alacarhelsng · 7 days
Dearest husband. It has been there minutes since you last looked at me. I have escaped with your laptop. Goodbye forever
Ah I see, we'll enjoy my gifriend laptop, please treat her well and I also love you and wish you the best
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alacarhelsng · 7 days
Yeah, Qimzal is suffering because he doesn't know how to stop being a fawkboi long enough to deal with his emotions in a healthy way or even recognize them. Sucks for him I suppose
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alacarhelsng · 7 days
Reapsy, how are you and Angie handling Alty kinda just..moving in with you? ...And how are you dealing with her whole uh.. unlovable freak out ideas?
How about you mind your DAMN business. She is where she wants to be and if you have a FUCKING problem with it I'll break your FUCKING legs. Now PISS off!
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alacarhelsng · 7 days
Heyyy Qimzal...how are you holding up buddy?
If Qimzal had the motivation to get off of Velosi's couch he would inform you that he is the farthest thing away from holding up someone could be, alas all you receive are muffled sobs
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alacarhelsng · 7 days
Alacar, how are you and Calmet holding up?
hOw ArE thEy? wEll thEy ArEn't pArtIcUlArly wEll At thE mOmEnt. I dOn't knOw If thEy EvEr wIll bE. but I hAvE A sOlUtIOn fOr thAt
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alacarhelsng · 7 days
reaper is a simp of a man send tweet
also qimzal is a whore
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alacarhelsng · 2 months
.........Hey Vel♡si? D♡ y♡u have s♡me time t♡ spare? I d♡n't think I can be al💔ne right n♡w...
Ha.. what? Please tell me y♡u're just really c♡mmited darling. Please tell me he's n♡t g♡ne like that...
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the laSt meSSage I have from him. waS aSking if youd like a Ɔentral hive better when he waS planetSide. that waS at leaSt two weekS ago. im SeriouS babe. Ɔouldnt make it up.
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alacarhelsng · 2 months
Alacar how are you handling your mission loosing so many people? Have you told Qimzal yet?
nO... nOt yEt And I'm hAndlIng It. Alacar's face seems set into something between horror and rage.
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alacarhelsng · 2 months
Alacar what's it's like having Calmet back?
It's Odd.... thEy ArE sUrEly wIth mE bUt.... thEy ArEn't hErE. thEy'll gEt bEttEr EvEntUAlly.... thEy hAvE tOO.....
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alacarhelsng · 2 months
QIMZAL. velosi's free rn
If there was a person there they likely would have been ecstatic. Perhaps to the degree that they left before answering. Sadly all you find is an empty bed because someone has left in a hurry
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alacarhelsng · 2 months
Alacar how do you feel about hands. For no particular reason. None at all. Just answer the question and don't ask me any.
I..... dO nOt wIsh tO knOw whY yOU AskEd thIs bUt thE AnswEr Is nOnE mOrE thAn the AvErAgE Or At lEAst nOt yOUr AvErAgE
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alacarhelsng · 2 months
Hey Alacar for NO PARTICULAR REASON, how would you feel about a collection of loose removed human teeth?
*Alacar stares vacantly into you for a long while before his pupils begin to expand and dilate. Somehow as they expand they express both a lack of consideration and a growing amount of disgust. All while his expression remains stoically disinterested.* nO.
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alacarhelsng · 4 months
This is the next part of Epic the Arc here on the blog! Warning for slight gore/blood and death if those things bother you! Find the drabble parts that precede this here in order: 1, 2, 3 ! I appreciate everyone's support through me making this and patience with it getting posted! Animatics are still new to me as far as making them myself goes, but a little gay hubris will get you anywhere. With any luck there will be at least one more animatic for this arc, but that won't come until far later!
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alacarhelsng · 4 months
The Ship (Cont. But again)
"Lonque," Alacar started." we're gonna need that distraction now." The only response they received was a ripple of lights turning off and then on way too brightly as a power surge ripped through the ship then a horrifying grinding and crashing sound. Whatever he had done seemed to pull the doctor out in such a rush that he left the door open for Vlad and Alacar to slip inside.
