perspective in a specific time. In the end, using both allows for a chance of greater creativity.
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alaaenasser · 7 years
These look amazing so far! I can feel the warmth of Fall through these photos, and am looking forward to seeing what you come up with for the other seasons. You have done a great job capturing these photos using the right lighting. I think this aspect of your project is going to be the most difficult to nail when trying to portray the right seasons. However, so far you have utilized lighting in the best way possible to create the fall atmosphere. Keep it up!
Final Project Proposal/Photos
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Final Project Proposal - “We Change Like Seasons”
For my final project, I want to do a series of photos that capture the feelings, sentiment, and visual trademarks that define changing seasons, and ultimately, how people change over the course of a year. This would include four pictures for each season, making a total of 16 photos. My goal with this project is to express how, through the cycle of the seasons, we’re always given new opportunities to explore the world around us and learn new things about ourselves through these transitions. The photos I’ve taken so far will be a part of the Fall section, as they convey the colors and setting that we typically associate with the season–such as changing leaves, hiking, campfires, and other defining visuals. Additionally, I want to utilize text in the form of poetry or one word sentiments or phrases (for instance, words like “warmth” for Fall or “new beginnings for Winter) below the photos throughout the spread, as well as accompanying poems or quotes to signal the introduction of each season. 
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alaaenasser · 7 years
I think the post-it notes add a great element to your photos. It creates emphasis towards a centralized theme in your project. It also adds character to each visual, making it more appealing. Love the concept and the outcome so far, excited to see the rest!
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Progress update on my photography final. It’s about the lives that many college students end up living and their struggle with life.
I guess I want to know if I should go back and retake the pictures without the post-it notes and add post-it notes.
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alaaenasser · 7 years
I like how these photos all have a personal aspect to them, it forces you to look at the details in each photo. There’s nice story telling behind each visual, with good perspective, using the right angle and lighting. Great job, can’t wait to see more!
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Final Project Progress - 11.14.17
These are some shots I have taken for my final project called “Insert Memory Here”. Basically, I am trying to show those moments where a memory comes back to you “in an instant” when you see a certain object, smell a smell, or wear a shirt. So, I’m putting instant polaroids in interesting places with the objects that remind of the moment in the polaroid. In the photobook, each photo will be named by the object and the date of the event, but not describe what is actually in the polaroid. For example, the top right would be named “Lipstick 04.14.17″
Do you like the concept? Do you have ideas of interesting spots I could place polaroids with objects?
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alaaenasser · 7 years
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2nd in Progress Final Art Project:
Included is 4 volunteers where I have included their brief sentences on why they are proud of their ethnic background. Due to a lower amount of volunteers than anticipated, I have decided to include two photos for some of them, such as Alexia. The text will be divided between the two pages. By the end of all the photoshoots I should have a total of 12 individuals to choose photos from. Let me know what you guys think!
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alaaenasser · 7 years
Photo-book Comparisons
The two photography books being anaylzed are:
(1) Landscapes from the Middle of the World, by Frank Gohlke, and
(2) Rights of Passage, by Martha Rosler
In the first photo book, Gohlke uses a minimalist approach in formatting his photos. Most of his photos are in black and white, but he included about three random photos including color. These photos became the focal point throughout the book, catching the viewer’s attention. His book is dedicated to his father, and makes me wonder if the colored photos are the pictures he took when his father was still alive. 
In the second photo book, Rosler arranged her book encompassing her overall concept of taking pictures while passing by in a car. All her photos are displayed on the right side of the book, with the left page blank, including small text of the location. The photos on the right are formatted in a long horizontal view, as if she is showing his exact perspective you can see through her windshield. 
In conclusion, each artist arranges their photo books to convey their concepts further. This draws attention to the detail that the artist wants us to see. The arrangement of the photos is considered is just as artistic as their photographs. 
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alaaenasser · 7 years
Final Project Proposal
Diversity emphasized: My project idea will consist of students at UTD, describing their ethnic backgrounds, and the reason they are most proud to be who they are. There will also be additional content of asking questions of struggles they may have faced because of their ethnicity, important cultural holidays, and their favorite memories growing up with their background. I will be taking photographs and videos to accurately display diversity among UTD. To assist the visuals of this project, I will provide face/body paint for the volunteers to use to splatter on themselves, towards the camera, etc. These vibrant colors will symbolize the color of their flags, emotions, their background, and so on. Underneath each photo, will be one important quote they mention within the interview. In the future, I’m hoping to expand this project to the city of Dallas, slowly expanding to other parts of the world. 
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alaaenasser · 7 years
LovinYourselfDaily  Project
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This project had a greater affect on my life than I expected. Lately, I have been noticing an increase of my peers not having the self-esteem or sense of content in their lives that I know they can achieve with a little push. For a while now, I’ve been wanting to establish a personal blog page that would reveal genuine, personal situations of how I grew to love myself and the life I live. This Instagram project presented itself as motivation to finally establish my blog page and start sharing my experiences. The main goal of this page and my blogs is to be a source of positive inspiration. I have received beneficial feedback from my friends saying they can personally connect to the blog posts and enjoy seeing them. I will continue to work on this page, in hopes of helping others reach a happiness they didn't think could be possible to achieve in their lives. 
Link to my Blogs: https://altartblogs.wordpress.com/
Link to my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovinyourselfdaily/
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alaaenasser · 7 years
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alaaenasser · 7 years
Reading 4 – In the Future, We Will Photograph Everything and Look at Nothing
I truly enjoyed this week’s article on “In the Future, We Will Photograph Everything and Look at Nothing,” by Om Malik. I wasn’t even aware of Google Nik Collection being free for others to use. However, it did raise a discussion over what photography will serve us in the future as technology continues to grow.
Malik mentions photography being a part of communication as we progress. We begin to associate pictures with memories, unspoken words, and a form of hidden expression. It’s getting increasingly easier to hide our emotions behind pictures, but using this form of expression as a way for all of us to connect digitally. The positive side of editing software’s becoming more accessible, is that it allows us to achieve our creative, fighting demon hiding inside. It gives us the satisfaction of releasing a form of art we can’t easily express in verbal words. The results are stunning, and can make us feel connected to others in ways we didn’t think possible.
The obsession of needing, not wanting, to take pictures in moments where we can’t fathom the feelings we are experiencing, reveals a possible concern. This provides us a digital source which can be saved in the cloud to revisit and fulfill our ongoing nostalgia. It leads to a non-stop cycle of searching for something we feel is missing, but are made complete after taking a new photo. This feeling of completion is temporary, and is only fulfilled yet again after another snapshot in a different moment of time.  
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alaaenasser · 7 years
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Since the state fair is starting up again in Dallas, the idea of horror came to my mind instantly. I wanted the setting to be placed in the 90′s, casting a couple of vintage, high-school girls, going out on a school night to have some fun at the fair. The turning point occurs on the dart bus, where the main girl’s friend stares menacingly at her through the reflection. Then, the rest of photos are taken at a darker lighting, foreshadowing danger. Once the main character, Ia, reaches the fair, you notice her being entranced by someone grabbing her hand. Then the climax of the scene is taken at the top of the Ferris Wheel. The last photo shows a hand, letting go, indicating that something drastic happened (left to interpretation). 
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