alans-girl · 2 years
He was, above all things, a rare and unique human being and we shall not see his like again.
Emma Thompson about Alan Rickman on the occasion of his death, 2016 (via quotent-potables)
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alans-girl · 2 years
I miss you like the stars we can’t ever touch.
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alans-girl · 2 years
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My heart still breaks 💔 💔 💔
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alans-girl · 2 years
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Alan Rickman
1946 - 2016
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alans-girl · 2 years
6 years. rest in peace alan.
might as well confirm that this date is forever changed in my heart. i’m probably repeating myself as it is but not a single death has affected me so much as alan rickman’s. there’a nothing quite like losing your first love as a young teen and as an adult right now i feel like this really had reshaped a part of my life.
you’ll be missed and loved forever alan. you’ve had an incredible life, thank you for sharing it with us.
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alans-girl · 2 years
Hey Alan, how come its been 6 years already? So much happened during those years and I sometimes still cannot really grasp that you're truly not here anymore. So thanks for everything you gave us, when you could, and thank you for all the memories. I will hold them dear forever.
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alans-girl · 2 years
Today Alan Rickman’s cousin Sarah shared a painting of her uncle on Twitter. I always wondered if he still painted, as art had been his first ‘love’. Only a few things of his hand became public knowledge, such as the self portrait made for charity. So nice to see that in his free time he still painted. He was a truly gifted man in many areas.
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alans-girl · 2 years
Today in Fandom History: January 14
Fandom: Actors/Harry Potter
January 14, 2016, Alan Rickman passed away. This brilliant British actor’s passing was a defining and heartbreaking moment of 2016. Most know him as Severus Snape in Harry Potter, Hans Gruber in Die Hard, or Harry from Love Actually, but it’s no surprise he’s been in many more, truly amazing films. Some of these include the movie adaption of Sweeny Todd and the Demon Barber of Fleet Street where he played the judge, 1995′s Sense and Sensibility, The January Man, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, and Dogma among others. His theater credits included an off-Broadway run of My Name is Richard Coree, and three Broadway productions, Seminar, Private Lives, and Les Liaisons Dangereuses for which he received a Tony Nomination. Rickman has won a Primetime Emmy, BAFTA, Golden Globe, Screen Actors Guild, and Empire award.
His voice is one of the most recognizable in cinematic history with that deep drawl that lingers on the occasional transition from vowel to consonant. He may be known for his iconic portrayal of villains (depending on how you view Snape can influence that statement), but he was actually known in real life as one of the sweetest stars in Hollywood. And whether you like Snape or not, you can’t deny that he embodied the character perfectly. This was a horrible day for movie lovers, and we mourn Alan Rickman even now, but instead of focusing on the horrible event that is his passing, maybe instead we can just honor his work and his person. With his sonorous voice, expertly articulated facial expressions, and over all delivery, he just was one of the best parts in every movie he was in.
We love you, Alan Rickman! Thank you for some of my favorite movies from childhood to adulthood. From Potterheads, theater lovers, and overall cinematic fans, Thanks.  💜
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alans-girl · 2 years
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six years 💘
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alans-girl · 2 years
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His eyes are simply gorgeous 😍
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alans-girl · 2 years
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Jon Ware, I Am In Eskew
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alans-girl · 3 years
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Alan Rickman, photographed by himself (mid-late 2015)
Benjamin McMohan (on his Instagram - look there for other wonderful pictures of/by other people):
“Some folk took a lot of pictures, some took one or two. Some needed things explaining, some got it immediately. Some took 10 minutes or more, one person had 10 seconds. His manager counted down.
Alan picked up the camera after I’d got it focused up in the miror I’d found and in that voice of his said ‘I understand’ and took two, maybe three frames and left me with this ..... which I liked enormously.”
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alans-girl · 3 years
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Alan Rickman
Credit: Benjamin McMohan
Found at Instagram: Rickman_severus
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alans-girl · 3 years
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Alan Rickman
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alans-girl · 3 years
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5 years.
I miss him.
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alans-girl · 3 years
„you can shed tears that he is gone, or you can smile because he has lived”
5 years without Alan Rickman.
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alans-girl · 3 years
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Goodbye my friend, goodbye my lover.
You have been the one...
You have been the one for me
Why do I miss him so much?
Isn’t he just a celebrity I know from television? How can I know anything about him, when he plays a different role and is never himself?
He never knew I existed. He never guessed how many people loved him, not knowing they existed.
Thinking about cancer... thinking about a pancreatic cancers gives me tears. Whenever I hear someone has that fate upon them, I am in tears.
This pain! This suffering! This short notice of death infront of you! Yet he had not to fight to long. A battle also, he could never have won.
Why do I miss so much?
His voice only ever exists on recordings or videos. His face just on pictures and the movies he was in.
Yet his smile is in my heart. His voice in my head, calming me in bad times. The smiles and laughs, which are so wholesome and rich of emotions stays in me forever.
Why is it him that I am so lost in?
Today, 14.01, also is my birthday. We share those days. A connection you might say.
For five years I am in sorrow on this day. Although I am greatful to be born in this time life. To have walked over the earth in the same time as him. Even having the chance to see him, which was the best day of my life (07.07.11)!
I am lost in you. Have lost my heart to you. My will to live, is to keep up your memory.
Looking up into sky I only see your face. It makes me smile and keeps me sad.
@mostlyrickman @rickman-ireallywould @alanrickmandaily @alanrickmanps-blog @rickman-always @chanccart @ottogatto @snivelled @severusnapers @severus-please @kirasnapeaddict @halfbloodprincessthings @imaginativelight77 @potter-n-potions @seducedbyseverus @severusluciuslover @serpensamans @the-red-and-the-black @obviously-best-potions-master
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