Just like that they were there, standing in front of a troll who stared vacantly at them, an odd green crust lingering on the ends of what was left of their legs and arms. Joy and rage played tug-of-war inside Alacar as he stared at his mate-sprite. They were alive but so very very fucked up. "Al…." Hearing Vlad say his name snapped him out of the mini trance he had been stuck in and they went to work, Alacar moving to the computer to release them from the machine they were being held in while Vlad braced himself to catch their form as they fell. "I got them, let's move." Alacar rushed over to help, placing one of their half arms over his shoulder to help them move faster. "Alright Doll, target's secure, lead us out." Alacar could barely believe that the operation was going so smoothly. Of course the moment he thought that the first problems began. "V, they're doing a radio check-in and with all these men tuckered out around me I'm going to need to ditch this position. Bea's going to have to lead you the rest of the way while I cut and run. I promise I'll only be a little pissed that you're listening to another woman." Vlad swore lightly and Bea's voice took over, leading them down a route that she could see. "Patrol is on the way! Hide!" The only location the three of them had to hide was the room next to them which they quickly slipped inside of until the footsteps faded away.
They were getting ready to walk out when a playfully sinister voice spoke to them and froze them in their tracks. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" The three turned around and saw a troll holding a gun towards them. Waves of pink hair spilled down almost to the floor and would have if it hadn't been tied into two pigtails. Two horns criss-crossed above her head and a sultry and dark smile played across her face that made her finned ears tilt up a bit. They had been caught, by a high-blood. "Two reds escaping with the doctor's toy? Naughty boys." Alacar stepped in front of them, raising his hands up in surrender. "We don't want to hurt anyone we're just tr-" "Shshshsh. " The high-blood shushed him with an almost sweet sound. "Bad boys don't get to talk." Alacar swallowed and made a show of being intimidated because he was, but while she spoke he watched and waited for the moment that her soul was closest to the surface. "You see, I was just getting bored while I was waiting so I think I'm going to have some fun with you boys. OH I know let's play a game. I'll ask you a question and if you don't answer in a way I like I'll shoot you." She ended the sentence with a giggle though no one else found humor in what she said. "We'll start with you, the one that stepped forward. What's your name?" Alacar almost didn't answer, but getting shot would put a serious chink into their plans, and he needed to buy as much time as he could while slowly dragging her soul up. "I'm Alacar Helsng." "Good boy, and why do you want that broken doll over there?" He growled but answered her. "They are my mate-sprite… I want them back." "Oh that's such a pitiful love story, what a heartbreaking story. You must have gone such a long way to get them back. It would be a shame if this story ended in a tragedy." Alacar knew then what she was about to do, he could see the slight adjustment of her gun as she changed to aim at Calmet. He saw the smile slide from playful to predatory and he acted. With a violent flex of his will, he dragged her soul to the surface and squeezed. Applying crushing force until the fragment of soul that was her eyes violently crunched down and she began to scream. Blood gushed from her now vacant eyes and she crumbled to the floor, dropping the gun in the process "What's wrong your highness?! I thought high-blood didn't grovel before low casts like me?! WHAT'S THE MATTER?! WHERE'S ALL YOUR FUCKING POWER NOW?!" Alacar's face had warped into a deranged smile as he mocked the wailing and thrashing woman on the floor until Vlad placed a hand on his shoulder and pulled him out of it. "Al, we need to go, now." "Ugh, fine. You go ahead and make sure Harvey is safe, I've got Calmet from here." Vlad nodded to him and took off down the hall while Alacar lifted his mate-sprite and began to take her out of the room and down the hall after Vlad.
If he had been paying more attention he would have noticed the radio silence, the lack of input from anyone, but he hadn't. Instead, he was stopped dead as a figure walked out of the shadow and stood blocking off their way forward. Instinctively he knew who she was, in the pits of his soul he could feel the power that radiated off of the being before him and he knew without a doubt. "You really fucked up." Said the Empress.
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alacarhelsng · 4 months
The Ship (Cont.)
"Right." Alacar sighed then continued. "I need you to let us onto the ship he's working on right now without setting off any security measures." "Done," Qimzal said curtly. "Say hi for me, and blow him a kiss." The feed cut out and the group waited in awkward silence for a while. "That happened." Bea spoke up having been stuck at an angle that forced her to watch. "Yes well… not all friends in high places are the same." Alacar groaned. "I'm surprised something like you has friends." Syhren quipped to which Alacar would have responded had the ship not started moving at that time. Slowly at first until the bay got a full lock on their position and they began to steadily accelerate towards the docking zone. Within five minutes, five very very tense minutes of not knowing if they were heading into a betrayal
Silence hung over the five in the cabin as the ship landed and they waited. In the positions they were stuck in they would absolutely not last any sort of attack, luckily they wouldn't have to. Harvey, who had opted to stay in the very limited and dangerous space in the main compartment, opened the door for them. First Lonque fell out and landed on his face with a bit of a smile, then Bea fell on top of him. Or she would have if he was already most of the way towards the exit. "How did you even." Bea looked started, and Harvey helped her up with a smile. "Ye, I find it best not to question 'im, you ain't gettin' any answers from 'im." After Bea managed to get up the other three detangled themselves and followed her out the exit to find Lonque with a very bemused expression on his face while a very wide-horned troll berated him. "..and what is this outfit?! Don't you know as a low-cast you should be dressed impecably! If you would, compare yourself to me. Every part of my uniform is clean, crisp, and perfectly in place as it should be! If a high-blood hadn't made this request I would have you sent straight to the cells for rehabilitation immediately. And look at the company you keep!" The fleet official gestured towards the group making their way out of the ship. "Not even a single unwrinkled outfit amongst you! I should rep-" He immediately cut off when Harvey stepped out of the ship and began making an odd wailing gurgling noise like a small animal being stabbed and drowned at the same time. "I-I-I-I-I-I I am Rimmer Acenet! I was just addressing the m-misconduct of your group sir." He quickly fell into a doubled solute which just made Lonque silently laugh behind the man. "Uuuuuuhhh At ease?" Harvey nervously responded which just seemed to make Rimmer switch to a stand that was more tense and somehow less at ease than before. "I am assuming you are the highblood in charge here! I was asked to assist you in any way possible!" Harvey nervously looked at Alacar who shrugged then back at the overly stiff private. "Yea uhhh…. so we got some boxes? could ya like… move 'em to the engines?" "Yes! Right away sir!" "Thank ya kindly." "No, thank you!" With that Rimmer rushed past the group and began the laborious task of offloading all the explosives. "Well, that's one thing taken care of." Alacar spoke, somewhat astonished by the situation. " "Yea so uh…. what's next on the list?" Harvey said, arms on his hips. "Right." Alacar stepped in front of everyone and began to recite the plan. "Bea, you're on lookout, get somewhere high and use those eyes or yours to keep track of the position of key figures." Vlad cut in to get Syhren's orders knowing she likely would refuse to listen to Alacar out of spite. "Doll, you need to take out surveillance to give us room to work." Syhren nodded and Alacar continued. "Then we're going to need a distraction to pull anyone guarding her out." "I can handle that." Lonque spoke and Alacar simply accepted it, knowing he'd get it done no matter what it was. "Finally, Harvey we need you to secure and maintain our escape, none of this matters if we can't get out. Also, it's clear that our new friend is only going to listen to you." "Will do." "Vlad, you're with me, I'm not the strongest troll so I may need help carrying Calmet." There was also the unspoken agreement between him and Syhren that he was to keep Vlad alive no matter what, and despite his distaste for the troll, he wouldn't begrudge her desire to keep someone she cared about safe. He intended to do so as long as it didn't interfere with saving his mate-sprite.
The group splintered off on their separate tasks, Harvey staying behind with Rimmer who had finished moving the explosives off the ship and was now beginning to move them into the ship engine room as ordered. Ten minutes in Alacar and Vlad traveled silently through the halls of the ship, avoiding contact to the best of their ability until Syhren's began speaking into all of their ears. " Surveillance has been neutralized, Bea is approaching her position soon. Seems the target isn't on the cameras, that's such a shame for you demon." Alacar was about to swear when Bea's voice buzzed in as well. "I just saw a doctor head into a room in the west wing, and caught a glimpse of the target before the door closed." "Give Syhren a description, Doll I'm going to need you to lead me and Al to that room." "Fine, you owe me a night after this V." Vlad smirked directly into one of the cameras nearby. "Of course doll." Once again the duo was on the move, weaving through the ship with the guidance of Syhren until they made their way to the room in question. "Lonque," Alacar started." we're gonna need that distraction now." The only response they received was a ripple of lights turning off and then on way too brightly as a power surge ripped through the ship then a horrifying grinding and crashing sound. Whatever he had done seemed to pull the doctor out in such a rush that he left the door open for Vlad and Alacar to slip inside.
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alacarhelsng · 4 months
The Ship
A smart troll would have looked at all the potential plans and realized that this mission was doomed to fail. A wise troll likely would have given up before getting to this point after realizing they would mess with the Empress's fleet. Alacar was not a wise troll but he was a smart troll yet above even that, he was an insane troll.
So the idea of failure meant very little to him so long as he also accomplished his goal. With that goal being so close at hand for the first time in years he had gone somewhat feral with his anticipation. Not only was he unwilling to entertain the idea that the mission could fail, but his idea of success included killing every troll on board including himself. Which was the reason his small splinter cell was so crammed inside the ship's operations cabin. The rest of the compartments had been filled to capacity and very unsafely packed full of volatile explosives. "I hate this." Syhren snarled as her elbow pressed into Alacar's neck. "Yes well, I'm not exactly a fan of this myself." Alacar snapped. "I don't care what you're a fan of demon." Syhren shot back. "Could you two not bicker for 2 fucking minutes?" Vlad growled in a way that sounded like he was pinching the bridge of his nose, a motion prohibited by the fact that Bea was wrapped around one arm and Lonque had accidentally straddled the other. Luckily for everyone else in the too-small space, the two did manage to stop bickering at the behest of the only person they both cared about. That lasted exactly until Alacar shifted his neck and caused Syhren to punch herself lightly in the face. The proceeding snarling, hissing, thrashing, and attempts to murder Alacar lasted until the ship they were after finally came into view and Vlad was able to calm down the homicidal troll. "If killing you wouldn't get V killed in the process you'd be DEAD." Syhren spat the words at him like they were lethal weapons "Yes I'm aware Syhren, that's why I didn't want you here." Alacar dismissively responded. "Both of you, stop. Al you need to focus on landing the ship." Alacar's hands balled into fists over the control panel before he relaxed with a sigh. Vlad was one of the few people he'd let call him that nickname, but it still made his blood boil with rage to hear it and know that his mate-sprite was still so close and far away from them. "You're right, give me a moment." Alacar held position outside of detection range and put a call onto the viewscreen. He would have preferred using his palmhusk but it was currently in his pocket which was blocked off by Bea's leg. The first call bounced and the second one only picked up towards the last ring pulling up a video of a highblood. A high-blood who was naked and in the process of having someone do something very inappropriate behind him which was pushing him closer to the camera's view in a steady, impressively fast, rhythm. "Mmmmm Heeeeeelloooo~" "Q….. could you have stopped to take this call?" "I c-could have, but where's the f-fun in that?" He occasionally stuttered the words as he attempted, very poorly, to conceal his moans. "Alright well… remember that favor you owe me?" Alacar continued on, trying to ignore the events like they weren't happening. "Oh fuck yes!~ You d-did great covering up my mmmmmess." "Yes I did, well I'm cashing it in, you know someone in the fleet right? "Nnngh Yeeeessss. My adorable helper Rimmer- hold on." Alacar looked away from the feed, though not everyone did, as Qimzal got louder and pulled up to reveal much more of what he was doing. The pause in the conversation was filled with moans, graphic sounds, and finally a joined louder cry before Qizmal sat back in front of the Camera now wrapped in a robe. "Mmm sorry about that, it was easier to finish first. What would you like from my cute little helper?" "Right." Alacar sighed then continued. "I need you to let us onto the ship he's working on right now without setting off any security measures." "Done," Qimzal said curtly. "Say hi for me, and blow him a kiss." The feed cut out and the group waited in awkward silence for a while. "That happened." Bea spoke up having been stuck at an angle that forced her to watch. "Yes well… not all friends in high places are the same." Alacar groaned.
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alacarhelsng · 5 months
The Request
Finally, he was going to see his mate-sprite again. The only issue was getting to that ship and back out alive. His odds of completing such an insanely idiotic feat were worse than nothing especially alone. Which meant he was going to have to do the thing he hated doing the most and ask for help.
It was with that thought in mind that he found himself standing in front of Vlad's hive, a hand raised to announce himself. Pride, doubt, and fear held him frozen there for a minute, then 2. It would have likely been another 3 or 4 before he even made the choice to knock or not if not for the red that leaned over and knocked for him.
When he looked over his shoulder to find out who the hand was attached to it was somehow both surprising and completely expected to Lonque standing just behind him. How the larger-than-normal troll managed to sneak up on him without so much as a whisper Alacar didn't know or have time to think about. "Thanks.." He spoke hesitantly but Lonque simply nodded with a smile on his face that was simultaneously warm and smug.
The door opened before Alacar could decide whether or not to punch the troll in his face, even if it was unlikely that he'd land the hit to begin with. The familiar and unfamiliar face of Syhren greeted him with a cold glare. 'Hel-" The door was slammed violently in his face, so he waited patiently until he heard muffled talking from the other side of the door. If he wanted to he could have listened it but doing so to Vlad was one of the few lines he wouldn't cross. Shortly after the muffled conversation ended the door opened again to a slight bemused Vlad. "I was wondering why she was so agitated, she's still upset about her.... coalescence. Why don't you come in so we can chat." His eyes met with Lonque's and the silence stretched between them for a very long, very uncomfortable, amount of time before he finally continued with, "Your friend is also free to join us of course." Inside the hive of his Moirail Alacar felt a profound sense of comfort, as well as a mild sense of looming danger. As if the she-demon staring daggers at him was gearing up to slit his throat the moment he let his guard down. She likely would too if he wasn't so important to one of the only people that cared about her on this forsaken rock.
"Hello again Syhren." He said to her, his tone dripping with forced cordiality "Demon." she shot back with cold venom. "Now that's just hurtful, after everything I did for you?" "More like what you did TO me you-" "Syhren stop." Vlad cut in before the verbal combat between the 2 of them could escalate into something much worse. "Do not condemn him for my wants." Syhren glared at Alacar in the way that only someone that had experience death could glare but relented and sat down in a chair away from the group but still close enough to hear and contribute to the conversation if she felt the need to insult Alacar. At least that what he assumed she would do if she dained to interject. "So what brough you over today?" Alacar's mental villianization was brought to an abrupt end with Vlad's question and the hostillity he felt towards Syrhen instantly dissolved into dread. "I-" He swallowed, unable to keep eye contact with the man in front of him. " I need your help...." "With?" "I found them.... I finally found Calmet but I can't get them without help." "I see." Because he wasn't looking at Vlad he could see the exact moment Syrhen decided to add her two cents, rather explosively as well. "Fuck. You. We shouldn't be helping that- that THING at all!" Despite her outburst Vlad didn't admonish her at all, instead asking Alacar a question. "Where are they?" The very question Alacar was dreading to hear and hoping he could get away with never having to answer until Vlad already agreed to help. For the first time in a long time Alacar was scared beyond just the primal fear for his life. He was scared Vlad would deny him, reject him and let him go it alone to what would surely be his doom. Worse than that, he was scared that he might say yes and die helping him. For that reason he remained silent, eyes staring at the floor until he felt a hand on his shoulder. Once again Lonque was silently lending a hand to the troubled troll for no other reason than he wanted to and it made the fear and doubt a little thinner and easier to wade though. "They..... they're on a ship, a ship that is in the empress' fleet. Ship number 8375." "No." Syhren answered on behalf of Vlad. "That's asking us to die for you, a monster like you isn't w-" "I'll go." Vlad cut her off. "V you can't." "I can, and I will. Alacar is the reason you're still in my life Doll, I owe him." Syhren clenched her fist in rage as she stared down Vlad until finally softening for the briefest of moments before her icy gaze snapped to Alacar again. "I'm going too."
Not wanting to agitate the very very dangerous woman Alacar simply nodded in agreement with her. It's not like saying no would stop her and more people made the operation much more feasible to a point. Besides, having the incredibly lethal assassin on his side would be a nice boon. He also did in fact recognize that he was justifying her coming along to himself so that he would still feel in control which was a bad habit he probably should be trying to break. He instead moved on. "I have a man on the inside, the previous agent I was using overreached getting me this information but this one doesn't know he's working for me yet so hasn't had the chance to fail." "How do you know he's going to listen to you demon?" "Easy, I know who he's in red with even if it's unrequited and All I need to do is get that person to tell him what to do, as long as my orders are coming through their lover they'd probably kill themselves just because they asked." "Names, and will this lover listen to you?" Vlad spoke up "The worker's name is Rimmer and the person he's in lover with is Qimzal, and yes he'll listen to me we're close friends him and I." "Wow, I didn't know monsters could have friends. " Syhren added sarcastically. "Oh and I thought we were getting along so well!" Alacar quipped back to which Syhren hissed at him, actually hissed like a cat. The action was so terrifying it made him jump back and Vlad snickered at his expense. The exchange even seemed to make Syhren slightly happier. She stood up and took out her palmhusk. "I'm going to let Harvey know." "Doll don-" "No V, Harvey needs to know that we're both going to be in danger, he won't be okay if something happens and he didn't know about it." Once again they stared at each other, a silent battle of wills before this time Vlad caved and slumped into a chair. "Fine, but if he insists on coming I'm holding you accountable." "Oh no, I guess I'll die.... oh wait." She smirked and walked out of the room while Vlad massaged the bridge of his nose in frustation. "Sometimes I swear..." "I'm going." Both Vlad and Alacar snapped their heads up to see Lonque who had be silently watching the conversation the entire time, so quietly that they had both forgotten he was even there. Alacar opened his mouth to object but was silenced by Lonque speaking once again. "I'm going." It was a statement of fact, he would be there and Alacar would have to accept it. He was dumbfounded, this troll owed him nothing but was willing to die to help him out. Alacar couldn't help but to laugh.
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